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The blatastic1234's blog

Posts 436 posts hunger games Jul 30, 2012
day 10
pankakes45 runs through the woods as his once good ally hunts him down. his legs burn but still manage to move fast enough to keep him a good distance from his hunter.
awesomedude stumbles to the lake not far from the cornucopia. images of his partner, 1swampy8 still cloud his mind. how he was to late to save her, how he was forced to watch her die by the hands of a district 6 tribute. he falls to his knees at the edge of the water and begins rinsing the dried blood off his hands. yoshi9999 hides in the woods behind the career. he had already murdered one child by drowning them and was ready to do it again. the tribute sneaks out of the woods and toward the unsuspecting career. BOOM! the sound of the cannon echoes throughout the arena, alerting the remaining teens that a person has died and they have made it to the final 3. blood drips into the lake as awesomedude pulls out the long medal spear from yoshi9999 chest. bits of bone fly into the air as the spear head exits the tributes body. "final 3" awesomedude mumbles.

face in sky
#yoshi9999 - District 7 male

left alive
awesomedude - District 1 male
ohhayy - District 6 female
pankakes45 - District 10 female

24th- #inial8or, district 3 male
23rd- #sssp123, district 5 male
22nd- #bryce12, District 12 female
21st- #greenivo, district 9 female
20th- #choochoo, District 4 female
19th- #nick24678, District 12 male
18th- #amf7410, district 4 male
17th- #monica1623, District 7 female
16th- #logangage14, district 5 female
15th- #jarrett, District 11 female
14th- #dolphinsoccer4, district 11 male
13th- #joshg222, District 8 female
12th- #intuition, District 9 male
11th- #ribbons, district 2 female
10th- #jgoodies, district 8 male
9th- #sparticus142, District 2 male
8th- #mrkkkkyle, district 10 male
7th- #khmaster80673, district 6 male
6th- #1swampy8, district 1 female
5th- #helenjeller, District 3 female
4th- #yoshi9999, District 7 male
Points: 24 3 comments hunger games Jul 28, 2012
day 7
no deaths

day 8
no deaths

day 9
"tributes today there will be a feast at the cornucopia. and we plan to be good hosts" the announcement echoes through the arena.
the announcement tempts all the tributes but yoshi9999 who, despite his low supplies, stays away from the cornucopia. the rest of the tributes gather in the woods around the feast. a giant table with weapon, food, and other supplies sits on top of it. district 6 is the first to go for the table. pankakes45 worried for his life stays behind. helenjeller and 1swampy8 bolt for the table. khmaster80673 reaches the table, grabbing a handful of food and a large backpack full of supplies. he whips around ready to run only for 1swampy8 to pierce her spear through his neck, breaking his spine and killing him instantly. BOOM! 1swampy8 sees the district 3 tribute from the corner of her eye and readies her spear, throwing it at the tribute. "AAAAAA" helenjeller screams as the spear tears into her side. "you bitch!" ohhayy yells as she tackles the career. 1swampy8 quickly knocks the knife out of the district 6 tributes hand and the two begin to fight. taking punch after punch. the career pins down the tribute. "oh so close" 1swampy8 laughs, "but not close enough." ohhayy spots his knife on the ground not far from were he lays. "shouldn't have killed my partner" ohhayy mumbles before grabbing the knife and slamming it into 1swampy8 head. BOOM! the tribute gets up just as helenjeller cannon fires. he looks at pankakes45 who has stayed in the woods watching the entire time, not helping his alliance. "you asshole!" ohhayy screams as she starts chasing pankakes45
awesomedude runs to the cornucopia, tears in his eyes as he falls to his knees beside his partner. "NO! NO! PLEASE!" he cries as he holds his partner in his arms.

faces in sky
#khmaster80673, District 6 male
#1swampy8, District 1 female
#helenjeller, District 3 female

left alive
awesomedude - district 1 male
ohhayy - District 6 female
yoshi9999 - District 7 male
@pankakes - District 10 female

24th- #inial8or, district 3 male
23rd- #sssp123, district 5 male
22nd- #bryce12, District 12 female
21st- #greenivo, district 9 female
20th- #choochoo, District 4 female
19th- #nick24678, District 12 male
18th- #amf7410, district 4 male
17th- #monica1623, District 7 female
16th- #logangage14, district 5 female
15th- #jarrett, District 11 female
14th- #dolphinsoccer4, district 11 male
13th- #joshg222, District 8 female
12th- #intuition, District 9 male
11th- #ribbons, district 2 female
10th- #jgoodies, district 8 male
9th- #sparticus142, District 2 male
8th- #mrkkkkyle, district 10 male
7th- #khmaster80673, district 6 male
6th- #1swampy8, district 1 female
5th- #helenjeller, District 3 female
Points: 23 4 comments hunger games Jul 27, 2012
day 5
no deaths

