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  10. Dancing With The Stars S31 Power Rankings (Round..
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  12. Survivor S43 Power Rankings (Pre-Game: Top 18)
  13. MasterChef S12 Power Rankings (Pre-Game: Top 20)
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  15. Top Chef S19 Power Rankings (Top 4)
  16. Top Chef S19 Power Rankings (Top 5)
  17. Top Chef S19 Power Rankings (Top 6- Part 2)
  18. Top Chef S19 Power Rankings (Top 6)
  19. Top Chef S19 Power Rankings (Top 7)
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  21. Survivor S42 Power Rankings (Top 6)
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  27. American Idol S20 Power Rankings (Top 10)
  28. American Idol S20 Power Rankings (Top 11)
  29. Survivor S42 Power Rankings (Top 9)
  30. Survivor S42 Power Rankings (Top 10)
  31. American Idol S20 Power Rankings (Top 14)
  32. American Idol S20 Power Rankings (Top 20 - Part 2)
  33. Top Chef S19 Power Rankings (Top 8)
  34. Survivor S42 Power Rankings (Top 11)
  35. American Idol S20 Power Rankings (Top 20)
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  39. Top Chef S19 Power Rankings (Top 9)
  40. Top Chef S19 Power Rankings (Top 10- Part 2)

The PowerRankings101's blog

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Top Chef S13 Power Rankings (Top 16) Dec 3, 2015
imageWhat a first episode! We had some contenders, some pretenders, and Garret, who was my 11th ranked person, was sent packing. I'm not too surprised because he was one of my wild cards. Grayson, my top pick, fell way low in my expectations, but she may have just had a wake up call. Going into tonight's restaurant challenge, I'm going to rank them on how well I think they will either lead or work in a team in the next challenge.

16. Frances Tariga-Weshnak- I cannot stand her. She is annoying to everyone else, and had she not had immunity, she would've been in the bottom. I'm not a fan, and going into a team challenge, I don't see her doing too well. She's also a Sous Chef, unlike everybody else, who's Executive.

15. Jason Stratton- Oh boy. Jason did poorly in the Team Challenge. He's just not a strong enough competitor I don't think. I see his days numbered.

14. Wesley True- Wesley was a mess. In a restaurant challenge, being sloppy is not good. However, they liked his food. I don't know what to make of Wesley, but I don't see him doing too well in a team setting.

13. Angelina Bastidas- Angelina was on the bottom. I feel like she has a lot to prove. I don't know if she'll do it, but I don't think she'll hinder her team too much. She has a lot of improving to do, however.

12. Renee Kelly- Renee was probably the biggest disappointment. Her pre-interview was very promising, but I didn't like her personality when it came down to the first episode. She seems cocky, and she really didn't serve a good dish. Immunity was the only thing that saved her, to be honest.

11. Phillip Frankland Lee- Phillip is my least favorite person this season. He's cocky, arrogant, and hasn't really proved himself on the line. In a team challenge, he'll definitely rub people the wrong way. The only problem is, Top Chef doesn't usually eliminate the characters in Week 1 or 2. So he'll probably be safe regardless.

10. Grayson Schmitz- I'm still Team Grayson, but she'll really need to listen to judge criticisms if she wants to do well. She didn't make any bad food, but played it too safe. In this restaurant challenge, I see her being fine as a team player, which will keep her here a week. When it comes to individual challenges, she'll really need to raise the stakes to win. She is at a low, let's just hope she can only go up from here.

9. Giselle Wellman- Giselle sort of faded into the background. She didn't necessarily do anything wrong, but didn't really stand out either. Some more time to develop will help her earn a higher ranking.

8. Marjorie Meek-Bradley- Like Giselle, we didn't really get a lot from Marjorie this week. More footage will help establish her place in this competition.

7. Isaac Toups- Isaac was strong this week. His connection with Emeril is either going to be an advantage or a major disadvantage down the line. That's why he remains in the middle.

