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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

#SaveTengaged - Programmer!

1stJan 8, 2017 by RaverKid
He's on board, claiming that our current site sucks, and is super buggy, but a site like this seems simple to make. I'm excited for it, coincidentally, he is also a big fan of Big Brother! So not only is he in it to help out, he's in it because he loves the show. Project #SaveTengaged is completely underway!

I'm still looking for some people to offer their expertise & creative minds to come up with ways to update our current features, and add some new ones!

5 for Frats
4 for Shops
3 for Designs
3 for Blogs

Don't volunteer for those positions in the comments please, as your identity must remain a secret

I'm also looking for a few artists & Designers to offer up some simple art for our challenges and flashgames.

If you've got any comments, questions, or concerns, mail me or message me on Skype @ jj.mcbride2


make shop easier to understand for small taozis like me
Sent by KawaiiSenpai,Jan 8, 2017
noah fence but this site is full of 12 year old gays how do u expect a programmer when these people can barely take their adhd medications
Sent by Brandt69,Jan 8, 2017
The programmer isn't a tengager.
Sent by RaverKid,Jan 8, 2017
Keep the groups the same. RaverKid
The layout is fine. Please keep groups similar to this. The forums are fine and the changing of the picture and main page is fine. Posting pictures is fine. Please do not change how they are.
Sent by WestTemp,Jan 8, 2017
I am interested but you stopped replying on Skype.. thanks for that :P
Sent by Vanili,Jan 8, 2017
TBH, the layout would be nice if it stayed similar to what tengaged already is. I mean, I've been on here for 7 years now, and some people have been here longer. This layout is simple and easy to navigate, and familiar to all of us lol
Sent by Kob3Sm1th,Jan 8, 2017
I am an actual programmer. However, the two items I would be good at, Games/Group Games, were taken. This meant I can't do shit.

It sucks, but... eh. Beta tester.
Sent by RealJacksonWalsh,Jan 8, 2017
keep hunger don't change anything about it :)
Sent by MoneyNeil,Jan 8, 2017
Idk if you plan on making any games, but maybe
Bring back duel and also maybe make a game like frooks but a weeklong
Sent by s73100,Jan 8, 2017
I have a suggestion for group games (can't commit to an actual role) but it'd be great if messages in group forums sent by pressing enter, rather than having to refresh it constantly - it'd make it a lot more engaging. Also maybe a limit of x messages within a certain amount of time to prevent the feature being used to spam.
Sent by Anas,Jan 8, 2017
zwooper sucks lets keep the site like it is
Sent by rollingderp,Jan 8, 2017
Can you make it possible to give out prize money in groups and make chats update in real time

Those are the only real changes needed
Sent by Sackeshi,Jan 8, 2017
For groups, can you make it so you can lock threads so only certain people can access them and it would be awesome if you could add images to group game comments.
Sent by Connor_,Jan 8, 2017
Can you make it possible to input your Tengaged into the new website so you don't lose Karma, money, or designs?  I don't want to lose anything :(
Sent by Analiese,Jan 8, 2017
For stars voting, you should make it so that you have to be a certain level to vote! (Not too high) this would drastically decrease the number of multis being used to vote!
Sent by Aidan0621,Jan 8, 2017
I hope this happens!
Sent by SexGoddx,Jan 8, 2017
YES OMG :D can you keep stars ? that would be also and maybe add duel back? and keep the group the same please ?
Sent by CamXmaya,Jan 8, 2017
I think the group games should be the same as it is, but maybe for shops it should be easier to actually buy different accessories and that without having to stalk the shops page and get a ton of money for charity. Also I feel like there should be more restrictions on the white levels (Can't vote in stars, etc.) to prevent a multi problem in stars.
Sent by Maladus1,Jan 8, 2017
I agree with Analiese

I want to keep my old profile so I don't have to start all over again.
Sent by AintItFun,Jan 8, 2017
but you do realize that randomize is not answering anyone and it is illegal to take randomize's idea without his permission and just put a different name to it?
Sent by midavittu,Jan 8, 2017
You do realize like 5 of these projects have already long been underway right...fact is without the tengaged name attached most regardless what they say now won't follow over and since you can't give each and everyone exactly what it is they want they will be against it...the first step will be to see who gets the rightsame to the tengaged domain..
Sent by NexusCain,Jan 8, 2017
Make A Cheaper way to get designs and comps where you cant cheat. Also bring duel back and the regular BB format
Sent by Imopink1,Jan 8, 2017
Sent by Toast805,Jan 9, 2017
Group game focus please
Sent by levonini,Jan 9, 2017

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