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bigbrotherlover7's blog

  1. PYN for a fav memory of you
  2. PYN for a drunken opinion
  3. Good Morning Friends!
  4. PYN
  5. I love you all.
  6. I finally cracked top 100 on tengaged
  7. I'm 25 now
  8. PYN for an honest opinion
  9. i'm not even close to anyone anymore
  10. i feel like
  11. What does Tengaged do for a living?
  12. What are your biggest fears?
  13. For every +15 I'll tag a female tengager
  14. i think it's so fucking funny
  15. What are your thoughts
  16. 22
  17. for every +20
  18. Lol
  19. Read my article on suicide and depression
  20. how
  21. Nominated for 13th
  22. Stars Finals Blog
  23. First Tengaged Meetup - Soccerismylif3
  24. I am so sad. Tengaged lost another great person
  25. ♥Justin | Stunzer♥
  26. my irl friend is joining the site
  27. Nominated for 9th now (lol)
  28. who
  29. all
  30. along
  31. see
  32. you belong with me
  33. going to see 22 jump street tonight
  34. PYN
  35. well this is it
  36. how is the top fashionista
  37. Stars vlog
  38. same
  39. OH MY GOSH
  40. im sorry

Last comments

  1. Arris in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 10 hours
  2. yswimmer96 in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 12 hours
  3. TaraGold00 in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 13 hours
  4. salmaan in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 14 hours
  5. PrincessTeePee in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 14 hours
  6. cheritaisdelicious in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 14 hours
  7. Thumper91 in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 14 hours
  8. 3pi14159 in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 14 hours
  9. yswimmer96 in "anyone wanna trade 3s" 10 days
  10. Monica1623 in "anyone wanna trade 3s" 11 days
  11. Yandereboy12 in "anyone wanna trade 3s" 11 days
  12. BB5lover in "PYN for a drunken opinion" 15 days
  13. yswimmer96 in "PYN for a drunken opinion" 15 days
  14. trickdaddy6 in "PYN for a drunken opinion" 15 days
  15. PrincessKandi2014 in "PYN for a drunken opinion" 15 days

life of pablo

Posts 1310 posts

I'm 25 now Apr 29, 2022
feels weirdddddddddddd
Points: 341 21 comments
PYN for an honest opinion Jul 11, 2021
From me and yswimmer96

Kentuckyy B-You have been on this site FOREVER, and are honestly friends w some people I can't tolerate.... but, I have always been a fan of yours! We haven't played too many games together, but you have always been kind to me.
N- ^ That being said we all know opposites attract, girl, there aint anyone else I've ever played an ORG with who had me dead on the floor roasting fellow tribemates. You a QUEEN and ifmy!
melindaMrskk B- pretty sure you are a frookies grinder, and a solid player there. We were never close, but I have always respected your game.
N- barely know you, feel like we got off on the wrong foot one time and feel like you aren't a fan of me.
smi9127 i obviously know of you, but really don't know too much about you. I think you are a nice guy? lmao
N- one of my old school faves -- idk how we first started to click but you've always been an OG day 1 in my book, despite us like rarely talking
Crazyrockina B- idk you.
N- You truly put crazy in your username for a goddamn reason. Sis if you ever need a xanax or a chillpill lmk cuz you def cray haha
lexeyjane B- LEXEY QUEEN. I am very fortunate that we met and got to know each other more because of the Evangers. Always enjoy our interactions, we need to play a game together at some point! All love <3
N- So like idk you too well, moreso know of you through this dude -- but in all honesty anyone who's close to Bryce is close to me too so hi new sis
EmmaM B- emma, you have always been such a sweetheart to me. I don't think we have had a single interaction that I didn't enjoy. Only complaint is you absolutely suck at texting back...I hope you are recovering well since your accident <3
N- Like I just said bout lexey sis, anyone close to my ride or die boii is fam w me. Glad we're on a survivor tribe together <3
gabrieltrezza B- GABEEE MY GUY. i love your accent, you are my favorite brazliian tengager. wish we had kept in touch more, you are a chill ass dude
N- I sorta like only know of you, but you seem nice idk. *insert cliche middle school tbh answer here*
N- Before this man even rants about your wedding and whatnot, lemme just expose you and say you owe me 3 pints of Proof. Anyway Bryce, take it away:
B- EVAN MY FUCKING GUY. i have loved you since the first game we ever played. I literally begged you to call w me because i loved talking to you. Whether it be talking stocks, sports, crushing cup pong together, or you teaching me how to fold laundry, I have loved every moment homie. A trip to you again soon is in order... love you homie
tennisplayer963 B- stop playing phone tag w me and set up a time to talk smh. I can name on one hand the people I trust with my life, and you are one of them sir. I know you would do anything for me, and you know I would for you. We need to link up again in 2021 no question... hope you are well buddy
N- This man next to me has hyped you up so much, and knowing that we both share positions on that special feat of his trust means enough to me to know you're a solid dude.
TotsTrashy B- ngl years ago I thought you were pretty fucking annoying LMAOOO. but I heavily fuck with you now both in and out of games. We RUN shit and then people hate you and love me and I win so I like that? In all seriousness love talking to you, and hope you are well.
N- ngl, I too thought you were annoying in minis when you'd debut your appearance in them... and well.. i haven't seen you since those so ig we'll have to play soon enough and test the waters again
biminibonboulash N and B - BITCH WHO?
pr1ncecharm1ng N- Warren! Okay so ik how controversial you are but like ive actually vibed with you well in the games we've played bro haha. no bad blood here.
B- ive seen you around but i dont really know you much. you seem to stay out of drama.
bamold1999 B- one of the tengagers I want to meet the most tbh. We go wayyyy back. While you can be a psycho at times (Lmao) you are a good ass dude. Always had my back, and I have always had yours. Always gonna be there for you man, hope we can meet up one day! Stay #1 king <3
N- so like I don't know where I stand with you but like when I think of when I left this site years ago I just remember us like always bickering or not getting along? idk?
Booyahhayoob N- So you say I might remember you, and like yeah your name rings a bell but I can't put name to face right now. So hi! :D
B- You are pretty active on the blogs page, i really dont know you well tho.
DanielKennedy111 So like many people on this list I remember an expired rough patch with you, but like this new "revival" of both of us has me saying nothing negative about you, I like you, our mutuals love us, I just wish we talked/knew eachother more. Stay genuine and stay badass. <3
B- Daniel, I fucking love you. I quite literally think my personality has picked up a piece of you. You have always been so entertaining, you are so fucking charismatic. The fact we have not met is a crime to humanity. If i was gay I would choose you <3 ;) (dont tell dusty). Cannot wait to start a sports betting operation w you. I will always be there for you in games, gambling advice, and life. <3
SomebodyAwesome B- always a nice and classy guy, never got to know you well.
N- idk but you must be somebody awesome. :D
skyler1822 N- I fucking miss you. We used to be so close then I left this dumpster fire but you've always been someone I considered a blessing to know on this site. Stay the fuckin badass you are mama.
B- Skyler i love you! It has been too long since we have caught up. We always had good conversations and showed loyalty towards each other. Need to talk again soon. Hope life is well

