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Posts 63 posts

Hunger Games Story Chapter 4 (Finale) Sep 25, 2018

District 2:
M: Mac Quartz Macda27

District 6:
F: Alicia Mendes Katherinee_

District 7:
M: Alex Herrera flamergamer8
F: Madison Herrera  #flamergamer8

District 8:
M: Dravius Aspen BrainJak
F: Marella "Mae" Ember-Carver xMountain22x

District 10:
F: Tristan Rosemary TR1364

District 12:
F: Amy Wright me2013


“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.”
― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

Setting the scene, Mac has tackled Dravius and they struggle to entangle themselves and kill the other. Same can be said with Tristan and Marella, however Marella is more wide-eyed than anything. Tristan quickly stands and wields her spear defensively as the remaining tributes run up behind her. Marella is pushed by Tristan to move back but Amy tells her that she's with us and the enemy is Mac!

However behind the girls, Alicia fiddles with her knife next to Alex and Madison. As Dravius kicks off Mac and he goes to grab Marella, Alicia swiftly swings her knife, cutting into Alex's throat. Surprised and wide eyed, Alex falls to the ground as his throat bleeds horrendously. Madison screams, only to be silenced as Alicia tackles her and stabs her in the gut. Amy whips around, seeing the carnage. Alicia pulls the knife out, Madison screaming at the top of her lungs and trying to push Alicia off. Alicia raises her arms to end Madison but takes an Axe to the back of the head. Going limp, Alicia falls to the side as Amy looks worriedly over Madison. "I won't survive this... win..." Alicia murmurs.


Mac tackles Marella after being kicked off of Dravius. She squirms trying to get out of his grasp but it is not enough for him to dig a hatchet into her shoulder & chest. She screams, blood flying onto Mac. However arms wrap around Mac, reeling him back and throwing him to the ground. Dravius goes over to Marella, grabbing her hand as a tear stings his eye. "Marella, no!" He yells, seeing the life slowly leave her as she cries in pain and bleeds.

Mac brings up his sword, about to strike Dravius as he wasn't looking but is stopped by the hilt of a spear. Mac turns to have a boot kick him back from Tristan. Tristan lunges forward, going for his torso. Mac swivels out of the way, his balance failing him and the momentum makes him crash down onto Tristan. They tumble on the ground, the spear leaving her grasp as Tristan tries to free herself. Mac wrangles his hand around her throat, picking her up slightly and slamming her against the rocky floor. She gasps, grunting out a noise, fear and panic expressed on her face.

Mac tightens his grip, but leaps back suddenly to miss a swing of an axe. Amy arches back, lunging forward and swings again. Mac dodges late, the axe slicing his forearm open. He yelps, rearing back and holding his arm as it bleeds quickly. Mac holds his sword up defensively as Amy goes in again for another attack. As they duel, Dravius kisses Marella's forehead and he leaves her behind. He grips his sickle as charges at Mac who punched Amy onto the ground. Mac sees this from the corner of his eyes, and he dodges quickly, the swing of the sickle missing him by inches. As Dravius goes to arch back, Mac slices Dravius' shoulder open with his sword. Dravius yells, taking a few steps back to avoid any more damage.

Tristan is next, she dashes forward and jabs him in the side. Mac gasps, swinging down and cutting into Tristan's leg. She also gasps, reeling back and holds her thigh. Mac takes a step back as Amy stands back up, wielding her axe and takes a step toward Mac. Dravius, gaining some courage over his shoulder, holds up his sickle and takes a step towards Mac as Tristan holds up her spear defensively, stalking towards Mac.


A                M


(Approximate spots)

Mac watches them all stride toward him, anger and revenge stricken across their faces. "Listen, we're the last of us in the games. Ganging up on me will not make it better for you all to turn on each other after I die. Either turn now and kill the person next to you, making your chances better, or just turn on each other later and just hurt each other more." Mac spits, looking at them all while bleeding himself.

They all look each other before Amy lunges, swinging her axe downwards. Dravius and Tristan run up, Mac backs up and Tristan throws her spear. Mac ducks, the spear whizzing by and attaching itself to Dravius' abdomen. Tristan gasps, putting a hand to her mouth as Dravius drops. Mac looks over, smiling and laughing. "She knows what's up!" He yells, looking up only to have Amy imbed her axe into his leg. Mac screams, falling back. He starts crawling away as Amy approaches to end the deed. He puts a hand up, but it falls back down as Amy finally lands the final swing to his head.

Amy turns, spying Tristan near the edge of the cliff as she is still in shock. She takes another step, realizing she took too many and deters off the cliff. "Trist-"

But she's gone. Over the edge, falling. Amy can hear her screaming, it getting quieter as she falls more and a loud THUD can be heard. Amy takes a minute to breathe, looking around to see the carnage around her. Up ahead, Alex and Alicia's lifeless bodies lay. Alex's blood pools around his head, same as Alicia. Amy sees Madison, and tears spring to her eyes as the girl stops breathing.

Amy looks to her left, seeing the District 8 tributes a bit away from each other. Sweet Marella did nothing, and was taken from the world. Dravius was a protector, as it was bittersweet to see his accidental death. She then looks behind her and gazes at the dead career. "You caused all of this, you were too dangerous to keep around." She mutters as victory trumpets blare into the arena. "Congratulations, Amy Wright of District 12! You are the winner of the 32nd Hunger Games!" The announcer's voice bellows. Amy falls onto her back as she waits for the end of her time in this arena.

“Let them go, I tell myself. Say good-bye and forget them. I do my best, thinking of them one by one, releasing them like birds from the protective cages inside me, locking the doors against their return.”
― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games


24th: D5 Isaac Achromic #Novamax243
23rd: D2 Emery Quartz #Macda27
22nd: D9 Zamboanga Rift #aria_grande
21st: D6 Josiah Millington #Logie56
20th: D1 May Mateo #pinkiepie512
19th: D12 Red #RedWing91
18th: D11 Melissa Moore #me2013
17th: D1 Luke Rays #pinkiepie512
16th: D11 Hoop Dancer #lhooper902976
15th: D4 Andrea Villania #Katherinee_
14th: D4 Archer Caspen #xMountain22x
13th: D9 Brenda Barowski #MizCrackHead
12th: D3 Angel Arkwright #Symmetry888
11th: D3 Kiersten Southwick #Logie56
10th: D10 Raymos Thompson #TR1364
9th: D5 Melody Saphir #Novamax243
8th: D7 Alex Herrera #flamergamer8
7th: D6 Alicia Mendes #Katherinee_
6th: D8 Marella "Mae" Ember-Carver #xMountain22x
5th: D8 Dravius Aspen #BrainJak
4th: D2 Mac Quartz #Macda27
3rd: D10 Tristan Rosemary #TR1364
2nd: D7 Madison Herrera  #flamergamer8
Winner: D12 Amy Wright #me2013


Thank you all for reading! I hope you all enjoyed the ending & fighting, maybe I will do another. Time will tell!
Points: 60 6 comments
Hunger Games Story Chapter 3 Sep 17, 2018

