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The charrison790564's blog

Posts 482 posts

Scream S3 EP5 Jun 23, 2023
This is gonna be the last season of Scream but don’t worry I am gonna have a new project in the works (Spinoff Series is The Woods)

Also I have an official wiki for my Scream series that I need your help on. I am hoping you can make the characters wiki for me and I love you all:

#Casting #Scream
Jack Martin(Charrison
Ryan Mott( Imprincearthur
Melanie Plythe( cocovanderbilt
Yeti Aaron's( peace123
Harry Smith( Macda27
Tyrone Martin(Charrison
Mackey( Mackey
Eddy Mott(Imprincearthur
Tommy Connolly( Tommy123
Britney Hilton( princesspretty
Jackie Connolly(Tommy123
Edward Diplio(Imprincearthur
Cino John( Alittlechese
Hoop Dancer( lhooper902976
Robert Dancer(lhooper902976
Perrie Edwards( mybash_
Nill Bye(Alittlechese
Amanda Diplio(Imprincearthur
Gerry Lopez(Charrison)
Rose Rancitelli(Tommy123

-Britney tried to smoke but the lighter wouldn’t work-

Britney: Fucking lighter

-Britney starts to text Edward-

Britney: You really are the only person to look out for me

Britney: I hope we can survive this mess together as a couple

Britney: Love, Britney

-Britney sends the text-

Britney: This is such a fucked up world

-As Britney was talking, Ghostface put a knife in her butt-

-Britney couldn’t process what was happening as Ghostface then put wires in her ears to electrode her-

-Scream title card plays-

-Ryan going back and forth- 

Eddy: What’s wrong

Ryan: I am thinking about going back to my friends to save them

Eddy: So why won’t you?

Ryan: Because I am scared to lose you

Eddy: Ryan come here

-Ryan come close-

Eddy: I will be fine

Eddy: Those are your friends not mine

Ryan: You sure you will be fine?

Eddy: Yes

Ryan: I glad to have a brother like you

-Ryan leaves the hospital-

Eddy: Go kill that bitch

-Screen cuts to Mackey,Yeti,and Harry- 

Harry: I finally found him

Mackey: Oh great now can I go

Harry: Not Yet we still need your help to kill Ghostface

Mackey: I am only a kid, how am I gonna help

Harry: You have potential

Mackey: Potential my ass

Yeti: You either stay with us or you are dead

Mackey: I rather be dead

Yeti: Then leave and go dead

Mackey: I gonna survive just you see

-Mackey leaves-

-Harry looks at Yeti-

Harry: Are you ready?

Yeti: Yeah let go


-Jack woke up-

Jack: Hello?

-Someone is making noises-

Jack: Crap I only got 20 minutes left to leave this hospital

-Jack sees a gun and grabs it-

Jack: Whoever it is

Jack: This gonna be their last time living

-Tommy and Jackie arrive to their house-

Jackie: I gonna take a nap

Tommy: Alright I will take up on grandma

-Tommy was screaming his grandma name but didn’t get a answer-

Tommy: Grandma, where are you?

-Tommy then see smoke in the kitchen-

Tommy: Grandma must have forgot she left food in the oven

-Tommy then open the oven and see his grandma all baked-


-Tommy Screams as we see Edward knocking on Cino door-

-Cino opens the door and then Edward punches Cino-

Cino: What The Fuck

Edward: You are gonna pay for killing Britney

Cino: What?

-Edward punch Cino again-

Edward: You are a big liar

Cino: Don’t punch me again or you gonna die yourself

-Edward was going for another punch before Cino kick him-

Edward: You are gonna die soon

-Edward tries to get up but Cino kick him again-

Cino: Raping that stupid bitch was good

-Cino grab a hammer-

Edward: You are a disgrace to this world

Cino: I know

Cino: And I don’t care

-Cino broke Edward face with a hammer-

Cino: Pussy

-Pierre walks downstairs-

Pierre: What was all that noise

Cino: Clean this body

-Pierre looks at the body-

Pierre: Holy Shit, why did you kill him

Cino: He attacked me first

Pierre: What is wrong with you

Cino: Clean the body or you are next

-Pierre get scared-

Pierre: Ok I am gonna clean the body

Cino: Good

-Screen cuts to Robert arriving to the hospital-

Robert: I know you are in here Ghostface

-Robert walks in-

-As screen cuts to Ryan getting on a plane-

Old Woman: Hey

-Ryan looks behind him and sees his grandma-

Ryan: Grandma?

