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Say something I'm giving up on you...

Posts 115 posts

*** TastetherainbowBitch *** Mar 20, 2014
#jojo7784 we haven't really ever talked idk i've seen you blog usually begging for designs
#thumper91 you're so nice and sweet and we rarely really talk but i like u and i think ur one of the nicest ppl on here
#DaveLooney #Dhucking_Quacks #ajg31397 you just lost your chance
#AmandaBynes i don't think we've ever really talked either LOL ik ur friends with nats and corn i kinda think of u as the soon to be plastics idk if that makes sense
#BbDamian i probably took ur jokes too srsly and went too far in judging u even though i still don't appreciate them i did overreact for that I apologize idrk you very well but you're friends with #kentuckyy so it makes me think higher of u
#jessem idk all i see is a person trying way too hard to be nice which i assume is for stars support so i cant form an opinion of u cause i dont think i've ever talked to the real you
#RobertGuajardo we rarely talk on one on but we're in quite a few chats and you're never anything but nice so i appreciate that .. you seem very true to yourself which i admire
#dmann well we've grown a lot closer in the past few months; i feel like i've been there for what you've been through and i can usually feel comfortable talking to you about anything which doesn't hold true for many people and not just on tg i'm just a hard person to earn the trust of
@tdogg1543 we haven't really talked much but i really really appreciate u sticking up for me ; i wish we woulda been closer
Brookie0126 idrk you very well i may have helped u gift a couple of times ; my train thoughts is similar to that of amanda really though i like most ppl ur friends with =)
lunapark you're one of the funniest and smartest ppl i've seen on this site ; wish we were closer friends but i think quite highly of u regardless
music idk u
psulucky :) i dont think we have ever talked much ik u were in survivor with my brother but u two didn't really talk much either lol ..  i think you're kpg speaks highly of ur  gameplay skills ..idrk what to say lol but i dont wana have something short since u have posted ur name like a million times  so heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
cfff well we don't really talk except for you spamming me (rofl) or me spamming u but u seem like a fun guy and ur good at stars (sun) gl btw
lachie227 we also don't really talk much but ur usually a chill fun guy when we do
xoxu we haven't talked in 4ever so idrk what to say lol
jgoodies ur cool but we rarely talk unless we're in a game or something i kinda hope we woulda talked more i guess but we don't really have many mutual friends and not any common interests ik off except for tg ofc
@mozues irdk you except for that we're in a couple of chats 2gether rofl
MelihV "hey we don't really talk a lot but we mail every now and then :) ik quite a bit about u i guess and we've been friends since u were a noob so i guess i've seen u grow ^_^ hopefully we play a game together sometime cause i find that to be the best way to get to know people"
hobnobgpro lmfao we're really close friends i guess but ironically enoug we dont really talk except in games .. come to think of it i dont really talk to ppl unless i'm in games with them so it's just me
jenzie this is the only time i'm saying this cause it's gonna sound corny and will be removed after the blog expires but somehow i feel like i'm one of the few ppl whose known the real jenzie which despite what most ppl think is actually a really sweet and nice girl in the heart.. lol i remeber mailing u about ur maze score i dont even remeber how we started talking but ily
iamfearless wow? lol i remeber when i was on a break and you msged me like every day and you were literally the only person to bother ; that always meant a lot to me so ty < 3 .. you're also really nice and fun and all the good stuff
macken idk we don't really talk anymore we talked for a bit when thalia was around
CutieAmy heeey ; as much as u may not believe this i talk to u as much as anyone on here but like my  closest friends . you're always really nice to me except for when u got mad cause i bet on suzy :||||| but regardless like, hey!
carlab1 HEY, We used to talk so much on kik when i was on a break from tg ; we don't as much anymore butttttttt when i left everyone i still msged u so you should know how highly i think of u!!!
Qwertyioup we dont really talk so idk and u seem kinda immature
saftronbtr999 you have been like my little brother on here literally ever since I came back LOL we've always had similar train of thoughts and gotten along really well #ox o:bye
Kentuckyy I THINK you're smart funny a bully and one of my closer friends here and i talk to you as much as anyone and you're like the first close gay friend i've had (sun) except for nattie but he's in the closet
Chloeox we dont really talk
tdatrentsgroup you're usually a really good ally and trust worthy to work with in games we haven't ever talked on a personal level though lol
sjsoccer88 you're one of the smarter ppl here imo and we've always worked well together in games .. i agree with mos of your ideology at least as far as tg is concerned
bb5lover we've never talked but from you're blogs you're really opinionated, funny and have an interesting personality to say the least
unkown you're funny, trust worthy and a bunch of nice adjectives..
Michaelf1114 we always work together in games and outside of them we never talk !
skyler1822 we used to talk a lot more when i played frooks often ; we rarely talk now and when we do it's the same generic convo
chips47 you owe me 2.4 percent of stars votes
zimy I remember when we first started talking i never thought we would end up being such close friends lol but we got along really really well since the beginning and i think as time went by we became so much more comfortable with each other .. i think ur very strong minded and i have a lot of respect for u and ur determination i would love you if it wasn't for the fact that i hate u ofc
Points: 142 75 comments
*** BrandonPinzu *** Mar 18, 2014
Points: 759 22 comments
*** ajg31397*** Mar 12, 2014