6. Chad White- We didn't hear a ton from Chad, but he seemed to really please the judges. I think he'll be in for some time, I just want to see more of him! His beard is also spot on.

5. Kwame Onwuachi- Kwame is soft spoken, but a good chef. He'll need to gain more confidence to win, but I think he's doing a fine job where he is.

4. Karen Akunowicz- I actually really like Karen. She missed the James Beard Awards for this, and I think she'll show everyone that that's not going to be a problem. She is stronger than I expected.

3. Carl Dooley- Carl did a great job this week! He is already proving himself as a contender, and I like how humble and genuine he is. His dish didn't look too appetizing, but the judges ate it up! And they loved it! He'll be at the top for a while.

2. Jeremy Ford- Winning the Elimination challenge made up for the mistake of the chicken in the Quickfire. He's established himself as a good threat, and I see him going far.

1. Amar Santana- Amar had the strongest showing this episode. He was the only person on top of both the Quickfire and Elimination challenges. He has already proven himself to be a very strong contender. He seems to know what he's doing, and right now, he's in one of the best positions to go all the way.

Grayson has dropped in the ratings, but we have 3 solid contenders in Carl, Jeremy, and Amar. It's still too early to pick a real winner, but it's clear who the weakest are. Wesley cooks good food, but is the biggest mess there, while Frances, Angelina, and Jason just seem to be the weak ones at this point. When it comes to a team challenge, I'm going to chose the person who I think will be the hardest person to work with in a team setting.


Going Home- Frances Tariga-Weshnak

Points: 0 0 comments
Top Chef S13 Power Rankings (Pre-Game: Top 17) Dec 2, 2015
imageA new season of Top Chef awaits, and premieres tonight! It's time to start another round of Power Rankings, and Top Chef is harder than anything else because it's hard to tell who's super strong right out the gate. However, I'll try my best to give you a good boot order prediction. 16 newbies, and 1 returning player? That's right. It's an odd choice, but I'm interested to see if returning will be an advantage or not. Here are the rankings!


17. Frances Tariga-Weshnak- She cooks everything except for vegetables. She brags about herself. She struggles with her speaking. I think she's the perfect first boot candidate. She may be a surprising turn around, but she seems like a mess already.

16. Angelina Bastidas- Angelina is younger, and I don't know if she's old enough to really stack up to the rest of everyone. She also throws out a lot of cursing on her pre-video, which shows that she may get in some fights with people along the way, and be hard to work with.

15. Wesley True- He seems to be intimidated by the competition. Poor Wesley. I just don't see him being this year's "Top Chef." He doesn't seem cutthroat enough.

14. Phillip Frankland Lee- He's more worried about the social handicaps of Top Chef, like not being able to watch TV...c'mon. This guy makes his own bread, ice cream, and even rainbow sprinkles, but in the Top Chef kitchen, it's not about making the ingredients, but about putting them together into a dish. I see trouble down the road for Phillip.

13. Jason Stratton- I don't see Jason making it too far. He's a super fan of the show, but being a super fan means nothing. It's all about the cooking.

12. Karen Akunowicz- This Boston girl seems to be more of a character than just a plain ol' chef. This could be good, could be bad. I don't know if she'll necessarily live up to the competition, but we'll see. She's open for growth, which means she isn't as confident that she can win. To win, you need to have more confidence.

11. Garret Fleming- Garret is confusing to me. He seems like an oddball, but he seems like he'll bring enough weird energy to be really good in the kitchen. He's a super wildcard for me, and after an episode, I'll be able to tell if he can really be a contender or not.

10. Isaac Toups- I like Toups, but the only real thing I got from him was that he was from New Orleans. He's lived in such a food-rich culture, so I expect him to do well for some time. Middle of the pack for me, because he didn't have a negative impact on me, but didn't really excite me either.

9. Kwame Onwuachi- I like Kwame, but he never really gave much information on his cooking technique, only his background. He's a wild card. He'll either be too inexperienced, or a diamond in the rough. Only time will tell for him.

