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Posts 3198 posts

It’s so good Sep 14, 2020
Bryan getting 15th followed by Tyler getting 14th. Perfection. Mwah.
Points: 173 5 comments
My experience with NexusCain Jun 17, 2020
I feel like I would be doing an injustice if I were to not speak up, but as someone who has experienced firsthand his predatory behavior, I feel obligated to share my story about NexusCain in light of the recent concerns about his character and accusations of pedophilia against him.

Nexus and I were good friends about a year ago, and he made several advances on me via skype and snapchat, flirting with me and asking me for nudes, sending me his nudes, etc. For those who do not know, Nexus Cain is actually his stage name as he is an aspiring professional wrestler. Knowing that I am a fan of WWE, Nexus told me that he would be able to get me in contact with some superstars like former wrestler Paige, only if I were to send him nudes.

After about a month of me refusing to send him nudes, Nexus unadded me on snapchat and no longer talked to me on skype.

There is another Tengaged user that is my age that has shared with me that they had a similar experience with Nexus trying to force nudes out of him, but since I believe sharing his username would be a violation of his privacy, I will keep them anonymous unless they see this blog and give me the okay to tag them.

Now, I do have to note that myself and the unnamed Tengager that have had these experiences with Nexus, we were both above the legal age of 18 while they occurred. So while our experiences personally can only attest to him being a sexual predator, it does not show proof that he is a pedophile.

The only instance I remember him saying to me that may point evidence to him being a pedophile is where he told me he gets majority of his snap friends that he gets nudes from, which is he adds them from Instagram under the tag #GayTeenSnapchat or something along those lines, but I am 100% certain that they were teenagers that he was sexting. Whether they were 18-19 or 13-17, that is unknown.

I don’t share this story because I want attention or anything along those lines, because I genuinely do not have any agenda against Nexus because we were at one point good friends and it’s a shame that he ended that friendship. I chose to share my story because there is a serious problem with predators and pedophilia on Tengaged and if there is anything I can do to try to bring these users to light, I most certainly will be honest and open with my experiences in order to save other Tengager’s.
Points: 407 2 comments
I’m over your shit (Expose Blog) Jun 3, 2020
I really wasn’t going to blog about it because I really have moved on from actively entertaining drama and getting involved in petty shit, but this needs to be said. Take a look at these screenshots that I pulled from a Skype chat that I’m in that happened a couple months ago.

I do regret not sharing this to the public when it first happened, but at the time I did not want to entertain drama especially with Leah because it seems for some reason, she is very well liked by a lot of people, despite all of the terrible things she does and says to people.

I do believe posting porn in a chat that has multiple underage teens is rather inappropriate, regardless of whether you’re trying to be funny or whatever. It’s very classless and there is really no reason to be doing that.

While I point out that it is inappropriate and uncalled for, Leah has no remorse and defended her actions. Now I believe that if literally anybody else in the chat pointed out the obvious, Leah would have deleted the link and apologized. However, since me and Leah do not have the best past and I was the one to step forward to say something, she got all defensive.

Leah ( Fetish) has had a problem with me due to a mutual friends charity game SEVERAL YEARS AGO in which I nominated her because she was trying to ruin it. Despite my efforts to rebuild what was once a good friendship, Leah has consistently showed that she had no interest in being my friend again, which I was fine with. I moved on.
However, it seems as though every conversation I have with Leah, she seems to bring up the past and try to dig up comments I made back in 2017.

For those who may be unaware, not too long ago marked the two year anniversary since Matt64 committed suicide. Matt was a very good friend of mine for several years, and his passing caused me to go through a lot of psychological issues like depression and anxiety, and it is something I still suffer with today, especially around the anniversary of his death. Matt was like a brother to me, and while we had mostly good times together, we did occasionally fight. I remember there was a night in October and there was a huge California mass shooting. Of course everyone’s emotions were high and everyone was distressed, and unfortunately Matt and I got into a huge argument over the event. We were very emotional and angry, and we made some insensitive comments, one of which where I told Matt to kill himself. Even though I did not mean it, and even though I did not think much of the comment, I later realized how insensitive that was and how it could hurt somebody. A couple of days later, Matt and myself got back together and mended our relationship as we always did after we had a fight. We went back to talking regularly and we both moved on from the instance.

