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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Top Survivor Merges

3rdAug 5, 2013 by Diva1
imageThis is my little informal poll to see how many of you want to see the Top Merges come back on the Hall of Fame page.

A number of you have sent messages or blogged about this and I was just wondering if that was what the majority of you would like to see back?

Thank you for any insight you would like to share about this!


Me like why not?
Sent by Guess_Who,Aug 5, 2013
i'm glad this is being addressed it's clearly the most important issue on here
Sent by Yaxha,Aug 5, 2013
it should be brought back. Most loved and fashionista are fucking stupid, while the top merge section was actually interesting kty
Sent by zakisaboss,Aug 5, 2013
The new Fashionista section is why it's probably gone btw
Sent by Diva1,Aug 5, 2013
it should come back. Those people devoted a year+ to one tribe. They deserve it more than some of the people in there who just play a bunch of games
Sent by Xbac5,Aug 5, 2013
*wave diva1* :)
Sent by Vans,Aug 5, 2013
it's so much better than fashionista and most loved LOL.......
Sent by Phenomanimal,Aug 5, 2013
I have no idea how the Most Loved is figured zakisaboss :)
Sent by Diva1,Aug 5, 2013
I think it's more useful than Most Loved or Top Fashionista, but I don't see why they can't all be there regardless. There is a huge awkward gap on the right side of the hall of fame now. In fact, more Top Merges spots or Monthly Rankers spots could even be there as well since the gap is that big.
Sent by Tits_McGee,Aug 5, 2013
I would rather see a most merges section than most consecutive merges. If it's most consecutive it would probably be impossible to beat as soon as a high number is reached and it will always be the same. On the other hand most merges will leave people battling to get the most merges and make survivor more lively than it currently is. Diva1 Randomize
Sent by Icing,Aug 5, 2013
and i agree with xbac5, me and some other people are actually close to there, and people used to be recognized for it, now it's like we're close to 60 merges to not be there :p it's not a HUGE deal, but going back to my other comment, it's better than fashionista/most loved
Sent by Phenomanimal,Aug 5, 2013
I agree that the people with the most merges should be acknowledged Vans. It didn't change very often because we all know how hard it is to maintain that record!

*waves to Pepper*
Sent by Diva1,Aug 5, 2013
OH i remembered my idea of like ages ago
i had the idea to put "top current mergers" instead of ever, so basically, when the people in that section got voted off, they would get knocked off, and then would get replaced, so it would be more dynamic than the highest merge streaks ever.
Sent by Phenomanimal,Aug 5, 2013
Good point Icing
Sent by Diva1,Aug 5, 2013
I like your idea also Phenomanimal. Maybe there could be two sections. I think to have the record holder for consecutive merges is important though. That is a record that should always be shown somewhere.
Sent by Diva1,Aug 5, 2013
Diva1 there surely is enough space on the right side to fit both, imo! :)
Sent by Phenomanimal,Aug 5, 2013
they should have top KPGs!!!!!!
Sent by Vitamin,Aug 5, 2013
I like the idea of having both of those, Diva1. Randomize do this!

"I like your idea also Phenomanimal. Maybe there could be two sections. I think to have the record holder for consecutive merges is important though. That is a record that should always be shown somewhere."

One for Current Top Merges, one for Most Ever.

And I disagree with Vitamin because people can just make multis, like certain users have several "cousins", and keep trying to get high KPG :P so that would be a pointless section!
Sent by Tits_McGee,Aug 5, 2013
Sent by jakehou97,Aug 5, 2013
Good point Icing
Sent by _Aria,Aug 5, 2013
i really like icing's idea

randomize you could get rid of the fashion thing and put both the top consecutive and top overall merges in the same amount of space that a giant picture of an avi that was relevant for like 2 days
Sent by Xbac5,Aug 5, 2013
Icing even though i see what you mean, the people who already have 200-250-300 total merges or however many they have, people starting out now can't exactly beat that out either. most of those people usually make good streaks so they add another 1 every 5ish days, and even though their totals are gonna go's gonna be the same few people there the entire time. it's gonna be the same issue as the most consecutive merges.
Sent by Phenomanimal,Aug 5, 2013
I believe most loved is calculated by how many friends have you as their top friends. Like if you're on their first page of friends, you have 2 hearts from each one of them, and if you are on their second page of friends, you have 1 heart from each one of them, then all the hearts are added to see who are most "loved". Diva1

