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The NewNightmare7's blog

Posts 831 posts

*sighs* Apr 18, 2016
*Jane pours out the fire*

Audience - Eh she was going anyway...understandable

*J'Tia pours rice into the fire*

Audience - Yeah #girlpower show those bitches whos boss

Kaoh Rong
*Scot pours water into the fire*

Audience - Oh my god that was so insensitive i hope they get kicked out of the game for doing such a horrible thing like that to those fabulous women!

Points: 30 11 comments
10 Best Blindsides from the first 10 seasons of Survivor Mar 30, 2016
This is in no particular order cause its hard to top 10 it. Spoilers ahead obviously...

1. Gretchen (Borneo) - This is a blindside that you have to put here because this really showed the game how it is played now. Everyone liked Gretchen and was rooting for her but her inability to create aliances was her downfall.

2. Kelly (Africa) - I was debating whether to put Silas to show how much getting screwed by a tribe swap sucks or Kelly to show how the rest of the season went down...I chose Kelly because this was the first blindside to really have someone turn on their alliance successfully. Of course Brandon got bindsided right after but this vote really showed how the rest of the game went with Boran dominating.

3. John (Marquesas) - This was the first ever dynamic shake up. John was living the good life as the top man in power but one challenge plus his arrogance had that all come crashing down on him in what was one of the best blindsides the game has seen at the time. It just shows how much things can change in the nick of time.

4. Alex (Amazon) - Im sure alot of people dont consider this and probably would choose Christy over this one. Well, I really like this one because like Marquesas, this showed how much your whole world could come crashing down by saying the wrong thing. Alex told Rob that when they are in the final 4 that he would go first, Rob decided to go to the 3 people on the outs of the alliance and flip it on him and he left next. This was the first time something like that did happen and it sure has not been the last time.

5. Christy (Amazon) - I loved the blindsides of this season. This one showed how much being indecisive can really screw you. She was the considered swing vote and could go with the girls or go with Rob, Butch and Matthew. She told both sides she wasnt sure and said she was looking for her best interests. Rob, not liking that either decided to get everyone else and flip it on her. She did go out pretty pissed and I was pretty sad because I was rooting for her. I hope she comes back even though she probably wont.

6. Burton X2 (Pearl Islands) - This was the first time someone was blindsided 2 times. It really made it interesting. Burton being the quote on quote bully of the tribe threw the challenge only to have himself blindsided instead of the person he and 2 others picked on. I found that very interesting. What makes it better is that he comes back from the outcast twist and gets up to the top for a while. It was his lying to Lil that really became his downfall. If he just said Im with you to the end, Lil wouldnt have flipped and Burton probably could have won the game. That didnt happen and he got blindsided again. At least he got a car.

7. Rupert (Pearl Islands) - Rupert was the big pirate and a huge fan favorite and I think it shocked alot of people when his whole world came crashing down. He was a very happy and likable person who was a challenge beast. He had his two girls (Christa and Sandra) as well as Burton, Lil and Jonny and life was going pretty well for him. Then Burton and Jonny flipped to the morgan girls with Lil following. As the episode where that happened was going on, it was kind of clear there were signs but it was still a very big shock and really changed the game for Jonny and Burton to have all the power.

8. Rob C (All Stars) - I know this is an early blindside but this was probably the biggest. Rob C was one of the best players of the game at that time so to see him get screwed by another Rob who did poorly on his first season came as a shock to all. It showed how much Boston Rob was a player and was there to win. It pretty much set the rest of the game up for Boston Rob to dominate.

9. LeAnn (Vanuatu) - This was something that was gonna happen and you were just waiting for it. The girls as they went along were getting more and more fed up with each other and it was just inevitable. From Chris being in the final 7 with 6 other girls, you could imagine he was gonna go next after if they got rid of Eliza which is what some of the girls wanted. Chris saw it as an opportunity to get himself in a better position. He got Eliza, Twila and Scout and they pulled off the biggest blindside of the season. Another well noted blindside is Julie but mostly for Elizas reaction. That was priceless.