District 2:
M: Mac Quartz Macda27

District 3:
M: Angel Arkwright Symmetry888
F: Kiersten Southwick Logie56

District 4:
M: Archer Caspen xMountain22x
F: Andrea Villania Katherinee_

District 5:
F: Melody Saphir Novamax243

District 6:
F: Alicia Mendes #Katherinee_

District 7:
M: Alex Herrera flamergamer8
F: Madison Herrera  #flamergamer8

District 8:
M: Dravius Aspen BrainJak
F: Marella "Mae" Ember-Carver #xMountain22x

District 9:
F: Brenda Barowski MizCrackHead

District 10:
M: Raymos Thompson TR1364
F: Tristan Rosemary #TR1364

District 12:
F: Amy Wright me2013


“Stupid people are dangerous.”
― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

On top of the cliff, Brenda, Dravius, Marella, Kiersten, and an unconscious Angel are figuring what to do. The careers, Andrea, Archer, and Mac have spotted them and start rushing up on them. Brenda looks around and sees a steep path going up the mountain that they'll have to climb one ledge at a time. "Up there, quickly!" Brenda starts shoving Dravius and Marella over to the pathway as Kiersten starts dragging Angel slowly. Dravius boosts Marella up, who starts climbing quickly followed by Dravius.

Kiersten struggles to drag Angel to the pathway. The careers are closing in quick, and Brenda is torn. Will she leave D3 behind and they'll more than likely die, or fend the careers off as Kiersten magically carries Angel up the pathway. Brenda turns, seeing Kiersten frantically using all her might to drag him. She turns back to have an arrow whizz past her head and hit Kiersten in the shoulder. She screams, falling down from the pain. Brenda shakes her head, turning and grabbing one of her hatchets. Mac is a few feet away, Archer with his spear staggering behind him and Andrea standing back to shoot more arrows.

Brenda arches back, quickly throwing the hatchet at in the careers direction. Mac ducks, Archer dodges, and Andrea has no time as the hatchet strikes her in the head, knocking her to the ground in defeat. Mac rages, rushing up and taking a strike at Brenda. Brenda unsheathes her axe and blocks the strike, countering by kicking him in the stomach and pushing him away. Archer lunges, thrusting into her torso. She only has enough time to dodge it slightly, the spear raking the side of her body. She bellows, reacting by swinging her axe and slamming it into his head, ending him swiftly.

Mac takes his time to stagger, finding a good time to attack and does it. He swings his sword, connecting with the side Archer hit. This causes Brenda to go down to the ground, shocked of the damage she has taken. Mac ends her by thrusting his sword downwards into her chest. Brenda rasps some breaths, soon coming to a stop. Fighting valiantly, she was able to open a window of time for Kiersten to recuperate and start carrying Angel up the pathway.

Dravius and Marella reach the end of the steepness as the path straightens out and look down to see Kiersten and Angel almost halfway up the ledges. At the bottom, Mac can be seen, a sword drawn and Brenda's axe sheathed onto his backpack. With the arrow, Kiersten is slowly maneuvering up the ledges. "She isn't going to make it.." Marella murmurs, seeing Mac climb up quite faster than Kiersten. Marella turns and starts climbing back down to grab Kiersten. "Kiersten, drop Angel! You have to!" Dravius yells, looking down and trying to offer some help.

Kiersten looks up, "I can't! We made a promise to each other to never-"
Mac's sword pierces through her chest, abruptly stopping her monologue and causing her to lose her grip, sending her and Angel spiraling down the ledges. They both crack against the rock ledges before hitting the clifftop hard.

Mac looks up to see Marella skittering around and scurrying back up. "Y'all fuckers are next, you here me!" He yells, making his way up angrily. Dravius grabs onto Marella, pulling her up and they start running down the path, with an enraged Mac slowly following them.



On the other side of the mountain, Alicia and Raymos can be seen on a cliffside. Alicia turns around, listening at the cannons. "... fuck 5? What the hell is happening..." She turns back around, and before the duo is a gap in the clifftops that they need to cross. The only way to do so is via climbing across and jumping across distant ledges. Alicia sighs, "This shouldn't be.. so hard, right?" She questions, looking at him. He shrugs, testing the first ledge and it cracks a bit. He applies more pressure, and the whole ledge cracks, some of it falling apart and falling into the abyss. "Okay.. very unstable. Does not look so good." Raymos mutters, sighing. "Is there another way around?" He questions looking around for any more pathways.

Suddenly, the mountain starts quaking, rumbling and sending the duo onto the clifftop. "What the hell..." Alicia mutters, looking up to see something horrific.

A humungous chunk of rock from the top of the mountain breaks off, colliding with the mountain and breaking into smaller chunks and dirt. "Oh.. shit. We'll miss the rockslide if we cross this canyon, come on Raymos!" Alicia spits, turning back and jumping onto the first broken ledge. It cracks more, but stays intact. The next ledge is a bit higher, so she leaps up, grabbing the far side on top of the ledge and pulling herself up. She turns back to help Raymos, but sees an ungodly amount of people rushing towards the canyon.

Raymos turns to see Amy, Tristan, Melody, Alex, and Madison barreling towards the canyon as they have the same idea to cross quickly. Raymos gasps, seeing Tristan. "Tristan! Oh my god!" He exclaims, limping up and embracing Tristan. "Oh my god I thought those cannons were you!" Tristan says, backing up and looking up at him. Amy reaches the ledges, looking across while the rest of the pack catches up. "We have to go over now, we are wasting time with catch up time" Alicia says, turning around and hopping onto the next ledge.

Amy is next to go, leaping straight for the second ledge. She grabs onto it, pulling herself shortly and turns back, "Maddie you're next let's go!" She barks, encouraging the others to hurry the fuck up. Madison nods, taking a few steps back and runs, jumping and lands in Amy's arms. Amy pulls her up and tells her to keep going and follow Alicia, who is four ledges ahead. Madison nods, falling down onto the third ledge. Amy then proceeds to help Melody and Tristan next, then allows the boys to go. She helps Alex first, leaving Raymos last. Raymos takes a few steps back, and then goes into a run and jump-

However he is stopped as a large chunk of rock crashes into him, throwing him into the abyss. He screams as he descends into darkness forever. This shock causes Amy to lose her balance and she slips halfway off the ledge. Tristan turns, watching Raymos fall into the abyss. "NOO! RAYMOS!" She screams, tears starting to form in her eyes as she watches her district partner fall into the abyss. "Go, now!!" Alex yells, encouraging Melody and Tristan to go. "Tristan, go! We don't have time!" Melody screeches, catching Tristan's attention. She nods, turning and leaping to the next ledge.

Shortly this continues, tributes jumping from ledge to ledge and carefully watching the rocks falling down. Alicia reaches the second to last ledge, and goes to jump on it but a large boulder drops onto it, breaking it from the wall and only leaving a smaller foothold. Alicia's momentum screws her over, she loses her balance and falls forward. She quickly grabs onto the foothold for dear life, swinging around a bit. Madison reaches her shortly, reaching down and offering her hand. Alicia looks over, reaching and grabbing onto Madison. Madison pulls back, pulling Alicia who grabs onto the ledge and gasps a sigh of relief, thanking Madison.

