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Viv ❤

Posts 1287 posts

Nov 25, 2014

***** How To Win The Hunger Games: Even if you suck at comps, have 0 xp, don't know how to cornsit, and didn't join with a solid premade. Featuring commentary by HG winners that fall under this criteria: Nattie, SexGoddx, DanielKennedy111, holllyy1230, LunaPark, and owlb0ned.

The purpose of this blog is to help shine some light on the inner workings of Hunger Games and how to win and succeed at the game even if it seems like a piece of graph paper has a better chance at winning than you do.

Hunger Games Is A SOCIAL Game!
Don't ever assume that you need to be a comp god to win a Hunger Games, or you need to know how to download cheat engine or something which is TOTALLY LAME BTW AND JUST GETS YOU BANNED BC ITS AGAINST THE RULES. Hunger Games is a SOCIAL game. It's all about making alliances, talking to EVERYONE, and always being friendly. Don't ever make yourself seem like a threat! (more on that later)

For example, I am like a tad above average in comps, I definitely couldn't win most FTD's but I have positioned myself in HG to fight people that I know I could beat by being a SOCIAL player. Let the big dogs take each other out and you can just float right on by!

The commentary from HIV Victim Nattie shines some light on this: "Hunger is social because I get like 50k in line balls and that's my fav comp! If you are good at comps you just get pelted with arrows it's all about making alliances and trusting the right people *swings my two trophies round like the girl in chandelier video*"

Deciding Who To Arrow!
Obviously you need to be smart with your arrows. Follow these basic guidelines:

• Never shoot someone just because someone is telling you to. Even if it's your closest ally, you gotta tell them to fuck off. Worry about yourself.
• Don't shoot somebody if they wouldn't shoot you - that's arrows you could have manipulated that person to use for your own use.
• NEVER WASTE ROWS. Don't do stupid things like "+5 and Ill shoot a row" that is just wasteful and make you look stupid, be wise with them.
• It's ALWAYS better to ask for someone's forgiveness for arrowing them than it is for yourself to be arrowed out :)

Deciding who you need to row is a huge factor in winning HG. If you can row out someone at the right time and at the right moment, you can turn the whole game around in your favor. Never be afraid to arrow out someone.

SexGoddx, who has won HG multiple times shared this info:
"Well it's just like every other game, it's more about the social side than anything else. It's all good being good at challenges but that isn't going to stop everyone arrowing you out. I talk to as many people possible and try to get everyone to trust me so they wont come after me. I base who I target on who I think trusts me the least and would therefore target me. If my XP is high I always try to keep that quiet aswell."

owlb0ned also said this about arrows:
"i usually save and arrow out people who i know have been on supertribes or that join a lot. if we're friends i steer clear cos i care about friendships over games, but if we never talk then i'll save up and shoot them. they join enough to be able to just join again and win so why not?"

You cannot seem like a threat!
Do you think we all won Hunger Games bc people saw us as threats? Of course not! We all slid under everyone's radars and ended up with a giant trophy at the end of the game and we all had the last laugh as all the threats got shot out and lost in FTD's against other big threats. Don't ever make someone suspicious of you and LIE LIE LIE your ass off if someone gets word of you organizing an arrow chat or if someone leaks something you said about them. You HAVE to play dirty if you are going to be in this position. YOU MUST SEEM INNOCENT ALWAYS! Part of being innocent is having a pretty avatar (more on that later).

Important commentary from DanielKennedy111:
"Do not get an high amount of XP. If the highest amount is 12, get 8. If the highest amount is 16, get 12. You won't be a big XP target but you will still have enough for people not to attack you. Buy LP1 On iTunes."

Commentary from holllyy1230 on this:
"um you cant be a threat because otherwise those rows are locked right on your perfectly sculpted ass and you'll be booming faster than unkown's harddrive and robot parts in a swimming pool"

Getting people to suicide to you!
Getting free health and XP is always a good thing, and the easiest way to get it is to subtly convince your friends that suiciding to you is TOTALLY worth it. However, if someone says they're gonna suicide, you know that at least 5 other people are gonna be down their throats, so it's time to turn your charm on and SUBTLY HINT to them that it's in their best interest to suicide to you. NEVER EVER beg or make it obvious that you want someone to suicide to you, because then you'll be targetted by the others bc they're jealous.

Having a pretty avatar!
This is gonna sound really dumb and sarcastic but it's not. Your avatar has to look good! When people see something pretty, it releases endorphins in their system and attacking/rowing you will be the LAST thing on their mind! All of the people commenting on this guide have avatars that would make irl celebrities jealous, and it's not a coincidence that helped us win a HG either!

Resident Glamazon Lunapark spoke about this:
"I have been gifted with many godlike talents that allow me to glide under the radar and guarantee myself that shiny 1st place. You must be on point with your avatar as the ugly people are ALWAYS targeted first. Being pretty is a huge advantage in fooling other people in thinking you are not a threat, but unfortunately for many of you (e.g. Cornelia) this will be impossible to achieve and you most likely will never win a HG."

