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The egaga911's blog

Posts 58 posts

Oct 5, 2012
The message on this blog is just getting twisted now sooo
Points: 158 8 comments
Oct 3, 2012
I can't believe I even got this far! I didn't even have gold two weeks and now here I am with sky xx I love that I've been meeting so many more new faces on here... If it were a perfect world, I would also wish that I was still in contact with every person I ever had a good conversation with on here, unfortunately the world isn't perfect.

But post you name and I'll say my FAVORITE memory involving us.

thethomas - Haha, even though we lack ever playing a game together, we know each other and I think you're very friendly. I think you're very interesting and I would be happy to talk to you anytime!

vh1luvr15 - TONYYYYYY, I love you so much in a bro way, I just can tell you anything on my mind and you would be able to find a way have me laughing by the end of it. I loved the call we went on when I was making hot dogs LOL that was like the first time we went on call, and you weren't as pops then :P

foxox - BARELY AHEAD OF WATCHING YOUR BOOTY TOOCH VLOG FOR MY MOST FAVORITE MOMENT is when we made each other signs after we first met :P I could never not love my mom (h) You're stunning and honestly, people writing blogs against you are completely wrong.

helencoops - Tom! Definitely my favorite moment of us was when you allowed me and Ev32 to be on your fierce list cause we passed the test =]
Gurl you know you're the best, and I'll always support you when you join stars or be up for talking!

JonoB - My favorite moment was when I thought you were just some whiny dude, but then you really showed how chill and selfless you are when you said you would be open to letting me buy the next trishy grin in auctions :) I wanna get to know you more!

inkread - LAURA. Where have you been •_• My fav moment was when you kept insulting me ;( It made me cry sooooosososo much and I hate you for it for eternity :P Jk Ilyyy I miss you

Jenzie - My favorite moment was when you, Gabe, brandonpinzu and Dorothy decided to make this new frat and you BEGGGGED me to join, and I did and we went on call LOL I barely talked but that was a funny moment. I wish you wouldn't say crap about me but you took me to the finals and that says a lot. Love you

robozoe - I understand we both disliked each other because the game brought out the worst in us, but I truly wouldn't mind getting to know you more, you seem funny and very competitive, I like it!

castings - Well hello Landon!! I think you say the nicest things, and it always makes me feel good about myself. I wish wish wish we talked more often, maybe we can :) My favorite moment is just when you're so positive and yourself!

@torimarie - Ergggg, Montana you evicted me a frookies recently but that game was not ordinary and I honestly don't care, I know I messaged you but I was restless, and bored. I think you're an awesome dude, and I loved that time we were on call with Tony haha, you're very funny.

beautifulbones - My favorite moment was when I got 13th in a rookies cause your alliance, but you actually had the heart to feel bad and give me a chance as a friend :) You're wayyyyy too sweet and I hope we can pick up our conversations again!

Ghoul - My favorite moment was when we met in a charity rookies and I got to know you more, you're a real cool cat! I would like it if we talked about whatever sometime :P

sokerdude7 - I could do a top 5 list of favorite moments with you!
But my first has to be the game where I met you and Dino and you guys recruited me later on xoxo Also on the list would be the ETNAL tinchat I went on, and my charity game!

chrisw756 - Chris :) My favorite moment is when we joined that crookies as a premade and all made final 5, and I won. I found out how extremely awesome a person you are as well. I appreciate how nice you are ^_^

tommyboy614 - We've talked here and three and in the fresh nuts crew before, you're so chill and likable and I'm glad I know you a bit, however, I'd love to know you some more!! Or join a crookies and see who wins xD

dools - That time we first went on call with each other was classic hahaha. You were just like "I'm your fucking best friend right? You know if you ever need someone to talk with I'm here." Lol that was the best. I miss you! I can't believe you haven't gifted me yet you dousche! Jkjk

blazermaniac94 - That time we first met in a frookies and me you and a couple other people made finals and we all made it to the end was awesome! You're a great ally. Hopefully that can again again soon.

meyaar - We really don't talk that much ): but we used to talk a little bit, which was nice. We need to get back to doing that ok! I think we may have been in a crookies too :P lol we could definitely be better friends .