Madison nods, moving past her, pushing off the ledge and jumping to the end of the canyon, which she rolls onto. She turns around and catches Alicia who follows her lead. A few ledges remain and boulders are still falling onto the tributes. A small rock collides with Tristan's head, she stumbles off the ledge but Melody grabbed her wrist, saving her from a deadly fall. Tristan thanks her, and the two girls get to the next ledge. Tristan jumps to the second to last ledge, and turns back to help Melody. Melody looks at Tristan but hears something and glances up. She screams, putting her arms up as three boulders simultaneously crash into Melody, the momentum pushing her off the ledge as well. "NOO!" Madison screams as Tristan gasps, putting a hand to her mouth. Alex reaches the next ledge and sees Melody in no sight. "Where did she go?!" He screams, turning to get a glimpse of her falling into the darkness. He gasps, turning ang putting a hand to his mouth.

At the same, a boulder grazes over Alex's head and clips the ledge as it falls down. It was enough force to break a wedge of rock off the ledge, but throws Alex a few feet into the air. "ALEX!!" Madison yells as the wedge falls, leaving a small foothold for Alex to land on. He lands one foot on, but loses his balance and falls forward. However Amy grabs his arm, swinging him around to her ledge where he lands halfway onto. Alex breathes heavily as Amy helps him up to his feet. "Follow my lead!" She yells, turning and landing one foot off the foothold and onto the second to last wedge. She turns and waits for Alex, who copies her and makes it to the ledge. "Come on, there is a huge chunk coming!" Tristan yells, pointing up as a chunk of rock barrels towards them. "Same thing, go!" Amy yells, bursting off the ledge, leaping off the foothold, and lands on the other side.

Alex follows in suit, however he lands his foot on the foothold correctly and spins to the left onto the edge of the canyon. Madison and Alicia grab his hand and arm respectively before he can fall into the abyss, the big chunk flies past them with inches to spare. Sighing with relief, Madison and Alicia pull him up onto the clifftop and he collapses to the ground, taking in deep breathes.

Madison follows, sitting down next to him. "Holy shit, these Gamemakers are fuckin' ruthless." She mutters, shaking her head and looks over her brother. Amy looks over Tristan, who pushes her off. "I need to breathe. That was my best friend." She spits, looking at Amy and walking down the path. Amy nods, sighing and turning back and faces Alicia. "District 6, right?" She inquires, putting her hands on her hips. "Yeah. Name's Alicia." Alicia responds, nodding to her and folding her arms. and looking away. Amy examines her before turning and facing the siblings. She walks over to them, and embraces them. "I'm... sorry. About Melody. She was a great ally from what I could see..." She whispers, looking at both of them.

"Yeah.. for the few hours I knew her, she was so nice.. and helpful. We were all the same. We're weak, but loveable characters. We're not going to survive... and when we don't, I hope it's you." Madison whispers, looking up at Amy and smiles. Alex looks up at Amy, sighing and nodding his head. "Ditto." He murmurs, and Amy looks at both of them and nods. "Well I hope it never gets to that point.. at least till the end, okay?-"

Cutting her off and a guttural scream coming from Tristan. Amy turns, taking out her axe as Alicia takes out her knife and start hurrying towards Tristan. Alex and Madison help each other up and start running after the others. Amy and Alicia come to a stop as they gaze upon Tristan on the floor, entangled with a bleeding Marella and a Dravius holding his sickle up defensively, his shoulder slashed and bleeding into his shirt. Alex and Madison run up in time to see Mac come out and tackle Dravius, dangerously close to the edge of the cliff.

“Here's some advice. Stay alive.”
― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games


24th: D5 Isaac Achromic #Novamax243
23rd: D2 Emery Quartz #Macda27
22nd: D9 Zamboanga Rift #aria_grande
21st: D6 Josiah Millington #Logie56
20th: D1 May Mateo #pinkiepie512
19th: D12 Red #RedWing91
18th: D11 Melissa Moore #me2013
17th: D1 Luke Rays #pinkiepie512
16th: D11 Hoop Dancer #lhooper902976
15th: Andrea Villania #Katherinee_
14th: Archer Caspen #xMountain22x
13th: Brenda Barowski #MizCrackHead
12th: Angel Arkwright #Symmetry888
11th: Kiersten Southwick #Logie56
10th: Raymos Thompson #TR1364
9th: Melody Saphir #Novamax243


Thanks for everyone who read through! If you have a favorite moment, favorite tribute, or any other comments, please post! If you are a reader, please PYN and I'll keep tagging you in the future! Thank you all!
Points: 58 6 comments
Hunger Games Story Chapter 2 Sep 16, 2018

District 1:
F: Luke Rays pinkiepie512

District 2:
M: Mac Quartz Macda27

District 3:
M: Angel Arkwright Symmetry888
F: Kiersten Southwick Logie56

District 4:
M: Archer Caspen xMountain22x
F: Andrea Villania Katherinee_

District 5:
F: Melody Saphir Novamax243

District 6:
F: Alicia Mendes #Katherinee_

District 7:
M: Alex Herrera flamergamer8
F: Madison Herrera  #flamergamer8

District 8:
M: Dravius Aspen BrainJak
F: Marella "Mae" Ember-Carver #xMountain22x

District 9:
F: Brenda Barowski MizCrackHead

District 10:
M: Raymos Thompson TR1364
F: Tristan Rosemary #TR1364

District 11:
M: Hoop Dancer lhooper902976
F: Melissa Moore me2013

District 12:
M: Red RedWing91
F: Amy Wright #me2013


“You don’t forget the face of the person who was your last hope.”
― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

As the sun starts setting, Kiersten, Angel, Dravius, and Marella trudge through the forest in search of shelter. Marella is heavily leaning on Dravius, exhaustion riddled on her body. Kiersten turns, looking at the other district head to toe then looks back to Angel. "Angel..." He glances over, shaking his head. They link eyes for awhile before she nods and they both look ahead and keep walking. Dravius looks up at the other 2 and sighs, "Can we stop? I think we're far enough to rest a bit."

D3 looks at each other and nods. "I'm going to look for a dead log," she pulls out her knife and adjusts her bag, "be careful." She looks at Angel, glancing at the other two, then turns to walk into the foliage. Angel turns back to D8 and goes over to them. "You should probably let her sleep. She might have hit the waterbed and got the wind knocked out of her or something." He murmurs, looking at them both before standing and takes a few steps away to look in his bag.

Dravius looks at Marella before they hear a piercing scream erupt through the area. Angel snaps around, "Shit!" He pulls out the hunting knife he has and runs into the foliage where Marella went. Dravius pulls out his sickle, then his other arm holds onto Marella as she slowly gains consciousness. They make their way after them, hearing their screams along with a one Dravius doesn't know. They enter a clearing to find Kiersten and Red from D12 in a tangled battle where Red has his knife close to her throat. Angel tackles Red off of him and the boys roll away. Kiersten scrambles to her feet, picking up her knife but stopping as something catches her eye.

