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bigbrotherlover7's blog

  1. PYN for a fav memory of you
  2. PYN for a drunken opinion
  3. Good Morning Friends!
  4. PYN
  5. I love you all.
  6. I finally cracked top 100 on tengaged
  7. I'm 25 now
  8. PYN for an honest opinion
  9. i'm not even close to anyone anymore
  10. i feel like
  11. What does Tengaged do for a living?
  12. What are your biggest fears?
  13. For every +15 I'll tag a female tengager
  14. i think it's so fucking funny
  15. What are your thoughts
  16. 22
  17. for every +20
  18. Lol
  19. Read my article on suicide and depression
  20. how
  21. Nominated for 13th
  22. Stars Finals Blog
  23. First Tengaged Meetup - Soccerismylif3
  24. I am so sad. Tengaged lost another great person
  25. ♥Justin | Stunzer♥
  26. my irl friend is joining the site
  27. Nominated for 9th now (lol)
  28. who
  29. all
  30. along
  31. see
  32. you belong with me
  33. going to see 22 jump street tonight
  34. PYN
  35. well this is it
  36. how is the top fashionista
  37. Stars vlog
  38. same
  39. OH MY GOSH
  40. im sorry

Last comments

  1. Arris in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 7 hours
  2. yswimmer96 in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 9 hours
  3. TaraGold00 in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 10 hours
  4. salmaan in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 11 hours
  5. PrincessTeePee in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 11 hours
  6. cheritaisdelicious in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 11 hours
  7. Thumper91 in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 11 hours
  8. 3pi14159 in "PYN for a fav memory of you" 12 hours
  9. yswimmer96 in "anyone wanna trade 3s" 10 days
  10. Monica1623 in "anyone wanna trade 3s" 11 days
  11. Yandereboy12 in "anyone wanna trade 3s" 11 days
  12. BB5lover in "PYN for a drunken opinion" 15 days
  13. yswimmer96 in "PYN for a drunken opinion" 15 days
  14. trickdaddy6 in "PYN for a drunken opinion" 15 days
  15. PrincessKandi2014 in "PYN for a drunken opinion" 15 days

life of pablo

Posts 1310 posts

Read my article on suicide and depression Jan 21, 2019
Let me know what you think.
Points: 498 13 comments
how Jan 2, 2019
Points: 119 18 comments
Nominated for 13th Dec 24, 2018
While many may think this was a psycho week to join stars, it is really the only week I have some free time. I have been playing hard, and it has been a good time thus far. Unfortunately, the splitters got me this time. As cliche as it sounds, if given another chance, things will change. I have confidence that I can flip this and immediately get rid of those who are responsible for me going up.

I have already called chaos in this game, and have called out the fakes. If you want more drama, and solid gameplay, click peaces button.

Happy holidays everybody!
Points: 356 14 comments
Stars Finals Blog May 26, 2018
First and foremost, I would like to thank the 50.3 % of people who saved me. Jesse is very popular, and I was surprised to have stayed. But my journey isn't over tengaged! I need one final rounds of votes to propel me to victory. I fought hard all game, being a target from day one. One side was after me, while I seemingly was the bottom of another alliance. The relationships I made and developed were influential on keeping me off the block on numerous occasions.
Unlike tempo and jake, I found myself virtually alone going into single digits. They had each other, someone they could both completely trust. Lucky for me, I aligned with jacksonjoseph99 and was closer to him than anybody thought. Throughout the game I made pivotal moves, such as getting out the formidable opponent ametrine who was playing a brilliant game.

Anyways, I don't have a single bad word to say about Lemjam6 or temponeptune. They are AMAZING people and they also played solid games. I do however hope that you can see the fight I had in this game, having to overcome a tough cast. Defeating GentlemanG and jessem, ridding my enemies from the game, etc etc. Thank you for your consideration! I appreciate each and every vote so so much. CLICK MY BUTTON!

also, id like to give a shoutout to tennisplayer963 ! <3
Points: 513 23 comments
First Tengaged Meetup - Soccerismylif3 May 14, 2018
image soccerismylif3
Hey guys! So as some of you who have me on social media know, I recently had a trip to Las Vegas. I just turned 21 (thanks for the select few who said happy birthday) and it was my parents gift to me to take me to Vegas. So long story short I low key am addicted to playing poker (I played 18 hours in a few days lmao) and actually made 300 dollars! Okay so I’ll get to the point. I was scrolling through Instagram on Saturday morning (I arrived Friday) and I came across a photo of giuli (soccerismylif3) and I saw out of the corner of my eye while closing the app that the location said Vegas. I immediately texted her, asking if this was true. She said she was still in Vegas, and that her hotel was a 2 minute walk away from me. She was in Vegas with her boyfriend because his frat was having a formal there. Thankfully, we set up a time to meet at the Starbucks near her hotel.

I had “known” giuli for what like 6 years? 4-5 years ago we used to be really close and talk almost every day. But as you guys know people driftabd things change. Anyway, for whatever reason I was kinda nervous meeting her.

So I get to the crosswalk and she waves to me and as I’m crossing the street I low key tripped on the curb LOL (I’m not sure she saw I really hope not). We then decided to walk along the Vegas strip, and we just started talking about life. We made our way to the Bellagio hotel, and walked around (and got lost) in there for a bit. We talked about a bunch of topics, school, relationships, basically everything. The Bellagio has this "show" every 15 minutes which the water fountain goes off which was kind of cool.

Of course the topic of Tengaged cams up, how could it not. She told me that she’d texted etaco75 (she went to hs with him) and asked him if he remembered me. Thankfully Evan did remember, as I’d hope, because I certainly know him hahah. Anyways she told me that he was actually going to meet up with dusty12910 and danielkennedy111 . I was incredibly jealous, because i am very close to Daniel! And I consider dusty and Evan to be friends as well, but not as close (sorry guys love Daniel). We then talked about how Tengaged kind of sucks now, and how when she periodically logs on she doesn’t even know the users on the blogs page. We discussed who we kept in touch with and she said she still talks to insanity who then she enlightened me was kizzi brother. Mind blown. Of course I had to bring you up cfff with the topic of kizzi lol. A few other people we briefly talked about like totaldramalover1234 <3 maturo andrewweltner bamold1999 and a few others.

Anyways it was a really good time just walking around Vegas with her and hopefully we can meet up sometime when she’s 21 lol. Thanks if you took the time to read this i know it was long and I rambled.

This pic is us in front of my hotel the Venetian!

edit: if someone can help me turn the pic the right way that be appreciated lol
Points: 225 16 comments
I am so sad. Tengaged lost another great person Nov 10, 2017
My friend ggjamesgg died in a car crash. He was a good teammate and friend of mine in high school.
Points: 847 26 comments