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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


5thNov 11, 2020 by FelipeS
For a late 2020 opinion. I'm gonna do everyone, even the ones I don't really know, aka most of the site (based on first impressions and site presence) and maybe come clear if we have some friction. No shade, just the truth for the first time in the decade, everyone is welcome.

I kinda need the health ngl.

#heyitsmaggee - as you know, I don't know you (LOL) but i've seen some of your blogs and interactions with the general public, they kind of annoy me sometimes, maybe because we both have very different personalities or maybe because I feel like you might take those people way too seriously ? You're gonna have to tell me that, and i'f i'm wrong lmao ✌

#Thirteen - 2021 is gonna be our year.... if you make this one alive 😈If you don't, I'm gonna have to torture you forever in HELL😈😈😈  JK lol You're a nice guy, I never expected you to be the way you are. Kinda creepy but not scary, I like our interactions even though they're little.

#AmandaBynes - I feel like i've seen you around trolling ? If yes then I like you, my favorite users are the trollz. If not then you're just boring and I probably mistook you for someone else, sorry.

LivvieBoo12 - I'll never forget when you spilled filthy lies about me telling you to die from cancer, not a long time ago during the #Felipaige era. That was weird, which makes me think you're weird, and that doesn't surprise me, we on tengaged chile, the land of weirdozzz. That's my biggest issue with you because If I really told you that, I would own it, and that's why I avoid any kind of interactions with you nowadays.

danyyboy67 - The only ways we interacted here were in games and that's it. I don't have negative things to say about you (not that I remember) because we worked together most of the time.

franzella - I really have 0 idea on who you are. I just know your avi needs a miracle, work done ASAP!

xCelestex - ooooooooooo You. I never expected us to be close or even friends when you first arrived. To me, you were going to be a filler, a quick passenger on #CWF  but here we are. You're fun and just like me, you love a pot stirring. YOU LOVE TO STIR MY FUCKING POT. Jokes aside, you're very kind and have a very pure heart, not everyone would do what you do for your friends and I think that's very beautiful ( and I'm not talking about the site, you know what I mean).

Yawnha - I forgot I had you on my filter list the other day because you annoyed the shit out of me with your spam but oh well, we all do what we gotta do LOL. And as I said to magee, don't take people in this site seriously, you're too young to be stressed over petty stuff. Be strong !

zachbbs - You're one of the biggest surprises of 2020 to me because I never thought we'd get along so well. I remember back in the day when you used to smack the lovely gaga fambly and they befriended you out of nowhere, I was thinking ''omg are they stupid ? That guy was legit being so mean...'' But time passed and here we are, pals. You're one of the funniest guys in this site, and of course you're far ahead from tengaged's time because most of these players are boring and they don't get your jokes but I've been there, done that. They still have plenty of room to grow and develop a brain.... or maybe not. #CommunistsForTrump !

ilysuiteheart - You're too nice and  sweet most of the time, it almost feels like you're hiding something 👀 We need to stay tuned and find out.

Washed_Ravioli - When they washed you, they took all the flavor you had and that's why you EVICTED ME YESTERDAY 😡

Matte - Amigãooo, sempre de braços abertos para todos, tem um coração enorme e nunca tá de má vontade pra nada. Foi uma das poucas pessoas nesse site que sempre me tratou bem em qualquer situação e te admiro muito por isso, talvez é uma virtude que só você tenha por aqui. E não só aqui, dá pra perceber que você tem a mente muito aberta e o coração grande aí do lado de fora dessa tela também e isso vai te levar longe. Nós podemos não nos falar todos os dias, ou com muita frequência, mas sempre que nos falamos o assunto sempre tá em dia como se estivéssemos conectados quase sempre, e isso é muito bom.
PS.: Sua organização também é impecável, inveja eu tenho sim -q

jacksonjoseph99 - Helleh

Olympia - You're truly iconic. I crack myself up with your blogs when I see them, and I love when you get the snowflakes pressed. Melt them all 🔥

top20fan33 - I feel like I know you but I don't at the same time, It's weird. I probably got you mixed up with BBD who used to be a pal of mine stone ages ago.

staymellow - Don't know you. But your  avi is giving me psychopat vibes, I hope you're a little troll

Crissy15 - The newest bitch in town ! At least in my town. You're truly the most easy going person i've ever spoken to from tengaged, it just happens and when you least expect, sassy xssy has taken over. I'm glad you joined our crazy coffee circle and I hope your non feminist ways lead you to the win this week. #TeamCrissy

Minie - I love you.

brookie_cookie - You......... well, too extra, just like your titties.