Angel and Red keep rolling in a scrabble, using their knives to try and kill each other. Angel gets a headbutt and pushes him over, Angel raises his knife-
"ANGEL!" Angel turns to see Kiersten pointing behind him. He turns, to see a sudden thick, gray fog roll into the clearing. Angel looks down at Red who is trying to skirm out of his grasp. Angel uses his knife and slits the back of Red's thigh, who in return screams and uses his sudden strength to push Angel off of him and towards the fog as it inches closer. Dravius watches as Kiersten sprints over to Angel, helping him up as the fog lightly dances at them.

Suddenly the D3 tributes scream at the top of their lungs as scurry away from the fog, their skin turned a blotchy pink and purple along with some bubbles. "POISON FOG, AGH RUN!" Angel yells, pulling Kiersten away and out of the side of the clearing. Dravius' eyes go wide as he realizes it is a Gamemaker trap. He quickly picks up Marella so he carries her and runs out of the clearing as Red screams in pain as the fog surrounds him.


Coming to a stop after hearing some screams, Amy, Tristan, Hoop, and Melissa come to a stop on the trail. They look around as the screams get a bit louder and they can hear footsteps. "What the fuck.." Hoop whispers. "There, look!" Tristan says, pointing at the trail that starts going up a hill. At the top, Melody and the D7 tributes are seen running on the trail. Hoop and Tristan holds up their weapons but Amy backs them down. "Stop, they are aligned with us." She looks at them, turning back to the trail and seeing the trio stop, looking around and exhausted. She frowns, going to call out to them but a fireball erupts out of of the treeline and explodes in front of the trio.

They fall back, rolling down the hill as fireballs start exploding into trees around them. The quad at the bottom starts backing up, "Oh, shieeet..." Melissa murmurs, turning around only to be met by a fireball exploding a few feet behind them. The group is thrown to the ground, the cracking sounds of the explosion echoing through the forest. "Up to your feet, run off the trail!" Amy orders, getting to her feet and helping Tristan up. Hoop helps Melissa up and they run into the foliage. Tristan goes to run but Amy doesn't follow. She looks back, "I'm going to help them. Just hurry forward and make a path for us!" Amy shouts, nodding to her and running towards the trio who are now getting back up.

Tristan nods, cutting the foliage a bit with her spear as Amy runs over to Melody, Alex, and Madison. Madison looks up to see Amy, "Amy!" Amy helps her up, "Go, now! We have to run!" She shouts, pulling her down to dodge a fireball and pushing her along. Alex helps Melody up as Tristan is yelling for them to follow her, disappearing into the foliage path.

Melody, Madison, and Alex, with the ushering of Amy, run into the foliage and dodge another fireball that collides with a tree next to them.


Untying herself from the tree, Alicia looks around before attempting to get out of the tree. However, she is stopped as she hears a crackling sound and distant screams. "Oh jesus, what are these fucks getting themselves into..." She scolds, shaking her head as she starts climbing higher and looks out of the tree.

On one side of the arena, Alicia sees the forest encased in fire.

On the other side, she sees a menacing fog embracing the forest.

Alicia frowns, turning and seeing it spreading and leading towards a large mountain closer to Alicia. "They're moving us towards the mountain... trying to speed these games up, huh?" She says, sighing and getting down from the tree. She goes over and loots from May, taking some throwing knives and her backpack filled with supplies. "Great, glad she had everything on her." Alicia laughs before turning and facing Raymos. She grips her knife, walking over to him. She has it towards his neck, about to slice but she stops herself. She stands there for a second before sighing. She puts it away and starts shaking the boy awake. He stirs awake, looking at Alicia in sorrow. "I'll forget you almost getting me killed for now.. come on the Gamemakers are making us gather at the mountain north of here.. let's go."

Alicia helps him to his feet and offers a shoulder to lean on. He nods, taking it and the duo start slowly making their way to the mountain.


Approaching a cliff, Hoop and Melissa look up at the top. "Do we have to climb?!" She says, looking around and seeing no other way to get to the top. Out of the foliage behind them, Tristan, Melody, Madison, Alex, and Amy make their way over. "Well, what now?" Melissa inquires, exchanging glances from everyone.

"You die!" shouts a voice, and out of no where an arrow flies through the air, piercing through Melissa's eye and out the back of her head. "NO!" Hoop yells, catching Melissa as she falls to the ground, gathering her last few breaths. Out of the foliage comes the careers, Luke, Mac, Archer, and Andrea, who wields the bow and smiles. They hold their weapons with pride as they stalk towards the group. Tristan holds her spear defensively in front of Hoop and Melissa, and Amy wields her axe and stands in front of Melody, Alex, and Madison, who hold their weapons that do not have as much gusto as what the careers wield.

"Oh look, the siblings from 7 and the girl from 5. How does it feel now knowing that your little friend was the first to go at the bloodbath?" Andrea inquires, smiling and grabs another arrow from her quiver. Melody frowns, and Mac laughs. "Oh yes, that boy from 8 tries to hit me but hit him instead. Boohoo, well at least you can go meet him soon!" Mac smiles, stepping forward with his sword as Luke, with his mace, and Archer, with his spear, close in as well as Andrea stands in the back aiming an arrow towards Amy and her group. Seemingly overpowered, Amy and her group backs up as Tristan is forced to hold her ground as Hoop won't move.

Archer and Luke advance on Tristan, Luke missing a swing from his mace and Tristan and Archer's spears collide. "Hoop! Help!" She bellows, taking a leap back as Archer lunges with his spear and misses she girl's abdomen by a few inches. Hoop looks up as Luke starts stalking towards him with his mace. He grabs his knife, backing up and hitting the cliff wall as Luke closes in. Luke arches back, swinging his Mace towards Hoop's head. In that slight wind of time, Hoop ducks and moves away as Luke's mace embeds itself into the cliff wall. Luke goes to pull it out but it is stuck in the wall. His eyes widen as he goes to turn around but is in return tackled by Hoop who starts stabbing him with the knife.

On the other side, Amy is sparring with Mac as they trade swings respectively. Melody, Madison, and Alex, want to help but Andrea threatens them by shooting an arrow that sticks to the wall, creating a "wall" separating them and Amy/Mac. However, seemingly distracted by Luke's screams, Andrea turns to see Hoop slipping his knife into Luke's side. She swiftly turns, aiming an arrow at Hoop. Seeing this as her time, Melody grabs her throwing knives and starts pelting them at Andrea. The first one snags Andrea in the side. Gasping, Andrea turns and lets an arrow fly as Melody throws another, hitting her in the shoulder. The arrow flies, narrowly missing Melody and hits the wall above Madison.

Andrea falls onto her butt in shocker as Tristan and Archer start scrapping each other with their spears, getting some slices here and there on each other. Mac turns, seeing his careers getting picked off. In this split second, Amy charges, but Mac counters by kicking her to the ground. "Careers, back off! We're outnumbered!" He yells, and runs over and helps Andrea. Archer turns, but to his mistake Tristan jabs him in the thigh. He whips around, screaming and slicing his spear at random, cutting into Tristan's forearm. She squeals, dropping the spear and holding her gash. Archer takes this and starts running away with Mac and Andrea and they disappear.

