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The charrison790564's blog

Posts 482 posts

Total Drama Revenge of the Island Application Jun 1, 2023
#casting #totaldrama

Might Wanna Join:

Only my fanfictions tdi,tda,tdwt is canon

Cameron -
Mike -
Jo -
Zoey -
Dawn - CrimsonEnnui
Staci - Mrkk
Scott - imprincearthur
Anne Maria
Dakota - Cristophibi973
Sam -
B -
Points: 19 7 comments
Happy Birthday May 6, 2023

Today's is my birthday and I'm excited for today and hope y'all can wish me a happy birthday
Points: 45 4 comments
Scream S3 EP3 Mar 12, 2023
#Casting #Scream
Jack Martin(Charrison
Ryan Mott( Imprincearthur
Melanie Plythe( cocovanderbilt
Yeti Aaron's( peace123
Harry Smith( Macda27
Amanda Diplio(Imprincearthur
Tyrone Martin(Charrison
Gerry Lopez(Charrison
Mackey( Mackey
Eddy Mott(Imprincearthur
Tommy Connolly( Tommy123
Britney Hilton( princesspretty
Jackie Connolly(Tommy123
Rose Rancitelli(Tommy123
Edward Diplio(Imprincearthur
Cino John( Alittlechese
Hoop Dancer( lhooper902976
Robert Dancer(lhooper902976
Perrie Edwards( mybash_
Nill Bye(Alittlechese

-Melanie House-
Melanie: So you're Jack son

Tyrone: Yes

Melanie: How did you find this house?

Tyrone: I saw it on google

Melanie: Sorry to burst your bubble, but your dad in the hospital

Tyrone: What've happen

Melanie: He got stabbed by Ghostface but luckily he survived

Tyrone: You ok with being by yourself?

Melanie: Yeah I'm ok

Tyrone: I'm gonna head out for a little and then I will come back

Melanie: Alright just be safe

-Harry and Yeti arrive at Harry hideout-

Harry: This is where I'm staying out

Yeti: Seem creepy

Harry: You will get used to it one day

Yeti: So why we here again

Harry: To track down Ghostface

Harry: Beside what happen to Ryan

Yeti: I don't know but Melanie told me he was going away for some times

Harry: I found something

Yeti: What is it?

Harry: My old mask

Yeti: So what we supposed to with your old mask?

Harry: Nothing but we can lure Ghostface into our trap

Yeti: Hmmm....I like where you going with this

Harry: Now all we gotta do is find him

-Amanda calling her lawyers-

Amanda: Yeah that bitch better get sue

Amanda: I will never forget what he did

-Amanda then get a unknown person calling her-

Amanda: I will call you back Tom

-Amanda answer-

Amanda: Hello?

Ghostface: Hello Amanda

Amanda: Who is this?

Ghostface: The person that gonna end you

-Amanda hang up-

Amanda: Weird person

Amanda: I need some wine

-Amanda goes downstairs-

Amanda: I can't believe people think I'm the bad guy

Amanda: I will expose him

Amanda: I will-

-Ghostface Stab a knife into her ears-

Ghostface: Shouldn't have hang up bitch

-Amanda fall on the floor-

Ghostface: The only bitch is you

Ghostface: *laugh*

-Strip Club-

Brittney: Hey there Edward

Edward: Hey Beauty

Brittney: I can give you whatever you want

Edward: Whatever I want you say?

Brittney: Yeah *touch Edward*

Brittney: Your dreams can come true

Edward: How about we do it backstage

Brittney: Alright

-Cino walk in-

Cino: Hey Brittney

-Brittney ingores him-

Cino: Brittney *grab her*

Edward: Hey what the fuck

Cino: Watch it

Edward: We was having a great time until you show up

Cino: Cool I don't give a shit

Edward: I wish I could punch you in this fucking club

Cino: Well you can't

Edward: I hope you die

Cino: Whatever *drop Brittney*

-Cino left-

Edward: Hey you alright?

Brittney: Yeah

Edward: I can take you home

Brittney: Nah it fine

Edward: Well I gotta go so see you

Brittney: Alright

-Dancer Family-

Robert: Hoop where you going?

