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The hellomynameis347's blog

Posts 162 posts

Kind of hoping Aug 31, 2017
Paul wins F5 HOH after Maven and possibly Kevin go home and is forced to show his hand to the last two duos.
Points: 3 0 comments
Brantsteele Big Brother: All-Stars Season 1 Aug 30, 2017
As a reminder, here is the cast:
1. John MacGuire (me)
2. Cody Calafiore ( jacobs)
3. Clay Honeycutt ( Latisha0987)
4. Keesha Smith (^)
5. Frankie Grande ( aria_grande)
6. Dominique Cooper (^)
7. Jessica Graf (^)
8. Janelle Pierzina ( Insanity17)
9. Elissa Slater (^)
10. Britney Haynes (^)
11. Alex Ow ( varlto)
12. Caleb Reynolds (^)
13. Natalie Negrotti ( Jameslu)
14. Brittany Martinez (^)
15. Tiffany Rousso (^)
16. Cody Nickson ( jacobs)

Week 1:
HoH 1: John
HoH 2: Cody N.
John's Nominees: Frankie & Jessica
Cody's Nominees: Elissa & Natalie
BoB Winners: Frankie & Jessica
PoV Players: Cody N., Elissa, Natalie, Janelle, Brittany, & Tiffany
PoV Winner: Cody N.
PoV Used: No
Final Nominees: Elissa & Natalie
Evicted: Elissa (7-6)

Week 2:
HoH 1: Tiffany
HoH 2: Cody C.
Tiffany's Nominees: Janelle & Keesha
Cody's Nominees: Brittany & Alex
BoB Winners: Brittany & Alex
Team America: Britney, Cody C., & Natalie
PoV Players: Tiffany, Keesha, Janelle, Cody N., Alex, & Jessica
PoV Winner: Cody N.
PoV Used: Yes, On Keesha
Final Nominees: Janelle & Jessica
Evicted: Janelle (7-5)

Week 3:
HoH 1: Clay
HoH 2: Cody C.
Clay's Nominees: Britney & Keesha
Cody's Nominees: Brittany & Alex
BoB Winners: Britney & Keesha
PoV Players: Cody C., Brittany, Alex, Britney, Caleb, Frankie
PoV Winner: Cody C.
PoV Used: No
Final Nominees: Brittany & Alex
Evicted: Brittany (7-4) {1 BoB}

Week 4:
HoH 1: Cody N.
HoH 2: Jessica
Cody's Nominees: Frankie & Natalie
Jessica's Nominees: John & Clay
BoB Winners: Frankie & Natalie
PoV Players: Jessica, Clay, John, Cody C., Caleb, Britney
PoV Winner: Cody C.
PoV Used: Yes, on John
Final Nominees: Clay & Dominique
Evicted: Clay (7-3) {1 HoH}

Week 5:
HoH 1: Cody N.
HoH 2: Cody C.
Cody N.'s Nominees: Frankie & Natalie
Cody C.'s Nominees: Caleb & Alex
BoB Winners: Frankie & Natalie
PoV Players: Cody C., Caleb, Alex, Jessica, Natalie, Cody N.
PoV Winner: Natalie
PoV Used: Yes, on Alex
Final Nominees: Caleb & Cody N.
Evicted: Cody N. (6-3) {3 HoH, 2 PoV}

Week 6:
HoH 1: Britney
HoH 2: Dominique
Dominique's Nominees: Jessica & Cody C.
Britney's Nominees: Tiffany & John
BoB Winners: Tiffany & John
PoV Players: Dominique, Jessica, Cody, Caleb, Keesha, Natalie
PoV Winner: Natalie
PoV Used: Yes, on Cody
Final Nominees: Jessica & Keesha
Evicted: Keesha (6-2) {1 BoB}

Double Eviction:
HoH: Natalie
Nominees: Britney & Frankie
PoV Players: Natalie, Britney, Frankie, Caleb, Dominique, Cody
PoV Winner: Britney
PoV Used: Yes, on Britney
Final Nominees: John & Frankie
Evicted: John (5-2) {1 HoH, 1 BoB}

Week 7:
HoH 1: Frankie
HoH 2: Alex
Frankie's Nominees: Caleb & Natalie
Alex's Nominees: Cody & Britney
BoB Winners: Cody & Britney
PoV Players: Frankie, Caleb, Natalie, Britney, Dominique, Alex
PoV Winner: Natalie
PoV Used: Yes, on Natalie
Final Nominees: Tiffany & Caleb
Evicted: Tiffany (4-2) {1 HoH, 1 BoB}

Week 8:
HoH 1: Britney
HoH 2: Natalie
Britney's Nominees: Alex & Cody
Natalie's Nominees: Frankie & Jessica
BoB Winners: Frankie & Jessica
PoV Players: Britney, Alex, Cody, Jessica, Frankie, Natalie
PoV Winner: Britney
PoV Used: Yes, on Cody
Final Nominees: Alex & Natalie
Evicted: Natalie (3-2) {2 HoH, 3 PoV, 2 BoB}

