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Choirwolf's blog

  1. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Winner!
  2. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-FTC
  3. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #14
  4. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #13
  5. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #12
  6. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #11
  7. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #10
  8. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #9
  9. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #8
  10. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #7
  11. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #6
  12. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #5
  13. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #4
  14. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #3
  15. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #2
  16. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #1
  17. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Winner!
  18. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-FTC
  19. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #16
  20. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #15
  21. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #14
  22. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #13
  23. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #12
  24. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #11
  25. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #10
  26. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #9
  27. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #8
  28. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #7
  29. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #6
  30. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #5
  31. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #4
  32. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #3
  33. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #2
  34. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #1
  35. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Winner!
  36. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-FTC
  37. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #16
  38. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #15
  40. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #14

Choirwolf's Blog

Posts 227 posts

Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #16 May 25, 2015
Courtney's scheming worked, she went and told a little white lie to Danielle Reyes that Alison had gone up to Colby and Amanda and asked to get her out, because she had voted out GinaMarie.  It was a total lie and in the game of Big Brother Danielle would've probably been able to see passed it.  In this game in the cold winter Survivor series Danielle Reyes sealed, Alison Irwins fate with a vote of 4-1 she became the 16th person voted out of Survivor: Worthy Runner-ups and the 6th member of the jury!

"Tvåan" tribe:
Colby Donaldson
Danielle Reyes
Amanda Kimmel
Courtney Yates

It has finally come down to the bottom line.  There was one remaining member of the "Bad Girls" alliance and the last Big Brother Worthy Runner-Up, Danielle Reyes, left in the game.  And she realized it.  At this point she knew about the fact that the three of them were in a sort of alliance at least at one point and it was time that she won a challenge to guarantee herself a spot at the FTC.  And sure enough against all odds she did it! Danielle Reyes managed to complete the blindfolded maze the fastest, winning herself the final individual immunity challenge.  Please vote someone other than Danielle Reyes out of the game, thus by doing that you will chose the final jury member and who will be competing to win at the Final Tribal Council.

20th- Nicole Nilson Schaffrich
19th- Yung "Woo" Hwang
18th- Russell Hantz
17th- Michael "Cowboy" Ellis
16th- Monica Culpepper
15th- Stephen Fishbach
------Tribe Switch------
14th- Robert "Memphis" Garrett
13th- Gary Levy
12th- Erika Landin
11th- Lane Elenburg
10th- Daniele Donato
9th- Chase Rice
8th- Danielle DiLorenzo
7th- Stephenie LaGrossa
6th- GinaMarie Zimmerman
5th- Alison Irwin


Points: 28 8 comments
Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #15 May 25, 2015
Originally the target for the "Bad Girls" alliance was Colby, but with him winning individual immunity it did not quite work out that way.  They all were talking about what needed to happen that night. When Courtney went up to the most logical of the "Bad Girls", Danielle Reyes, and explained that it was time to cut a physical threat and the name she brought up was GinaMarie another one of the "Bad Girls".  Danielle really was not sure how she felt about voting out an alliance member that round, but then she thought back on it and from what she remembered hadn't GinaMarie also worked against them by voting out Memphis? And GinaMarie had won two individual immunity challenges, so she wasn't she a threat? Well, little to Danielle Reyes knowledge that round that Memphis was voted out GinaMarie had saved Daniele Donato by voting him out.  And by not knowing that going into tribal Danielle Reyes opted to vote out her alliance member and it was enough to tip the scale, by a vote of 4-2 GinaMarie Zimmerman became the 15th person voted out and 5th member of the jury in Survivor: Worthy Runner-ups!

"Tvåan" tribe:
Colby Donaldson
Danielle Reyes
Amanda Kimmel
Courtney Yates
Alison Irwin

Needless to say, Alison was absolutely shocked.  What had happened she knew that she did not vote against GinaMarie so she approached the only other "Bad Girls" alliance member left and confronted her.  Danielle Reyes explained clearly why she thought it was time to cut GinaMarie loose, but Alison just did not understand.  Yes, the "High Voltage" alliance really was not in total affect anymore, but they managed to make it to the point where they did stand towering over the "Bad Girls" alliance.  Then Amanda pulled out the immunity saving herself in the next round, but going into tribal Courtney was thinking quite a bit... Vote someone other than Amanda out of the game!