Ryan Grandma: Look how big you have gotten

Ryan: I am only 27
Ryan Grandma: Ryan I am so proud of you and your career

Ryan: How is grandpa

-Ryan Grandma starts to cry-

Ryan: Don’t tell me

Ryan Grandma: He is dead

Ryan: Why?

Ryan: What happened?

Ryan Grandma: For 3 years he had cancer and then 2 weeks ago he became so sickly that he died in his sleep

Ryan: I am sorry

Ryan Grandma: Don’t be

Ryan Grandma: It is nobody fault that he is dead

Ryan Grandma: Your grandpa is in heaven cheering you on right now

Ryan: Are you getting on this plane?

Ryan Grandma: No, I just came here to see you as it been years

-Ryan and His Grandma hugs-

Ryan: Love you

Ryan Grandma: Love you too

-Ryan got on the plane as his grandma waves goodbye-

-Next Scene cuts to Jack walking around with a gun-

Jack: I know you are here

Jack: You will not get away

-Jack fire a warning shot-

-Ghostface then stab Jack leg-

Jack: Ow

-Ghostface threw the gun away-

-Jack starts to crawl-

-Ghostface then headbutt Jack-

-Jack starts to pass out-

Jack: it can’t just end here

-Ghostface stab Jack in the arm-

Ghostface: Goodbye Jack

-Ghostface was about to kill Jack until Robert tackle Ghostface-

-Yeti and Harry arrives-

Harry: Jack

-Harry rushes to Jack-

Jack: Harry is that you

Harry: Yes I am alive

-Ghostface put a blade into Robert skin-

-Ghostface got up-

Yeti: Oh Shit

-Ghostface was going towards Jack until Mackey shot Ghostface-

Harry: Mackey you here

Mackey: I won’t let y’all die

-Ghostface look up-

Ghostface: A 3v1 oh great

-Ghostface then throw the knife at Mackey stomach-

-Mackey falls-

Ghostface: Should have shot the gun again

-AS Ghostface grab the knife and slice Mackey head-

-Yeti looks at Harry-

Yeti: Harry listen

Yeti: You gotta leave

Harry: But I can’t leave you

Yeti: Don’t worry about me

Yeti: Worry about your friend

Harry: I am gonna miss you Yeti

Yeti: I am gonna miss you too bestie

-Yeti saw a figure of Lemon in the sky-

Yeti: For You Lemon

-Yeti ran as Ghostface grab the gun and shoot Yeti-

-As Yeti fell she throw a brick at Ghostface-

-Yeti got up bleeding and take off Ghostface mask-

Yeti: Who are you?

Ghostface: The one to end you

-As Yeti was talking, Ghostface punch Yeti-

Yeti: If this is the end of me

Yeti: I will be happy then

Yeti: As I have lived a happy life and meeting new people

Yeti: Seems like you won’t have one

Yeti: So Fuck You Bitch As I Will Be Remembered

-Ghostface got mad and strangle Yeti to death-

-Ghostface puts his mask back on-

Ghostface: 4 deaths in the same day great

-As Ghostface smiles-

-We see Melanie cooking-

-Then a door open-

-Melanie silently grab a knife-

Harry: Melanie

-Melanie threw the knife and barely miss Harry-

Harry: Holy

Melanie: HARRY

Melanie: Omg you are alive

Harry: Listen we have a problem

Melanie: What is it?

Harry: Yeti is dead and Jack is in my truck injured

Melanie: Oh No

Harry: I need your help to kill Ghostface

Melanie: Then what are we waiting for

Melanie: Let’s kill him

-AS The Episode Ends-


Opinion on the episode:

Who will die next:

Can Harry and Melanie save Paulsboro:

What will happen next
Points: 30 3 comments
Total Drama Revenge of the Island Episode 1 Jun 22, 2023
#Casting #TotalDrama

Chef - peace123

Cameron - Colincoco
Mike - Tommy123
Jo - Padfoot
Brick - austinrules6969
Zoey - NotNicky333
Dawn - CrimsonEnnui
Staci - Mrkk
Scott - imprincearthur
Lightning - lhooper902976
Anne Maria - ikaw0ng
Dakota - Cristophibi973
Sam - Midiaw
B - Mackey

Episode 1: Bigger! Badder! Brutal-er!

Chris: Welcome back to Total Drama!

Chris: We are here with a new cast and new challenges

Chris: Sit down and relax and watch these 13 new contestants go through dangerous challenges.

Chris: I’m Chris Mclean and this is Total Drama Revenge of the Island!

