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The hellomynameis347's blog

Posts 162 posts

Drag Race PYN All-Stars 3 RESULTS Jul 2, 2018
- Ramaries abeledaa (S4 - 15th | S5 - 2nd)
- Katya Logie56 (S6 - 3rd)
- Donna Time kgamer2218 (S9 - 7th)
- Immigratia Kisa (S9 - 5th/Miss C)
- Veronica Sawyer Kopycat (S9 - 3rd)
- Queen Elizabeth FireX (S10 - 16th | RQ2 - 13th)
- Pretty Prissila lhooper902976 (S10 - 5th)
- Hazel Silver09 (S10 - 4th)
- Plastique Tiara DevinB (S10 - 2nd)
- Shame Paine twoshawn3 (S5 - 10th | RQ2 - 9th)
- IDK Make A Name For Me Vixens (S9 - 9th | RQ2 - 7th)
- Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess Zuelke (S10 - 9th/Miss C | RQ2 - 5th)
- Carly O'Hara aria_grande (S10 - 20th | RQ2 - 3rd)
- Medusa Monroe Macda27 (S10 - 8th | RQ2 - 2nd | S13 - 5th)
- Mrs. Waffle WaffleMan (S11 - 6th)
- Alexis Mateo ollyjay202 (S11 - 4th | S13 - 4th)
- Darienne Lake Amnesia_ (S11 - 2nd)
- Ivanna Luvyu JourdanBabyXoXo (S12 - 2nd)
- Fairy Dust LornaHollas (S1 - 6th | S13 - 8th)
- The Princess legacy7 (S12 - 5th | S13 - 3rd)

Episode 1:

Top 2 - Hazel and Plastique Tiara
LSFYL Winner - Plastique Tiara
High - Darienne Lake and Shame Paine
Safe - Alexis, Carly, Donna, IDK, Illaoi, Immigratia, Ivanna, Katya, Medusa, Princess, Prissila, Ramaries, Waffle
Bottom 3 - Fairy Dust, Queen Elizabeth, Veronica Sawyer
Eliminated - Veronica Sawyer

Episode 2:

Top 2 - Immigratia and Pretty Prissila
LSFYL Winner - Pretty Prissila
High - Katya and Queen Elizabeth
Safe - Alexis, Carly, Darienne, Donna, Fairy, Hazel, IDK, Illaoi, Medusa, Princess, Ramaries, Waffle
Bottom 3 - Ivanna Luvyu, Plastique Tiara, Shame Paine
Eliminated - Shame Paine

Episode 3:

Top 2 - Carly O'Hara and IDK Make A Name For Me
LSFYL Winner - Carly O'Hara
High - Ivanna Luvyu and Plastique Tiara
Safe - Alexis, Donna, Elizabeth, Hazel, Illaoi, Immigratia, Katya, Medusa, Princess, Prissila, Ramaries
Bottom 3 - Darienne Lake, Fairy Dust, Mrs. Waffle
Eliminated - Darienne Lake

Episode 4:

Top 2 - Carly O'Hara and Medusa Monroe
LSFYL Winner - Medusa Monroe
High - Ivanna Luvyu and Ramaries
Safe - Alexis, Donna, Elizabeth, Fairy, Hazel, Illaoi, Katya, Princess, Prissila, Waffle
Bottom 3 - IDK Make A Name For Me, Immigratia, Plastique Tiara
Eliminated - IDK Make A Name For Me

Episode 5:

Top 2 - Fairy Dust and Queen Elizabeth
LSFYL Winner - Fairy Dust
High - Carly O'Hara and Pretty Prissila
Safe - Alexis, Donna, Hazel, Illaoi, Immigratia, Ivanna, Katya, Princess, Waffle
Bottom 3 - Medusa Monroe, Plastique Tiara, Ramaries
Eliminated - Plastique Tiara

Episode 6:

Top 2 - Alexis Mateo and Immigratia
LSFYL Winner - Alexis Mateo
High - Donna Time and Mrs. Waffle
Safe - Elizabeth, Fairy, Hazel, Ivanna, Katya, Medusa, Princess, Ramaries
Bottom 3 - Carly O'Hara, Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess, Pretty Prissila
Eliminated - Carly O'Hara (SHOOK)

Episode 7:

Top 2 - Pretty Prissila and Queen Elizabeth
LSFYL Winner - Queen Elizabeth
High - Alexis Mateo and Fairy Dust
Safe - Donna, Hazel, Illaoi, Immigratia, Ivanna, Katya, Ramaries
Bottom 3 - Medusa Monroe, Mrs. Waffle, The Princess
Eliminated - Mrs. Waffle

Comeback Challenge:

