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Choirwolf's blog

  1. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Winner!
  2. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-FTC
  3. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #14
  4. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #13
  5. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #12
  6. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #11
  7. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #10
  8. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #9
  9. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #8
  10. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #7
  11. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #6
  12. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #5
  13. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #4
  14. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #3
  15. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #2
  16. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #1
  17. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Winner!
  18. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-FTC
  19. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #16
  20. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #15
  21. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #14
  22. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #13
  23. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #12
  24. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #11
  25. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #10
  26. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #9
  27. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #8
  28. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #7
  29. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #6
  30. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #5
  31. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #4
  32. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #3
  33. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #2
  34. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #1
  35. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Winner!
  36. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-FTC
  37. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #16
  38. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #15
  40. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #14

Choirwolf's Blog

Posts 227 posts

Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #11 May 17, 2015
As previously stated in the story line stuff hit the fan once the merge began. Alison managed to pull out an immunity and not only did she have the "Bad Girls" alliance, she believed that she had Stephenie's vote in her back pocket as well.  Little did she know that Stephenie was apart of the "High Voltage" alliance.  Well, going into the tribal council Alison whispered to Stephenie that it was a vote for Colby, because he was so strong in Australian Outback. Needless to say, Steph let "High Voltage" know that little fact and they decided they were voting for GinaMarie. Danielle Reyes also approached Chase and said that it was time he picked a side and that they were voting Colby. Needless to say the vote came in and it was a deadlock 5-5 tie, GinaMarie and Colby. So, it went directly to a re-vote where once again it was a 4-4 tie for the both of them.  Finally, for the first time in the history of Choir's Survivor Blog Game it came down to a Purple Rock Tie-Breaker (, everyone but Colby and GinaMarie reached in a bag and pulled out a rock.  While holding the rocks it was explained that the person with a purple rock in their hand when they flip it over will be out of the game. 

Choir: On three please flip, but first what is your new tribes name?

GinaMarie: It's Tvåan which is Swedish for "Runner-up" do you love it? AAHHHHH!

Choir: Okay great... needless to say on three please flip over and open your hands 1... 2... 3!

*Hand open up and flip*

Choir: Well, it looks like Daniele Donato you are officially the 11th person out of Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups!

Daniele Donato: No freaking way! I was dominating this game you all know it I was one of the few who came here to play whatever. I'm out.

Choir: *Yelling at her as she walks out* You will be the first member of the jury!

"Tvåan" tribe:
Colby Donaldson
GinaMarie Zimmerman
Danielle Reyes
Amanda Kimmel
Stephenie LaGrossa
Courtney Yates
Danielle DiLorenzo
Alison Irwin
Chase Rice

Well, it was quite possibly one of the most explosive Tribal Councils in the history of the game leaving one side, the "High Voltage" alliance, quite possibly in the dominant lead going forward. Back at camp  the "Bad Girls" were absolutely flabbergasted they figured that Chase must have gone against them and told other people how they were voting, because they knew Stephenie had to be with them 100%, right. Well, they were wrong Stephenie realized that she somehow still managed to cover up the fact that there was a "High Voltage" alliance.  Going into the immunity challenge the "Bad Girls" were worried that they had lost a person, so they were determined to win, but that didn't work out it was a trivia challenge in which every time someone got one right they got to throw a snowball at each persons targets. Magically, the first three out were the "Bad Girls", then Stephenie, Chase and finally Danielle DiLorenzo the leader of the secret "High Voltage" alliance pulled out immunity.  Please vote someone other than Danielle DiLorenzo from the game!

20th- Nicole Nilson Schaffrich
19th- Yung "Woo" Hwang
18th- Russell Hantz
17th- Michael "Cowboy" Ellis
16th- Monica Culpepper
15th- Stephen Fishbach
------Tribe Switch------
14th- Robert "Memphis" Garrett
13th- Gary Levy
12th- Erika Landin
11th- Lane Elenburg
10th- Daniele Donato


Points: 86 8 comments
Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #10 May 17, 2015
The "Storebror" tribe were over excited about the fact that GinaMarie managed to win immunity, because the "Bad Girls" alliance knew that they would easily be able to take out someone else.  So, who else should they target? Well, it was quite clear it had to be one of the people going against the bad girls that had to leave.  And as it was the "Bad Girls" on "Storebror" tribe voted for her and by a vote of 3-2-1, Erika Landin became the 9th person voted out of Survivor: Worthy Runner-ups!