Now, of course 6 months later, Matt did commit suicide on March 29th, 2018. When I heard the news, I cried that whole night. I lost one of my best friends and I just could not believe he was actually gone. Instead of getting help and support from Tengaged, I was bullied by half of the site as people went through his blogs and seen a post from 6 months prior where we had that fight. What people do not know because I never wanted to come out about it, is that night I tried to kill myself.

It took an extremely long time, but after a while, not only did I find forgiveness from Tengagers, but I found forgiveness from myself. In honor of Matt, I became an activist for mental health and anti-bullying. While of course I did not become a saint, I did definitely change my ways and became more cautious of how I treated people.

It has been several years now, yet Fetish still brings up the instance to try to bring me down and bully me back into depression. Not only can you see it in the screenshot I posted earlier, but here is her attacking me with it in a recent blog I made.

I think when someone goes through a traumatic experience like that such as I did when I was 17 years old, it is so not cool to keep pushing it down their throats even after they matured and became a better person, and that is exactly what Leah has done to me for the past two years.

Leah, I want you to know that no matter how much you try to bring me down, it’s not working. I tried many times to repair our relationship but if you want to continuously be petty, then you can do that. I don’t have room in my heart for that hatred anymore.

When you cannot touch somebody for who they are now, you try to dig up who they used to be. But unfortunately for you Fetish is that there is nothing you can say to me that will bring me down to your level.
Points: 182 9 comments
My view on this Jun 3, 2020
I think that people who grow over time as people and learn from their past mistakes shouldn’t be held accountable for who they used to be (as long as it’s not like a felony).

And I’m not gonna drop any @‘s because I feel like it’s just a general conversation floating around and I don’t feel like contributing to anybody’s drama or whatever.

However, I do think that if someone claims they have changed, then they need to actually show for it. You can’t just say you’ve changed every other week just to go back to your old tactics because then you’re really just falsely convincing yourself that you’re a good person.
Points: 36 10 comments
Two years Mar 29, 2020
I really was taken by surprise today when I seen a few blogs saying that today marks two years since Matt64 left us. It really does not feel like it’s been that long, because it feels like him and I were just talking with each other just days ago. People here who really know me understand how much Matt has impacted my life both before and after his passing. Him and I had such an up and down relationship when we were younger, but that friendship carried us through almost 4 years of friendship. Matt was one of my best friends at one point, and he was almost like a brother to me. We laughed a whole lot, we fought a whole lot, but at the end of the day we always came back to each other and appreciated the friendship we had.
Matt, I’ll miss you forever and I pray that you are at peace in the afterlife. RIP friend 🖤

If anybody is struggling with this, or struggling with anything in life and need someone to talk to, please reach out for help, even if it’s not me or someone you know. There are people in this world who want to help and acknowledge that mental health comes before anything. I’m always available to talk to if you would like 🖤

Points: 82 2 comments
Well I was assaulted today Feb 5, 2020
I was on the train on my home from school, and there was 9 high school boys roughhousing on the train. I just ignored them at first, but then one of them accidentally smacked me in my face. I didn’t say anything but he did apologize. So I continued to just sit there listening to music, until the same kid grabbed my phone and said “Ooo where did you get this phone?”
I said “Please do not touch my phone” and took it back from him. He took off his jacket getting ready to fight and I just sat there waiting for the bitch to try it. His friends pulled him back, and I just continued going about my business. That was until I got off at my stop and the kid ran up behind me and started punching me from behind. He was short as fuck so it didn’t hurt because he had no momentum and hit like a bitch, but I couldn’t fight back because 1) I’d go to jail for hitting a child and 2) I would’ve gotten jumped by his 8 friends had I defended myself and fought back. The little bitch ran away after barely getting 4 hits in, so I just went about my business while other riders who witnessed it asked if I was okay. I let the transit police know and a report was filed, and once they identify the fucker I will be pressing charges.

Not even a bruise or sore mark so I’m okay but like Philly is so fucking ghetto and I need to get out.

Edit: and I see those same fuckers all the time because I’m guessing we get done at around the same time (which is weird because why are high schoolers getting out of school at 2?) so now I have to find a new way home to avoid getting attacked again. I shouldn’t have to be fearful of just riding the train because I’ve been doing it every day for the past 3 years. I want these kids arrested.
Points: 462 23 comments