Hoop stands, blood clinging to his clothes as Luke's stabbed body goes limp. Melody goes over and helps Amy up, who in return thanks her and looks around. "We traded, 1 for 1. It is worth it..." She says, shaking her head and looking at the cliff. "Worth it, worth it?!" Hoop bellows, marching up to Amy. "What do you mean, worth it?! Melissa died because of them! And you act like she was a pawn in a game!" Hoop holds up his knife defensively but before anything else can happen, a spear pierces through Hoop's back and his eyes widen. Some blood flies and his Amy, who backs up a bit as Hoop falls to the ground, dead. Behind him, Tristan stands a few feet away, getting out of a throwing stance.\

Tristan quietly walks over as everyone looks at each other and she takes the spear out of Hoop. "He was going to start swinging... we don't need anything like that." She murmurs, shaking her head and holding her arm. Alex looks over, grabbing some medical supplies from his bag and goes over to Tristan and helps bandage her up. "So, do we start climbing? I don't think that fire has stopped" Madison says, pointing into the forest, which the tributes can see a faint bright color and smoke rising from the trees. "Okay, will most likely just have to climb... let's go. It's just like a climbing wall." Amy tries, looking at the group before walking over to the wall and starts climbing.


On the other side of the mountain, Kiersten, Angel, Dravius, and Marella make their way towards the mountain. They arrive at a cliff, taking a breather and resting. "Jesus, that fuckin' burned like hell!" Angel whisper-shouts, slamming a fist against the cliffside. Kiersten goes to comfort him as Marella starts waking up. "W-Wha?" She says, looking around as Dravius sets her down. "Hey, wake up we have to start climbing..." Dravius says, nodding to her and walks to the wall. "This is going to be a climb, are you guys prepared for this?" Dravius says, turning and looking at the D3 tributes. They look at each other and shake their heads. "...okay, well it's just like a climbing wall, if you've ever seen one. One hand and one foot at a time." Marella walks up as Dravius starts climbing.

Marella turns, only to see the fog slipping out of the foliage. "H-hey Dravius, what's that?" She points to the fog, and Kiersten and Angel gasp and start panicking. "Go, go! Start climbing now!" Dravius yells, now climbing faster to get away from the fog. Marella, frightened, turns around and starts climbing quickly. The fog slowly comes towards the wall where they were. Dravius starts to reach the top, and when he is a few feet away, a body comes over, scaring the shit out of Marella who almost loses her footing.

Leaning over is Brenda, who is offering a hand towards Dravius. "Grab my hand, we need to help the others!" She exclaims, reaching down. Dravius looks up, then nods, grabbing the hand and is helped up by Brenda. Reaching the top, Dravius reaches down and goes to help Marella. Brenda hurries over to where Kiersten and Angel are, who are definitely struggling to even climb the wall. Brenda shakes her head, turning to Dravius and Marella, who is now over the cliff. "They aren't going to make it! The fog is going to get them!" She yells, looking down to see a now frightened and scared Kiersten and Angel, who are now trying to go faster up the cliff.

Marella opens her bag and pulls out some rope. "We'll have to pull them up, come on!" Marella hurries over, unspooling the rope and looks over the edge. Brenda and Dravius grab their end as Marella tosses the rope down. "We're going to have to pull you guys up one at a time, the other will just have to climb after really fast!" Marella yells as Angel grabs the rope. Kiersten, right beside up, looks down to see the fog build up at the bottom and starts making its way up the cliffside. She then turns back up and pleads with him to let her go first, as they both know Angel is faster climbing. He sighs, tying the rope around her. "She's ready, pull NOW!" He yells, leaving Kiersten in her spot and starts climbing again. Dravius and Brenda start pulling, in time Kiersten passes Angel and they exchange nervous glances as she and the fog get higher and Angel is still has a bit to climb. The fog floats delicately, inching itself towards Angel.

Marella reaches down as Kiersten gets higher, in which then Kiersten grabs her hand and is pulled to the top. "Hurry, get him!!" She screams, untying herself and throwing the rope over. The group hears a scream, and they look down to see the fog wrapping itself around Angel's legs. "ANGEL GRAB THE ROPE!!" Kiersten screams rather loudly, tears starting to form in her eyes. Angel looks up as the fog starts encasing his waist. He grabs onto the rope, and the tributes at the top start pulling wildly. After a few seconds, Angel's head pops up at the top. Kiersten and Marella grab onto him, pulling him up and out of the fog. The fog gets to the top, then recedes back down menacingly.

Looking at Angel, his legs are purple and his clothes have gaping holes in them. He has passed out from the excruciating pain. Kiersten starts freaking out, screaming at Angel to wake up. He keeps breathing, letting Kiersten and the group know he is alive for now. Brenda stands, looking away. Dravius looks at her. "What now?" She looks back at him and shrugs. "We should probably keep going to avoid them" She points, and the group looks over to see Andrea, Archer, and Mac walking at the top of the cliff, looking around.

“You here to finish me off, Sweetheart?”
― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games


24th: D5 Isaac Achromic #Novamax243
23rd: D2 Emery Quartz #Macda27
22nd: D9 Zamboanga Rift #aria_grande
21st: D6 Josiah Millington #Logie56
20th: D1 May Mateo #pinkiepie512
19th: D12 Red #RedWing91
18th: D11 Melissa Moore #me2013
17th: D1 Luke Rays #pinkiepie512
16th: D11 Hoop Dancer #lhooper902976


Thanks for everyone who read through! If you have a favorite moment, favorite tribute, or any other comments, please post! If you are a reader, please PYN and I'll keep tagging you in the future! Thank you all!
Points: 65 7 comments
Hunger Games Story Chapter 1 Sep 9, 2018
(Warning: Long but hopefully interesting story!)


District 1:
M: May Mateo pinkiepie512
F: Luke Rays #pinkiepie512

District 2:
M: Mac Quartz Macda27
F: Emery Quartz #Macda27

District 3:
M: Angel Arkwright Symmetry888
F: Kiersten Southwick Logie56

District 4:
M: Archer Caspen xMountain22x
F: Andrea Villania Katherinee_

District 5:
M: Isaac Achromic Novamax243
F: Melody Saphir #Novamax243

District 6:
M: Josiah Millington #Logie56
F: Alicia Mendes #Katherinee_

District 7:
M: Alex Herrera flamergamer8
F: Madison Herrera  #flamergamer8

District 8:
M: Dravius Aspen BrainJak
F: Marella "Mae" Ember-Carver #xMountain22x

District 9:
M: Zamboanga Rift aria_grande
F: Brenda Barowski MizCrackHead

District 10:
M: Raymos Thompson TR1364
F: Tristan Rosemary #TR1364

District 11:
M: Hoop Dancer lhooper902976
F: Melissa Moore me2013

District 12:
M: Red RedWing91
F: Amy Wright #me2013

“Kind people have a way of working their way inside me and rooting there.”
― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

*Scene zooms in on a boy and girl hugging each other in a fancy looking room.*

The girl sniffs, rubbing her nose and breaking away from the boy. "Maddie... what do we do?" The boy nervously says, trying to look in her eyes for help. The girl scuffles out of his grip and takes a few steps away, turning away from him. "I...I don't know, okay. Out of about a thousand kids, we get chosen?" she turns to face him now, "Are you fucking kidding me? What are the odds!"
"In your favor, that's what." Comes a voice from a tall woman who enters the room. "Nye we don't need this right now..." The boy murmurs, looking up at her with a tear in his eye. Nye looks at them, walking up and slapping the boy. "Alex, pull yourself together, you too Madison!" Nye booms, looking at them and shaking her head. "District 7 hasn't won in years and I'm sick of it. You two are winning, okay?... one of you at least." She looks at both of them, scolding and walking out. Madison and Alex look at each other and sigh.