20th- Nicole Nilson Schaffrich
19th- Yung "Woo" Hwang
18th- Russell Hantz
17th- Michael "Cowboy" Ellis
16th- Monica Culpepper
15th- Stephen Fishbach
------Tribe Switch------
14th- Robert "Memphis" Garrett
13th- Gary Levy
12th- Erika Landin
11th- Lane Elenburg
10th- Daniele Donato
9th- Chase Rice
8th- Danielle DiLorenzo
7th- Stephenie LaGrossa
6th- GinaMarie Zimmerman


Points: 33 8 comments
Hey Everyone! I am looking for 3 or 4 others who would be interested in doing a draft for Survivor: Second Chances with me! If interested comment here!
Points: 88 15 comments
Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #14 May 19, 2015
With GinaMarie winning immunity again Courtney was back into a corner as was Colby.  Courtney went up to Alison and explained that the only reason Dani Donato even ended up in a Purple Rock situation was, because Stephenie had been spying on the "Bad Girls" alliance for a long time.  Alison was shocked and when she went to confront Steph about it it turned out Courtney was telling the truth.  And it was enough to move Courtney forward a bit, because the "Bad Girls" could not have a flipper and spy still in the game and by a vote of 5-2, Stephenie LaGrossa became the 14th person voted out of Survivor: Worthy Runner-ups and the 4th member of the jury.

"Tvåan" tribe:
Colby Donaldson
GinaMarie Zimmerman
Danielle Reyes
Amanda Kimmel
Courtney Yates
Alison Irwin

Stephenie leaving the game was actually a very interesting point, because it showed that for whatever reason the original "Bad Girls" still had the staying power in the game they were truly down a member and now in the Top 6 it is three of the original "Bad Girls" against three former "High Voltage" alliance members and it did not seem like those ones would be teaming up 100% with each other.  That was where it was left and going into the immunity it seemed like it was each man for themselves and sure enough the only man left in the game, Colby, managed to pull out the immunity! Vote off anyone but Colby!

20th- Nicole Nilson Schaffrich
19th- Yung "Woo" Hwang
18th- Russell Hantz
17th- Michael "Cowboy" Ellis
16th- Monica Culpepper
15th- Stephen Fishbach
------Tribe Switch------
14th- Robert "Memphis" Garrett
13th- Gary Levy
12th- Erika Landin
11th- Lane Elenburg
10th- Daniele Donato
9th- Chase Rice
8th- Danielle DiLorenzo
7th- Stephenie LaGrossa


Points: 21 11 comments
Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #13 May 18, 2015
It had happened they threw the challenge to Amanda and she was super excited about it, because she had won an immunity.  One thing people needed to remember about Amanda though is that she is notorious for being able to make it to the end and to accomplish that she has had to make game moves.  And that is what she realized needed to happen, she figured out if she didn't keep winning immunity she would be the next target. Due to that she needed to do something and so she went to Stephenie explained that it was time she needed to stop being a spy for the "High Voltage" alliance, because it wasn't honorable and it was time to tell the "Bad Girls" alliance what was up.  So, both Stephenie and Amanda went to Danielle Reyes, Alison and GinaMarie and told them all about the "High Voltage" alliance and how it started to get rid of Russell and so on.  Right before Tribal Council Danielle DiLorenzo told the "High Voltage" alliance that GinaMarie was the target and it should've gone easily that direction.  Instead a huge blindside occurred by a vote of 5-3 Danielle DiLorenzo was officially the 13th person voted out of the game and the 3rd member of the jury.

