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Kiko's Blog ... :D

Posts 2018 posts

My hopes for BBCAN4 Feb 25, 2016
With Big Brother Canada 4 opening their doors to housemates all over the world to play, hopefully competitive, will this be the paradigm shift to find the most diabolical Big Brother player the world has ever seen?

Big Brother Swap happens occasionally between countries. I remember, Pinoy Big Brother (PBB) Philippine's version of Big Brother, had an exchange of housemates from Slovenia and Finland. However, this was not competitive and done under friendly circumstances.

If Big Brother Canada 4, allows Big Brother contestants from other countries and be competitive. This changes the whole dynamics of the Big Brother community and it opens it doors for the possibility of this becoming a global competition. I would love to see different types of gameplay and whether culture and background affects how you play the game.
Points: 14 0 comments
My spam condition Feb 25, 2016
You can easily detect whether the message in the spam mail is copied and pasted OR genuinely written for you.

Usually, I plus the spam under these conditions:

1) If the message has evidence that is genuinely written for me
2) If the message, though copied and pasted, is funny and/or memorable
3) If the avatar of the sender is simple

I immediately dismiss the spam,
4) If the author is a known shop owner (previous and current)
5) I genuinely don't like the person who sent it to me
6) If you send the same spam more than once before I even got a chance to plus it.

I plus 60% of the spam link I get.

Points: 33 1 comments
T-FACTOR: A complete analysis of Top 4 Feb 24, 2016
I. Description

With the semi-finals looming and a loyal fan of the series, I decided to give a complete and thorough analysis of each performance given by each semi-finalist. Hopefully, I can help in your performances. Good luck and may the best voice win!

There are three criteria. Each criterion is scored 1 (being lowest) and 10 (being flawless).

- Artistic Quality (AQ)
- Technical Precision (TP)
- General Impact (GI)


29-30 : S
27-28 : A+
25-26 : A
23-24 : A-
22 : B+
20-21 : B
19 : C+
17-18 : C
15-16 : C-
13-14 : D+
12 : F

II. Summary

For everyone: In general, what everyone lacks is theatricality. It is the embodiment of the message of the song and your rendition of that message. Clearly, emotion must be displayed and heard for you to give a memorable and impactful performance. How else are they going to vote for you, if you are not remembered? Otherwise, it sounds karaoke to the public. Hope this analysis prepares you for your semi-finals.


A. konohavillage1
Top 13: N/A
Top 12: 25 / 30 (A)
Top 08: 24 / 30 (A-)
Top 07: 28 / 30 (A+)
Top 05: 27 / 30 (A+)

Average: 26 / 30 (A)

Your voice and power are amazing. You have a unique sound. My only problem is that your pitch and key. Several of your past songs have those problems and hopefully in the semi-finals, it will be gone. A flat/sharp can be the difference between a perfect song and a swan song. Also, work on volume control (or leaning back from the mic).

B. Littlekiwiturtle
Top 13: 21 / 30 (B)
Top 12: 30 / 30 (S) --- absolute perfection
Top 08: 21 / 30 (B)
Top 07: 24 / 30 (A-)
Top 05: 27 / 30 (A+)

Average: 24.6 / 30 (A)

What I see is inconsistency. I know that littlekiwiturtle, you have an amazing voice but you don't seem to give good performances consistently. Second, your power. Do learn on how to sing using your diaphragm instead of your nose. Your control will be better and you'll reach higher notes without sounding belty.

C. Weetmaster
Top 13: 18 / 30 (C)
Top 12: 25 / 30 (A)
Top 08: 28 / 30 (A+)
Top 07: 23 / 30 (A-)
Top 05: 27 / 30 (A+)

Average: 24.2 / 30 (A-)

Your voice is amazing. I'll give you that. Your sound however, isn't unique. Reflect on what makes you special but don't go overboard and completely change yourself. What I mean is ask yourself... "what are you trying to sell to the voters". Clearly, your voice isn't enough - we need personality. We need Weetmaster.

D. RainbowKing
Top 13: 17 / 30 (C)
Top 12: 22 / 30 (B+)
Top 08: 25 / 30 (A)
Top 07: 22 / 30 (B+)
Top 05: 25 / 30 (A)

Average: 22.4 (B+)

A dark horse of this competition. You had some good moments. Your main problem is timing, tempo and enunciation. Do take care of that. Secondly, your pitch. Either you start low and you end up being too low or you can't correctly hit the high notes. It is hard to take such a wonderful voice seriously if it sounds erronious.