Hoop: I'm going to a party

Robert: This soon at night

Hoop: Yeah

Robert: Here bring your gun for safety

Hoop: Alright

Robert: I love you son

Hoop: I know

Robert: Please don't get into trouble

Hoop: I won't

Robert: Want me to drive you?

Hoop: Nah I fine

Robert: Alright

-Hoop leave out-

Robert: I swear nothing better not happen

-Ryan visit Hospital-

Doctor: Eddy seems like you got a visit

Eddy: From who?

Ryan: From me

Eddy: Bro...Bro...Brother

Ryan: Eddy my lost brother

-Eddy and Ryan hug-

Ryan: It great to see a brother alive

Eddy: Alive?

Ryan: Well Yeah

Eddy: What happen to our brother

Ryan: He die

Eddy: *cries* Why our family

Ryan: It's ok I will protect you

Eddy: Awwww

Ryan: Tell me what happen

Eddy: This white and black thing started attacking me

Eddy: But then just in time the police came and save me

Ryan: Atleast you still alive

Eddy: Yeah

Ryan: Have Mom contracted you

Eddy: Not after the attack

Ryan: I gonna stay with you for 3 days

Eddy: Alright

-Ryan recieve a call-

Ryan: Hey I gonna take this call

Eddy: Alright

-Ryan answer-

Ryan: I know it's you

Ghostface: Good to see a fan

Ryan: What do you want Ghostface

Ghostface: I just wanna say I not in Kentucky

Ryan: Then where are you

Ghostface: Paulsboro

Ryan: What

Ghostface: And it seems like someone is gonna die next

Ryan: Wait

-Ghostface hang up-

Ryan: Crap

-Gerry watches tv-

Gerry: Huh the Ghostface on tv seems like it standing right behind me

-Gerry look behind-

Gerry: Huh

Ghostface: Fuck Movies

-Ghostface slash Gerry neck open-

-Gerry phone starts to ring-

Ghostface: Hello?

Jackie: Hey Gerry I coming over soon for therapy

Jackie: I'm not feeling good and I need help

Ghostface: Well I will be ready

Jackie: Alright bye Gerry

-Jackie hang up-

Tommy Who was that?

Jackie: Oh just my therapist

Tommy: Well what you say

Jackie: That I'm gonna come over his house real soon

Tommy: I will take you

Jackie: Alright

Jackie: Such a good son

-Jackie kiss her son as the credits say The End-

The End


What will die next?

What will happen next episode?

Can Yeti and Harry kill Ghostface?

What will happen to Jack?
Points: 37 2 comments
Total Drama Discord Mar 7, 2023
#casting #TotalDrama

