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The Geoo's blog

Posts 28 posts

thank you for the saves! Dec 14, 2023
I only achieved this thanks to you, at all so i am incredibly grateful. Thank you very very very much!

I mentioned you in the order of comments! Whoever saved me by email, I will keep it confidential, but know that your support is as important as others. <3

Points: 483 22 comments
TYSMMM 62,2% ❤️❤️❤️ Dec 13, 2023
Good evening, Tengaged!

I made a mistake and trusted the wrong people and that's why I'm being nominated today, even though my name has been in sets for three rounds and only now have they managed to do that. I REALLY need your support to be able to continue in this game and give back in kind.

The cast is divided into two parts: the part that deliberately lies to everyone at all times and the part that hides behind the liars and continues to float while others take the target.

I really want to stay! My opponent Kon told several people during the day that he wanted to go up with me, as he would beat me easily. Please don't save someone so arrogant like that. I understand that I'm a new player, I've been here for exactly six months and therefore most of you probably don't know me, but I really need this opportunity, I promise I won't disappoint!

And for those who already know me and support me, all my love and affection, stay with me on this journey!

Click on the WrathOfKon button >>
Points: 882 34 comments
PYN Nov 27, 2023
And I'll tell you who on your first friends page owes you a gift!

Xyris - He owes you a gift! 3pi14159
Pavaneli - He owes you a gift brunodrads
BrianGonzalez - He owes you a gift jason_2_12
Natrix - She owes you a gift! Ponga
icyz - He owes you a gift! Matte
Vasquis - She owes you a gift! cheritaisdelicious
Lucas_RFS - She owes you a gift! Cecilia581
Peculio - He owes you a gift! Cella
Ryon246 - He owes you a gift! daveycool
Fendimania - He owes you a gift! Sexytex
BigBrotherStan2022 - He owes you a gift! Eilish
Thumper91 - He owes you a gift! Toxicity
Minie - She owes you a gift! Vanili
Ghostfacegangsta - He owes you a gift! yoboyy_luke
brunodrads - He owes you a gift! BigBrotherDonny
Points: 253 22 comments
Thank you, 56.4% ❤️ + Super Gold! Nov 8, 2023
Three months ago I started the process of moving to another country and yesterday was the big day. A lot of the cast knew I'd be a bit absent due to the travel/connection/flights process and to my misfortune, I was without internet access for more than 10 hours. As soon as I connected to the internet on my cell phone while still at the airport, I saw the notification from Peculio and Niczinha letting me know that I had been nominated. I felt sad right away because I knew I wouldn't have time to defend my game and/or write a final appeal.

When I got in and saw that there were lots of people supporting me I was so happy, but so happy!!! It didn't matter whether I stayed or not (I've never survived a poll on stars), I was just happy to have people supporting me. And know that all this support helped me a lot! I've been very emotional because of this change that brings me closer to one part of my family, but distances me from another.

By the way, tomorrow will be exactly 5 months since I started playing here on and to celebrate I've decided to buy my super gold level! Many thanks to everyone who helped me recently with my 100 games charity and the support charity for this level!

I'm really grateful to have friends by my side helping and supporting me, I'm very lucky to have you! I wish I could mention everyone, but there are so many of you! Have a tight hug and a nice smell of Geoo!

Ily ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Points: 611 27 comments

I've finally reached the mark I wanted so much and which in a way has a symbolic meaning, because when I stopped playing in Brazil this was the level I had.

I had never played here on before, so for the vast majority it was my first contact, except for some of you who played on .br and I knew previously. (Mention to Tyler who welcomed me here with a lot of love and affection bamold1999).

I created an account here and came back to play at BlueDragon's invitation and I'm eternally grateful. Tengaged was a great distraction from such a delicate time in my life (I even spoke to some of you briefly), and being able to connect with lots of different people around the world is something that really fascinates me.

Meeting up with several friends from Brazil who are still active here was very remarkable and I am grateful for every conversation, affection and support I received from all of them.

I really wish I could tag each of you here and tell you how much you've helped me and how important you are, but I don't want to risk doing that and forgetting someone. In the meantime, receive my virtual hug and all my love!