III. Top 13

A. Littlekiwiturtle (Hallelujah)

General Comments: It can be clearly heard that you are sick. The breathing and the enunciation is off. Quality wise, your alto voice suits the angelic melody despite being sick. Technically, the start, you were flat for a moment twice. Out of tempo, twice. You picked up the technical slack in the middle and sustained it until the end. Impact wise, not the best rendition as you don't feel the anguish and epiphany that the lyrics is demanding but your angelic voice saved this performance.

AQ: 8/10
TP: 7/10
GI: 6/10

Total: 21 / 30 = B

B. konohavillage1 (Be Good)

Can't find the track sorry.

C. Weetmaster (Bottom of the river)

General Comments: At the start of the song, I was weirded out. As immediately, a bass voice boomed into my eardrum. The pickup was not the best. Technically, 0:30-0:32 and 0:41-0:43 were pitchy moments. Please do work on that. In terms of impact, I was expecting the voice to pick-up to the transgressions of the melody. You supplied it to me somehow, but I wasn't persuaded otherwise. Artistically, the voice is quite good but was not executed properly.

AQ: 7/10
TP: 5/10
GI: 6/10

Total: 18 / 30 = C

D. RainbowKing (Photograph)

General Comments: Tackling a very iconic and recognizable voice is very difficult. Because, it could come close to being karaoke and your individuality is compromised. That's what happened. Artistic wise, I don't hear Blake. I hear a karaoke version of Ed. Technically wise, there was no major errors except 1) it was sung in one octave and 2) 3:20 - 3:22, tempo and enunciation problem. Impact wise, it lacks the song's message. My advice, before recording, research the lyrics and embody what the song is trying to portray. Then, either sing what the song demands or do your own rendition of the message. To have T-factor, or any factor in singing, you need to be memorable.

AQ: 5/10
TP: 8/10
GI: 4/10

Total = 17 / 30 = C


III. Top 12

A. RainbowKing (Titanium Acoustic)

General Comments: Definitely better from last week. In terms of Artistic quality, I can hear the sound of Blake this time. Technically, the air-control is lacking ; there's minor and very minute breathing problems. You have a cold? 2:33-2:36, you were sharp. 2:42-2:44, you were flat. Impact wise, I'd listen to it again. It was memorable. You just need more power dear.

AQ: 7/10
TP: 7/10
GI: 8/10

Total = 22 / 30 = B+

B. Weetmaster (Out There)

General Comments: I feel the anguish, hope, dreams of Quasimodo. It is very rare for someone to give me goosebumps especially to an uber impactful song. I can feel the emotion, your heart and soul was all over it. Very nicely done. Artistic wise, your voice suits the broadway spectrum quite nicely and hopefully, you will explore other genres, in the coming weeks. Technically, in the first half, no technical errors. 1:37-1:44, utter perfection. 1:57-2:00, I couldn't understand your words. Encunciate with care. 2:18-2:19, there was a crack-sharp. Beautifully ended.

AQ: 8/10
TP: 8/10
GI: 9/10

Total = 25 / 30 = A

C. Littlekiwiturtle (Crazy in Love)

General Comments: At first, crazy in love in slow tempo, this girl is crazy. She can't pull it off. But damn girl, you set an expectation and then you gave it justice. Artisically, it is a 10/10! Technically, this piece lack technical errors. Impact wise, I'm sorry but can I buy the single, please? Can I illegally download this and keep it in my phone.

AQ: 10/10
TP: 10/10
GI: 10/10

Total = 30 / 30 (S)

D. konohavillage1 (Home)

General Comments: I am in love with your voice. Damn, boy. That made me believe in a deity that truly divine powers are in order giving you these amazing vocals. Dreamy. Wonderful and what the song demands. Technically, 1:15-1:20 (coughing?), 2:46-2:49, pitchy. 3:15-3:20, fluctuating key. Impact wise, YES DAMN. Get that dream. Get that world that you seek! I would love to listen to this again. 

AQ: 9/10
TP: 7/10
GI: 9/10

Total : 25 / 30 (A)


IV. Top 8

A. konohavillage1 (Won't Go Home Without You)

General Comments: I enjoyed it. But I think the topic this week was a more disadvantageous for you. It's not that your voice isn't good or anything. It just doesn't suit you, artistically I mean. Technical wise? I see no major faults. A definite improvement from your pitch problems last week. Impact wise? I would be honest, I was bored halfway the song. But the ending was good. I'll give you that.