And I do agree that the most merges should be back. And the way that the Fashionista is configured is probably based on how many new stuffs they get from the shop or from auction, so it really has nothing to do with fashion...
Sent by charlesdawn,Aug 6, 2013
agree with icing
Sent by atti12,Aug 6, 2013
i'm glad this is being addressed it's clearly the most important issue on here
Sent by Yaxha,Aug 5, 2013
Sent by TBIbetch,Aug 6, 2013
ME why did they took it off the Hof?
Sent by sim0sim0sim,Aug 6, 2013
if that "most loved" things in the hof...this should be :P +++
Sent by owee13,Aug 6, 2013
Tits wants it cause he would be in it lol honestly I would too
Sent by brosky17,Aug 6, 2013
I don't get why it was removed in the first place. No one cares about most loved and top fashionista. And may I remind everyone that this is a GAMING site? :P
Sent by Insanity,Aug 6, 2013
I say bring it back!
Sent by tuter32,Aug 6, 2013
I dont want see it back.
Sent by Butcher,Aug 6, 2013
No Vitamin.  Once you get in a rut, you can never get out.  We shouldn't reward the multi's that have come back on a second account with an awesome kpg when the original barely has over 3.

I agree with xbac5.  Although it'd be really hard, it's doable, and stuff in the HoF isn't supposed to be easy to do.
Sent by Voice,Aug 6, 2013
not really assed but we could defo do with something to replace 'TOP FASHIONISTA'
Sent by BengalBoy,Aug 6, 2013
+ I want it back!

But when some people make like 50 merges is dificcult to change the top, so maybe should be resetted each year (the merge streaks that are over) or maybe making a double top, historic most merges (over or not) and currently most merges  (merge streaks that are not over)
Sent by bayonetta,Aug 6, 2013
BengalBoy getting right to the point!
Sent by Diva1,Aug 6, 2013
yes I defintly want to see it added back to the HOF page!

I feel that it takes alot of hard work to get that many merges and they should be honored for it! So yes,bring it back :)
Sent by M2thamax,Aug 6, 2013
Voice Tits_McGee
what about best kpg for those who have played a certain amount of games/have a certain amount of karma/certain colour level? Then yellow levels who have just won 1 casting and have a KPG of 40 won't be included
Sent by Vitamin,Aug 6, 2013
Id love to see it back! Diva1
Sent by wumblebee,Aug 6, 2013
Yes, we do want it back. We don't care who has no life nor who got the best items in shops, that's bullcrap.
Sent by sihz,Aug 6, 2013
it never really changed very often seemed pretty pointless to me
Sent by splozojames50,Aug 6, 2013
I want it back for sure. It should be commemorated and there's no reason /not/ to have it.
Sent by zimdelinvasor,Aug 6, 2013
i agree with bayonetta
we need a current list of the most merges
Sent by sjsoccer88,Aug 6, 2013
Sent by AlanDuncan,Aug 6, 2013
I think it should be as long as the "most loved" section, and I think it should be on CURRENT merges, or players still in a game of survivor.
Sent by Castings,Aug 6, 2013
Sent by Lemjam6,Aug 6, 2013
Sent by bibbles,Aug 6, 2013
I deffo think it should be brought back... some of theses people spent over a YEAR on one tribe.... That's dedication... and should be acknowledged !!!!!!!   Hope all is well with you Diva1  hope you're having an awesome summer girl... miss you babe < ♥♥♥
Sent by Gemini,Aug 6, 2013
im never going to make it there so idc lol
Sent by AxKxAxBatman,Aug 6, 2013
If it does come back it's kinda unfair that Ryan/gaston/Jallina will overtake kez/ryatur considering the fact that I bet a lot of people who wanted to join to take them out just gave up since it's not in the hof anymore.
Sent by JordanLloydFan,Aug 6, 2013
I hope you are having a great summer too Gemini! I am going to bid on another shop when I can be home on Tuesday night. Now i just need some new designs to post from you before I bid on one!
Sent by Diva1,Aug 6, 2013
Lol JordanLloydFan you're a clown. Plenty of people joined against us to try to "take us down" so far, and plenty of others have planned on it... like you. Whether it's in the hall of fame or not doesn't mean that the total amount of merges is suddenly gone. Not that I think Ryan or Kez should lose their spots because there's plenty of room in the HoF for more spots, but I certainly don't see how it's "unfair" to them if other people manage to merge for just as long or longer...
Sent by Tits_McGee,Aug 6, 2013

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