8. Amar Santana- Like Kwame, I didn't get a ton out of his interviews either. I like him, but he's a wild card. I don't know where he falls. He seems unconfident, but experienced enough.

7. Giselle Wellman- She seems like "Top Chef" is overbearingly harder than she thought. But I think Giselle is strong enough to overcome that. She has a strength to her. Her different backgrounds of Mexican-Jewish heritage is going to be interesting to see in her cooking.

6. Carl Dooley- I like Carl. He seems like he has a lot of diversity being from Boston and being a cowboy, and he's charming on the screen. I expect him to do well.

5. Marjorie Meek-Bradley- She cooked for the President. That's huge. She sets herself a high standard, so I think she'll do pretty well. She doesn't have the most personality, but has the cooking skill it sounds like.

4. Renee Kelly- I like Renee a lot. She has a very captivating energy on the screen. She isn't an executive chef like a bunch of the rest, but seems like she'll be strong in the kitchen for sure. I just like her personality, and she reminds me a lot of successful chefs in the past. 

3. Jeremy Ford- Jeremy is the real deal. He seems tough, well trained, and very controlled on the screen. I don't know if he'll be able to deal with many of the curveballs that Top Chef throws at them (which he's already hesitant about), but he is an extremely strong pick to go far, based on pre-interviews, and I think he's someone people will route for. He has the physique of a winner.

2. Chad White- Woah. Chad is in it to win it, and probably the most promising newbie. He is super focused, and seems to have confidence. He knows that there are gonna be curveballs, and he's going to overcome them. I hope he doesn't let me down, because he seems strong out the gate.

1. Grayson Schmitz- Grayson's back! She was one of my favorite contestants from the past, and definitely my favorite from Top Chef: Texas. I don't know why she's back, but I love it. She didn't give much in her interviews, but I know what she's capable of, and I'm routing for her. She's the only one that I know will, for sure, survive the first week.

Grayson is my pick, because I know what she's capable of. Chad, Marjorie, and Jeremy seem super strong, and I like Carl, Renee, and Giselle's personality. The rest are either wild cards or in danger for me, but I think my first boot is kind of out of the blue. So I'm just going to go with the person who's pre-interview was the least promising to me, and who I don't see making it far at all.


Going Home- Frances Tariga-Weshnak

Points: 0 0 comments
The Amazing Race S27 Power Rankings (Top 4) Nov 29, 2015
imageWell well well. Justin & Diana are one 1st place away from tying the record. Hmmmm. Logan & Chris manage to stay in, so maybe it's time for rethinking things...or it's just time for them to go home. The previews show that something crazy may happen. Obviously, this could foreshadow that the top dogs could go home, but it's pretty doubtful. Here are the rankings!

4. Logan & Chris (Dating Paparazzi)- By now, everyone knows I'm not a huge fan. They've been getting stronger recently, and overcoming a U-turn is quite impressive. But I'll never be on board with them, and with an unpredictable week ahead, I'm just putting my least favorite team in last.

3. Tiffany & Krista (Former Cheerleaders)- I really like them. but they've always been in some sort of weaker category. With the finale approaching, they seem to be the underdogs, but I don't think they'll be a winning team. I think they can squeeze into the finale.

2. Justin & Diana (Engaged)- The previews suggest that Justin & Diana may go home. But that would be too obvious! I think they'll be fine, but in case the previews are true, I don't want to put them in my top spot.

1. Kelsey & Joey (Dating News Anchors)- I think Justin & Diana may continue their streak, but just in case, I thought it'd be fun to put a new team in first! I like Kelsey & Joey. They've made big moves, and I think if anyone could beat the Green Team, it's them. They have been right behind them, and Phil saying that they were "minutes behind" could give them a big push and drive to win.

Well, I made a bold prediction, in saying that Justin & Diana were losing a leg. It would be a devastating loss to make it so far and not beat the record. There's a good possibility they'll do it, but just in case the preview suggests a big shocker, I put Joey and Kelsey in the lead. Tiffany & Krista remain the weakest of the bunch, but they've been squeezing by. Then there are the bickering paparazzi...okay?


