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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor All-Stars Final Tribal Council

Oct 21, 2017 by XxDjBeLLxX
Final 3, come on in.

Chaboga Mogo (Blue)
dawson905 / Dawson
Bacon69 / Eli
JordynRose / Jordyn

We will now bring in the members of our jury.

- Pokepat
- RyanAndrews
- FireX
- adeleadele
- Colfives
- purplebb4
- Ekatherinna
- BridgetteBlonde
- lliiaamm

-Who was your biggest ally in this game, and do you think you would've made FTC if you didn't work with that person?
-What do you consider you biggest move in this game, and how did it help your game progress?
-Lastly, tell me and the jury why you deserve the title of sole survivor and not the people sitting next to you.




#BB19 #Survivor #BBUK #BBCAN #casting #fasting #rookies #stars #TBB2


Sent by Macda27,Oct 21, 2017
A question for Dawson - why did you vote against Liam on the previous tribal council? I would just like to know your reasoning, given that you have been working with him since the merge.
Sent by Ekatherinna,Oct 21, 2017
Who was your biggest ally in this game, and do you think you would've made FTC if you didn't work with that person? Ok so so i had a ton of allies lol. The first was the winners allince Fire created and that had me emotion fire Jordyn and bridgette. This was made due to the fact that we all felt u would go after anyone with a win. The next allince i had was fire and colfives. This was a 3 person allince but purple was add not long after. Me and purple then made a f2 due to the fact that fire and colfives had a better bond. I made the f2 lol. I also had a f3 allince with jordyn and bridgette( more on that soon). Finally i made an allince at f6 with dawson and ik he had liam so it was just smart. I am going to be honest with all of you, without allies you are not making FTC so i do believe without my allies i would not be here. Simple as that

-What do you consider you biggest move in this game, and how did it help your game progress?
Ok for starters i want you all to know i have played 3 seasons in a row==(somoa-Palu-All-Stars). I have now made top 4 every season i played. Who else can say they have done that. This helped relize early on that i had to play a UTR game for a chunk if it. Moat of my allies made themselves bigger targets while i sat back and made social connections with people. This was a game move in itself and it would help set me up for 2 power moves.(more on that soon⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ so at final 5 my allince with dawson was put to the test and he votes me. saved me and then i won immunity at f5. This was a crucial part in my game because i could make a big move. It was dawson and liam on 1 side and Jordyn and bridgette on tge other. I chose to make a move and vote bridgette. This was also a huge step because i showed dawson i had his back and i knew i migjt need to use that. I would also like to add that jordyn must of had no idea i voted her because she though bridgette self voted. No i made a move hun ik surprise XD. At f4 jordyn won immunity and ik i migjt be scrued. I played off jordyns thoughts that bridgette self voted and she agreed to vote dawson. Then i was also working dawson to vote liam and i told him the jury loved liams game lol idk if yall did or not but dawson was on bored from there. Ik i had to get jordyn on bored so i made it seem like a question and saud do u think we should get liam out since dawson kinda floated his way her. She was on bored from there. I got 2 big targets out and no 1 even brought my name up exept liam who thought dawson had his back.

-Lastly, tell me and the jury why you deserve the title of sole survivor and not the people sitting next to you. I deserve to win all stars for many reasons. I played UTR and made allies and just built as many relationships as i could. I play a loyal game but tgis was not a season of loyalty in anyway. Colf voted sebastian with me anf fire and turned on the females allince. Liam turned on fire and voted out someone who saved him at the first tribal he went thru(karmas a bitch aint it i mean ur F2 voted u out so...). Dawson voted his alllie like dam i cant believe i pulled that off. Bridgette im srry i flipped on u but it was so late in the game and moves needed made. I also deserve to win because aftet winni g last season i still made FTC.   I have played 3 times in a row and made f4 all of them. People underestimate me but if i get far in this game i will gain control and iv done it last season and this season.