I'm really terrible at writing cheesy msg's so instead I bring you  people who can express their opinion's  wishing you a HBD

Instagram :Omg, Alireza is such a loser. I wanna have everything but he wants to post this blog so whatever, we fought for about 5 minutes but anyways... Happy 17th birthday Anthony, The past few weeks have literally been the best weeks ever. It feels good to actually be happy, I said most the things I have to say on skype and the letter but I'm just really glad I met you, you always know how to make me smile and you're always here for me, even with our small downs we always find a way to smile at the end of the night! In my eyes you are perfect, even if you always deny it, I know the truth for myself. :) Thanks for making me the happiest person in the world from the moment I wake up from the moment I go to sleep. I'm super excited to see what else has to come for us! < 3 I hope none of these basics wrote more then me because I'm the special one tbh, and keep your eyes opened tomrrow at 3 on the blogs page ;)
I love you to death Anthony, never change for anyone and have an amazing 17th birthday babe.  :*

saraj10 :  My dearest anthony, i love you to the moon and back then back again :D, even though you give me shit for not talking a lot on calls, going on calls with you always makes my night, i love all those pics i have of you on my phone from those lovelies nights with a little wine in ya system! you and matt are so cute and i hope he treats you like a queen cause that is what you are, anyways i love you anthony and i would be so bored without you!!!!!! <  333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

likevines20 Anthony < 3, We haven't known each other that long but every time we talk you make me smile and laugh. From our kik convos to me telling matt i was stealing you (#oops) I enjoy every moment of our friendship and I can't wait to talk to you more. btw julian and I are winning that contest, you and matt can have 2nd xo. lol jk Try everyday as hard as that lady in the tracksuit. Be good to my matty as well. Happy Birthday irl

andalarew_2231 Anthony (heart) you are amazing, you are a sweet and caring guy, you are so cute and I love you. I have known you for like a year and a half. or something like that, and you have been nothing but nice to me, to everyone. your snaps make me wet ;D. i love you to death. You are a queen. and a sweet caring person. i dont know what ele to say about you, because u are a cutie patootie.