SemNome - Chato, falso e insuportável, mas me lembra meu irmão mais novo, então te tolero -n; Zoeiras a parte, tu é um piá muito divertido mesmo sendo insuportável. Até hoje não esqueço do nosso stars, se não fosse por nós 2 tinha todo mundo tomado no 'céu'. A gente ainda tem muito chão pela frente pra se divertir, sem contar que, assim como eu, você adora causar uma discórdia 😈 kkkkkkk entretenimento gratuito garantido.

Decisions - Don't know you besides our game interactions and you're on my side quite often. And you lick Chic's cunt all the time, beware of blue waffle, chile.

LexeyJane - Well....... You do love to be read right ? And let's be clear the only reason why I can't stand you is because of that rat Tyler alexia who you used to sheep a long time ago, and do w.e. he told you to do when you were a little  noob with that awful manly looking skin and wonderland eyes. Other than that I just insult you for fun, which is kinda mean but oh well not everyone is perfect and that's me, I can't not be mean sometimes and I do hold grudges.

ilovetosing - Well you know you're useless and I hate you so why post your motherfucking NAME ? Lmao joking, you're one of the last new friends I made in here and that happened a long time ago, maybe my social skills are crusty but we always had a good time.... And oh well, you kept being screwed over by the multi tribe I was a part of because you were too annoying and the others couldn't get your sense of humor. I do tho and we haven't spoken in a long time since my departure and comeback, I would love to catch up.

Skarsgard - MEU FILHOOO, meu pet noob, sugar baby, terror das inimigas que fala ? Kkk quando você começou a interagir comigo eu não imaginava que seria a pessoa que é, divertido pra caramba e atencioso, fiquei com medo até de ser multi de alguém que tivesse me atentando, foi tudo tão do nada kkkkk. Eu nunca fui de dar muita atenção pra pessoas que eu conheço aqui, apenas amigos próximos que conheço há mais tempo, e você me surpreendeu pois a gente tá junto nas conversas todos os dias. Fico feliz por ter te conhecido 💞

crazybone5000 - We had our first interaction 2 days ago and Ionhave a lot to say about you, but I'm always open for a chit chat.

Katherinee_ - You were such a bitch in THG back in the day when we used to play together, I haven't played a game like that in a while >.< I still remember when we shot that guy in the middle of a circle to snatch his health lmao. Just like it usually happens, we lost contact but I still remember how much fun we used to have.

_Ravenclaw_ - Apesar de eu já ter jogado alguns jogos ( creio que em grupo talvez?) contigo, a gente nunca foi de interagir muito e não te vejo  pelo site com frequencia, fora de games desse tipo.

Tester - You remind me of GoodKaren which is great, we need more people like her around town.

Delete2544 - Well, I really tried to get along with you when we were in the same chat, but I never really could get into you. In my mind you were just too much and trying too hard, but at the end of the day that's just your personality and you own it. I grew to realize that not everyone is gonna behave the way I want them to behave or be who I expect them to be, and that's fine. We did have some nice moments though.

Maxi1234 - I always got you mixed up with winner123 for some reason, overall you're okay and make funny blogs.

J2999 - UUUUUUGH A KING, you used to help me a lot back in the day and truly one of the nicest players from this website. Too bad I'm not lucky in your group games :s

Lemjam6 - I've always seen you in controversy which is good, truly entertaining. Plus, everytime I log on twitter and see the real housewives historian posting something, I  think you're behind that account. Are you?

Jenii_Valenta -  Watch Dynasty with me and xcel.


ill go first.
Sent by heyitsmaggee,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by Thirteen,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by AmandaBynes,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by LivvieBoo12,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by danyyboy67,Nov 11, 2020
me <3
Sent by franzella,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by xCelestex,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by Yawnha,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by zachbbs,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by ilysuiteheart,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by Washed_Ravioli,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by Matte,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by jacksonjoseph99,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by Olympia,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by top20fan33,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by staymellow,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by Crissy15,Nov 11, 2020
skip to me
Sent by Minie,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by brookie_cookie,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by SemNome,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by Decisions,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by lexeyjane,Nov 11, 2020
Sent by ilovetosing,Nov 12, 2020
Sent by Skarsgard,Nov 12, 2020
Sent by crazybone5000,Nov 12, 2020
Sent by Katherinee_,Nov 12, 2020
Sent by _Ravenclaw_,Nov 12, 2020
Sent by Tester,Nov 12, 2020
Sent by Delete2544,Nov 12, 2020
Sent by Maxi1234,Nov 12, 2020
Sent by J2999,Nov 12, 2020
Sent by Lemjam6,Nov 12, 2020
Sent by Jenii_Valenta,Nov 12, 2020
Sent by Jenii_Valenta,Nov 12, 2020
Yes Felipe
Sent by Tryphena,Nov 12, 2020
ok me
Sent by ParvatiS,Nov 12, 2020

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