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The tinabeena's blog

Posts 828 posts

Tayvie, my friend, my love... Sep 17, 2010
Dear Tayvie

I have only known you for a little while, but I must say, we have great energy when we are together, chatting and laughing and talking about things we have in common. Even though there is a (BIG) age difference, I find myself already falling for your sweet words (and kittens!) and I must say, that you are the funniest, sweetest, most kind person I have ever talked to on Tengaged.

Even if I don't win, I hope you will consider me a good friend.


Points: 29 3 comments
Back on the (Lesbian) Bandwagon Sep 17, 2010
Since I started here on tengaged back in January, I've seen tons of "coming out" blogs, 99% of them from guys. Actually, I can't ever remember a girl "coming out" in a blog, but I'm sure there must be some lesbians or bisexual women on tengaged. If there hasn't's the first one.

Anyone who knows me know that I am bisexual, but what they don't know, is that I really think I might be lesbian. I was in a lesbian relationship for four years, without a single thought of being with a man. It wasn't until I met Lane, my daughter's father, when I actually THOUGHT of being with a man. Indeed, I thought he was gay, since I met him at a gay bar. And likewise, he thought I was gay, until that faithful night on my thirtieth birthday when he kissed me. After that, it was just history...

Skip two years ahead, and Lane and I are broken up, and he keeps flip-flopping between me and another woman. I have finally figured out that he's no good for me, he's a user and a loser, and therefore, the only ties I will have with him are with our daughter. BUT that's for another blog, not for this one.

I have had only one serious relationship since being with Lane, and that was with a younger woman named Rachel. I ended up breaking her heart because she moved to Alabama and I was not ready to do the whole long-distance relationship thing. Add that to the list of she is bipolar and not on medication. I have nothing against people who are bipolar; I am bipolar with panic attacks and agoraphobia. (meaning, I'm afraid to leave the house and on to unfamiliar grounds) I am also on a boatload of medication that keeps me somewhat stable. Rachel isn't that stable, to be quite honest, but I still loved her.

So I ran in to Rachel online tonight and she confessed to me that she's still in love with me, and she wanted to work things out so we could be together again. I'll be honest, she is only one of two people who accepts me for me: fat, crazy, weird, and slightly emotional. How could I say no to this girl? I've had a dozen female relationships, and I can honestly say that Rachel is the first girl I've ever fallen "in love" with, and it hurt me that I hurt her.

So I'm going to give this one more try. I'm jumping back on the lesbian band wagon. Hopefully this will be the last relationship that I will ever have to deal with, because I really love this girl, and I want to be committed to her, even if I have to drag her ass back here to Maine by her beautiful long brown hair! :)
Points: 182 10 comments
The Kindness of Strangers Sep 8, 2010
Only a few friends of mine know about the latest month-long drama going on over at my house, but I have an interesting twist to it, so here it goes.

My niece Jessica (who now lives with me) is 22. She has a 2 and a half year old daughter named Riley. It's no secret to anyone who knows us that Jessica and I haven't gotten along for a LONG time, but since I had my daughter Piper, we have been.

My niece was seeing this guy named Nate, and she moved in with him. She was trying to get back on her feet, going to school to get her GED and trying to get a job. What she didn't know, was that while she was doing this and leaving her daughter with her boyfriend, her boyfriend was abusing her daughter physically and sexually.

After a night in the hospital and an investigation that has lasted more than a month, Jessica has not seen her daughter. Child Protection took her away from her and sent her to live with her natural father, who is not letting Jessica see her. They are trying to say that Jess was neglectful in her behavior, when she had no idea what a sick bastard this guy really is.

In order for my niece to get Riley back, she needs a lawyer. She went for a free consultation with this hard-ass lawyer with a reputation for being one of the best family law lawyers in York County, Maine. She immediately liked him and decided she wanted him to be her lawyer. In order to secure this lawyer, she needed $1000 down for a retainer, plus much much more for all his services. This is where the kindness comes in.

Desperate, my sister Sherry put up a plea on her Facebook, asking anyone who could, to donate $20 to the cause, and she would pay them back. All in all, they have collected close to $1000(I think they've made $840 in one week) when my sister got an email this morning from a friend that she hasn't seen in 20+ years, who now lives in Wyoming. Her friend wanted to talk to Jessica's lawyer, to make sure that this was legit. They three-way called the lawyer and her friend whipped out her credit card and put TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS DOWN!!! The kindness of strangers is sometimes all we need to make a rainy day sunny again...

I had to share this with you all, because amidst all the drama and backstabbing that we have going on over here on Tengaged, this warms my heart that there are people out in the real world who care about what happens to another person. Take the time to tell your friends you love them and you appreciate them, because you never know when you'll need them.

(Riley is in the pink, my daughter Piper is in the orange sweatshirt)

Love to you all. Despite the many setbacks our family has faced, the kindness of others have pulled us through...
Points: 86 11 comments
Podcast is UP! (take 2) Sep 7, 2010
Link to Podcast:

Special guest: The one & only BIO DORK *hehe*
Points: 11 0 comments
Tengaged/Big Brother Podcast Sep 7, 2010
SirGaga and I will be hosting a podcast, exclusively for tengaged and Big Brother fans.

We will be talking about a variety of subjects, such as Stars, Rookies, and all the drama that goes down.

If you are interested in being a special guest, please contact myself or SirGaga. Also, if you have a topic that you would like to hear about, we are definitely up for suggestions.

tina OUT!
Points: 55 6 comments
Calling all artists! Aug 21, 2010
This may be a shot in the dark, but I figured I would try anyway.

I'm going to be starting a podcast soon and I need a talented artist to do my "album cover" for me and a few graphics. I am willing to pay cash for if you are interested, please shoot me a mail and we can discuss this.


tina OUT!
Points: 87 7 comments