Going Home- Logan & Chris

Points: 24 6 comments
Survivor S31 Power Rankings (Top 8) Nov 27, 2015
imageWell, Fishbach and Ciera were not really on my agenda to be eliminated, but it's okay, because Ciera and Fishbach were easily the two playing the game the hardest, so it'll be interesting to see if someone like Tasha or Spencer really steps up. Joe lost a challenge, but was still spared, so you may see someone new at the bottom. Here are the rankings!

8. Keith Nale- This saddens me deeply to put Keith here, but here's my reasoning. I have three reasons for a pending elimination. 1) In a game full of such strategists and maniacal moves, the only person who hasn't really made any moves is Keith (remember, Kimmi had the Monica move). He doesn't talk strategy, which might make people realize that Keith is less deserving and should go. 2) Keith was one of TWO people to chose to play in the immunity challenge against Joe. This not only shows that he is less concerned for his fellow castaways, but that he wants to win competitions. And he's GOOD at competitions too. He's a solid challenge performer, and someone like Joe or Spencer may wanna target him for it. 3) Lastly, we saw on the preview that someone may be in danger for a medical emergency. It looked like a male, and the most predictable med-evac would be Keith, unfortunately.

7. Abi-Maria Gomes- Abi was the "swing vote," you could say. She almost flipped and voted Joe, and if Spencer is worried about Abi, he may wanna take her out. Goats are a good thing, but when they're dangerous goats, it may be time for them to go.

6. Joe Anglim- Joe will always have a target on his back. But the guy who won 4 immunities only had 2 votes at tribal? Joe may be more solid than we think.

5. Tasha Fox- Tasha, Kimmi, and Jeremy seem on the bottom, but knowing how this game has been going, nobody is necessarily on the bottom. Tasha is good in challenges, but not the biggest threat. She's in the middle for me.

4. Jeremy Collins- Jeremy is not out. He has an idol. But, his best ally is gone, and he's going to need to do damage control to get Spencer and Joe back. He had two idols, but wasted one on Fishbach, who's gone, so he really needs to hustle. Knowing Jeremy, he'll be able to. Damn right, he'll be able to.

3. Kimmi Kappenberg- She's not dangerous in the slightest, and I'd be surprised if they wasted a tribal getting her out.

2. Spencer Bledsoe- Spencer is in a prime position. Aside from Savage, he's been on the up-side of every vote. He has not been in danger this entire merge, so I predict he'll stay on top.

1. Kelley Wentworth- Kelley found another idol! She's not out of it, and is totally earning my respect more and more. She and Kimmi have made the biggest improvements on their second chance. Who would've thought that she'd go from a pre-merge boot to a top contender! I'm happy to put her as number one this week. Also, admire the picture for the blog, which I think was one of the best moves all season!

So Kelley and Spencer seem safe, Jeremy as well. Tasha, Kimmi, and Joe are all wildcards. If there is a medical emergency, I think it's Keith. Abi could also be in danger if people feel threatened or nervous of her constant wishy-washy voting methods. I'd certainly go after Joe, but people seem to not want to take out the best challenge competitor yet. The elimination could go any way, as we've seen all season, but I'm thinking about the preview of a medical emergency, and there's someone who seems like the most probably candidate.


Going Home- Keith Nale

Points: 47 2 comments
Dancing With The Stars S21 Power Rankings (Finals) Nov 24, 2015
imageWow. What a finale. Carlos's elimination, I saw coming, as seen by my previous blog. Now, we have three. One who is an underdog, but has a powerful story and charm. One who is an older dog, who has been on and off. And one who is the top dog, who has been the front runner from the very start. Alek, Nick, Bindi. Who will it be? Here are the rankings!

8. Alek Skarlatos and Lindsay Arnold (1st Dance)- Their first dance wasn't near perfect. It was good, but just a bit underwhelming. It is also a bit embarrassing to have the only non-perfect score on such an amazing night. He was rightfully scored here.

