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The hellomynameis347's blog

Posts 162 posts

Big Brother Season 2 (Results) Jul 28, 2018
- Justin Girllover101
- Maryjane MaryJane420
- Eli EliOrtiz1234
- Tatiana~ TR1364
- Silver Silver09
- Donatello camell22
- Aimee Amnesia_
- Mike Wolven6974
- Cara Maria Yandereboy12
- Ben benp428
- Thom Paralox
- Mason yarn
- Issy immaxyman

CHART (Click 'Season 2' tab):


Although the season seemed like it was shaping up to be pretty predictable, it definitely had a much more shocking conclusion than season 1. Was it the best possible outcome? Probably not. Did it make for a good season? Yeah, it did, at least in my opinion.


- Both of the first 2 HOH's winning both HOH and Veto
- Mason surviving back-to-back nominations by one vote both times
- Cara Maria using her one HOH to try to take out Ben or Tatiana, failing to evict either one, and being a constant target of Ben's wrath for the rest of the season
- Ben deciding to backdoor Tatiana rather than getting Cara Maria out of the house.
- Aimee and Eli being the last two to cast a vote at every eviction, then getting targeted back-to-back
- Ben winning literally every challenge he was eligible for (except F5 Veto) in the second half of the season, and then choking at the Final HOH
- Thom winning both HOH and POV at F5 and being the one to finally successfully get Cara Maria evicted
- Mike being the last person to never be a final nominee, finally sitting on the block at the F5 eviction
- Mike defeating the seemingly unbeatable Ben and evicting him in third

Potential Returnees:
Cara Maria
Points: 71 5 comments
Big Brother Season 2 (PYN) Jul 27, 2018
Looking for 13 people for another Brantsteele simulation!
If you were on S1, you must use a different name.

Contestants (13/13):
- Justin Girllover101
- Maryjane MaryJane420
- Eli EliOrtiz1234
- Tatiana~ TR1364
- Silver Silver09
- Donatello camell22
- Aimee Amnesia_
- Mike Wolven6974
- Cara Maria Yandereboy12
- Ben benp428
- Thom Paralox
- Mason yarn
- Issy immaxyman

Points: 61 14 comments
Big Brother Season 1 (Results) Jul 27, 2018
- Jon JonMcGillis
- Anastasia C_Shizz96
- Karen GoodKaren
- Donte camell22
- Becca beccajo16
- Iker FoxyWinters
- Chloe MonicaStar
- Vicki ThebestlerHOH
- Bayleigh Magicalbaby
- JJ CopperTribe
- Brittany LaFierceBrittany2
- James J2999
- Lorna LornaHollas
- Kayla MizCrackHead


Overall, a pretty good season! Plenty of power shifts kept the gameplay constantly shifting, although JJ basically steamrolling the season did make it a little bit predictable, but in a good way.


- Bayleigh dominating the first few weeks and then leaving pre-jury

- Lorna winning 4 competitions early on and then failing to save herself from eviction

- James flipping the game on its head halfway through the season by backdooring Lorna

- JJ managing to stay under the radar and going unnominated despite his five comp wins

- James and Brittany trading off HOH's for four weeks

- James dominating challenges late-game and failing at targeting Brittany every time

- Jon managing to go under the radar until winning an HOH week 6

- Iker winning first HOH and then disappearing off the face of the earth until her eviction

- JJ and Karen turning the tables on Brittany and evicting Anastasia over Jon

- Brittany getting her sweet revenge on James at Final 4

- JJ coming in clutch at Final HOH and cutting Karen over Brittany

Potential Returnees:
Bayleigh (Robbed pre-juror)

Points: 53 4 comments
Big Brother Season 1 (PYN) Jul 26, 2018
I've decided I want to leave Drag Race behind me and try my hand at a Brantsteele series!
Credit to Maxi1234 because theirs is formatted really well

Looking for 14 players!
All that's needed to play is a first name

Contestants (14/14):
- Jon JonMcGillis
- Anastasia C_Shizz96
- Karen GoodKaren
- Donte camell22
- Becca beccajo16
- Iker FoxyWinters
- Chloe MonicaStar
- Vicki ThebestlerHOH
- Bayleigh Magicalbaby
- JJ CopperTribe
- Brittany LaFierceBrittany2
- James J2999
- Lorna LornaHollas
- Kayla MizCrackHead

Points: 55 16 comments
You guys should vote for me here Jul 14, 2018
Points: 0 0 comments
Drag Race PYN Season 14 Jul 4, 2018
After another intense All-Star season, we're going back to basics! No twists, no nothing. Just 15 queens battling it out for the crown!

Check the queen list for a list of queens you cannot choose!

- Caramel Cookie FoxyWinters
- Roxxxy Andrews Amnesia_
- Cwi JonMcGillis
- Mustard Monroe Macda27
- Miss Scar Lit TR1364
- Vaseline Vox Avstractiv
- Pek Pek Galore TheDiamondWls
- Abigail Flew-North Absol
- Jaycee Millaunna Bo'Mana Brawn CalebDaBoss
- Calvin Fuck-You TwoStep
- Harvard Oxford Solinne65
- Karen A-Secret Girllover101
- Sodomanne Gomorrah Zuelke
- Rat Kisa
- Alexa Styles top20fan33


Points: 64 17 comments