Man i hope thats not 2 much lol and feel free to ask me anything you want
Sent by bacon69,Oct 21, 2017
bacon69, why would Jordyn take your word that Bridgette self-voted, when she could have just asked her? It's not like Bridgette was offline for too long.
Anyways, a fun fact, I tried to convince Liam to use his idol on me on the f6, and I almost did it - if he had done it, you would have gone in 6th place, and Liam would most likely be sitting in the f3 now.
Sent by Ekatherinna,Oct 21, 2017
Ekatherinna me and her had a secret allince from day 1 and we trusted each other. I never voted jordyn and she never voted me

Also dam congrats i would have voted for u 2 win with that. Getting someone to play a idol on u is not easy
Sent by bacon69,Oct 21, 2017
Goes along with building relationships with people
Sent by bacon69,Oct 21, 2017
Ekatherinna as much as I like Liam as a person, he was the top contender to win. If Jordyn didn’t have immunity it might have been a different story
Sent by dawson905,Oct 21, 2017
Also Eli making it seem like he told me Liam was the biggest threat and I just ate it up yet I already thought that the whole time. Also you can call me a floater all you want Eli but I wasn’t, just because we were on different sides doesn’t mean I was a floater
Sent by dawson905,Oct 21, 2017
Ok my question is for bacon and jordyn. Dawson u can answer as well but im gonna. Be up front with you, i wont be voting you.( unless u give the best answer i have ever saw)

Tell me how u played as a hero
Tell me how u played as a villian

Do u have any regrets in this game, if so what

Jordyn-did u ever throw my name out or target me in this game
Bacon- do u think u made BIG moves 2 late
Dawson- do you agree that you kinda floated and were only a vote. Also why the fak would u turn on liam. Ik bacon said why but what was your resoning on that move( Yes ik kath asked this and i want to know as well)

Finally what was your biggest obsicle(spelled wrong srry😱😅) u had to overcome
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
Lol dawson nm about the 1 question i had for you
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
Alright, a question for Jordyn then - did you REALLY think at any point that Bridgette self-voted? (Sorry for so many questions.) JordynRose
Sent by Ekatherinna,Oct 21, 2017
FireX if you believe I voted Liam out because of what Eli told me that’s the furthest from the truth. Here’s some real tea, I didn’t believe a word Eli said, that’s why I voted him at F6 (so guess what Eli, seems like your name did come up, you must’ve forgotten). Eli wasn’t a mastermind, he just happened to be doing exactly what me and Liam already wanted to do at the F5 and I already knew I wanted Liam or Jordyn out for 4th way earlier in the game. He’s making it seem as if he controlled our decisions but he did not
Sent by dawson905,Oct 21, 2017
Alright, I’m not going to go to in depth with this because I feel like most of you don’t genuinely care to read a huge paragraph.

-My biggest ally in the game right off the get go was Emotion and oh boy did that die quickly. After Emotion went home I worked with Jordyn for a bit because I knew she had connections and I was on the bottom so I couldn’t really be picky. My plan going into merge was to form an alliance that didn’t involve Jordyn so we could take out her alliance but I didn’t have to do that because Liam came to me and Kath before I had the chance. Between Liam and Kath, I trusted them both equally and we worked well as a team bouncing ideas off of each other. And obviously I wouldn’t be here without my alliances, duh ;p

-My biggest move was either flipping and voting out Liam who I feel was the top contender to win and played a great game overall or laying low during the tribe phase. I came on strong at the start of the game and made an alliance with everyone on my tribe but I quickly became the next on the chopping block. From there I laid low for a bit and managed to slip into a couple of alliances. People fed me information about who was working with whom and that’s huge in a game like Survivor. Sure, I wasn’t the big shot making the executive decisions early on, but that helped me survive till the merge

-I deserve the title of sole survivor over Eli and Jordyn because I’m real, I don’t take credit for stuff I didn’t do. Face it, Survivor is a we game, you can’t take full credit for someone going home because it takes other people to do it. Unless you fed these people a lie to get them to vote someone out, you can’t take credit. Even though some of you may call me a floater, I stayed sharp on my instincts and could tell who I could trust and who I couldn’t. I knew Jordyn had other alliances so I got into some of my own. I thought through everything people have said in the past and present before casting my vote, nobody persuaded me to do anything. Every single vote I cast I felt was for my own benefit, not for somebody else’s. I’m not going to give you all the illusion that I manipulated anyone because we’re all people here and we all can think for ourselves.