7. Carlos PenaVega and Witney Carson (1st Dance)- I actually didn't love his first dance. I don't think it was perfect 30 deserving. He seemed to be almost slow and less energetic than usual. It seemed a little more lost. It was better than Alek's, but I still think it was weak. He's gone now though, so I don't have to be too critical.

6. Nick Carter and Sharna Burgess (1st Dance)- His first dance was great. He had a fun and energetic jive, and I was entirely pleased.

5. Bindi Irwin and Derek Hough (1st Dance)- As you can now see, all the freestyles were stronger than the regular dances, but out of the regular ones, Bindi excelled the best. She dances with such PIZAZZ and I think she has truly grown in front of her eyes. Bravo Derek.

4. Nick Carter and Sharna Burgess (Freestyle)- Nick's freestyle was really good, and good to reward a perfect 30 for his whole season, but was not perfect. It was my least favorite freestyle. It just seemed like something Nick had already done before. That being said, great job to Nick for a great season.

3. Carlos PenaVega and Witney Carson (Freestyle)- Carlos's last dance was probably one of his best. It was a great celebration to his whole season. Too bad his shot was cut short.

2. Alek Skarlatos and Lindsay Arnold (Freestyle)- I thought the wall was so cool. All the dancing was inspiring and intense and a bunch of fun. It was his best and most comfortable dancing, and I think the wall added a great depth of just awesome to it! One of the best dances of the season!

1. Bindi Irwin and Derek Hough (Freestyle)- There aren't many words to describe how much growth and beauty we've seen all season. She did a great job, and payed great homage to her father. It was gorgeous to see. Derek's most deserved win in all his time on the show. She is very deserving.

I am Team Bindi, but Nick and Alek both put up good fights. Alex's chances will rely heavily on votes. If he's truly America's favorite, he'll have to get more votes than anyone, and I don't see him surpassing Bindi. Nick could win too, but I think he isn't as popular as the other two. But he does have a perfect night to give him a slight edge. But I'm Team Bindi.


Winner- Bindi Irwin and Derek Hough

Second Place- Nick Carter and Sharna Burgess

Third Place- Alek Skarlatos and Lindsay Arnold

Points: 9 1 comments
The Amazing Race S27 Power Rankings (Top 5) Nov 24, 2015
imageI expected Tanner & Josh to stay in, but their last episode was pretty much out of their control. Too bad Joey and Kelsey finally started to play cutthroat after being a solid floater this whole time! With that being said, rankings away!

5. Logan & Chris (Dating Paparazzi)- I think they'll always be in jeopardy. They may not be the weakest team, but they are the most uncooperative. The preview shows more fighting, nothing abnormal to what we've been seeing.

4. Denise & James Earl (Mother/Son)- They just managed to squeeze into 5th place this week. I like them. I don't see them as the winners of this race, but they may be able to hold out one more leg. I thought they could be eliminated, due to the editing last week, but their mistake probably wasn't so time consuming. I still like them better than the Paparazzi.

3. Tiffany & Krista (Former Cheerleaders)- They started from a weak team, to a true contender. They still need some polishing to do, but I could see them being dark horses. Unfortunately, they probably won't be able to crack the top 2.

2. Kelsey & Joey (Dating News Anchors)- They made the biggest move in getting out Tanner & Josh. Had they not been U-turned, the boys could have beat out Denise & James Earl, and stayed in to compete. Kelsey & Joey sealed a strong team's fate, and I could see them being the only possible chance of beating Justin & Diana.

1. Justin & Diana (Engaged)- Win, win, win....That's all they seem to do, and I applaud them for it.

The game is becoming a little more predictable every week. Either Justin & Diana are going to be a record-breaking team, having the cleanest sweep ever, or they're being set up for a devastating loss in the final. I think they're gonna win, and I'd be shocked if not.


Going Home- Logan & Chris

Points: 13 4 comments