Week 9:
HoH: John
Nominees: Britney & Frankie
PoV Players: John, Britney, Frankie, Alex, Cody, Dominique
PoV Winner: Britney
PoV Used: Yes, on Britney
Final Nominees: Jessica & Frankie
Evicted: Frankie (3-2) {1 HoH, 4 BoB}

Week 10:
HoH: Britney
Nominees: Alex & John
PoV Players: Britney, Alex, John, Jessica, Cody, Caleb
PoV Winner: Britney
PoV Used: No
Final Nominees: Alex & John
Evicted: John (3-1) {2 HoH, 1 BoB}

Double Eviction:
HoH: Cody
Nominees: Alex & Britney
PoV Players: Cody, Alex, Britney, Jessica, Caleb, Dominique
PoV Winner: Britney
PoV Used: Yes, on Britney
Final Nominees: Caleb & Alex
Evicted: Alex (2-1) {1 HoH, 1 BoB}

Week 11:
Button Pressed By: Britney, Cody, Dominique, Jessica
HoH: Dominique
Nominees: Jessica & Britney
PoV Players: Dominique, Jessica, Britney, Caleb, Cody
PoV Winner: Britney
PoV Used: Yes, on Britney
Final Nominees: Jessica & Cody
Evicted: Rewind (No eviction)

Week 11: Rewind:
HoH: Britney
Nominees: Cody & Caleb
PoV Players: Britney, Cody, Caleb, Dominique, Jessica
PoV Winner: Dominique
PoV Used: Yes, on Caleb
Final Nominees: Jessica & Cody
Evicted: Jessica (1-1) {1 HoH, 2 BoB}

Week 12:
HoH: Dominique
Nominees: Cody & Britney
PoV Players: Dominique, Cody, Britney, Caleb
PoV Winner: Britney
PoV Used: Yes, on Britney
Final Nominees: Caleb & Cody
Evicted: Cody (1-0) {4 HoH, 2 PoV, 1 BoB}

Final HoH:
Part 1 Winner: Dominique
Part 2 Winner: Britney
Final HoH: Dominique
Evicted: Britney (1-0) {3 HoH, 6 PoV, 2 BoB}

Finalists: Dominique & Caleb
Jury: Keesha, Tiffany, Natalie, Frankie, John, Alex, Jessica, Cody C., & Britney
Runner-Up: Caleb
Winner: Dominique! (8-1) {3 HoH, 1 PoV}
Favorite: Britney

Season Link:

Moment of the Season: The women emerging from the shadows after Cody Nickson's eviction. Natalie first with 3 Vetoes, and then Britney with 5 IN A ROW. There were only two male comp wins after Cody's eviction: John's HoH, and Cody's HoH.

Player of the Season: Britney. The girl played a great game, laying low while people established themselves as threats, and then exploding onto the scene once jury came along. The only thing she really did wrong all season was lose the Final HoH.

Points: 35 3 comments
Brantsteele Big Brother: All-Stars! Aug 30, 2017
Post the names of 1-3 former or current BBUS players

1. John MacGuire (me)
2. Cody Calafiore ( jacobs)
3. Clay Honeycutt ( Latisha0987)
4. Keesha Smith (^)
5. Frankie Grande ( aria_grande)
6. Dominique Cooper (^)
7. Jessica Graf (^)
8. Janelle Pierzina ( Insanity17)
9. Elissa Slater (^)
10. Britney Haynes (^)
11. Alex Ow ( varlto)
12. Caleb Reynolds (^)
13. Natalie Negrotti ( Jameslu)
14. Brittany Martinez (^)
15. Tiffany Rousso (^)
16. Cody Nickson ( jacobs)

NOTE: The season will be made with the BB16 simulator

Points: 31 12 comments
Maven aren't even floaters anymore Aug 30, 2017
They're squatters.
Points: 0 1 comments
Everybody on this site probably disagrees with me, Aug 29, 2017
But I loved Jason and Alex's conversation at the end of the HoH competition, and I loved how pissed Matt got at them, and how confused everyone was.
Points: 3 0 comments
Totally Not a Big Latisha Rip-Off Season 1 Aug 29, 2017
Season Link:

1. Cody Nickson ( waf_)
2. Eddie Fox ( Latisha0987)
3. Colton Cumbie ( Maxchaos)
4. Jeff Schroeder ( Success)
5. Matthew Smith ( MIchelle990)
6. Noah ( scooby0000)
7. Katya ( XxDjBeLLxX)
8. Nina Bonina Brown ( msellsey11)

1. Jessica Hughbanks ( Kaseyhope101)
2. Samey ( Crayadian)
3. Jessica Graf ( ParvatiS)
4. Detox ( stanleyhouseseven)
5. Gemma Collins ( iDarryn)
6. Roxxxy Andrews ( AlanDuncan)
7. Tiffany Pollard ( sportygirl22)
8. Peih-Gee Law ( dutchone29)

Voting Chart:

Iconic Moment: Katya betraying her ally and fellow queen at Triple Eviction/Cody slaying all the PoV comps.

Iconic Flop: Roxxy's failed backdoor Week 3

Points: 59 12 comments