Eligible: Carly O'Hara, Darienne Lake, IDK Make A Name For Me, Mrs. Waffle, Plastique Tiara, Shame Paine, Veronica Sawyer
Winner: Carly O'Hara

Episode 8:

Top 2 - Fairy Dust and Pretty Prissila
LSFYL Winner - Fairy Dust
High - Immigratia and Ivanna Luvyu
Safe - Alexis, Carly, Elizabeth, Hazel, Illaoi, Medusa, Princess
Bottom 3 - Donna Time, Katya, Ramaries
Eliminated - Ramaries

Episode 9:

Top 2 - Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess and Ivanna Luvyu
LSFYL Winner - Ivanna Luvyu
High - Immigratia and Pretty Prissila
Safe - Alexis, Carly, Donna, Hazel, Medusa, Princess
Bottom 3 - Fairy Dust, Katya, Queen Elizabeth
Eliminated - Katya

Episode 10:

Top 2 - Hazel and Ivanna Luvyu
LSFYL Winner - Hazel
High - Immigratia and Queen Elizabeth
Safe - Alexis, Carly, Donna, Illaoi, Medusa
Bottom 3 - Fairy Dust, Pretty Prissila, The Princess
Eliminated - The Princess

Episode 11:

Top 2 - Donna Time and Fairy Dust
LSFYL Winner - Donna Time
High - Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess and Queen Elizabeth
Safe - Hazel, Immigratia, Ivanna, Medusa
Bottom 3 - Alexis Mateo, Carly O'Hara, Pretty Prissila
Eliminated - Carly O'Hara (You got a second chance and you squandered it)

Episode 12:

Top 2 - Hazel and Pretty Prissila
LSFYL Winner - Hazel
High - Donna Time and Queen Elizabeth
Safe - Illaoi, Immigratia, Ivanna, Medusa
Bottom 2 - Alexis Mateo and Fairy Dust
Eliminated - Fairy Dust

Episode 13:

Top 2 - Hazel and Pretty Prissila (Looks like it's time for a rematch)
LSFYL Winner - Hazel
High - Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess and Ivanna Luvyu
Safe - Elizabeth, Immigratia, Medusa
Bottom 2 - Alexis Mateo and Donna Time
Eliminated - Alexis Mateo

Episode 14:

Top 2 - Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess and Medusa Monroe
LSFYL Winner - Medusa Monroe
High - Ivanna Luvyu and Pretty Prissila
Safe - Donna Time and Hazel
Bottom 2 - Immigratia and Queen Elizabeth
Eliminated - Immigratia

Episode 15:

Top 2 - Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess and Pretty Prissila
LSFYL Winner - Pretty Prissila
High - Ivanna Luvyu and Medusa Monroe
Safe - Queen Elizabeth
Bottom 2 - Donna Time and Hazel
Eliminated - Donna Time

Episode 16:

Top 2 - Hazel and Queen Elizabeth
LSFYL Winner - Queen Elizabeth
High - Medusa Monroe
Safe - Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess
Bottom 2 - Ivanna Luvyu and Pretty Prissila
Eliminated - Ivanna Luvyu (Shook)

(Continuing the trend of All-Stars seasons having great top 5's)

Episode 17:

Top 2 - Hazel and Medusa Monroe
LSFYL Winner - Medusa Monroe
High - Queen Elizabeth
Bottom 2 - Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess and Pretty Prissila
Eliminated - Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess (Forever doomes to robbed goddess status)

Episode 18:

Top 2 - Hazel and Pretty Prissila (Time for another rematch)
LSFYL Winner - Hazel (Hazel proves once again that she is the superior lipsyncer)
Bottom 2 - Medusa Monroe and Queen Elizabeth
Eliminated - Queen Elizabeth


3rd - Pretty Prissila (The 7 wins make her a strong finalist, but the 5 bottoms would have made her a weak winner)
2nd - Medusa Monroe (Another Monroe stuck in 2nd place)
1st - Hazel (Very happy with this win. 7 wins and only 1 bottom)

Any thought on the season? Let me know below!