Immediately following that little episode of a type of win for the "Bad Girls" alliance at the "Storebror" tribal. It just happened to be a twist that both tribes would be going for a quick tribal and Chase managed to pull off the immunity.  Right before going to tribal council Alison, the lone "Bad Girl" on "Efterlevand", went and talked to Stephenie about the fact that she was also a lone person in the game.  Not knowing that Erika, a member of the "Good Guys", was voted off of the other tribe.  Alison was able to convince Steph that they could team up and take out a lot of people in the game as a secret duo.  When really it was just a strategy for Steph to get a vote to get out a member of the "Good Guys" alliance. Since, Stephenie was feeling like she was getting in with Alison she went and convinced the other members of the "High Voltage" alliance on the tribe to vote the same way.  And with that Alison unknowingly was able to total eradicate the "Good Guys" alliance and keep the "High Voltage" alliance still in power, by getting the vote to be 4-2, Lane Elenburg walking out of tribal as the 10th person voted out of Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups!

"Merged" tribe:
Daniele Donato
Colby Donaldson
GinaMarie Zimmerman
Danielle Reyes
Amanda Kimmel
Stephenie LaGrossa
Courtney Yates
Danielle DiLorenzo
Alison Irwin
Chase Rice

The morning after the the double Tribal Council both tribes woke up to a tree mail saying to meet at a point back in the cold woods where a person could truly die.  When they all met there Choir informed the castaways that it was time for the merge! And that this would be their no camp, so it was time that they started getting themselves warm. Also, they were immediately subject to a card game. Well, not a little card game the challenge where they had to stack them until someone reached a ten foot mark.  And after a pretty quick challenge Alison managed to pull out the win.  The "Bad Girls"(Alison, GinaMarie, Daniele Donato, and Danielle Reyes) thought it was going to be really easy from this point forward. Not knowing that the "High Voltage" alliance (Danielle DiLorenzo, Stephenie, Courtney, Colby, and Amanda) were an alliance fully in tacked. On top of it Alison thought that she had Stephenie's vote when really Steph was using Alison as a vote.  And with this crazy new dynamic off to Tribal Council they went. Please vote someone other than Alison to leave the game, also please post a merged tribe nickname!

20th- Nicole Nilson Schaffrich
19th- Yung "Woo" Hwang
18th- Russell Hantz
17th- Michael "Cowboy" Ellis
16th- Monica Culpepper
15th- Stephen Fishbach
------Tribe Switch------
14th- Robert "Memphis" Garrett
13th- Gary Levy
12th- Erika Landin
11th- Lane Elenburg


Points: 49 13 comments
Wow, I'm Back! Nov 2, 2014
Hi everyone! I have been just so over busy with starting college and everything that I haven't been on here, but I've missed it so much! It is a little weird after being gone 4 months to return, but I'm excited to see everyone I missed and I will keep going with my Survivor Blog game series in a day or two. Wow, just weird to say I'm back! #casting #fasting #survivor
Points: 35 2 comments
I'm So Sorry! Jun 14, 2014
coolexchangestudent is an awesome guy, always helpful and I planned on joining his charity, but I totally blanked out and I'm so sorry! Truly one of the nicest people on this site I've ever met and kick butt at Group Games! I'm so sorry I forgot! Realize I owe you a million and that you are a great person rock your charity!
Points: 19 1 comments
Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #9 Jun 14, 2014
Alison knew going into Tribal Council that she would be leaving.  It just seemed like it and the rest of the tribe thought that she had given up.  The fact was though it was all an act. Alison knew there was a possibility of staying safe so she used it.  Alison saw that there was glitter on some of Gary's stuff plus there was some containers out in the open, so she took it.  Then she poured it all over everyone's snow gear and proceeded to join the majority of them by the fire.  When Danielle, Courtney, and Stephenie wandered back to the camp to get in the little forts they had made for warmth they saw that Gary had "spilled" his glitter everywhere and they ran back to camp and confronted him about it.  He insisted he didn't spill his glitter. At Tribal Council Alison just kept her mouth shut and sure enough it worked by a vote of 6-1, Gary Levy became the 8th person voted out of Survivor: Worthy Runner-ups!