I haven't been playing as often as I did when I first arrived for a number of reasons, but I'm still very active and whenever I can I try to interact and meet new people. Thanks again!

Money: 0.6 T$
Points: 950 44 comments
Aug 30, 2023
I'm going to talk about you and if I don't know you I'm going to talk about the impression you give me here on the site.

I made the first contact with you and even though you didn't know me, you were very friendly and helpful! I feel a very good energy coming from you! I won't forget the camping trip you promised me! Remember that. ♥

We've never played anything together, but I have the feeling that we're closer than we really are! You're always very sweet to me and to everyone on this site! I only feel good things coming from you. I'd love to play something with you and get to know you better.

You have a very fierce energy and I could see that as soon as I joined this site a little over two months ago. We've had some ups and downs in the frookies arena, but at least on my part, I've never held a grudge or anything like that! You're an excellent player and I admire your strength.

Fiquei muito feliz quando você me respondeu por e-mail naquele fatídico que presenciamos aqui neste site! Você é realmente uma pessoa que gosto, pois tivemos bons momentos no passado. O que eu mais admiro em você é a forma como você defende os seus amigos e se entrega 100% para eles, não são todos que tem essa coragem.

Eu amei conhecer mais um brasileiro que ainda joga ativamente! Não me recordo de momentos nossos no .br, porém eu lembro do seu user e tenho certeza que nunca tive nenhum sentimento ruim ou algo parecido! Faz pouquinho tempo que trocamos uma ideia e você parece ser super divertido e uma boa amizade para conversar. Espero que possamos continuar essa parceria!

I've tried to jog my memory, but I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've seen your user here on this site. I'm a newbie and that counts for a lot. But, you've got CheapCheep first in friends and I love it! So I think you're a good person.

I find the way you spam very funny! It's literally fun to see a comment from you on every blog! Oh, I can't forget to mention that all your designs are funny and out of the "ordinary" hahahahaha. You can always send me your spam!

I see you being very active on blogs on a daily basis and I admire that, I wish I could be a bit more. I've seen that you're going through a bit of a rough patch, so if you want to chat, talk nonsense or anything else, feel free to send me an e-mail.

I met you in the frookies arena and I remember a good connection in our first game, but then you cheated me, you little bastard! And that's when I discovered that you're one of the fierce users who frequent this arena! I really admire that, because I don't have the energy to go there! Your avi is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen, I confess I'm a little jealous.

You were part of my first stars, I'll always have fond memories of you. I feel that you are very dear to many on this site and nothing could be more fair! Even in a stressful game like stars you were always kind and friendly to me. I loved knowing that you play competitive Fortinite and sometimes I see you playing League of Legends, two games that I love! It's a shame that the server won't let me play something with you any time soon.

You're a new legend in the making! I feel you're going to go far here! Always very sweet and friendly with everyone! Even in awkward situations you keep your politeness, I admire that.

I've only seen you around a few times, but I've noticed that you've been playing games for a long time. You're a Rita fan, I like some of her songs!

Eu tenho um mix de sentimentos em relação a você hahaha. Meu primeiro jogo aqui foi contigo e mesmo com todo aquele barulho trocamos algumas ideias posteriormente. Recentemente tivemos um pequeno atrito e definitivamente eu sinto que o nosso gênio não é 100% compatível. Entretanto, você é muito querido e atencioso com as suas amizades! Sempre vejo você sendo muito gentil com todos desse site e isso é muito especial. Não desgosto de ti, que fique claro! Mas sinto que existe algo por parte dos dois que não sei explicar, não é atoa que faz muito tempo que não conversamos.

Eu gosto tanto de você, amigo! Acho que você não vai lembrar, mas um momento nosso que eu adoro é você me chamando pra ir na pedra do arpoador após a virada de ano (o ano eu não lembro) e a gente deixando a galera dos jogos na praia e indo igual duas doidas, bêbadas e acabadas! hahahaha.

"High heels off, I’m feeling alive..." aiusdhuasihdauhd. Brincadeira a parte, sem dúvidas eu tive uma das melhores semanas aqui neste site quando eu estava jogando aquele rookies contigo! Você é alegre, divertido e simpático! Adorei te conhecer e estou com saudades de ficar flodando contigo asduidhiuhd <3
Points: 94 23 comments