Vote whoever you feel deserves it. Remember to win with grace and to lose with dignity everyone.
Sent by dawson905,Oct 21, 2017
Well shit, I wrote that on my phone and it didn’t look as big in this tiny box. Sorry xd
Sent by dawson905,Oct 21, 2017
One of you is fake.
One of you was a floater.
I know who my vote is for.
Sent by Pokepat,Oct 21, 2017
FireX I can agree that I floated to a point but to get to the end everyone needs to float at one point. If you’re OTT all the time you’re probably not getting to the end. I don’t believe I floated the whole game but from time to time you have to lay low as even Eli said he did. I come off as a floater because I’m not flashy. When I was doing stuff and talking to people it wasn’t noticeable because I didn’t do it in a flashy way. If you make your moves obvious your clearly not playing a great game. I knew how most people were voting the whole game, even when they were voting for me, but I could’ve been voting anyone. I put myself in middle ground and listened to what everyone had to say. I knew that I wasn’t the only one doing that though as both alliances were voting the same people. There’s nothing unique about a game move, they’ve all been done before and chances are somebody else is doing the exact same thing.
Sent by dawson905,Oct 21, 2017
I dont belive a word u say. I think u voted him because u thought u had the votes and then he used the fact that u 2 needed a vote to make a move. Maybe thats what u wanted but it was bacons move and not yours. Also u should know thinking and wanting to make a move is different then actually making the move. U would have got 5th without bacon and liam would have got 4th assuming he did not win immunity.  To br honest bacon had control over the f5 and no 1 can he did not. U should have voted him at f4 dawson because then it looked 2 me like he had control over ur vote. Also im not saying he made the move on his own but when your in the middle and have 2 options its kinda is his move. Also i belive he stated that he needed allies to make it this far so... Yea he never took full credit for any moves

Look i like that u played a ok game but u also banked off other ppl and the only reason u got info is because u had almost no choice in who to vote. Congrats on FTC but i still see u as a floater who banked off other ppl to get them here. All the moves u said u wanted to get made did not happen except for liam but liam voted bacon and u voted liam. Bacon AND jordyn had the power at f4 not You. I do agree u have to lay low but u never stoped laying low. I think u layed so low for so long u fell asleep and woke up at FTC.
U may have been somewhat in the middle ground but nacon stole that from u and jordyn did as well

Just my opinion on how i saw things lol grats on FTC in a crazy season. I for 1 got beat so ik this was a hard season
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
I will say i never noticed u lol
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
Im still deciding if thats good or bad
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
Whatever, gl Eli and Jordyn. Half of y’all have each other on your friends list so it is what it is. I’m not going to waste my time defending my game if you don’t even want to hear it because you already decided your voting your friends. Bacon didn’t control shit, if anything it was Jordyn so at least vote for her
Sent by dawson905,Oct 21, 2017
I’m happy with how I played, and even if you do win Eli, I think in some way all three of us deserve it so I won’t be salty if you do end up winning.
Sent by dawson905,Oct 21, 2017
dawson905 i repect what u just said
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
My Turn! It will take a while but stay tuned.
Sent by JordynRose,Oct 21, 2017
Omfg yesssss les gooo
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
Who was your biggest ally in this game, and do you think you would've made FTC if you didn't work with that person?
From Day 1 I had all All Winners Alliances. Stayed pretty tight all game even though we lost a few, Fire made his way back into the game, who was my closest ally in this game. Without the winners, I wouldn't have made it this far.

-What do you consider you biggest move in this game, and how did it help your game progress?
I made MANY moves in this game. I orchestrated the fall of Mac, Ryan, Adele, Col, Purple, and this may shock you but Kath as well. I was working with almost every single one of you at one point. Nor did it take much convincing to get any of you to vote with me.

-Lastly, tell me and the jury why you deserve the title of sole survivor and not the people sitting next to you.