day 6
the career alliance of district 2 and 1 split up to cover more ground. ribbons walks into a dark cave as her partner, sparticus142 stands outside. ribbons raises her weapon as she slowly creeps through the giant cave, looking for any signs that a tribute was here. "NOW!" someone yells and ohhayy swings his knife, cutting deep into ribbons throat. she grabs her neck as blood oozes out of the wound covering her hands in red and spilling on the floor. BOOM!the alliance of the district 6 tributes and the district 10 tribute run out of the cave, pushing sparticus142 aside as they run.
jgoodies sits by the river side cleaning the blood of his district partner off his knife. the district 7 tribute, yoshi9999 spots him and begins sneaking up behind him before grabbing jgoodies from behind and pushing his head under the water. jgoodies swings at the air as he tries getting his head up from the water. the tribute squirms, water splashing everywhere. BOOM! yoshi9999 searches the tribute before runing off.
helenjeller holds a sharp branch. her entire body shaking as she steps through the forest. "WATCH OUT!" @pankakes screams as he pushes the tribute to the ground. her and the district 6 tributes run past helenjeller the district 3 tribute stumbles up and looks at the direction they were running from to see sparticus142 running at her. "AAAAAAA" she screams. BOOM! the tribute slowly opens her eyes to see sparticus142 dead, the sharp branch through his chest. helenjeller screams and lets go of the branch before running away.
BOOM! 1swampy8 looks through the forest to find the district 10 male dead. his wrist cut open and a small knife in his hand.

faces in sky
#ribbons, District 2 female
#sparticus142, District 2 male
#jgoodies, District 8 male
#mrkkkkyle, District 10 male

left alive
1swampy8 - District 1 female
awesomedude - District 1 male
helenjeller - District 3 female
ohhayy - District 6 female
khmaster80673 - District 6 male
yoshi9999 - District 7 male
pankakes45 - District 10 female

24th- #inial8or, District 3 male
23rd- #sssp123, District 5 male
22nd- #bryce12, District 12 female
21st- #greenivo, District 9 female
20th- #choochoo, District 4 female
19th- #nick24678, district 12 male
18th- #amf7410, District 4 male
17th- #monica1623, District 7 female
16th- #logangage14, District 5 female
15th- #jarrett, District 11 female
14th- #dolphinsoccer4, District 11 male
13th- #joshg222, District 8 female
12th- #intuition, District 9 male
11th- #ribbons, District 2 female
10th- #jgoodies, District 8 male
9th- #sparticus142, District 2 male
8th- #mrkkkkyle, District 10 male
Points: 38 3 comments Hunger Games Jul 26, 2012
day 4
intuition and joshg222 walk through the forest, being friends during training they teamed up early in the games.
dolphinsoccer4 runs to the lake, going 2 days without water has taken its toll upon the tribute. he shambles along the edge of the water before collapsing to his knees and scooping the water with his hands. focused on the water he does not realize that the district 6 tributes have been stalking him for a half a mile. ohhayy stays in the foliage with their other alliance member, pankakes45 khmaster80673 pulls out his knife as he walks toward the dehydrated tribute. he smiles and raises the knife before slamming it inot dolphinsoccer4 back. the knife tears into his lungs causing blood to pour into them. khmaster80673  grabs the tribute by the neck and slams his head under the water. BOOM! the cannon signaling that dolphinsoccer4 is dead fires.
joshg222 and intuition run into joshg222 district partner, jgoodies. "oh my god! i thought you were dead!" joshg222 screams as she hugs her partner, "i was so worried." jgoodies smiles as he slowly pulls out a dagger from his back pocket. "only one of us can live," jgoodies mumbles before quickly inserting the blade into joshg222 side. "AAAA!" the tribute screams as the pain shoot through her entire body. "you had to know this was coming" jgoodies says as his district partner falls to the ground. BOOM! intuition screams as he sees his friend killed. the tribute bolts into the forest.
intuition bolts through the forest. he comes to a clearing and quickly stops at the sight of the careers. the district 1 and 2 tributes look at him smiling. awesomedude pulls out a small club strapped to his pants. "please don't!!! please i-ican help you!" intuition begs. awesomedude raises the club and smashes it into intuition skull over and over. blood splatters on the tribute with each hit, his skull breaking into more and more pieces as the club smashes it, his brain pressed into a thick liquid. BOOM!

faces in sky
#joshg222, District 8 female
#intuition, District 9 male
#dolphinsoccer4, District 11 male

left alive
1swampy8 - District 1 female
awesomedude - District 1 male
ribbons - District 2 female
sparticus142 - District 2 male
helenjeller - District 3 female
ohhayy - District 6 female
#khmaster80673 - District 6 male
#yoshi9999 - District 7 male
#jgoodies - District 8 male
#pankakes45 - District 10 female
#mrkkkkyle - District 10 male