Later that day, all tributes are reported to the training room.

The tributes can be seen practicing.


Melissa enters her pod, letting out a deep breath before turning to her Stylist, Filpin. She nods, smiling to him and thanking him. "It was, well, my pleasure.. my bets are on you." He says, crossing his hands and smiles back. Melissa's pod starts moving up, and she takes nervous glances towards Filpin as she moves up and he goes out of sight.

The pod goes dark, moving up slowly and the mechanical noise hums. Melissa steadies herself as light start leaking into the pod and envelops it.


All the tributes feel a cool mid-morning breeze as the pods finally rise to their extent, revealing the lush forestry overgrowth behind the tributes.

"Happy Hunger Games... and may the odds be in your favor."

A loud noise erupts, and the tributes bolt off their pedestals.

On her heels, Tristan sprints into the cornucopia and hides behind a few crates. Next to her she spots a bag and snatches it quickly. She spies over and sees a sickle and grabs that as well.

Melissa quickly grabs a bag not too far from her but slams into Andrea as she went for the same bag. Melissa grabs hold of the handle while Andrea tugs on one of the straps. They have a struggle until Melissa's district partner Hoop powerkicks Andrea stumbling. He then swings the bag he grabbed and connects with her head, knocking her to the ground. Hoop turns, grabbing onto Melissa and pulling her out of the corn, but first stopping and grabbing a hunting knife and a flask.

While this happens, Angel is on the outskirts of the corn grabbing two bags and filling them with stuff around his pedestal, soon running into the forest. Archer simply skims the fray, grabbing a bag and a knife while everyone else scrams around.

Josiah and Raymos both knock into each other, dropping their supplies but too scared to pick them up in front of each other. They both bolt into the forest after picking up something small.

Alicia and Luke pool together some supplies, however behind her back Luke pushes Alicia, grabbing some of her stuff and running into the forest.

Melody is seen grabbing a set of knives and a spear and books it to the forest. Grabbing their own weapons, Madison follows her along with Alex who only picked up a bag.

Kiersten and Mae have the same outcome as Raymos and Josiah, fighting over some supplies and running into the forest.

Brenda, Dravius, and Emery are grabbing weapons. Brenda grabs an axe, hatchets, and a bag and runs. Dravius is at the mouth of the corn grabbing a trident and a sickle. However he is jumped by Mac and May, who have a mace and sword respectively. Dravius rolls over to dodge a swing from Mac, but is slashed on his forearm by May. He gets to his feet, throwing his trident swiftly. May and Mac duck, the trident whizzing past Mac and planting itself into Isaac's chest. Isaac has his axe up in the air ready to swing down on Mac, but will never live to finish the deed. Isaac falls onto his back, dying shortly.

Dravius' eyes widen and he quickly turns on his heels and books it. May nods to Mac and runs after him.

Emery grabs a bow, seeing her targets, Red, Andrea, and Zamboanga running around scavenging for supplies. Red is closest and she aims but is cut off by Amy swinging an axe through the arrow, breaking it and stopping Emery. Emery, out of shock, goes to grab her knife she picked up but is swiftly ended by a swing to the throat by Amy. Mac runs around the corn to see Emery on the ground, slowly dying out and Amy stands beside her. Enraged, Mac starts running and prepares to attack Amy. However, Tristan kicks a crate and it collides against Mac's side, knocking him down and causing him to lose his breath. Amy looks to Tristan, nodding to her and telling her to run. Tristan nods and the two exit the corn and run to the forest.

Mac gets up, watching the girls escape and and kicks the crate. He picks up a spear, spotting the three straggles still scoping the cornucopia for supplies. He takes a stance and throws the spear. It flies through the air and impales Zamboanga through the back. He falls to his knees as Andrea and Red escape the cornucopia.

As Mac turns to check on Emery, Alicia gets up, grabbing the last bag, a medkit, a knife, and books it to the forest. Mac turns to see her running away, shaking his head and turns back to Emery. She slowly goes limp, closing her eyes and turns away. Mac starts crying, hitting the crate next to him. Soon, Archer, May, Luke, Andrea, and Raymos come back to the cornucopia and huddle around Mac. Mac looks up at them, nodding to them. "Well... this is the Career pack... hopefully we can avoid shit like this." He nods to Emery, standing up and taking a few steps away to breath. The group looks at each other, nodding along and hold their weapons close.


Stopping in a tunnel, Melody, Madison, and Alex take time to rest and catch their breath. "So, ... is this it?" Melody whispers in between ragged breaths. "No, we also have District 3 and 8. I didn't get a good look but I think I saw Angel and Kiersten running south along with the District 8 girl." Alex says, wiping some sweat off of himself and looks around. "I hope Isaac got out... we need to find him as well." Madison nods, however suddenly the group can hear some footsteps closing in. "Shit, get down!" Alex whispers, ducking down and hiding in the brush tunnel.

Brenda runs off the path and stops a few feet in the tunnel, only a few steps between herself and the hiding girls. She sighs, catching her breath and fastening her weapons onto her belt. She checks her bag, opening it up to see she got an apple, half a loaf of bread, and a flask. "Perfect, holy shit it isn't shit like every year." She says, closing her eyes and thanking the Gamemakers. She takes a swig of the water and then puts everything back in the bag. Madison tries to hold in her breaths, scared out of her mind. Brenda hears this, unsheathing her axe and looks around. "Alright who the hell is here? I'm not playing no games!"

Brenda swings her axe into the tunnel, about a foot above Madison. Melody and Alex jump out, waving their hands to stop. "Stop, stop!!" Alex says, catching Brenda's attention and she moves away from Madison. Seeing her time, Madison bursts out from the foliage and misses a strike from Brenda. "What the-" Brenda says, taking a few steps back as Madison falls into Alex's arms. "... Oh. The siblings from 7, and the girl from 5. You all together...?" She points her axe at them, taking a step back. Melody looks at the others and nods. "Yes.. we mean no h-"
"DUCK!" Brenda yells, arching back and throwing her axe at the trio. They duck, turning around to see the axe sinking itself into Josiah's upper torso. The momentum pushes him onto the ground, his knife falling to the ground as he takes his last breaths. Brenda looks at the group, hurrying over and removing the axe from his body. She looks back at the group, "You owe me." She hears some commotion and starts running away.

The trio look at each other and suddenly hear the boom of a cannon, followed by 3 more. "Only 4 died? Jesus this game is going to be long..." Melody murmurs. They start hurrying down the tunnel and down a path.