I deserve to win Sole Survivor over Eli and Dawson because without me, they wouldn't be here. Aside from winning Immunity Twice, I did have a hidden immunity idol that I never had to use. My name only game up during one tribal council and never again. A big portion of you went home because I built the relationships I needed to get what I wanted done. Every vote but Pat I was in the majority vote. I believe played an amazing game and I believe in this game that I deserve the title of Sole Survivor!

My Alliances:
Fire, Eli, Bridgette, Emotion, with Dawson getting added at the 1st merge after Emotion left.
Secret FTC with Kath
Worked with:
Ryan, Pat, Purple, and Liam

To answer some questions
I don't believe I played Hero at all in this game. I worked with damn near everyone on cast and sometimes I just didn't even tell someone I was voting for them which I do feel really bad about.
I don't regret anything in this game though, if I played differently I don't think I would be here.
If I had to compare my game in this season to an actual Survivor player it was be Sandra. I had a gang of people more than willing to vote whatever way I wanted. If I didn't have to convince you to vote because I had the numbers that's the reason you voted in minority or why I let you vote in minority. Some of you did try to organize something to get my alliance out but none of you completely accomplished that since 2 of us are sitting here right now.
Sent by JordynRose,Oct 21, 2017
Like all of it but u comparing ur game to sandra. It seems u and bridgette only came back to be a sandra like be ur self not someone else

Love the answers tho
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
I didn't get a chance to type my case last night and I wanted a fair shot at your votes for the title of Sole Survivor so I tagged all of you so you would read above my case and vote for who you think outplayed, outwitted, and outlasted the Best in this game.
- Pokepat
- RyanAndrews
- FireX
- adeleadele
- Colfives
- purplebb4
- Ekatherinna
- BridgetteBlonde
- lliiaamm
I want to Thank XxDjBeLLxX for allowing me to play in this Season of All Stars! It was amazing!
To the Cast-
Thank you guys for playing! I think we had an awesome cast and I enjoyed playing with all you! Nothing for me was personal in this game. It was all 100% strategy, so if any of you would like to be friends outside of this game I would love to call you friends<3
Sent by JordynRose,Oct 21, 2017
Jordyn, I have no further questions (even though you didn't answer my first one), just a couple of comments:
I have to disagree that you orchestrated the fall of Purple, because I was the one who initially suggested to Liam and Dawson to vote him, and also messaged you first telling you that I'm voting him.
Winning individual immunities in this game, unlike real survivor, is a matter of sheer luck, so I don't think it really speaks anything about your gameplay. Also, you didn't win it twice, but three times, and it might be argued that if you weren't that lucky, you wouldn't have really made it that far, since your name has been thrown around quite a bit since at least the merge.

This is not meant to detract from your overall gameplay though, because I do think you played well.
Sent by Ekatherinna,Oct 21, 2017
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
@JordRose are u saying u made the winners allince
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
Hey bitches first off no hard feelings JordynRose dawson905 love you both bacon69 idk why you bitter but congratulations to all of you :)

Okay so my question is why should I be in the final tribal instead of you?
Sent by lliiaamm,Oct 21, 2017
individual praises on why you should vote each of them.

bacon69 I do think you turned this game around for yourself and those last 2 tribals you kept the target off you so congratulations

dawson905 you made really logical choices and cut people off when you had too. Did whatever you needed to survive

JordynRose you were playing everybody while everybody knew you were a threat. Made strong alliances and good connections
Sent by lliiaamm,Oct 21, 2017
JordynRose you forgot about Bridgette's vote off ;p You voted for me
Sent by dawson905,Oct 21, 2017
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
lliiaamm do i seem bitter. If i do srry lol
Sent by bacon69,Oct 21, 2017
JordynRose yea i flipped at f5 so u were out of the majority there not that voting with the majority is always the best because i still voted who i wanted

Also dam im glad u think i rode ur coatails. I did not and for u to say u dragged me and dawson here is rude. Me and him played our own games so plz dont try and take that away
Sent by bacon69,Oct 21, 2017
lliiaamm ima be honest u played a good game but i agree with Ekatherinna that u should have used the idol on her. Ima be honest if u aint in FTC u dont "deserve to be here" but for the sake of the question i will answer

