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Kiko's Blog ... :D

Posts 2018 posts

A guy in a bar.. Feb 19, 2016
trying to chat up my best friend...

Guy: Hi, I'm James. And you are?
Best Friend: Hi, I'm.... (awkward pause)... not interested.

Points: 40 0 comments
SO THIS HAPPENED... Feb 17, 2016
You know, I still attend and go for some of my Catholic church congregation because the priest is really welcoming about liberal ideas. I serve and volunteer my time for the church's community service.

Anyways... I met with a radical believer .. let's call him Douche

D: What's your view about same-sex marriage?

Me: You mean marriage?

D: I mean, same-sex marriage? Between two similar genders.

Me: You really do mean, marriage?

D: You don't get the question.

Me: I get the question. I don't understand what's the difference between normal marriage and same-sex marriage. They categorize under marriage, a union, recognized by the state, as a promise of love and commitment between two consenting adults.

D: You mean, you support it? Same-sex?

Me: You mean, marriage?

D: *annoyed* So you do support it?

Me: I support marriage, recognized by the state. Yes. But holy matrimony, ceremoniously done within the church, then no. Simply, the church is and should be separated from the state. We have been given the choice to believe whatever we want. A CHOICE within a secular community known as a religion. Wouldn't it hypocritical if we don't allow that same choice for everyone else.

D: But it's wrong.

Me: How is it wrong? The church does not consider it as a holy matrimony such as divorce, pre-marital sex, etc. Yet a lot of people,do it, you don't bat an eye. Yet, you come to me knowing that I'm bisexual and firstly asking me such a targeted question.

D: The bible says... (some biblical stuff)

Me: The bible also says that the greatest commandment is to love and that only Him can judge His creations, not us. Our task is to love and that's what we need to achieve.

D: You're stupid. *and started attacking me about my SUPPOSED LIFESTYLE CHOICES*

Me: As if I can choose who I am attracted to? Let me ask you, do you choose to be ignorant everyday.

*I walk away*
Points: 29 1 comments
T-Factor : 2003/2004 Week Feb 15, 2016
I'm going to judge on three things
- Artistic Quality of voice (AQ)
- Technicality (T)
- Impact (I)


My two favorites are
Littlekiwiturtle and konohavillage1

But I'm voting for konohavillage1.


Contestant #1: Littlekiwiturtle

AQ: 9 - The voice is powerful, very suiting to the song. Close to perfect, to be honest.

T: 7 - Minor to Small issues on pitch. I counted 7 moments and 5 of which are flat.

I: 8 - Overall, I like it. It is good, memorable. HELL YEAH.

Total: 24/30

Contestant #2: JoinedOnlyForThis

AQ: 8 - Singing an Avril Lavigne song is a tantamount challenge that should is hard to attempt. You manage to pull it off. It was raspy and edgy

T: 6 - Several places were really pitchy. Towards the end, on the notes that were supposed to be high, felt a bit flat.

I: 7 - In terms of impact, the first half was really something. But I kind of lost interest halfway.

Total: 21/30

Contestant #3: RainbowKing

AQ: 7 - The key was a bit too low for me. The interpretation can be more energetic.

T: 9 - Technically, at that your key, it was on point. Minor enunciation and timing problems.

I: 6 - The thing about Ms Spears and this song is the seduction and I didn't get that. Nonetheless, it was an alright attempt.

Total : 22/30

Contestant #4: TotalDramaLover1234

AQ: 6 - Vocally, a weak performance. Around 2:14, I was expecting an attempt of something. At least something.

T: 6 - Breathing can be improved. Pitchy at the start and several times you were off tempo.

I: 5 - This song should indicate regret and importance of decisions. That's the impact - Hopefully, you don't regret choosing this song.

Total: 17/30

Contestant #5: Weetmaster

AQ: 9 - There is so much power in this song. The voice is very powerful. I love the vibrato and the runs.

T: 6 - At the start, it started very low. Very off tune. From 0:43-0:50, there was an obvious increase in key. Which was good in an attempt to salvage the start. However, hitting the right notes are important, don't just up your pitch.

I: 8 - If the impact is to get the Bae back, well, I am bit convinced.

Total: 23/30

Contestant #6: PureEssence

AQ: 8 - Good song choice. Slow, calm and low tone suits you perfectly. It's hauntingly beautiful.

T: 7 -  There are places where if its gets too low, you become too soft and a sudden increase in pitch, a sudden boom in volume. Practice on not correlating your pitch to your volume. Pitchy at times, at the end as well. It was flat.

I: 7 - Nice rendition. Would I listen to it again? Maybe, when I'm feeling sad.

Total : 22/30

Contestant #7: konohavillage1

AQ: 10 - The opening was magnificent. Nailed that. Your choice to somehow whisper the song, short and intended breathing works wonders. Your voice has a good range, perfect to attempt this song.