-Theme Song Plays-

-The next scene shows a boat with all the contestants.

Chris: Here they come now

Chris: Scott

Scott: Stay out my way

Chris: Jo

Jo: You can do the same for me

Chris: B

-B smirk-

Chris: Dawn

Dawn: You have a great aura for a guy like you

-B smiles-

Chris: Cameron

Cameron: Ah the fresh beautiful air

Chris: Anne Maria

-Anne Maria pushes Cameron-

Cameron: Ahh

Anne Maria: Watch it bozo

Chris: Brick

Brick: Brick is reporting to duty

Chris: Dakota

Dakota: Hello hollywood your favorite actress Dakota is here

Chris: Zoey

Zoey: I am so excited to be here

Chris: Mike

Mike: Yeah I am excited also

Chris: Sam

Sam: Hope this show allows me to still let me play my video game

Chris: Staci

Staci: My great great great grandmother built this boat

Chris: And Lightning

Lightning: Lightning is here to win it

-The boat arrived and everyone got off-

Chef: Welcome to your new home for the next 7 weeks

Chef: Meet Chris at the campfire

-Next Scene is at the campfire-

Chris: Hello contestants

Brick: Hello captain sir

Chris: You can just call me Chris

Dakota: Why are we at the campfire ceremony anyways

Chris: I will need y’all to race around the island

Lightning: Oh that will be easy

Chris: And there is mutant animals everywhere

Zoey: What

-Mike Confessional-

Mike: Hey I’m Mike and I have a secret I would hate sharing

Mike: But I will do it anyways

Mike: I have multiple personality

Mike: And I also like this girl Zoey and if we ever dated I don’t know how I would tell her about my multiple personality

-Dakota Confessional-

Dakota: I am only here to get more fame

Dakota: I don’t care about these people

Dakota: That 1 million dollars is mine

-Cut back to the contestants racing-

Jo: Out the way

Brick: Oh I gonna beat you

Jo: Try not to break your legs -Jo laughs-

-Scott running and see Dawn flying with the birds-

Scott: How the heck is the birds lifting you up

Dawn: It’s call being good to nature

Scott: Well nature telling you to get hit by a tree

Dawn: What?

-Dawn get hit by a tree-

Scott: Sucker

-Cameron running-

Cameron: Oh wow look at that robin

-Cameron Confessional-

Cameron: This is my first time since like 2004 that I have been out my bubble

-Confessional ends-

Staci: And my great great grandfather invented swimming

Mike: Sure he did

Zoey: Hey Mike, do you have a secret?

Mike:  A Secret?

Mike: No

Zoey: Are you sure, I mean you are sweating a lot

Mike: Yes I am sure

-Zoey Confessional-

Zoey: I hope I didn’t make him uncomfortable

-Confessional Ends-

-Jo made it first-

Chris: Congrats you’re on the Toxic Rats

Jo: First Place!

-Scott makes it second-

Chris: Congrats you’re on the Mutant Maggots

-Scott Confessional-

Scott: I found this Chris Statue just laying on the ground

Scott: This shall be an interesting game

-B made it third-

Chris: Congrats you’re on the Toxic Rats

-B Nods-

-Meanwhile the forest-

Mike: What do you plan on doing with the money if you win?

Zoey: I don’t know

Mike: Well I would get a surgery

Zoey: For what?
Mike: Something secret

-Meanwhile Dawn makes it-

Chris: You’re on the Mutant Maggots

-Dawn angrily stares at Scott-

Dawn: Don’t you look at me

Scott: Oh I won’t *evil smile*

-Staci somehow made it-

Chrs: You’re on the Toxic Rats

Staci: My great great great grandpa created teams

-Lightning made it-

Chris: You’re on the Mutant Maggots

Lightning: Sha Boom

Chris: Hmmm I almost forgot

-Chris on the speakers-

Chris: Last person to make it is eliminated

-Sam hears it-

Sam: I better hurry up and makes it

-Cameron Confessional-

Cameron: It would be disappointing to be last as I just came out of my bubble

-Anne Maria made it-

Chris: You’re on the Toxic Rats

Anne Maria: Hello New Jersey

-Brick made it-

Chris: You’re on the Mutant Maggots

Brick: I won’t disappoint you again sir

Chris: Ok…..

-Mike and Zoey made it-

Chris: Mike you’re on the Toxic Rats and Zoey you’re on the Mutant Maggots

Mike: Wait, we won't be together?