Amy and Tristan are seen running down a path, cutting through tree lines and brush. They can hear other running but don't know if it is the careers or not. Tristan close behind Amy as they trudge through the overgrowth. They see a slope and start running towards it, but are accidentally ran over by Hoop and Melissa who are running in the same direction. They collide, disorientated and their momentum throws them down the slope. They tumble down, losing some supplies as their flail down the hill. After a few seconds the quad drop onto a path below.

Hoop is the first one up, grabbing the hunting knife and helps Melissa to her feet. Amy and Tristan stand, Tristan holding her spear and Amy holding her axe. They have a stand off and look at each other before Amy lowers her axe. She puts a hand on Tristan, who looks at her and lowers her spear. Hoop and Melissa look at each other and back at the girls. "So... I call this an alliance?" Melissa inquires, holding her bag close and stands behind Hoop. "I think so too. Those careers are dangerous and we shouldn't fight each other and do their dirty work to get them closer to the end and to overpower us." Amy says, looking at them both.

Hoop nods, looking at Melissa and holds his hand out to her. Amy looks at it, and shakes his hand. The group nods to each other before Tristan looks around, "We should either keep moving or find someplace safe. We weren't loud tumbling down that hill." The group nods, continuing to hurry down the path they've found themselves on.


At a stream, Marella is tending to Dravius' wound. She runs it under the running water and Dravius holds in his grunts. She uses the medkit she grabbed and stitches Dravius up, proceeding to wrap the slash soon after. "You need to be careful. These careers will probably target us sooner or later." Marella whispers, looking at him then back down at the bandaging. Dravius looks up at her, thinking to himself then nods. He surprises her by hugging her, thanking her. She pulls back, smiling. "It's what district partners do."

Suddenly, Angel jumps down from the top of the steam bank and tries to catch his breath. "What's wr-" Marella goes to say before she is cut off by Kiersten's scream as she tumbles off the bank and falling into the stream. "RUN, CAREERS!" She yells, stumbling to her feet and running onto the other side of the stream and into the woods. Angel grabs his stuff he left there and follows after her. Dravius and Marella look at each other before they get up and run after District 3. After they enter the foliage, Mac, Andrea, and Archer scan the area as the rest of the pack, May, Luke, and Raymos follow up. "The girl yelled at someone, there was more people here. They just entered that way!" Andrea yells, pointing in the direction of where Dravius and Marella ran into. The group nods, jumping or running through the stream and into the foliage in pursuit.


Drinking from a river, Alicia breaths a few sighs of relief as she finally thinks she is alone. However, a loud sound of footsteps and screaming is heard. Alicia puts the contents of her bag, a flash, rope, and crackers, back in and straps the medkit to the bag. She trudges through the river, using her knife to help climb up a tall tree. When she gets to a stable branch that hides her well, she looks over to the other side of the river, seeing Kiersten and Angel run into the clearing and towards the water. She squints, seeing them talk to each other frantically. Their heads swivel to the treeline they ran out of, and soon the duo run down the riverside.

Alicia raises a brow, knowing where they are going. Some brush movement and she turns back to the treeline and sees Marella and Dravius, looking around wildly. Alicia looks into the trees after hearing the sounds of excited screaming coming from the Career pack. "Oh shit... HEY! OVER HERE! RUN DOWN THE RIVERSIDE!" She yells, coming out of her hiding spot and pointing to where the D3 tributes ran. Marella and Dravius nod at Alicia and start sprinting down the riverside.

Out of the treeline bursts the Careers, Mac, Andrea, and Archer out in front. Mac points out the D8 tributes but Archer points to Alicia in the tree, who is now scrambling down. As the last 3 of the pack run out, Mac yells for them to kill Alicia on the other side of the river. Raymos, Luke, and May nod, starting to trudge into the water as Alicia jumps down and runs deeper into the forest. Mac, Andrea, and Archer then start running down the riverside.

Marella and Dravius are scrambling down the riverside. "Why did she tell us to come this way?!" Marella yells, running for her life alongside Dravius. "I don't know, but look!" He points to the District 3 tributes, Kiersten and Angel, look at each other, holding hand and jumping off what looks like to be a cliff. "NO!" Dravius yells, hurrying over to the cliff side. They come to a stop and look over to see the duo fall into the water below. "We're at a waterfall!" Marella shouts, pointing to the river water going over the cliff. Dravius turns to see the split Careers closing in on them. Andrea starts slowing down as she unsheathes Emery's bow. Archer and Mac move away and Andrea starts lining up a shot. "Now or never!" Andrea fires the arrow as Dravius grabs Marella's hand and pulls her over the cliff.

They float their way down, the wind brushing their bodies as they drop two hundred feet, crashing into the water below. Dravius loses his breath, coming up for air immediately. He looks around, looking for Marella. Kiersten and Angel are at shore and are telling them to hurry! Dravius looks at the top of the waterfall to see Archer and Mac look down and soon to be Andrea. Andrea grabs another arrow and starts lining up another shot towards him. "Sh-Shit! Marella!!" He yells, diving under to avoid Andrea's arrow. Marella, however, soon breaches, frantically looking around. She looks up to see Andrea aiming straight for her. She screams, diving back down as Andrea fires. It hits the water, but seemingly missed. Andrea goes for another but Mac stops her.

Dravius breaches, quickly swimming towards Kiersten and Angel. He quickly gets to shore and looks back. "MARELLA!" He screams, scanning the water. Angel grabs his arm and tells him they have to go, Andrea shot at Marella as she dived down she might have been hit. Dravius shakes his head, breaking away from his grasp and looks back to the water. Angel looks at Kiersten, then proceed to rush into the forest. After a few seconds, Marella finally breaks the surface, swimming over to shore. "Now!" Dravius hears Mac yell, and an arrow flies through the air narrowly missing Marella. "Hurry!!" Dravius yells, deciding to get into the water and drag Marella out. Andrea shoots another but it chips Dravius' shoulder, cutting it. He finally pulls Marella out of the water and into the forest.

Andrea lowers the bow. "Fuckin' hell..." Archer pats her on the back saying she did great, just need some practice. Andrea nods to him and they turn to Mac. "Do we follow?" Andrea says, and Mac shakes his head. "It's starting to get dark, and the other idiots haven't killed the girl yet." Mac says, shaking his head and starts running back up the riverside. Andrea and Archer look at each other before following.

Out of the shadows at the bottom of the waterfall, Red looks at where D3 and D8 ran into. He slowly creeps and follows them.


Alicia is quickly running through the trees, avoiding fallen trees and brush. She glances behind her to see the three careers chasing after her. They are far behind but are gaining ground. Alicia frantically looks around to see where else she could go. She pulls out her knife and takes a right into some foliage, disguising herself for a moment. She quickly shimmies up a tall tree, using her knife to propel her up faster. Luke, May, and Raymos finally catch up after a few minutes and looks around. "The fuck did that little snitch go?" Luke yells, trying to catch his breath in the process. May scans the ground and sees a boot imprint going towards the foliage. "There!" She exclaims, running through and looking around.

