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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

People Suck

Jun 23, 2010 by tinabeena
So this morning my friend Wayne called me. He proceeded to give me the riot act about not being able to do this stupid affiliate marketing that he has been trying to set me up with for months now.

What Wayne doesn't understand is that I'm a busy person. Between taking care of a 20 month old child, I also am in school full-time, even though it's online, it's still hard, and I have to write a lot of papers. When I'm not doing all this, I have my own business, reading tarot cards both online, over the phone, and in person. I have actually put my business on the back burner lately, in order to get my finals done with my schooling, and now I'm in different classes, so I'm able to pick up where I left off with my business.

So how DARE Wayne give ME the riot act, saying that I'M lazy and not putting forth any effort in to affiliate marketing. He doesn't have full custody of his daughter, so he has all the time in the world to work on affiliate marketing. I, on the other hand, DON'T.

Nice fucking friend I have. People suck!


Sent by brookie_cookie,Jun 23, 2010
aw that sucks :|
Sent by mikedistanz,Jun 23, 2010
I'm all the friend you need hon. :) And you know it.
Sent by PrinceAaron,Jun 23, 2010

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