Chris: Afraid so

Zoey: Hey mike, it’s gonna be ok

Zoey: I gonna see you at merge

Mike: It was fun talking to you I guess

-Dakota Confessional-

Dakota: I starting to regret coming on this show

-Dakota get hurt by a crab-

Dakota: You dang crab

-Back at the campfire-

Chris: 3 people left and only 2 will be on a team

-Dakota made it-

Chris: You’re on the Toxic Rats

Dakota: Yes I’m not last

-Cameron and Sam see each others and see the finish line-

Cameron: Good Luck

Sam: Same goes to you

-They both sprint-

-Sam jump as Cameron dives to the finish line-

Chris: And the person to be on the Mutant Maggots is…
Cameron: Yes
Chris: Sam i’m sorry but you’re the first person eliminated from Total Drama: Revenge of the Island

Sam: Atleast I have gotten a little bit of screen time

Sam: Guess I gotta go on the boat

Chris: Actually I have a new device to eliminate y’all

Sam: What is it?

-Camera show an Catapult-

Sam: Is this dangerous?

Chris: Don’t know and dont care

-Sam screams as the catapult launches into the air-

Chris: That was a great premiere episode as we will see you next time on Total Drama Revenge of the Island

Sam(16th: Couldn’t finish the challenge as Cameron finish about a millisecond faster than Sam)

Opinion on the First Episode?
What is your elimination prediction?
Who will be eliminated next?
Will Scott and Dawn end their drama?

Episode 2 is after the next episode of Scream S3
Points: 46 6 comments
Scream S3 EP4 Jun 6, 2023
#Casting #Scream
Jack Martin(Charrison
Ryan Mott( Imprincearthur
Melanie Plythe( cocovanderbilt
Yeti Aaron's( peace123
Harry Smith( Macda27
Tyrone Martin(Charrison
Mackey( Mackey
Eddy Mott(Imprincearthur
Tommy Connolly( Tommy123
Britney Hilton( princesspretty
Jackie Connolly(Tommy123
Rose Rancitelli(Tommy123
Edward Diplio(Imprincearthur
Cino John( Alittlechese
Hoop Dancer( lhooper902976
Robert Dancer(lhooper902976
Perrie Edwards( mybash_
Nill Bye(Alittlechese
Amanda Diplio(Imprincearthur
Gerry Lopez(Charrison)

-Ryan having a dream-

Ryan: Aaron?

Aaron: Ryan I need you to run and get out of Paulsboro

Ryan: What’s going on

Aaron: Believe me Paulsboro is just gonna keep getting worst

Ryan: Aaron

-From behind Ghostface cut off Aaron head-

Ryan: Aaron -starts to cry-

-Suddenly Ryan wakes up-

Eddy: Hey you’re ok?

Ryan: Yeah I am fine

Eddy: It’s ok to tell me what is happening with you

Ryan: I guess the truth won’t bother you. I have been having nightmares about our brother Aaron and he kept telling me to leave Paulsboro. I started to get worried that all my friends are dead and that I will lose everything.

Eddy: You have me

Ryan: I love you as a brother

Eddy: I love you too

-Eddy and Ryan hugs-

-As The Title Card Scream Plays-

-Jack was watching tv and then heard a noise-

Jack: Oh crap

-Jack got on his wheelchair-

-Jack was rolling his wheelchair and then got scared when Melanie appear-

Jack: Thanks god it was only you

Melanie: We need to talk

Jack: About what?

Melanie: About Your Son

-Next Scene cuts to Tommy and Jackie in Tommy car-

Tommy: I will stay here and wait for you

Jackie: Ok and lock the door

Tommy: I know mom

-Jackie got out the car and walk to Gerry house-

-Jackie open the door-

Jackie: Mr.Lopez I am here for my therapy

Jackie: Mr.Lopez?

-Jackie open Gerry room showing Gerry dead body-

-Jackie screams as we cut back to Melanie and Jack-

Jack: Are you sure that’s my son?

Melanie: He look just like you

Jack: I would have been 13 when he was in his mom's stomach and I am only 26 right now. I only play with toys and games when I was only 13

Melanie: I will look more into who he is

Jack: Ok go do that

-Melanie and Jack kiss as next scene cuts to Hoop outside his car-

-Hoop see rats running around-

Hoop: Fucking rats

Hoop: Can’t believe the party got canceled

Hoop: I gotta go back to my crazy-

-Ghostface stabbed Hoop-

Hoop: Ow

Ghostface: Haha

-Hoop then shot ghostface-

Ghostface: Crap

-Hoop runs-

Ghostface: Forget him I got another target on my mind

-Cino is chilling on his couch watching the hub-

Cino: Who needs a slut like Brittney. I hope she dies

-Perrie walks in-

Perrie: What are you doing?