You can win a HG without cornsitting, but it really takes out the element of being able to arrow someone out and it definitely makes you extremely vulnerable to everyone else who is cornsitting. Here is a step by step guide on how to plop your juicy ass in the corn to collect arrows (for those that don't know, sitting in the corn lets you collect over 15 arrows, with an arrow being updated to you every 30 mins - 3 hours at the longest, although you make yourself vulnerable to attack):

1. Before you enter, make sure there's room and make sure you won't piss someone off by "taking their spot." Imagine if you corn sat for a while and someone else jumped in and took your spot, you'd be pissed. Don't do this.

2. Before you enter, say in public chat that if you get attacked 15 rows are being shot at them. Even if you don't have 15 rows, it's better to show a bluff then say "oh attack me and 4 arrows will come at you." Nobody wants to be rowed so everyone will leave you alone.

3. Get friendly with the ppl ur sitting with. Don't let them think you're a threat for sitting with them - those arrows will NEVER be shot at those people, right? ;)


Anyways thats the end of my long ass guide i just want to get ppl hunger games wins that never really have had the chance so GL everyone and may the odds be ever in your favor!
Points: 991 32 comments
Nov 16, 2014
On how to win Hunger even if you suck at competitions, have low xp, and WITHOUT having a huge premade all die to you at finals? Obviously I would include opinions from people like Nattie, owlb0ned and #holllyy1230.

I feel like I owe it to the Tengaged Community.
Points: 0 20 comments
Nov 16, 2014
And I'll post the first word that comes to my mind when I see you!
#Aydanmac01 - Polite
#imthtawesom - Trashcan
#zachbbs - Nice
#JudiCamille - Fatherless
#GrrrImABear - Bear
#jdog - Bae
#Guigi - Sweetheart
#SurvivorFreak13 - Salem
#acyuta - Lovely
#smuguy2012 - Grindr
#Ashleybabyx3 - Guitar
#Renegade628 - Humorous
#DiamondsArentForever - Don
#ItsAustin - Cool
#Thepug - Delightful
#somebodyawesome - Friend
#sosyomomma - Funny
#evilgenious448 - Fabulous
#RobertGuajardo - Disgusting
#Jgoodies - Awesome
#Totstrashy - Potatoes
#jessloveee - Fierce
#Weetmaster - Friendly
#LunaPark - Kangaroo
#Nosuchname2 - Mysterious
#Phenomanimal - Bitch
#panda6785 - Sweety
#Don_Draper - Walmart
#peterya - Visitor
#OMGitsGarret - Exciting
#MaggieGreene - Cute
#XxHeroxX - Heroic
#PurpleCows - Champion
#Mikey_Elite - Loyal
#Arcaninemaster - Sweetheart
#DrIcicle - Stellar
#MoooHades - Bailey
AustinRules6969 - Hilarious
Padfoot - Brave
pikachu142 - Fierce
Wiseman - Smart
Tetsuya - Loyal
hobnobgpro - Therapy
Oliviaxoxo - Lucky
macken - Victim
nikw98 - Cool
@Gaiaphage - Weed
lonelypuppie - Adorable
harrywasnak - Sweetheart
@Swaggy - Endurance
RArsenault - New
lexibear - Darling
@dayum - Friend
FoodIsBae - Cooking
Maxi1234 - Zealous
Justin_Hicks - Country
PureEssence - Lovely
Elvira - Wonderful
jenzie - Queen
Sheena - Shoes
Thumper91 - Popular
CarsonWorld - Chill
disneygeek - Stylish
Funnehliner - Drama
Points: 485 103 comments
Nov 9, 2014
Move over bitch Vitamin.

Thank u to the following people who gifted & posted them for me:
RoughNightBro x8
Lucinda x4
jojo7784 x1
Chlltownofcourse x1
Vixanu x1
cotbey x1
unkown x1
babiicakes x1
@JudiCamille x1

Idk i guess thats it woo hoo
Points: 132 14 comments
Nov 9, 2014
Selena Gomez's new, hit single "The Heart Wants What It Wants" premiered on the crisp, sunny morning of November 6th, 2014. The single serves as the debut single for her new Greatest Hits Compilation, "For You."

Below are three links on how to listen to The Heart Wants What It Wants:




Merry Selenamas everyone!

"When i was on stage and i was thinking of...I felt like i kn-i know i know him though, and I know that i know his heart, and i know what he wouldn't do to hurt me...but I didnt realize that im feeling so confident - feeling so great about myself, and then just be completed shattered by one something so stupid....But then YOU make ME feel crazy, make me feel like it's my fault....I was in pain."
Points: 0 8 comments
Nov 9, 2014
#holllyy1230 was recently banned for cheating on, so I will be posting some of my favorite memories with her:

And that's it

edit: LMAO at this being a top blog
Points: 450 8 comments