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The tinabeena's blog

Posts 828 posts

My newest fashion accessory Jul 8, 2010
So yeah, everyone has heard by now, I got red nosed.

Everyone is asking why I got red nosed, and here's the answer:

No, I did not cheat. In fact, I was being a nice person. You see, I host Skype games on a weekly basis and offer cash prizes. However, a lot of the cash prize winners want their winnings in T$. So me, being the nice person that I am, give them their T$, BUT I DO NOT trust people with my credit card, so I have to somehow get their T$ to them, right? I am a woman of my word, and you can ask anyone that has participated in Skype games.

So here's a suggestion to Randomize:

Please try to put some way to gift people their T$. It would benefit those who might be playing in group games, and other games associated with this site. I spend A LOT of money on this site, and now I'm not going to spend a nickel until my red nose is removed.

tinabeena OUT!
Points: 140 11 comments
Skype game Jul 5, 2010
Anyone interested in a Skype game? $35 prize, to be paid out next week in T$ or whatever you want.


If you're interested, add me on skype:

Points: 26 0 comments
I'm curious... Jul 5, 2010 who is straight, bi, or gay.

I'm bi.
Points: 97 11 comments
Taking Another Break Jul 4, 2010
So Monday is when my Rookies ends. I'm taking a break from tengaged due to the fact that I have kidney stones and will probably be having surgery sometime around the 14th. I'm always on skype, so if you need to get a hold of me, you can find me there.

<3 xoxo
Points: 62 4 comments
People Suck Jun 23, 2010
So this morning my friend Wayne called me. He proceeded to give me the riot act about not being able to do this stupid affiliate marketing that he has been trying to set me up with for months now.

What Wayne doesn't understand is that I'm a busy person. Between taking care of a 20 month old child, I also am in school full-time, even though it's online, it's still hard, and I have to write a lot of papers. When I'm not doing all this, I have my own business, reading tarot cards both online, over the phone, and in person. I have actually put my business on the back burner lately, in order to get my finals done with my schooling, and now I'm in different classes, so I'm able to pick up where I left off with my business.

So how DARE Wayne give ME the riot act, saying that I'M lazy and not putting forth any effort in to affiliate marketing. He doesn't have full custody of his daughter, so he has all the time in the world to work on affiliate marketing. I, on the other hand, DON'T.

Nice fucking friend I have. People suck!
Points: 62 3 comments
WTF?! Jun 21, 2010

Why in the hell was he banned? Aaron has never done anything to anyone and he gets banned?

What the fuck?!

I want answers dammit. *stomps feet and prepares to throw a tantrum*
Points: 43 5 comments