Cino: What do you think

Perrie: I hope you didn’t hurt that girl

Cino: So what

Perrie: Because that is considered abuse

Cino: You do your dumb podcast and I do whatever I want

Perrie: Fine you piece of shit

-Pierre goes to his room to start a podcast-

Pierre: Welcome back to the Pierre Podcast Show. Ghostface has been attacking people all over Paulsboro and Chief Ryan is in Kentucky. This could be the end of Paulsboro as we know it. Please whoever is out there help us save the town from Ghostface.

-30 minutes later and Pierre podcast ends-

Pierre: I hope we kill this bastard soon

-Next scene shows Ghostface breaking into Harry and Yeti Lair-

Ghostface: They’re somewhere and I can feel it

-As Ghostface took a step a bear trap cut his foot-

Ghostface: Fuck

-Just as Ghostface got out the bear trap Harry hit him with a baseball bat-

-Next scene cuts to Hoop getting home-
Robert: Hoop what happen

Hoop: That bitch ghostface stabbed me

Robert: That is it. I can’t let this bastard keep killing the people I love. Hoop, stay here and lock the doors. I'm gonna kill Ghostface once and for all.

-Next Scene shows Tyrone-

Tyrone: Mother I will miss you. You were my everything and I will make you proud. Even if it takes me months. Sign Tyrone Martin.

Tyrone: Here you go

Mailman: Took long enough

Tyrone: Yeah I know

Mailman: Are you home alone?

Tyrone: No my guardian is inside

Mailman: Well you have a great day

Tyrone: You too

-Next Scene is back with Ryan and Eddy-

Ryan: Hey how did you survive the ghostface attack?

Eddy: I honestly don’t know

Ryan: Eddy whatever happens next I will be here for you

-Next Scene is with Ghostface tied up-

Yeti: Ready to unmask this fellow?

-Harry and Yeti unmask Ghostface-

Harry: Wait this not the real ghostface

Yeti: How do you know?

Harry: I seen him all over the internet just being a ghostface fan and he have no weapons on him right now

Mackey: Please let me go

Harry: We will let you go but you are going to stay with us

Mackey: Ok but please don’t hurt me I am only 15

Yeti: Crap now where is the real ghostface at?

-Next Scene shows Rose about to bake a cake for her family-

-A Door Opens-

Rose: Jackie is that you? I am about to bake a cake.

-As Rose was going to put the cake in the oven-

Ghostface: Say hello to god for me Granny

Rose: Hey you not Jackie

Ghostface: I am something even better

-Ghostface stab a knife in her eye and tear her into pieces and then baking her as a cake-

Ghostface: I sure her daughter will love seeing her be baked

-The Episode Ends as Ghostface laughs-
Points: 68 4 comments
Total Drama Revenge of the Island Cast Jun 4, 2023
#Casting #TotalDrama

Chef - peace123

Cameron - Colincoco
Mike - Tommy123
Jo - Padfoot
Brick - austinrules6969
Zoey - NotNicky333
Dawn - CrimsonEnnui
Staci - Mrkk
Scott - imprincearthur
Lightning - lhooper902976
Anne Maria - ikaw0ng
Dakota - Cristophibi973
Sam - Midiaw
B - Mackey
Points: 2 0 comments
Total Drama Revenge of the Island Application 3 Jun 4, 2023
#casting #totaldrama

Might Wanna Join:

Only my fanfictions tdi,tda,tdwt is canon
Chef - peace123

Cameron - Colincoco
Mike - Tommy123
Jo - Padfoot
Brick - austinrules6969
Zoey - NotNicky333
Dawn - CrimsonEnnui
Staci - Mrkk
Scott - imprincearthur
Lightning - lhooper902976
Anne Maria - ikaw0ng
Dakota - Cristophibi973
Sam - Midiaw
B - Mackey
Points: 72 8 comments
Total Drama Revenge of the Island Application 2 Jun 3, 2023
#casting #totaldrama

Might Wanna Join:

Only my fanfictions tdi,tda,tdwt is canon

Cameron - Colincoco
Mike - Tommy123
Jo -
Brick - austinrules6969
Zoey - NotNicky333
Dawn - CrimsonEnnui
Staci - Mrkk
Scott - imprincearthur
Lightning - lhooper902976
Anne Maria - ikaw0ng
Dakota - Cristophibi973
Sam -
B -
Points: 16 17 comments