kingb24 - There was this one time when we kept tengaged messaging each other and got to know each other a lot, that was my favorite moment for sure, we sent a lot of messages!!! Gotta do it again =]

tsiki_tsiki - Awwww I hope we can play a game together sometime too, you seem like a super friendly person

KyleDile - You're an amazing friend Kyle, I love talking and playing frookies/castings with you. You're a fantastic ally and I LOVE playing games and working with you :)

imthtawesom - Isiah, I like you a lot of things about you, and I love when we were best friends because our other "friends" were being assholes and then we joined a game together and owned :) Gotta talk soon

lonelypuppie - My favorite moment with you is when we reconnected in a castings you joined and then ended up joining a bunch of frookies (up to the last one -_-) and owned. That was sweet, and you're a sweetheart.
Points: 466 68 comments
Aug 3, 2012
Yes my tengaged anniversary is the same date as my birthday... Wth!!
So if you post your name I'll write what I think about you and our friendship (or in some cases say that I wish we had one lol)
And I always fully update my blogs (:

lafiercebrittany2 - Wow @ you making me do one of my favorites first. :( Well, we've been able to stay great friends through a lot, but that almost stopped because of me. Yes, I understand that it's such a wonderful thing to say that you have never argued with someone, but no one is the EXACT same person, so perhaps a couple arguments only shows that we have been able to learn a lot about one another, and we have found our differences. However, I have also been able to see so many of the things that makes you an awesome and sweet friend. Of course I love you, you're a best friend of mine and I appreciate so many of the things you have said to me and done for me. Your support really helps! I honestly hope we can stay close for much longer and that we don't have those stupid disagreements anymore. And I AM sorry for all my stupid actions. I'm always here for you Brittany and I enjoy each and every one of our good memories. You'll always be my wiener friend! < 333

sweetheart95 - Mike! I really do like you a lot. We used to be in so many random Skype chats LOL, and it led us to getting to know each other on a first name basis. We have talked so many little tiny times probably, but nothing large. I would love to have a nice conversation with you :P Both of us have sorta been on friendly terms for a while now! And there were even those other times where you were my gay bf :$ You're very kind and I've always seen you being nice to everyone and me. We need to talk more ok, please!

darktyphoon23 - YAY IAN! Haha I will never forget the time we met. It was in the Asians chat and I was so confused to why I was in there, so I deemed that it was because I was caucasian LOL! I'm glad we met in there, you have such a happy and uplifting attitude, and each time we have had a chat it has been fun and I really would like to increase the amount of time we talk!! And I think your username is fine ;D

atrain - From what I remember, we were in a castings together with a lot of other very active people ahaha. It was one of the first games I actually remember! So since I've been here for 2 years that means that we have known each other for a dang long time :) I do, although, wish that we talked at least once in a while! I'd want to learn som emote about you!

BOBROCKS333 - The best tontine 2 secret partner ever! LMFAO, that was so long about xx just a little less then a year now, wow. Ever since then I've got to know you Jacob, and you're always fun to talk with. We aren't in any active Skype groups anymore though and I just don't want to stop talking, so maybe I would be a good idea to talk in pms sometime! We have always been on good terms and I love messing around with you too :P too bad I'm not in bad rumor anymore ;(

nikki101 - When we were closer back in the day, I always enjoyed talking to you on call so much and we were pretty dang good friends. Yeah, things changed a little I guess, but that didn't mean we had to hate each other. I could never dislike a true friend I like many things about like yourself. It was relieving to have someone I could vent so much too without being worried about what you would think. I'm glad we are still on pretty nice terms, and your midnight phone call was very thoughtful of you ^.^ thanks again Nicole. Like I told you on the call, we both have to put the effort into talking more often, if that's what we want, which I do!!!

dzenan00 - Well I'm glad we both found ourself in the same crookies this week!! I've been able to learn a lot more about you and I think you're a very friendly dude. Haha I always thought the sign you made me out of Becca's sign to you was ded funny. I guess I sorta owe your smart ass a gift :O. We have gotta make sure that we can stay in touch after our game, I'd love to have the opportunity to become better friends and get to know you more.