Luke follows her in, however Raymos looks above and sees her in the tree. Alicia locks eyes with him and shakes her head crazily. Raymos gulps, gripping his spear as he looks up at her. Luke quickly walks out, "What the hell are you doing standing there, we have to-" He frowns, and follows his gaze to the treetop. He gasps, "May, she's in the tree!" He yells, looking back at Raymos and nodding. Luke rushes back into the foliage and towards the tree. Alicia shakes her head, a tear falling down. Down below May and Luke start ascending the tree. Alicia looks down, then back to her bag. She pulls out the rope, tying it around her torso and then fastening it to the branch. May is climbing faster than Luke as he is a few feet below her.

Seeing this as her opportunity, Alicia grabs her knife and jumps, landing on May's back. May, straight up confused and now quickly concerned, starts swinging her knife behind her. However, Alicia quickly stabs May's hand that is holding onto the tree. She screams, letting go, losing her balance and falling down to the ground. A tree stump awaits her down below, her body falling on it and breaking her back. Luke looks back, gasping and jumps down. "May, MAY!" He starts shaking her but she lets out some breaths and is gone. Raymos enters the scene and gasps, "We have.. to go. We'll get her another time." He says, looking down. Luke grabs his sword and swings, cutting into Raymos' knee. "You did nothing to prevent this, or to help! You are nothing!" Luke proceeds to punch him, knocking him down and runs away.

May's cannon soon bellows as night starts ascending quick. Raymos looks up at the tree to see Alicia hanging from the rope. She gives him a glare before swinging over to a branch and climbing back up. Due to the shock, Raymos quietly goes unconscious.

“Destroying things is much easier than making them.”
― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games


24th: D5 Isaac Achromic #Novamax243
23rd: D2 Emery Quartz #Macda27
22nd: D9 Zamboanga Rift #aria_grande
21st: D6 Josiah Millington #Logie56
20th: D1 May Mateo #pinkiepie512


Thanks for everyone who read through! I spent awhile writing all of this, I was so eager to start! I just want to apologize to the deceased, decides the events that unfolded (who grabbed weapons, who grabbed supplies, who started fights, etc.).

If you have a favorite moment, favorite tribute, or any other comments, please post! If you are a reader, please PYN and I'll keep tagging you in the future! Thank you all!
Points: 29 6 comments
doing a Hunger Games story blog Sep 8, 2018
pyn a character name, gender, & district !! I'll all events and shit. You can apply up to 2 characters.

District 1:

M: May Mateo pinkiepie512
F: Luke Rays #pinkiepie512

District 2:

M: Mac Quartz Macda27
F: Emery Quartz #Macda27

District 3:

M: Angel Arkwright Symmetry888
F: Kiersten Southwick Logie56

District 4:

M: Archer Caspen xMountain22x
F: Andrea Villania Katherinee_

District 5:

M: Isaac Achromic Novamax243
F: Melody Saphir #Novamax243

District 6:

M: Josiah Millington #Logie56
F: Alicia Mendes #Katherinee_

District 7:

M: Alex Herrera flamergamer8
F: Madison Herrera  #flamergamer8

District 8:

M: Dravius Aspen BrainJak
F: Marella "Mae" Ember-Carver #xMountain22x

District 9:

M: Zamboanga Rift aria_grande
F: Brenda Barowski MizCrackHead

District 10:

M: Raymos Thompson TR1364
F: Tristan Rosemary #TR1364

District 11:

M: Hoop Dancer lhooper902976
F: Melissa Moore me2013

District 12:

M: Red RedWing91
F: Amy Wright #me2013
Points: 29 21 comments
Happy Birthday to me! Jul 25, 2018
Officially an adult now, yay!

I just wanted to birthday appreciation blog to the people who have influenced me for the last, well, 6 years I've been playing games online.

One day 10 years ago, I watched my brother play ROBLOX for the very first time. As an impressionable 8 year old, I pushed him out of the chair, made my own account, and stayed playing. 4 years later at 12 years old, I saw a commercial or whatever about Big Brother. I had absolutely NO clue what it was. So, I looked up Big Brother on ROBLOX and joined a long term that was being hosted that night. For anyone who knows her, it was CamilleSims' Big Brother and I witnessed DaniDirectioner get evicted that night. After watching I was... hooked. I started joining short terms, joining groups, and eventually played my first long term and got 9th and won 1 HOH and a POV when I knew absolutely nothing about the show LMAO

Anywho, throughout this time I met my first group of friends. Our group name went back and forth, our most popular being the Relevants. We even have a chart over the years of people who have joined & left, not sure who has that picture but it is honestly cool. Anywho, I just want to give a special shout out to these people because after 6 years they have been, even though we've argued and talked shit about each other so much, some of the very best friends you can have. Currently, the chat has split so everyone has gone their path with each other or not. Still, love these guys & gals!


Sharilyn, Chantal, Marie, Brave, Brad, Tanner, and anyone else who was there I also couldn't remember off the top of my head.

I hope you all are doing great... Ethan and Ian gettin' into college and doin' academic shit, Alex being an adult and being a bad ass bitch per usual, Jordan gettin college, watching MasterChef and how Jamie was robbed, and being in RP groups with me, the other Alex enjoying choir and having his Survivor obsession, Johnny enjoying college and his friends with his crazy hair, Absol, Ribbons, Chantal, and Sharilyn all enjoying each other's time playing games almost every day... dang it's been fun yall. I'll be starting at MSU in the fall so it might be a farewell for good next month! ;(

I would also like to give a shout out to the people I have also met that are amazing friends too.

iYBF Anthony you fucking smelly, disgusting, bitch ass rodent. Ily bitch, I ain't never gonna stop lovin' you, bitch.

Zircon Brody! Girl it was so great getting to meet you. From being dated to Plastic prom or whatever it was called to trying to be a final 2 every single game we've been in together, you have been an amazing friend. I hope you are doing great irl and I hope you are kicking the other Plastic's butts in games.

Quash Puakai Masonx bitches. I am really glad to have met you guys as well. Thank you for being amazing allies & friends. Yall were the best!

And now finally I would like to thank my roleplaying community. I want to first thank Kenu67 for letting me be in my first RP and getting hooked. Kenzie, you are an AMAZING story teller & comedian. Seriously, you should document and publish the Dark Days stories. They are a best seller waiting to happen.

Symmetry888 @Logie54 RyanAndrews Finnick Oswordo3 thank you 5 for being my first friends in this community. Your ever loving support for everyone is genuinely amazing. You guys are SOOO creative and astonishing. You all should write your own books too! Love you guys!!!

TL;DR: The friends I made here are amazing and I treasure the years and memories we had with each other! Thank you all for being the best online friends a guy could ask for. Love to all of you!

I just want to close this by saying thank you TENGAGED for everything these past 5-6 years I've been here. I've been on 2 accounts, my other one was banned because of Alexavon for a funny story, but anyways here I am on this account. Thank you for my first Stars where I got 9th aka my cursed placement for everything. Thank you for the people I've met and the 5 games I've won lol. Thank you for the slew of people who are so genuine and caring that try to make this website better for all. Next month I'll be saying goodbye for good... so yeah. I hope, in due time, this website can at least get better and so can the people.

I'll enjoy my endless amounts of food & joy today, I hope you do too & thanks for reading! :^)
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