10. Angie (Palau) - People might not classify this as a blindside but I do. That Tribal Council really sent the tribe into chaos as to what they were gonna do next. Both tribes were set to go to tribal but they got to play for a reward challenge. Ibrehem sucked so badly at the challenge and he was obviously set up to go next on Ulong. The entire time after it was Ibrehem sucks at challenges and has to go next. For me at the time, it was a very slow episode because you knew who was going on both tribes and it was just predictable. Koror had their vote and it was pretty straightforward. Then Ulong came in and hell struck the tribe when Koror was told to vote for someone to get immunity. Ibrehem ended up getting the immunity and it sent the tribe into turmoil with what to do next. It ended becoming a tie first and then Stephenie changed her vote and voted off Angie. It was a crazy vote because no one knew who was gonna go next after that and it made it very interesting.

Honorable Mentions: Jerri (Australia), Silas (Africa), Helen (Thailand), Roger (Amazon), Deena (Amazon), Tijuana (Pearl Islands), Colby (All Stars), Big Tom (All Stars), Julie (Vanuatu), Rory (Vanuatu), Dolly (Vanuatu), Coby (Palau)

Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Points: 13 5 comments
Survivor Rankings #25 Mar 20, 2016
imageNOTE: These are my opinions and I will respect yours so please respect mine. :) Spoilers!!!

For me, this was a season where I hated it but loved it then went back and forth. I feel this is a good spot for the season. At #25 is...
NICARAGUA (Season 21)

When I first saw this season. I never really knew what to think of it because HvV aired just before it. Later on after the season finished I didnt really like it. I ended up rewatching it and enjoyed it then after I forgot about it I hated it again, then re watched it and I have come to the conclusion that its a good season but still very low.

I like the cast. The old people trying to fight against the young guns (even though that didnt last long). I always found the younger tribe more entertaining because they were very diverse and always up front with each other most of the time (NaOnka the most). The older tribe had more wisdom which was a nice change from lying and deception.

Jimmy Johnson was a nice leader but had way too much of a target. Marty was interesting more so after the swap. Jill I really liked and was a little sad she was one vote away from merge and jury. Holly had a great story arc. From being a person who wanted to quit on day 5 to evolving into a fearless player. I loved Jane. She was very fun to watch from her making fire in the first 20 minutes of landing at the beach to her and Martys rivalry to her winning endurance challenges which is surprising considering all of the strong people that were there. She was very robbed IMO and it was sad to see her go. At least she went out in a watery blaze of glory. I hope she comes back. The rest of Espada were not that great I mean there is Dan but hes eh.

La Flor had some very interesting moments and I loved their first tribal council. It was very entertaining. Im re watching the season right now and all of their tribals were very exciting to watch. Brenda is great and I love her even though she didnt do too well this season. Fabio was someone you could laugh at but I didnt like him as a winner. NaOnka is entertaining as hell and her outlashes at Fabio were so funny. Sash was ok but was very arrogant. Alina I would like to see play again because she was outcasted very early. The rest of La Flor was interesting but I dont want to talk about them.

Location wasnt great and challenges were bland but the tribal council was cool. Gameplay was ok but I think alot of it came from personality differences rather then strategic gameplay.

Overall, its a fun season to watch (at least for me) but its not better than others. I would say try to give the season one more chance and try not to compare it to other seasons while you watch cause its no contest.

PYN to be tagged!


Stay tuned for #24

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Points: 18 7 comments
Survivor Rankings #26 Mar 20, 2016
imageNOTE: These are my opinions and I will respect yours so please respect mine. :) Spoilers!!!

I just finished writing this but I refreshed the page so I have to do it again :(.

At #26 is...
THAILAND (Season 5)

I think im one of the only people to actually not hate the season as much as others. I have found it enjoyable compared to other seasons and I dont mind re watching it at times. Probably because I havent seen it so many times though.