T: 9 - Minor issues around 0:55-1:05, I know the song forces one to be low, but it was flat for me. Nothing else.

I: 9 - I would listen to it again, to be honest. It is an awesome rendition to otherwise difficult song.

Total : 28/30



I am not affiliated nor part of this Tengaged Group Game. These are my personal opinions on the current contestants done purely under my own leisure time and support.
Points: 35 3 comments
Exams and stressed? Dec 9, 2015
Follow these tips!
Tips to overcome exam stress

#1 Plan ahead - plan what you need to study and when you need to do it. SCHEDULE EVERYTHING. Make sure you stick with it

Protip: Study the last exams first possibly 6-8 days before the first one and the power-review on the first ones on the next 5 days. So after the first few exams, just lightly review the already revised ones.

#2 Study Buddy - For better or for worse. In sickness and in health, you need a study partner to ease the pain. Sometimes you deserve a buddy to lean on and understand your pain. It eases the pressure a little to know someone struggling as well.

Pro-tip: Find someone who is slightly academically worse than you. So that, he/she will asks you questions about the topic. For Einstein once said, "You never truly understood a topic until you can explain it simply." It is effective as (1) You'd know what typical concepts are confusing (2) You would have an immediate feedback whether you actually understand a topic. (3) And when your friend can understand your explanation, it can boost your morale that you actually know the topic asked.

#3 Timing - A lot of students tend to "cram" their topics into long stretch of study time. Wrong wrong wrong. Cramming is proven to be very ineffective.

A normal young adult from 16 - 24 can have a maximum attention span of average 30 minutes. So, plan your timing in such a way that you study for 30 minutes and take a 10 minute break in between. In one 30-minute session, try to finish one or two chapters.

Pro-tip: I usually study for 4 hours with 6 30-minute sessions and six breaks. By then I can read through one subject with 12 chapters. Then, i'd take a nap or "leisure" for about 3 hours and do a 4-hours duration again for another subject

#4 Follow the 4 Rs of reviewing

Read while wRiting notes on the first run. While reading the text for the first time, annotate important key learning points of the topic. Underline words you dont understand and move on. Lastly, write notes while reading that you think is important.

Pro-tip: The notes you make should only comprise 5-10% of the material. For example, if the study material is 50 pages, your notes must not be more than 5 pages.

Review and Recite on the second run. Review your "underlined" key words by either googling, searching the literature or even directly emailing your teachers. Then recite what you wrote down about the topic and try to test yourself whether you understand.

#5 Rest Well - what most students forget is to get ample sleep. It is better to sleep then study rather than study then sleep. Having enough rest before tackling your study material will make you more alert and more impressionable in understanding the topic.

#6 Do not panic - a tendency for most students is to panic until to the last minute. Some even desperately memorize vital information minutes before the test. Which is wrong.

Pro-tip: On the exam day, arrive at the venue, an hour earlier. Have coffee or tea while you read your notes that you made. DO NOT... AGAIN... DO NOT Engage yourself in Academic stress by asking or listening to your peers about the stress of the topics.

Super-Advice: You already tried your best by studying days before the exam. Just calm down minutes before the actual assessment and do your best. That's it. Do not pressure yourself.


A. Whole day studying

Sleep in until noon time
12 nn: Brunch, bath and beyond
1:00-1:30 - Session 1
1:40-2:10 - Session 2
2:20-2:50 - Session 3
3:00-3:30 - Session 4
3:40-4:10 - Session 5
4:20-4:50 - Session 6
4:50-5:00 - Quick pack up of notes
5:00-6:00 - Rest
6:00-7:00 - Dinner
7:00-8:00 - Leisure and shower
8:00-8:30 - Session 7
8:40-9:10 - Session 8
9:20-9:50 - Session 9
10:00-10:30 - Session 10
10:40-11:10 - Session 11
11:20-11:50 - Session 12
11:50-12:00 - Pack-up
12mn - Prepare for bed

B. NIGHT Studying

Likewise, but I start studying at 8 pm and end at 12 mn.

Points: 15 0 comments
My grades? Dec 5, 2015
For highschool and college I got a perfect GPA

:) just saying xoxo


So far for my post grad studies, we are graded from 0.0 - 5.0 where 5.0 is the highest possible grade.

I hve an average of 4.93 out of 5.00. Meesed up a bit.
Points: 5 0 comments
Survivor Gift Giveaway [Top 8] Dec 3, 2015



Wentworth (will not count) won the Reward Challenge
Wentworth (will not count) and Keith won the Immunity Challenge
Joe fainted but was not emergency evacuated
There was no idol play
Joe was voted off 6-1-1
No blindside

Recap of points:

Winner with 10 points: lassidoggy

Congratulations! You will be notified via mail in the next 24 hours on the procedures on how to claim your prize.

For the others, tune in for my blog updates for future Survivor Gift Giveaway contest, the season is not over yet and I'm feeling a bit Christmas-yyyy :)
Points: 56 1 comments