bridgette77 - I think you're pretty nice, but sometimes you put a lot of unneeded weight on my shoulders! I don't want to have to explain why I can't gift you or what not, I want you to just understanddddd. I'm not doing it because I don't want you to have the design or I don't want to lose my T$. Really I just have many goals on here, and I want to be able to do them ASAP. I'm sorry :/. The few times we haven't talked about designs have actually been quite nice and I like everything about your personality. You're silly, caring, and very entertaining xD I will never forget about the time we became close, in an interesting way, with the snap of a finger. I wishhhh you'd stop trying to find ways in which I "dislike" you and just give talking to me a try :P

primetime - I really don't know you :( I don't play a lot of games so that's probably my fault. Feel free to message me any time though or let me know you'd like to talk!! I'd certainly be up for it!

trust - The group call we went on when we first met many months ago will not be something I soon forget, seeing how it was the first call I had been on in FOREVER. Although my echo sucked :X it was good to know you on a first name basis :) Ever since that we have been on good terms, and I'm thankful you don't judge me too harshly for taking things pretty seriously on here, cause there have been a lot of times you've been in the mutual friends with something I didn't get along with. Yet, I wish you freaken responded to the messages I sent on tengaged every now and then, we haven't talked in so long!

amf7410 - We haven't talked in wayyyy too long Andy blahhh. I loved talking about sports with you xD and we had a lot of nice conversations a while ago. I'm sorry those stopped I'm not sure why :L We had our firs encounter in Tontine 2, and then we were both in Turney's charity game too :P Since recently though, we have been dead! We gotta revive that friendship, my fingers are crossed, because I like you man and it sucks not having talked in that long.

castings - Aw Landon =) I must say first how much I appreciate your kindness towards me just for the sake of being kind. You really know how to say the right things to cheer me up, even without knowing it. You've made it known to me that you've wanted to be friends and I feel terrible that I've sorta let you down :/. I PROMISE though that I will try my h harder to talk to you from here on out, cause I do love being able to know some more about you!!

haylee7777 - Love you Haylee!! The things you say truly do mean a lot to hear xoxo, you're extremely sweet and don't let anyone make you think otherwise. I also advise you not to take thing on here too seriously, it just never turns out well. I wouldn't want to see you down because of it :( I'll always be here to talk though, and I'm so glad we have talked on Skype so much more recently!! I'm sorry I'm probably a shit person to talk to :L I get busy a lot, but I'll try to respond better! < 3

chrisw756 - You are SOOO nice to me :) probably one of the nicest persons on here to me. You're such a good guy, so thank you for that. I'm really happy we got to play a crookies together! And we dominated too =) Wahoo!! Sorry I won that game :X. I'm not in the Australian chat anymore do we haven't talked in a while but I miss you bro and I hope we will have a chat again soon ^_^

sirbeastly - I hope it's not just me who feels this way, but I definitely think we have emerged as better friends the past week or so and I'm happy that's happened! I never knew you lived in New Hampshire omg -.- haha. Even though you are wicked rude to me sometimes ;) i know that you mean no harm and you make that known. :) I hope we can continue talking about our favorite thing in the whole world, girls, and everything about that LOL. It's nice having a straight guy to talk to every once in a while.

@hoodieboy7449 - I'm not sure if we have talked or not, I talk to so many different people it's hard to remember :||| Nonetheless, we must have a coversation very soon! I've always seen you as such a nice and chill guy. So please let's message soon!

evil_derrick - Omg, our first game was sooooo long ago, like it was one of my first rookies LOL. I find that we always have these periods of times where we don't talk for a while, then we talk again! ATM, we are in a stretch of not talking since forever ago. I want to talk again with you sometime when we can! I like you :P you're always kind towards me!

i_pulldastrings - Well Ivan, we haven't really ever talked to one another, but I hear about you a lot and you around many times! I'm sorry but I must remind you MOLLY IS ALL MINE xxxxx Gawwwwwd I love her so much. LOL I saw you tried to pretend to be as of you were her the other day, and message me on Skype. Smh don't do that!! Ahaha, jk, we should actually talk sometime!