AQ: 7/10
TP: 10/10
GI: 7/10

Total = 24 / 30 (A-)

B. RainbowKing (Wildest Dreams)

General Comments: Making it acoustic is a good choice as it is suitable to your voice. Your melodious voice is quite surprising. This is definitely better than last week's and I retract my statement from that time, power is not the key. Your control is amazing. Technically, 1:15-1:16, flat. 2:34-2:35, too early? 2:53-2:55, too late? You need to work on your tempo and timing, dear. Impact wise, I won't hesitate saving it in my phone to listen to relax.

AQ: 9/10
TP: 8/10
GI: 8/10

Total = 25 / 30 (A)

C. Weetmaster (Sunday Morning)

General Comments: You changed it, which is the essence of the topic. I love your sound (like your uniqueness). Soothing, calming and its very whole. Vibrato for the win! Impact wise? The transition from calm to epic is a nice touch. I have to be honest, I was singing along side with you the whole time trying to give a second-voice back up! Amazing, I was pulled by your performance. Technical wise? No major issues which is an improvement of your pitchiness at high keys from last week.

AQ: 9/10
TP: 10/10
GI: 9/10

Total = 28 / 30 (A+)

D. Littlekiwiturtle (You Belong With Me)

General Comments: Your voice suits Taylor Swift, easily. An advantage to the topic. 1:04-1:20 (or any other chorus) sounds nasal. I recommend this video (), to remove the nasal sound. No other technical issues spotted. Impact wise, I wasn't wowed, like it lacks the littlekiwi I love.

AQ: 8/10
TP: 6/10
GI: 7/10

Total = 21 / 30 (B)


V. Top 7

A. Littlekiwiturtle

General Comments: The voice is powerful, suiting to the song. Close to perfect to be honest. Technically wise, minor to major issues on the pitch. I counted 7 pitch problems - five of which are flat. Overall, I like it. It is good. Memorable? HELL YEAH.

AQ: 9/10
TP: 7/10
GI: 8/10

Total = 24 / 30 (A-)

B. RainbowKing

General Comments: The key was a bit too low for me. The interpretation can be more energetic. Technically, at your key, it was on point. Minor enunciation and timing problems. Impact wise? The thing about Ms Spears and this song is that the seduction has to exist and I didn't get that. Nonetheless, it was an alright attempt.

AQ: 7/10
TP: 9/10
GI: 6/10

Total = 22 / 30

C. Weetmaster

General Comments: There is so much power in this song. The voice is very powerful. I love the vibrato and the runs. At the start, is was very low. Way off tune. From 0:43-0:50, there was an obvious increase in key. Which was good in an attempt to salvage the start. However, hitting the right notes is equally important. Do not just up your pitch. Impact wise, I am convinced.

AQ: 9/10
TP: 6/10
GI: 8/10

Total = 23 / 30 (A-)

D. konohavillage1

General Comments: The opening was magnificent. You nailed that. Your choice to somehow whisper the song, and the short intended breathing works wonders. Your voice has a good range and it was perfectly shown in this soing. Technically, there was minor issues 0:55-1:05, I know the song forces you to sing it low, but it was way too low for  me. Honestly, I would listen to it again. It is an awesome rendition of an otherwise very difficult song.

AQ: 10/10
TP: 9/10
GI: 9/10

Total = 28 / 30 (A+)


VI. Top 5

A. Weetmaster (Viva La Vida)

General Comments: Artistically, this is the best you sounded. I like it. The vibrato, the swag-vibe, it was good. Technically, there was no major issues. Minor breathing control in the mid-part. Impact wise? It was boringly similar to many other covers of this song. I listened to them after I listened to your cover, and there wasn't much distinction on what is Weetmaster's T-factor.. I'm looking for that.

AQ: 10/10
TP: 9/10
GI: 8/10

Total = 27 / 30 (A+)

B. konohavillage1 (Until You Come Back To Me)

General Comments: Artistically, I love it. Your voice suits perfectly to the song. Your sound is really unique. Technically, your voice is a bit shaky at 1:45-1:46, 1:49-1:51 due to maybe high notes or it could be that you are to near to the mic or even, your volume is too loud when you are hitting that high notes. If you can't control your volume, lean back a little when singing those high notes. Impact wise, it was good. I like it. Another good one in the bag.