owlb0ned   i love u antthony you're my absolute bestfriend on here (heart) have a good birthday

cfff   anthony(heart) we met on a skype call and we became friends instanlty. You have a big heart and is a really nice guy:) I miss talking to you cause anytime we talk its always a fun time :) Thanks for being a great friend have a great birthday(heart)

notafraid  :Happy Birthday Anthony < 3
Where (excuse my language) the fuck do I begin?  We've been friends for like forever and I have never regretted a second of it.  You've always been supportive of me and my pipe dreams of becoming famous LMFAO my craziness and my all around trashiness at times.  You have been a very stable part of my life that without I think I would have fallen into I don't know what.  I hope your birthday is amazing because you honestly deserve it.  I'm so happy that life has gotten better for you.  It makes me smile.  Also that picture of you that we spam in games, you me, and Matt is hilairous I die every time and it's one of my favourite spam pics now too tbh.  Also just a few more fabulous years till we go to our journey to Las Vegas which I swear is going to be a blast.  Can't wait to gamble and go to all the shows < 3 You're one of my favourite people on this site and I'll say it again I'm glad you are in my life.  I love you < 333
-Gabbie < 3

RobertGuajardo  OMG ANTHONY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (heart)

I'm so glad we got to know each other through timmy's game at first. We got even closer through Matt. You're such a good friend and I love your snapchats (heart). I can always count on you to come on call or just to talk to me. Your blogs are so funny! Even though we've only known each other for like a month, I know we will be good friends for the rest of our tengaged's career. Let me know if you ever need anything. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a wonderful day today. You're too sweet and such a good person! ily (kiss)

mikespike  Anthony as you know I am a very hot straight male. It takes a certain kind of person for me to say this, but here it goes, if i was going to turn gay it would be for you (heart) I have no gay friends irl so it was different getting to know you, but a good different. You opened my eyes to a different side of people that i had not seen before, and I've enjoyed every minute spent talking you. Have a good birthday and hoping for more memories in the future :) x

meduncan Anthony my little doll face that i love to pieces. Thank you for being a part of my life, and getting me into trouble with my friends while we are trying to eat dinner #showerselfies. I love you baby and you are such a wonderful addition to my life and I can not wait to spend many more long nights on call with you and Jess complaining about everything and anything (and yes i mean everything.) I love you so enjoy your day doll, i love you babe. Enjoy this day. 365 more days until we are both adults (cat)

and lastly ily and you are defo one of the nicest and most genuine people i've met on here HBD i hope you have a blast :) remeber when you saw someone's bday blog and said you wish you had as caring friends ??? guess you do :* ilyyyy happy 17 birthday
Points: 132 11 comments
*** NotAfraid *** Mar 11, 2014
and i will tell you one thing I dislike about you

aes222aes you being better than me in maze
suzycroatia you're timezone
mikespike being ahead of me in owlb0ned 's fl
temponeptune nothing really lol idk you well enough to dislike something about you
jadennator1 you can be very annoying
nattie you're design obsession
thumper91 beating me in frooks spots in charities
littlemix you're bipolarity and lack of patience
hobnobgpro timezone really
RawrItsNick same as temp really
onemanarmy ^^^^^^^^^^^
dmann you get mad over little things sometimes
alanb1 you try way too hard sometimes
steel your incapability to use torrent
samhuss your attitude toward the opposing alliance ;)
minie the number of times you remove me on skype
smuguy2012 you're obv inability to fill a tribe
africanwoman that you're friends with nattie (so nothing really )
absol take jokes too far sometimes to a point their not rlly funny
Loopulle that idk u as well as i'd like to
jeffwinger not having me on ur fl...........................................................................................................................................................................
tdogg1543 same as temp
holllyy1230 how u use me
Ali123Francesca u can be annoying
Admir You are an unemployed, uneducated LEECH on society, and the only thing I would vote to give you is a handful of anti-depressants, so that no one else has to be subjected to your constant crying anymore, and maybe if you got some, then it would seem a little more sincere when you are crying about your dead father.
TDATrentsgroup doing insane things after losing ftd's
Points: 397 60 comments
*** Dabomb *** Mar 10, 2014
You are an unemployed, uneducated LEECH on society, and the only thing I would vote to give you is a handful of anti-depressants, so that no one else has to be subjected to your constant crying anymore, and maybe if you got some, then it would seem a little more sincere when you are crying about your dead father.
Points: 83 11 comments
*** Admir *** Mar 7, 2014

also here's another sign made just by "her"!

Points: 167 6 comments