The cast at times were pretty despicable but at other times they were not that bad. Robb having that epiphany on life was interesting (he probably went back to his old self though). Shii Ann was probably my favourite up until she got screwed by the fake merge. I didnt like though how they were mean to her because of her culture and ways of life. Helen was eh...I wanted to see more of the bitterness though cause that was way better drama then the whole Ted-Ghandia fiasco.

One of the reasons why I think people dislike the season was how Sook Jai was pagonged even before the merge. Like Jed was gone, then Ghandia afterwards. The next 7 vote offs were all Sook Jai and it stretched from the 2nd half of pre merge to the final 6. I think it made it very uninteresting by the time merge came because the last 3 were obviously gonna go next.

One of the reasons I like this season is how many firsts that came from this season: 1st time tribes were schoolyard picked, 1st and only time there was a pre merge auction, 1st time there was a fake merge, 1st time challenges that were pretty cool. 1st time 1st time the elders were able to pick tribes etc. There were alot of firsts some bad but some good too.

I think its kind of an understatement to say that Brian was a good winner considering the final 5. All of them pretty much listened to Brian and did nothing except get blindsided afterwards (except Jan). Plus Clay sucked.

Overall, this season had some fun challenges, horrible cast members (some good ones too), and alot of firsts. Its a season that is bad compared to others but not the worst season ever.

PYN to be tagged


Stay tuned for #25

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#27 -

Points: 20 2 comments
Survivor Rankings #27 Mar 20, 2016
imageNOTE: These are my opinions and I will respect yours so please respect mine. :) Spoilers!!!

At #27 is...
FIJI (Season 14)

A season that im sure alot of people can agree on had a very weak cast. Considering 19 out of the original 20 were recruited, it made all of these people just very boring to watch because these people had very little to no experience from the show.

However, there were some good people like Yau-Man, Earl and Michele. Then there are others like Alex and Cassandra who were eh then there was Dreamz who took douche to a whole other level. To this day im pretty sure people still havent gotten over how badly Yau was robbed because of him.

Gameplay was pretty boring. More notably during pre merge. Post merge though was interesting enough from Dreamz flipping causing Michele (Robbed) and Edgardos outings to Yau and Dreamz car deal to Dreamz trying to immediately get him out afterwards.

Out of the final 3 that was there, I was happy Earl won, he was very social and was never a target because of it. I also liked his decision to change the plan on I think Alex to Edgardo instead because of a possible Idol play (which happened).

Overall, the season had some interesting moments but it wasnt enough for a great season.

PYN to be tagged!


Stay tuned for #26

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#28 -

Points: 61 2 comments
Survivor Rankings #28 Mar 19, 2016
imageNOTE: These are my opinions and I will respect yours so please respect mine. :)

Coming in at #28 is...
ONE WORLD (Season 24)

Now this season is hated for its unlikeable cast. I wont disagree but I wont agree either to it.

I loved this pre merge. Colton whether you hate him or despise him was very entertaining and made the pre merge very exciting to watch. His leaving for sure made the season go downhill.

The cast itself is also meh. Some were likable enough to where you wanted them to stay so others you hate could go. For me, it was people like Chelsea and Christina I wanted to stay so others could leave like Tarzan and Jay (even though his accent is great). Alecia (I think thats how you spelled it) was very appalling and just sucked on so many levels.

Now I love Kim and Kat. They were non stop entertaining and full of good moments. For Kim it was gameplay. For Kat it was just her personality. Troyzan I think would have been better if he could have developed a better survival story arc against the girls but that didnt happen. I would love to see Sabrina play and try to do different from what she did last time.

Challenges were ok but nothing to ride home about. I also noticed the grittiness tone to this season from mainly how it looks (when you see stuff like the intro and the finale intros for the final 5 it shows how like dark and gritty it was which was something I kind of liked but could also be seen as something boring).

Overall, it had a great pre merge but afterwards it just went downhill with Kim just controlling it all. Kim needs to come back to win again though.

PYN to be tagged!


Stay tuned for #27

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Points: 44 7 comments