Points: 32 9 comments
Drag Race PYN All-Stars 3 Cast Ruveal Jun 19, 2018
- Ramaries abeledaa (S4 - 15th | S5 - 2nd)
- Katya Logie56 (S6 - 3rd)
- Donna Time kgamer2218 (S9 - 7th)
- Immigratia Kisa (S9 - 5th/Miss C)
- Veronica Sawyer Kopycat (S9 - 3rd)
- Queen Elizabeth FireX (S10 - 16th | RQ2 - 13th)
- Pretty Prissila lhooper902976 (S10 - 5th)
- Hazel Silver09 (S10 - 4th)
- Plastique Tiara DevinB (S10 - 2nd)
- Shame Paine twoshawn3 (S5 - 10th | RQ2 - 9th)
- IDK Make A Name For Me Vixens (S9 - 9th | RQ2 - 7th)
- Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess Zuelke (S10 - 9th/Miss C | RQ2 - 5th)
- Carly O'Hara aria_grande (S10 - 20th | RQ2 - 3rd)
- Medusa Monroe Macda27 (S10 - 8th | RQ2 - 2nd | S13 - 5th)
- Mrs. Waffle WaffleMan (S11 - 6th)
- Alexis Mateo ollyjay202 (S11 - 4th | S13 - 4th)
- Darienne Lake Amnesia_ (S11 - 2nd)
- Ivanna Luvyu JourdanBabyXoXo (S12 - 2nd)
- Fairy Dust LornaHollas (S1 - 6th | S13 - 8th)
- The Princess legacy7 (S12 - 5th | S13 - 3rd)

Who are you hoping to see come out on top? Who do you think will fall short of the crown again?

Points: 26 9 comments
Drag Race PYN Season 13 RESULTS Jun 18, 2018
- Zhi (S9 - 4th) JonMcGillis
- Ki JonMcGillis
- Madame Monroe (S5 - 8th | S8 - 2nd | AS2 - 6th) Macda27
- Medusa Monroe (S10 - 8th | RQ2 - 2nd) Macda27
- Maxine Venti (S10 - 3rd) top20fan33
- Addison Venti top20fan33
- Scarlett Fever (S10 - 21st) JourdanBabyXoXo
- Rubberdoll Fever JourdanBabyXoXo
- The Princess (S12 - 5th) legacy7
- The King legacy7
- Courtney Act Jr (S8 - 5th/Miss C | AS2 - 8th) Lorielle
- Catie Act Lorielle
- Courtney Act (S5 - 10th | RQ1 - 7th) aria_grande
- Ariana Act (S8 - 12th) aria_grande
- Alexis Mateo (S11 - 4th) ollyjay202
- Vanessa Vanjie Mateo (S7 - 7th | AS2 - 5th) ollyjay202
- Fairy Dust (S1 - 6th) LornaHollas
- Dust Buster LornaHollas

Episode 1:

Winner - Fairy Dust
High - Addison, Courtney, Rubberdoll
Safe - Catie, Courtney Jr, Dust, Ki, King, Madame, Medusa, Princess, Vanjie, Zhi
Low - Alexis Mateo and Maxine Venti
Bottom 2 - Ariana Venti and Scarlett Fever
Eliminated - Scarlett Fever

Episode 2:

Winner - Ki
High - Alexis, Ariana, Courtney Jr
Safe - Addison, Dust, Fairy, King, Maxine, Princess, Rubberdoll, Vanjie, Zhi
Low - Courtney Act and Madame Monroe
Bottom 2 - Catie Act and Medusa Monroe
Eliminated - Catie Act

Episode 3:

Winner - Madame Monroe
High - Courtney Jr, King, Vanjie
Safe - Alexis, Ariana, Courtney, Dust, Fairy, Ki, Maxine, Princess
Low - Addison Venti and Rubberdoll Fever
Bottom 2 - Medusa Monroe and Zhi
Eliminated - Zhi

Episode 4:

Winner - Fairy Dust
High - Ariana, Courtney, Medusa
Safe - Alexis, Dust, King, Madame, Princess, Rubberdoll, Vanjie
Low - Addison Venti and Maxine Venti (Haus of Venti both being low oof)
Bottom 2 - Courtney Act Jr and Ki
Eliminated - Ki (Lowkey robbed. RIP Haus of Eye)

Episode 5:

Winner - The Princess
High - Alexis, Fairy, Vanjie
Safe - Addison, Ariana, Courtney, Dust, King, Maxine, Medusa
Low - Madame Monroe
Bottom 2 - Courtney Act Jr and Rubberdoll Fever
Eliminated - Courtney Act Jr

Episode 6:

Winner - Medusa Monroe
High - Dust Buster and Vanessa Vanjie Mateo
Safe - Alexis, Courtney, King, Madame, Maxine, Princess, Rubberdoll
Low - Addison Venti
Bottom 2 - Ariana Act and Fairy Dust
Eliminated - Ariana Act (RIP Other Haus of Act)

Episode 7:

Winner - Dust Buster
High - Alexis Mateo and Maxine Venti
Safe - Fairy, King, Madame, Medusa, Princess, Vanjie
Low - Courtney Act
Bottom 2 - Addison Venti and Rubberdoll Fever
Eliminated - Rubberdoll Fever (RIP Haus of Fever)

Episode 8:

