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Poke's Blog

Posts 76 posts

♥Tadd♥ Nov 29, 2013
imageHello Tengaged, I'm making this blog because I have again been nominated in stars 263 for 5th place however I am here to ask you and explain you why I should not get 5th and earn my place in the final 3.

Since this game started I worked so much to stay in the majoirty and I did achieve this almost all the time. I was only nommed at 10th because of a split however after that I was able to stay in majority and be safe and making sure I was not a counter until now. I was a counter because I tried saving a friend which I did however in the process got me up instead

I made moves in this game to get me here and I had to backstab friends to get here like jhelsdon2478 however I stayed true to my alliance however during this round,  I am not giving up, I am going to fight my way to the end and hopefully be awarded with the stars winners crowd.

I have replied on being social with the cast mainly at the beginning but continued all the way through this game to keep me safe and like me to gain majoirty and from there used my strategic knowledge to make nomsets that helped me, I was loyal to my alliance up until now when it become every player for themselves, however I have shown loyality and honesty to my alliance which is a good quality to play with in this game, obviously did not work out exactly to plan this round, however that has only fuelled the fire I need to survive. So please Tengaged, I've grown the most from this game and I feel like I deserve to earn that win for my growth as a strategist.

When you go to vote Tengaged, please don't base it on who has gone unnommed the longest, base it on who has been more truthful and honest as I have admitted when I lied and mended the bonds that I did broke.

I still respect you all much Jarst and you have been a great ally to me in this game however I must fight to stay in this game so please Tengaged, go here and do not push my button, thank you xoxox

Points: 88 5 comments
♥Jarst♥ Nov 27, 2013
This stars game I've been working my arse off to stay.

This game has been a roller coaster for me from being banned seconds into the game and having to be social and create strong relations with people to get me in a power position which I did. When I was finally unbanned a worked my way into a powerful position where I was able to control nomsets. I was able to make deals and survive however this round I was fouled by a sneaky bastard who I will continue to target and eliminate. I'm not ready for my experience of stars to end Tengaged.

I've been fighting from the very beginning and the hardest out of everyone left and I'm not gonna stopped because I'm nommed. I don't wanna see a floater get save over me. I've been the underdog of this game and I'm ready to fight harder then ever. Please save me Tengaged i will love you forever

So please when you go the poll box Tengaged, please click michaels button because he is just sitting legit just sitting there xoxo
Points: 129 9 comments
♥Rellizuraddixion♥ Nov 13, 2013

A rare pic of me lol
Points: 139 29 comments
♥25th♥ Oct 29, 2013
For future survivor seasons

Natalie Bolton: she was the alternative for Courtney Yates in HvsV incase Courtney didn't pass the physical, so she will most likely return if they had another HvsV season which could happen.

Amy O'hara: she was actually the alternative for Candice in HvsV so similar to Natalie, if they had another HvsV she could be asked to return

RC Saint-Armour: she was originally meant to be on BvsW however the replaced by Candice due to her dad having high blood pressure, she is a really popular castaway so she will most likely return.

Troyzan Robertson: he was the male and malealternative for BvsW and is a popular castaway (I personally did not like him in OW) so him returning is highly potential

Taj George-Thompson: she was asked to return for HvsV however declined and she is still a popular castaway who people want to see return so she is another likely person to be asked for another HvsV season.

Hunter Ellis: the producers have asked him to return over 4 times, so he could return if they keep asking

Todd Herzog: he could return for another HvsV season as people constantly put him in fantasy HvsV cast so he could be asked

Peih-Gee Law: was originally meant to be on FvsF1 but was replaced by Amanda Kimmel so we could see her return if asked

Shane Powers: he was meant to be on HvsV but was replaced by Russell Hantz and similar to Todd, he is considered a villain so could be asked back

Ashley Underwood: she was meant to also be on BvsW however her partner and back up both could not compete so she is another possible returnee

Richard Hatch: he keeps getting cast however due to constantly getting declined visas he has not been able to complete however if he did get granted one he could easily return

People I'd like to see return and what seasons:
Alicia Rosa (HvsV2)
Abi-Maria Gomes (HvsV2)
Danni Boatwright (all winners)
Brian Heidik (HvsV2/all winners)
Courtney Yates (FvsF3 or HvsV2)
Ben Henry (redemption island style)
Sash Lenman (HvsV2)
Carter Willaims (redemption island style)

Points: 154 19 comments
♥AfricanWoman♥ Oct 18, 2013

Apparently the person I've been crushing on since September when I started college, has a crush on me too :D

OMG I was so happy, ok so here's the backstory to how I found out.

So me and friend were late for college and we let the teacher know cause I phoned her and because it was a workshop so we needed to let her know and we got in and everyone was in pairs, my friend got put into a pair and I was made to join a pair and make it a three, I wasn't with my crush but oh well, he still said hi to me and stuff. So when we went on a break my best friend who was with my crush was like "I need to tell you something you'll love" so we waited til everyone left the room and then she told me that when I walked in, he was like "I want Oli to to join our group" and when I wasn't in his group apparently he then said "I wanted Oli to join us" and apparently he was really annoyed I wasn't with him :D

So after our breaks and we came back, we went back into our group and I saw my friend talking to him and I could see she was getting really excited and I had no clue what was going on. Then I saw her go on her phone. I get a text saying "I HAVE GOSSIP" I was really excited at this point, so the workshop and college ends and I walked with my friend, crush and all the other people who needed to get the train and me and my friend dropped back a bit so she could tell me and she said and I quote "he said that he does find you hot and has some feelings for you" OMG I dead when I heard this.

So currently I know that he likes me, whether he knows I like him back but we have become a lot more flirty to each other and we always hug and stuff, YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY. However my friends keep saying to let him ask me out which. I like because I'm the most awkward person when it comes to asking people out lol, but yeah so I could potentially be getting a boyfriend soon :D #SoExcitedICouldDie
Points: 623 24 comments
♥DanielKennedy111♥ Oct 13, 2013
So my friend phoned me at half 9 asking if I wanted to come with them to see this mate and stay the night, however my friend knew that the mate we were seeing I have the BIGGEST crush on, so I obviously said yes.

So we got here and he said hi and stuff and we got there at 11pm and didn't go to bed until 5:30am and during that time me and him were flirting majorly. We were cuddling for like 3 hours and we Instagram pics together looking so cute and then at like 4am we were both outside cause he wanted to have a cigarette and we were having the best heart to heart ever and I could tell he was listening to me and understood what I was going through.

And then to top it all off me and him slept next to next other however sadly nothing has happened because were on two different beds but just right too each other but I did wake up and were cuddling lol. URGH OMG I CURRENTLY LAYING OPPOSITE HIM AND I WANNA LEAN IN FOR A KISS. Urgh my life right now but yeah just thought I'd share that with you all lol
Points: 264 15 comments