I think u played a smott game and u were the 1 who got FireX out after flipping on him and thata not easy. Iv played with him and hes a force. Also u had connections with people and used them the best u could. I dont know everything u did but thats what i saw
Sent by bacon69,Oct 21, 2017
Thank you I respect that
Sent by lliiaamm,Oct 21, 2017
THANK YOU guys for a great season <3 I knew when I put this cast together that you guys would bring the drama and the game play.
Sent by XxDjBeLLxX,Oct 21, 2017
Jury voting now open. Some have voted already
Sent by XxDjBeLLxX,Oct 21, 2017
JordynRose u did not make the winners allince i did hun. U were apart of it yes but i made it just so we are clear lol
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
Okay I still have not voted, and I can see myself voting for all of you.

My question for Jordyn: JordynRose
What was your pecking order for alliances? Who did you intend to bring the final 3?

My Question for Eli: Bacon69
Did you always intend to vote me out or did you see it as a strategic decision later in the game?

My Question for Dawson: Dawson905
We didn't talk much in the game, but who did you want sitting next to you in the final 3?

Well how fitting. I've been a first boot, A winner, and now a juror 😂

Good luck to Final 3!!!
Sent by BridgetteBlonde,Oct 21, 2017
FireX I didn't say I made them. I was in them
Sent by JordynRose,Oct 21, 2017
Bacon69 You're name came up pretty much every vote in the end, you were on someones radar and I always protected you by getting them to vote with me. If allowed I was using my hidden immunity idol on you to make sure you were sitting here with me. You didn't ride my coat tails, Dawson did for a while and was completely loyal till f5.
Not taking away from your gameplay, merely stating mine.
Sent by JordynRose,Oct 21, 2017
Ok lol i wasent sure
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
I already knew u could not tho
After i got out at f4 becauae of that she changed it nack to f5
Sent by bacon69,Oct 21, 2017
BridgetteBlonde From Day 1 I wanted FireX sitting next to me here. But I really wanted an All Winners FTC and was very disappointed that you went when we were so close! Fire was just too big of a threat to everyone not in our alliance so that Tribe revival really fucked us up since we had the majority after that last vote
lliiaamm I feel you would've won if you were sitting here and that's all I really have to say about that!
Sent by JordynRose,Oct 21, 2017
@BridgettBlond i saw it as a stratigic gameplay right at f5. I had no intention of turning on u untill i saw i had a golden oppertunity to make a move and not be a floater or as jordyn is trying to call it "protecting me"

Anyway at f5 i was in the middle of 2 allinces anf 1 was stronger then the other. I decided that when i found out jordyn had an idol i knew she would not use it on u and i told her to use it on herself to be safe. I made the plan to vote u out because to be honest i said in a confrssional i would rather make a move and then be voted out rather then make FTC being a goat and i was aware of that. All in all i made that desicion fir the game move

U should know i was conflicted about it all day but i had to relize that im allowed to make a move. Srry i did not let u know.
Sent by bacon69,Oct 21, 2017
So then it was fire and @BridgetteBlond going to FTC with u JordynRose
Sent by bacon69,Oct 21, 2017
Also i know my name was being thrown around yet i still made 2 big moves and and sittong here lol
Its survivor oh well if my name was thrown out because everyones name is thrown out at 1 point
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
So ha Max1130
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
bacon69 In the beginning, I really didn't care which one of you went with us, but as the game progressed you became my closest ally in this game. It's why I wanted you safe! I never put any winners name down EVER. I was loyal to that alliance 100% always
Sent by JordynRose,Oct 21, 2017
*writes jordyns name to win* i think eli bested u a lot but i loved ur game so
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017
Waiting on 1 vote they have until 5PM EST Today JordynRose Bacon69 dawson905
Sent by XxDjBeLLxX,Oct 22, 2017
It's probably Adele's vote, who decided to ignore this game pretty much since the merge. lol
Sent by Ekatherinna,Oct 22, 2017

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