Winner - Dust Buster
High - Alexis Mateo and Fairy Dust
Safe - Addison, King, Maxine, Princess, Vanjie
Low - Madame Monroe
Bottom 2 - Courtney Act and Medusa Monroe
Eliminated - Courtney Act (RIP Haus of Act)

Episode 9:

Winner - Maxine Venti
High - Dust Buster and The Princess
Safe - Addison, Fairy, Madame, Vanjie
Low - Medusa Monroe (Medusa is the cockroach queen of the season, you just can't get rid of her)
Bottom 2 - Alexis Mateo and The King
Eliminated - The King

(And thus, we are left with 4 complete duos and The Princess)

Episode 10:

Winner - Alexis Mateo
High - Medusa Monroe and The Princess
Safe - Dust, Maxine, Vanjie
Low - Madame Monroe
Bottom 2 - Addison Venti and Fairy Dust
Eliminated - Addison Venti

Episode 11:

Winner - Dust Buster
High - Madame Monroe and Medusa Monroe
Safe - Alexis Mateo and The Princess
Low - Vanessa Vanjie Mateo
Bottom 2 - Fairy Dust and Maxine Venti
Eliminated - Fairy Dust (Robbery)

Episode 12:

Winner - Alexis Mateo
High - Dust Buster and Madame Monroe
Safe - Medusa Monroe
Low - The Princess
Bottom 2 - Maxine Venti and Vanessa Vanjie Mateo
Eliminated - Maxine Venti (RIP Haus of Venti)

Episode 13:

Winner - The Princess
High - Alexis Mateo and Dust Buster
Low - Medusa Monroe
Bottom 2 - Madame Monroe and Vanessa Vanjie Mateo
Eliminated - Vanessa Vanjie Mateo

(Haus of Monroe is the last complete duo left standing)

Episode 14:

Winner - Madame Monroe
High - The Princess
Safe - Dust Buster
Bottom 2 - Alexis Mateo and Medusa Monroe
Eliminated - Medusa Monroe (Oops I jinxed it)

Episode 15:

Final 4 Lipsync
Safe - Dust Buster, Madame Monroe, The Princess
Eliminated - Alexis Mateo (Queen of 4th place. RIP Haus of Mateo)


3rd - The Princess (Showed tremendous growth after Season 12, but it ultimately just wasn't enough for the win)
2nd - Madame Monroe (I think Anubra may have some competition for the queen of 2nd place. Not as impressive as in her past showings, but I'm proud of her)
1st - Dust Buster (YAS! Did her mother proud, won 3 challenges, and never placed below Safe)


Miss C - Zhi

Leave a comment below if you have any thoughts on the season!


Points: 24 3 comments
Friendly reminder Jun 17, 2018
- Australia should have won Eurovision 2016
- Belgium/Bulgaria should have won Eurovision 2017
- Bulgaria/Germany should have won Eurovision 2018

Thank you and goodnight
Points: 0 2 comments
Drag Race PYN Season 13 Jun 16, 2018
This season we are doing DRAG FAMILY DUOS!

(No they won’t be eliminated as pairs we're not doing that flop twist again)

Queens who’ve had drag families (aka Haus of Monroe, Haus of Eye) can comment TWO queens which they want to see compete together

Queens comment below either:

•Two queens that are a drag family that have already played, but have not won (must be from same Tengager)


•Comment an existing queens who has played and a new queen who is their Mother/Daughter

(18 queen limit!)

- Zhi (S9 - 4th) JonMcGillis
- Ki JonMcGillis
- Madame Monroe (S5 - 8th | S8 - 2nd | AS2 - 6th) Macda27
- Medusa Monroe (S10 - 8th | RQ2 - 2nd) Macda27
- Maxine Venti (S10 - 3rd) top20fan33
- Addison Venti top20fan33
- Scarlett Fever (S10 - 21st) JourdanBabyXoXo
- Rubberdoll Fever JourdanBabyXoXo
- The Princess (S12 - 5th) legacy7
- The King legacy7
- Courtney Act Jr (S8 - 5th/Miss C | AS2 - 8th) Lorielle
- Catie Act Lorielle
- Courtney Act (S5 - 10th | RQ1 - 7th) aria_grande
- Ariana Act (S8 - 12th) aria_grande
- Alexis Mateo (S11 - 4th) ollyjay202
- Vanessa Vanjie Mateo (S7 - 7th | AS2 - 5th) ollyjay202
- Fairy Dust (S1 - 6th) LornaHollas
- Dust Buster LornaHollas

Check the list for queens you cannot choose when making a new queen

(I steal my twists from Macda27)


Points: 26 23 comments
Sims BB Update Jun 9, 2018
I'll be out of town for the next few days, so the series is once again being put on hold. Hopefully the next episode will be up Friday

Points: 21 0 comments