"Storebror" tribe:
Daniele Donato
Colby Donaldson
GinaMarie Zimmerman
Erika Landin
Danielle Reyes
Amanda Kimmel

"Efterlevand" tribe:
Stephenie LaGrossa
Courtney Yates
Lane Elenburg
Danielle DiLorenzo
Alison Irwin
Chase Rice

Heading down to the next Tribal Immunity challenge everyone thought for sure there would be a merge, but instead Choir announced they were still separate tribes and as a twist they would be both going to Tribal Council tonight.  And the challenge would be individual immunity, where one person on each tribe would win immunity and be safe at Tribal.  The challenge involved them all standing out in the middle of the bay on ice chunks.  The last one standing and not falling in the cold water from each tribe would win.  On the "Storebror" tribe it seemed that they were dropping fast, but the numbest minded of them stayed on the longest amount of time. Meaning GinaMarie pulled out the individual immunity for the "Storebror" tribe!  On the other tribe "Efterlevand" Chase Rice was thinking of everything but the ice he was standing on (actually he wrote a song that he hummed while he was up there).  Everyone knew that they wouldn't stand a chance anymore and they slipped off one-by-one.  In the end Chase did win individual immunity for the "Efterlevand" tribe! Please vote someone off of both tribes, but make sure it isn't Chase Rice or GinaMarie Zimmerman!

20th- Nicole Nilson Schaffrich
19th- Yung "Woo" Hwang
18th- Russell Hantz
17th- Michael "Cowboy" Ellis
16th- Monica Culpepper
15th- Stephen Fishbach
------Tribe Switch------
14th- Robert "Memphis" Garrett
13th- Gary Levy


Points: 18 13 comments
Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #8 Jun 10, 2014
It really was amazing! After the tribe swap most of the alliances were split up, except the "Bad Girls" alliance was only missing Alison (who was put on the "Efterlevand" tribe).  This made Erika nervous since she was the only "Good Guys" alliance member on the "Storebror" tribe.  She let Amanda and Colby know what the deal was about the two different alliances.  They did not know how they could do this without getting picked off one after the other from the "Bad Girls".  Well, GinaMarie had a few drinks in her leftover from the tribe swap when she started flirting with Memphis.  Daniele Donato took this wrong and made the mistake of teasing Memphis for flirting with her even though he had a wife. And the thing is you don't flirt with Memphis, because he is not a womanizer.  Memphis was upset and refused to vote whoever Daniele was, because he just couldn't handle her.  He went to Erika and let her know he made the wrong decision by ever voting along with the "Bad Girls" alliance and told her that he would vote however she wanted.  Erika told him to vote out one of the "Bad Girls" and he said he would be voting Dani D. Erika took this knowledge with her to Colby and Amanda.  Where Amanda decided to let it slip to GinaMarie that Memphis may be voting against them.  At the Tribal Council the case was closed Memphis had played with his emotions and vote out Daniele Donato.  And GinaMarie decided to play without her brain and vote out Memphis since she was told he was against them.  Anyways, it had worked. Erika, Amanda, and Colby voted together and by a vote of 4-2-1, blindsided Memphis Garrett!

"Storebror" tribe:
Daniele Donato
Colby Donaldson
GinaMarie Zimmerman
Erika Landin
Danielle Reyes
Amanda Kimmel

"Efterlevand" tribe:
Stephenie LaGrossa
Gary Levy
Courtney Yates
Lane Elenburg
Danielle DiLorenzo
Alison Irwin
Chase Rice

Coming home from the Tribal Council it was a crazy experience.  Daniele Donato and Danielle Reyes started freaking out at GinaMarie they truly did not know if they could trust her.  Little did they know that GinaMarie may have saved Daniele Donato, but instead the "Bad Girls" had finally been dispersed.  It had become the "Dani Duo" alliance against the world.
Now as the "Efterlevand" tribe awaited at the Tribal immunity challenge they were shocked to see Memphis out of the "Storebror" tribe.  Alison did not understand.  She couldn't. Did her alliance split apart?  Then it came down to a memory challenge and "Efterlevand" was so shocked still that they couldn't make the match.  And the "Storebror" tribe pulled out the immunity! Vote someone off of "Efterlevand" tribe!!!

20th- Nicole Nilson Schaffrich
19th- Yung "Woo" Hwang
18th- Russell Hantz
17th- Michael "Cowboy" Ellis
16th- Monica Culpepper
15th- Stephen Fishbach
------Tribe Switch------
14th- Robert "Memphis" Garrett


Points: 76 16 comments