24th- #inial8or District3 male
23rd- #sssp123 District 5 male
22nd- #bryce12 District 12 female
21st- #greenivo District 9 female
20th- #choochoo District 4 female
19th- #nick24678 District 12 male
18th- #amf7410 District 4 male
17th- #monica1623 District 7 female
16th- #logangage14 District 5 female
15th- #jarrett District 11 female
14th- #dolphinsoccer4 District 11 male
13th- #joshg222 District 8 female
12th- #intuition District 9 male
Points: 12 4 comments hunger games Jul 26, 2012
day 2
no deaths/ 0 cannons fire.

day 3
ohhayy and khmaster80673 run into pankakes45 the two district 6 tributes quickly ready their weapons, threatened by the district 10 tribute. "WATCH OUT!" @pankakes yells as he throws the small rusty dagger he was holding towards the district 6 tributes. BOOM!! a cannon fires. ohhayy turns around to see logangage14 the district 5 tribute dead, the dagger wedged deep into his skull. knowing they can trust each other the three team up.
jarrett playes with her token, a small doll given to her by her mom when she was 10. being only 12 she didnt think she would make it to day 3, being as week and small as she is. awesomedude slowly sneaks up behind the tribute, a knife in hand. jarrett focuses on the doll not realizing the danger that walks behind her. awesomedude grabs the small girl by the head and begins stabbing her in the back. CRACK!!!!!! the sound echoes as the blade breaks bones into two, snapping the innocent girl's spine as blood splatters out of her body. a cannon fires and the career tosses the girls body aside before walking back into the woods.

faces in sky
logangage14 District 5 female
jarrett District 11 female

left alive
1swampy8 District 1 female
awesomedude District 1 male
ribbons District 2 female
@sparticus42 District 2 male
helenjeller District 3 female
ohhayy District 6 female
khmaster80673 District 6 male
yoshi9999 District 7 male
jgoodies District 8 male
joshg222 District 8 female
intuition District 9 male
pankakes45 District 10 female
mrkkkkyle District 10 male
dolphinsoccer4 District 11 male

24th- #inial8or, District 3 male
23rd- #sssp123, District 5 male
22nd- #bryce12, District 12 female
21st- #greenivo, District 9 female
20th- #choochoo, District 4 female
19th- #nick24678, District 12 male
18th- #amf7410, District 4 male
17th- #monica1623, District 7 female
16th- #logangage14, District 5 female
15th- #jarrett, District 11 female
Points: 4 2 comments Hunger Games day 1 Jul 24, 2012
the tributes slowly rise into the arena. the pedestals stop rising as the 60 seconds begin. the careers get ready to run to the cornucopia as the timer counts down, the other tributes argue in their minds if they should flee into the forest or bolt for the supplies. BAAM!! the timer hits 0 signaling that the games have began. @jarett yoshi9999 and helenjeller flee into the nearby forest leaving the rest of the tributes to battle it out. inial8or begins running to the cornucopia but before he can get a foot away from his pedestal 1swampy8 grabs him from behind and smashes the tributes head on the pedestal killing him. sssp123 reaches out to a nearby backpack as he runs to it, he gets a light grip on it before amf7410 slices his hand off. amf7410 quickly finishes off the District 5 tribute before joining back in the bloodbath. greenivo runs out of the cornucopia only to be splattered in bryce12 blood. he runs past her as ohhayy finishes her off. greenivo continues to run but choochoo tackles him and begins stabbing him over and over, screaming as the blade inserts into the tributes body, tearing flesh, causing blood to splatter. she looks at the clearly dead tribute and gets up but pain shoots through her back and she falls. before choochoo killed the tribute he had managed to stab her in the back. dolphinsoccer4 sees the injured career and quickly finishes her off before fleeing into the forest. nick24678 runs into the cornucopia not seeing the District 2 tribute, awesomedude. @awesomwdude grabs nick24678 head and snaps his neck. #amf7410 bolts after #ohhayy but khmaster80673 interfers and throws the spear he was holding at the time, it lodging itnto amf7410 head, killing him. ohhayy and @khmaster8073 run into the woods. #ribbons looks around the cornucopia trying to find a tribute who hasn't fled yet and spots monica1623 digging through a backpack. ribbons smiles and she pulls out a throwing axe she found in the cornucopia and throws it. the axe lodges into monica1623 head.

8 cannons fire

faces in sky
#inial80r, the district 3 male
#choochoo, District 4 female
#amf7410, District 4 male
#sssp123, District 5 male
#monica1623, District 7 female
#greenivo, District 9 female
#bryce12, District 12 female
#nick24678, District 12 male
Points: 32 6 comments