inkread - I hate you Laura :((((((( idk why you think you can be such a bully to me, CAUSE I TAKE EVERTHING YOU SAY TO ME 100% TO THE DAMN HEART. I don't wanna put up with it anymore tbh, so ttyn. x LOOOL jk, I'm glad you have become much more of a friend and we have talked a lot recently. You're very funny and you listen to all that I have to say so well :) thank you! And thank you for meeting me in a very interesting way - by saying I was a piece of poop based off what you had heard from other people :& Hope we continue talking!

yoshitomi - We don't know each other all that much, but I give you props for your vlog cause that was pretty funny and I think it was awesome! You also always speak your mind with your comments and blogs and that's something I wish I could do. I think we should talk something asap, I would be interested in getting to know you!

torimarie - I hope you don't hold that shitty crookies we were in against me :( I really do think you are a super friendly person and I tried to save you in that game, but unfortunately no one else did :///. We were on a tinychat one time, and then a call with Tony and Amber, but then at the same time we have never really talked that much, so that's something we haveeeee to try and do :)

lemonface - Ew I'll just skip you, you gross trashy bully.

LOL, jk. Becca, you've been a friend of mine for like half a year by now at least, so I would consider you a pretty good friend! I know I'm not the best to talk to but I do try hard haha. You know, I wish we were closer (if you even ever gave me the chance!), when we met we figured out we had a pretty lot in common and I would love to start talking with you more often again, if you always freaken responded to me! :). < 333 Love you and thanks for the times you've been there to sorta give me a lift up and advice, and woot woot go New England!

vh1luvr15 - Tony, I don't know why I'm friends with someone as fake as you :((( When I first met you (you know that time you nommed my threat ass in rookies) like NO ONE knew you (chuckle) now look at you, (dull). We've been on call a few times, including that one really late at night which was fun =D I loveeee talking with you and you'll always be one of truer friends on here! We need to talk more often though, ok!

kaay - I told you a few weeks ago I wanted to get back on the right track with you so I would have something positive to say about you on this blog, and my wish came true! I really want nothing more then to just go back to the friends we were when we first met. You mean a lot to me, and I hate whenever you're feeling down. I loved pretending to cuddle with you, even if it made other people mad! I regret very much some of the absurd things I've done, I always just wanted our friendship to remain the same. You're caring and fun to joke around with and I love you =]
Points: 530 62 comments
Jul 21, 2012
In this interview. Skip to 1:52!
She admitted on feeds late the other night that she was basically fucked up on Xanax at the time, and it's pretty hilarious.
Points: 521 22 comments
Jun 2, 2012
~Here's the game for quick access:

(It's *unofficial* as CLEARLY I'm not noelsarah, but I do miss these blogs so I'm doing it lol)
* Please be super nice and PUT YOUR COLOR LEVEL IN PARENTHESES after your name or just MENTION YOURSELF so I can see what color you are and put you in the right order.  Yay! 

**** Enrollment starts at gold and goes down, so if you're lower than silver level, you probably won't get in.*****
* Remember, if you've been in the past THREE Stars (current and two before that), you can't join this one! (Those starting Stars 183 - May 12th - and after.)

* As always, anonymous or not-so-anonymous tips are welcome (but people who continue to send me BS will be ignored, AS WILL PEOPLE WHO ASK TO BE LISTED EVERY WEEK AND DON'T JOIN! Please be nice and don't waste my time!).


THE LIST SO FAR (as determined by various sources and blogs) :

*1. Frat Star Winner ( spinner554)



OUT  (This means that 16 people of higher level than you have signed up above, and therefore, the game will be full before you get a chance to enroll, for those who don't understand this!):


UNCONFIRMED/MAYBE (let me know if you should be moved to the official list)

Points: 921 33 comments
May 23, 2012
No one.
But the important message is that there is never a correct time to degrade others and pointlessly pick on ANYONE. Stop being such a bigot, and so stubborn. Stop associating being cool and comedic with being acceptable, and stop defending your inaccurate actions by saying "I want to be the biggest asshole I can be on here!" Leave people alone when you know for a fact you're tormenting them and lastly get to know someone first before you decide to mock them and deem them disgusting. It's as simple as that.
Just thank you to my friends, of course my most amazing friend lafiercebrittany2, and to my new friends < 3 I'm a little disappointed in some specific people who did nothing and cared less.

                    - I'm out.
Points: 1528 25 comments