Hey Everyone! Welcome to Kenny's TDD. This is a brand new Competition Discord Server. I hope you can enjoy your stay here. I will be looking for moderators/admins to help with this server. As Season 1 Signups is happening right now. So head over and sign up now to be in the first season.
You can also be any cartoon character you want to be or video game
Points: 4 1 comments
Scream S3 Returning Mar 5, 2023
#Casting #Scream
Hey everyone Scream is returning and next episode shall be a good one
Jack Martin(Charrison
Ryan Mott( Imprincearthur
Melanie Plythe( cocovanderbilt
Yeti Aaron's( peace123
Harry Smith( Macda27
Amanda Diplio(Imprincearthur
Tyrone Martin(Charrison
Gerry Lopez(Charrison
Eddy Mott(Imprincearthur
Tommy Connolly( Tommy123
Britney Hilton( princesspretty
Jackie Connolly(Tommy123
Rose Rancitelli(Tommy123
Edward Diplio(Imprincearthur
Cino John( Alittlechese
Hoop Dancer( lhooper902976
Robert Dancer(lhooper902976
Perrie Edwards( mybash_
Nill Bye(Alittlechese
Points: 44 2 comments
Total Drama Back To The Start: Episode 12 Feb 4, 2023
#casting #totaldrama
Merge Time
Scott( Imprincearthur
Katie littleangel
Harold( Gethann
Eva( soyag
Izzy( Slice
Owen( DSGamer124
DJ( heyitsme06
Justin( Kmartt
Leshawana( Mrkk
Heather( cocovanderbilt
Noah( Killenit
Geoff( Colincoco
-The campers are seen at the campfire-
Geoff: Congrats on merge to everyone
DJ: Same goes to you
Scott: No Chris I guess?
Leshawana: Chris is probably just hanging out with Chef
Leshawana: Just like he always do
Noah: Or he is leaving
-Campers saw Chris and Chef leave the island-
Heather: Where are they going?
Noah: I don't know let try and catch them
-As Campers catch up Chris and Chef has left-
DJ: So we struck on this island by ourselves
DJ: Cool
Harold: Hey there a note
-Eva pick up the note-
Eva: It says there is a masked killer on the loose
Eva: Please be on the lookout
Eva: As if we believe-
Katie: Omg I'm scared
Harold: Yeah not even my karate skills can save us
Izzy: Owen you shall come with me
Owen: Oh Ok
-Izzy and Owen left-
Scott: I gonna go back to the cabin
DJ: Stay Safe
Scott: Whatever you say
-Scott leaves-
Katie: I gonna use the bathroom
Katie: I will be right back
Geoff: Be safe
-Katie goes to the bathroom-
Katie: Now alone time
-Katie then heard a noise-
Katie: Izzy is that you?
Katie: Don't scared me
-a chainsaw was heard-
-Katie Screams-
Katie: Ahhhhhhh
-Katie is now seen at a tent-
Katie: Omg
Chris: Welcome
Katie: I...I...I thought  you left
Chris: Nah
Katie: Who under the mask?
Chris: It Chef
Katie: Phew I thought I was gonna die
Chris: Well you can enjoy the show
Katie: Alright then
Eva: So Katie not back yet
DJ: She might have been killed
Eva: Don't be dumb right now
Harold: I gonna check in the woods
Harold: She probably there
Justin: Be safe Harold
Harold: I will
-Harold goes to the wood-
Harold: Something tells me that I shouldn't be alone right now
Harold: Hmmm
-Harold hear a noise-
Harold: What
Harold: Oh Chef it just you
-Owen and Izzy finish making out-
Owen: Wow Izzy that was amazing
Izzy: What can I say
Izzy: I'm a pro
-Chef then Came-
Izzy: Omg
Owen: Don't take me
Owen: Take Izzy Instead
Izzy: What
-Owen push Izzy-
-Owen and Izzy get taken to the tent-
Owen: Chris
Owen: Thank God you alive
Owen: There was a masked killer
Owen: And-
Chef: Oh that was just Chef
-Chef waves-
-Izzy got mad-
Owen: Oh
Heather: I going to the bathroom
Heather: I gotta be clean
-Heather leaves-
DJ: Hey Geoff we should walk together
Geoff: Sure
Noah: Be Safe lol
Noah: I heard there ghosts
DJ: Gh.Ghosts
Geoff: Don't listen to him dude
DJ: Alright
-DJ and Geoff leaves-
Leshawana: You like making people scared do you
Noah: What can I say
Noah: It fun
-Scott woke up-
Scott: Huh?
Scott: Thought I heard something
Scott: Probably just the woods
-Chef stand behind him-
Chef: Or was it
-Scott screams as he go into the tent-
Scott: Holy
Chris: That was a good scared was it?
Scott: I guess
Chris: Wait a minute
Chris: Have anyone seen Harold?
Scott: No
Chris: That's weird
Chris: He hasn't gotten out the woods in a minute
Chris: Probably nothing
-DJ and Geoff-
DJ: Okay, no matter what, you do not leave. Not if you hear a psycho. Not if you see a psycho. Not if the psycho is slashing you to bits!

Geoff: Dude, no worries. I got your back.

Chris: Cue the ice cream truck.

[ice cream music plays]

Geoff: Ice cream? No way!


DJ: Hello?

[razor buzzing]

DJ: [gasps] [screams]

Heather: DJ! It’s me! Heather!

DJ: [stops screaming, then continues]

DJ: [screaming]


Chris: Dude, you’re safe!

DJ: I am? Phew.

Chris: It’s just Chef!

DJ: [gasps]

Chris: He was gonna scare the bejeebers out of you, but apparently Heather beat him to it.

DJ: Bro, did you see her face? That was some serious ugly going on!