coreyants N- idk where I ever stand w you, I think we played like two games together where neither of us decided to talk to one another the entire time?
B- A day 1 homie, we have run some games and flopped in many together as well. Still waiting for the race to the center of the earth to realize how much the fucked up w us... hope you are well bud

yswimmer96 - N- you're so hot. like probably the second best person to comment on here.
B- you are an idiot.

temponeptune - I like sorta know of you but not really unless its just too early in the AM and I can't remember shit, but you seem like a cool guy.
B- Now that Kris has won stars, I believe you now have the title for most robbed to never win stars... Sorry tengaged doesn't realize how iconic you are. I have always been a fan of yours.

Kindred7 - I don't really have a solidified opinion of you, don't really know you much.
b- your name sounds familiar af, but idrk you

brightongal - MY FAVE ORG-TO-GET-CANCELLED ALLY. Girl how the hell did we NEVER see a tribal council ever. And HOW HAVE WE YET TO EVER MEET UP YET.
B- ohhhh shiiiit haha we go back. You are a sweetheart and I am glad to hear life is going better for you now. Wishing you nothing but the best, hmu if yu ever need me:)

BengalBoy - Gah, if I could relive on era on Tengaged it would be you and @surstromming's best days with the old school gang before The Duel was even created/cancelled. OG legend and Ifly.
B- I have always enjoyed our banter, you are one funny ass dude. Maybe one of the most likeable people on this site.

Phenomanimal - Okay so I discuss this with enough of our mutual people but like I can never tell if you actually like me or not, like gamewise I know we typically gun for one another but otherwise I think you're a really fun guy to chat with/hang with.
B- how the fuck did I not know you well from tengaged? I am glad our paths crossed in orgs/skype. love you my dude, maybe you can carry me in survivor one day

semajdude - I remember of you but like don't really know you if that makes sense. You seem alright tho.

B- haha fuck you nerd
Points: 320 43 comments
i'm not even close to anyone anymore Mar 10, 2020
honestly prefer it. j chillin
Points: 156 9 comments
i feel like Aug 18, 2019
everybody just uses me lol
Points: 268 13 comments
What does Tengaged do for a living? Jul 16, 2019
Post your job below.
Points: 204 37 comments
What are your biggest fears? Jun 28, 2019
Mine is trypophobia, belly buttons, and death.
Points: 144 16 comments