AQ: 10/10
TP: 8/10
GI: 9/10

Total = 27 / 30 (A+)

C. littlekiwiturtle (Love Yourself)

General Comments: Your voice. Can I be Ursula and steal it in a magic coral? Falsetto girl? GIRL? GIRL? Where did that come from? Amazing. Technically, 2:02-2:04, you were sharp. Control problems and a bit nasal - but it works. Impact wise, may I buy that single already? However, in all honesty, we come to the point of the competition where your T-factor is important - and I highly think you should reflect on it.

AQ: 10/10
TP: 8/10
GI: 9/10

Total : 27 / 30 (A+)

D. RainbowKing (Fight Song)

General Comments: The song suits you, I'll give you that. But compared to the other performances, uhm, it wasn't good enough. It lacks variety. It was like I'm eating the same thing every day. Technically, 2:48-2:51, your enunciation and timing has to be improved, we are coming in the final weeks. Impact, it was generally okay but why didn't I feel the word "FIGHT"? Have you given up, Blake?

AQ: 9/10
TP: 8/10
GI: 8/10

Total = 25 / 30 (A)


VII. Disclaimers

This analysis is purely done under my own decision and leisure. I am not affiliated with the host dudetb3 nor the judges involved in this competition. I am just giving my honest opinion on the performances. Nothing is intended to be personal - it is just constructive criticism. Good luck in your semi-final choices and performances.


Points: 38 6 comments
Tim Feb 23, 2016

He was so entertaining and diabolical in BBAUS :)
Points: 13 1 comments
So I'm doing this.. Feb 19, 2016
[X] Bought condoms.
[ ] Gotten pregnant.
[ ] Failed a class.
[X] Kissed a boy.
[X] Kissed a girl.
[X] Used a little paper bag for lunch.
[X] Had a job.
[x] Slipped on ice.
[x] Missed the bus.
[X] Left the house without money.
[X] Sexted.
[X] Had sex in public. (YES, OH MY GOD. YES)
[X] Played on a sports team.
[ ] Smoked/tried weed.
[ ] Smoked/tried cigarettes.
[ ] Smoked/tried a cigar.
[X] Drank alcohol
[X] Watched “The Breakfast Club”.
[X] Been to a wedding.
[ ] Made fun of someone for being fat.
[X] Been on the computer for 5 hours straight.
[X] Watched tv for 5 hours straight.
[X] Been late for work.
[X] Been late for school.
[X] Kissed in the rain.
[X] Showered with someone else. (SHOWER MHMM *WINK*)
[ ] Failed my drivers test.
[ ] Ran a mile in less than 10 minutes.
[X] Been outside my home country.
[X] Been on a road trip longer than 5 hours
[X] Gotten my heart broken. (CHEATED, YES. HEARTBROKEN, DEFINITELY)
[X] Had a bank card.
[X] Been to a professional sports game.
[X] Broken a bone.
[X] Won a trophy.
[ ] Cut myself.
[ ] Had an STD.
[ ] Got engaged.
[X] Been on a diet.
[X] Been on TV.
[X] Rode in a taxi.
[X] Been to prom.
[X] Played a drinking game.
[X] Stayed up for 24 hours or more.
[X] Been to a concert.
[X] Had a three-some. (*WINK*)
[X] Had a crush on someone of the same sex.
[X] Been in a car accident.
[ ] Had braces.
[X] Learned another language.
[ ] Killed an animal.
[X] Been to a yard sale.
[X] Been to a Japanese steakhouse.
[ ] Wore make up.
[X] Talked to someone via webcam
[X] Had my wisdom teeth taken out.
[X] Kissed someone a different race than myself.
[X] Snuck out of the house.
[X] Bought porn.
[X] Had a virus on my computer.
[ ] Dyed my hair.
[X] Gone skinny dipping.
[X] Graduated from college.
[X] Wore someone else’s clothes.
[X] Rode in an ambulance.
[ ] Rode in a helicopter.
[X] Caught the stove on fire.
[X] Got in a verbal fight.
[X] Met someone famous.
[X] Been on vacation.
[X] Been on an airplane.
[X] Been on a boat.
[X] Broken something expensive.
[X] Had surgery.
[X] Kissed someone before I was 8.
[X] Beat a video game.
[X] Found something valuable on the ground.
[X] Stalked someone on facebook
[X] Prank called someone

I am so bad.
Points: 33 1 comments
My feelings for Tengaged Feb 19, 2016
Tired of drama.
Points: 13 0 comments