Chris: True, but you still bailed before Chef even got a crack at you. Speaking of which, you’re up psycho man.

Gwen: Are you okay? I heard screaming.

Heather: I’m fine. But you might wanna check on DJ. He ran out of here like he saw a ghost. Can I have my shower in peace, please?

Gwen: Ooh, I wouldn’t do that if I–

[shower runs]


Heather: Hello? I’m in the shower!


Heather: Very funny, Duncan. Now get lost!

[chainsaw buzzes]

Heather: I’m serious dude, get lo– [screams]

Chris: Maybe if you paid attention to the scary movies, you’d know that A) you never go off alone, and B) You certainly never shower alone.

Justin: I gonna check on DJ

Noah: Alright be safe

Justin: I will

-Justin check up on DJ-

Justin: DJ can't be far

Justin: Can he?

-Leshawana pop up out of nowhere-

Justin: Oh Leshawana

Leshawana: Hey

Justin: I thought you was with Eva and Noah

Leshawana: They was getting boring

Leshawana: Beside I gotta look for Harold

Justin: Hey I see a tent

Leshawana: Let go inside

-Leshawana and Trent goes inside-

Leshawana: What the

Chris: Guess y'all out

Justin: No Way

Justin: This was all a act

Chris: Pretty Much

Justin: Low-ball man

Chris: Hey let see Eva and Noah in the cafeteria

DJ: Wait where Geoff and Chef?

-Geoff is seen with Chef mask-

Geoff: Nice fight scene Chef

Chef: No Problem

Katie: Wait

Katie: If you here

Katie: Then who is with Eva and Noah

DJ: It's the masked killer that we saw on the loose

-Noah and Eva-

-Masked Killer staring at them-

Eva: I wasn’t born yesterday, dude. Please, we watch a scary movie with an escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook and here you are running around.

Noah: Okay, I know actors without speaking parts don’t get paid much, but seriously, dude, invest in a dental plan and some toothpaste!

Noah: Hey! You want a sandwich before you impale me with your big, scary hook? Okay. [chomp] Look, you can drop the charade, okay? I know you’re an actor with a hook prop. And frankly, you’re not that scary. Ew, gross. How did they get it to go all scabby like that?

Psycho Killer: [growls]

[chainsaw buzzes]

Everyone but Noah and Eva: Noah and Eva! He’s the real escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook!

Eva: What?

Psycho Killer: [growls]

Noah and Eva: [screams]

-Eva punch the Killer in the face-

Psycho Killer: [flamboyant voice] Ow! Oh, that was totally uncalled for! Man, I am so out of here! I was treated way better in prison!

-Killer grab Harold out of the back and untie him-

Psycho Killer: See Ya


Chris: [chuckles] Well it’s obvious to everyone that Eva and Noah wins invincibility. And sadly, it’s equally unanimous that Harold walk the Dock of Shame. Since he was the only one who that was tied up and got injured

Harold: That's Bull

Chris: My Rules

Harold: Well see you guys

DJ: Suck you got out

Owen: I gonna miss you Harold

Scott: Bye Bye

Noah: Yeah Bye

-Harold walk on the boat of losers and Leaves-

-DJ Confessional-

DJ: Final Elimination of merge

DJ: And I still here

DJ: Time to do my best now

-Eva Confessional-

Eva: Final 11

Eva: I ready for whatever come mine way

-Izzy Confessional-

Izzy: That was a scary experience and I know for crazy

-Geoff Confessional-

Geoff: Sorry for leaving you DJ

Geoff: Hope we can make up

-The End-

Elimination Order:
22.Sadie( strawberryblood/6-4)
21.Cody( AntonB/5-3-2-1)
20.Tyler( punkhockey/7-3)
19.Courtney( Kiara_xoxo/Forfeit)
18.Bridgette( marybay/5-3-1)
17.Trent( BBHoward33/3-2-1-1)
16.Sierra( SugarFall/Auto Elimination
15.Duncan( MileyRayCyrus/Lost TieBreaker
14/13.Lindsay( SmallChild99/5-1)
14/13.Gwen( TurkeyLover/4-3)
12.Harold(Gethann/Injured and Auto Eliminated)
Points: 16 0 comments