"Tvåan" tribe:
Colby Donaldson
GinaMarie Zimmerman
Danielle Reyes
Amanda Kimmel
Stephenie LaGrossa
Courtney Yates
Alison Irwin

Colby and Courtney were absolutely dumbstruck by what had happened and they just didn't understand.  They had had one of the strongest best secret alliances that was guaranteed to go to the Final 5 if they just all stuck together.  Somehow though the leader Danielle DiLorenzo was voted out and they figured out right away it had to be Stephenie and Amanda who flipped, but why? They all were doing so well. Needless to say, it came down to the immunity challenge and Colby and Courtney felt they needed to win, because they had no idea what was going on anymore and they just knew the "Bad Girls" alliance had increased by two really bad girls. Especially Courtney, she was shocked because she had always viewed herself as the token mean girl.  Instead one of them new they had to win immunity to try and keep each other safe, but it did not happen once again GinaMarie pulled out individual immunity. So, please vote someone other than GinaMarie out of the tribe!

20th- Nicole Nilson Schaffrich
19th- Yung "Woo" Hwang
18th- Russell Hantz
17th- Michael "Cowboy" Ellis
16th- Monica Culpepper
15th- Stephen Fishbach
------Tribe Switch------
14th- Robert "Memphis" Garrett
13th- Gary Levy
12th- Erika Landin
11th- Lane Elenburg
10th- Daniele Donato
9th- Chase Rice
8th- Danielle DiLorenzo


Points: 57 9 comments
Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #12 May 18, 2015
After the fiasco that had occurred at the last tribal with Purple Rocks being drawn they all knew that they did not want to risk something like that happening again.  With Danielle DiLorenzo the head of the "High Voltage" alliance pulling out the individual immunity she knew it was time the right time to take out someone who did not have a side.  So, she sent her little spy Stephenie over to the "Bad Girls" alliance and explained the situation and they all agreed.  It was time to get someone out who was a wild card and clearly not on any side.  At Tribal Council it was one of the least surprising situations yet in the season, by a vote of 8-1, Chase Rice became the 12th person voted out of the game and the 2nd member of the jury.

"Tvåan" tribe:
Colby Donaldson
GinaMarie Zimmerman
Danielle Reyes
Amanda Kimmel
Stephenie LaGrossa
Courtney Yates
Danielle DiLorenzo
Alison Irwin

Now that Chase was voted out of the game the "Bad Girls" alliance were happy, because they had assumed Chase had voted against them and caused the Purple Rock tie-breaker when it was really Stephenie who they think is on their side.  Little do they know that it is down to their own alliance the "Bad Girls": Danielle Reyes, GinaMarie, and Alison. All up against the "High Voltage" alliance: Danielle DiLorenzo, Courtney, Colby, Amanda, and Stephenie who they think is totally on their side.  Going into the immunity challenge the "Bad Girls" alliance decided who they wanted to take out and they let Stephenie know, so of course she told "High Voltage" that it was they wanted Amanda out.  So, she was determined to win and the "High Voltage" alliance was going to try and throw the challenge to her, so they would not have to show that Stephenie was working with them.  And it was a perfect challenge a type of sled race down a hill one-on-one. First match, Stephenie vs Alison and Alison managed to barely pull out the win. Second match, Danielle DiLorenzo vs Danielle Reyes and DiLorenzo the Bostonian dominated and won by a long shot.  Third match, pitted Amanda vs Courtney and Amanda won, because Courtney was so small the sled did not gain much speed.  The fourth match, Colby vs GinaMarie and the Cowboy left GM in the dust.  They knew they just needed to get Amanda to win the challenge, so the first semi-final match between Alison and DiLorenzo was an important match and Danielle managed to cut off Alison sending her careening into the trees on the side of the path.  Finally it allowed Colby and Danielle DiLorenzo in the last two matches against Amanda to drag their feet a little bit early on for it to look like Amanda won the challenge fair and square.  So, please vote someone other than Amanda Kimmel from the game!

20th- Nicole Nilson Schaffrich
19th- Yung "Woo" Hwang
18th- Russell Hantz
17th- Michael "Cowboy" Ellis
16th- Monica Culpepper
15th- Stephen Fishbach
------Tribe Switch------
14th- Robert "Memphis" Garrett
13th- Gary Levy
12th- Erika Landin
11th- Lane Elenburg
10th- Daniele Donato
9th- Chase Rice


Points: 98 11 comments