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The hellomynameis347's blog

Posts 162 posts

PYN for Sims 4 BB Series! Nov 21, 2017
So, since my old series sort of fell through, I've decided I'm going to start from scratch, with some of the old cast. So list three traits (need to be Sims traits) that you consider your greatest attributes. I'll need 6 or 7 people (preferably 7 so there's less bias with me having myself playing).

1. iichaoskimmy
2. rfkfdr
3. Wolven6974
4. scooby0000
5. Kgamer2218
6. Sachi
7. Macda27
8. Silver09
9. mj1001
10. BonAppetit
11.  aria_grande
12. thekevmiester

Person I'm tagging because I feel like they might be interested: dawson905

Points: 25 14 comments
Sims 4 BB Ep 4 (Week 2 Power of Veto Competition and Cermony, Eviction) Nov 20, 2017
1. scooby0000
2. TheDiamondWls (1 Nom, 1 HoH)
3. badbeetch
4. Dukeyy
5. Kgamer2218
6. Wolven6974
7. hellomynameis347 (1 HoH)
8. ParvatiS (CP winner)(Safe)
9. iichaoskimmy
10. rfkfdr (1 PoV)
11. kittykatz553 (2 Nom)

12th: ThebestlerHoH (1 Nom) {5-4}
11th: ???

(Awww yeh, it's finally back)

Previously (a long ass time ago) on Big Brother:
In a test of strength, dance skills, and endurance, Hello won the second HoH competition of the season. Being the most popular with viewers in the house, Parvati won the first Care Package of the season, earning safety for the week. Deciding to make a move, Hello nominated the biggest challenge threat, Diamond, against the social flop of the house, KittyKatz. Who will win the Power of Veto, and who will be the second person evicted from the Big Brother house? Find out on this episode of Big Brother!

Alright, everyone, welcome to this week's Power of Veto competition. Competing this week in the Veto competition, we have the current HoH, Hello, the nominees, Diamond and KittyKatz, and three randomly selected houseguests, rfkfdr, Wolven, and KGamer. In this week's Veto competition, contestants will complete three simple tasks in a specific order. They will have to open a holiday cracker, fill a birdfeeder, and then brush their teeth in a sink. The Sim that completes those three tasks first will win the Golden Power of Veto. Houseguests, are you ready to play Daily Routine?

The winner of the Golden Power of Veto is........ KittyKatz!

KittyKatz: "I have decided...... to use the Power of Veto on myself."

Hello has decided to nominate Dukeyy, the person he feels least connected to in the house, for eviction, and with that, let's get into the votes.

KGamer's vote is for... Dukeyy

KittyKatz's vote is for... Dukeyy

Kimmy's vote is for... Diamond

Scooby's vote is for... Dukeyy

BadBeetch's vote is for... Dukeyy

rfkfdr's vote is for... Dukeyy

It's official. With 5 votes, Dukeyy will be leaving the house tonight, but let's see how Wolven and Parvati would have voted.

Wolven's vote is for... Diamond

Parvati's vote is for... Dukeyy

Now it's time to reveal the results to the houseguests.

Houseguests! The votes are in. By a vote of 6-2... Dukeyy, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.

And now, sadly, it is time for Dukeyy's picture to fade to black-and white.

Who will push to the front of the pack, and who will fall by the wayside and become the third evicted houseguest? Find out next time on Sims 4 Big Brother!

Note: Hey guys! So, I decided that now that my schedule is less insane and stressful and exhausting, I really wanted to bring this series back, because it was getting overwhelming amounts of supports and people seemed to really be enjoying it. I hope you guys don't hate me for the months-long hiatus, but with school starting and our marching band being more successful than it ever has been before, I really didn't have much time, and I really wanted to be able to put some time and effort into this series and not just do something lackluster, so it kind of fell to the bottom of my priority list. But now, you can expect an episode a day for the forseeable future!

Don't forget to vote for the next Care Package!

Tags (PYN if you want to be tagged):

Points: 15 1 comments
Would anyone actually be interested Nov 14, 2017
If I recast Sims 4 Big Brother and started that series again?

Points: 3 3 comments
PYN for Survivor Nov 14, 2017
So, I've decided I want to get back into Brantsteele stuff a little bit, but with a twist. This time, you'll have to sign up in PAIRS. This first season, the twist will be Blood vs. Water!


Points: 18 1 comments
Vote Perosa! Nov 10, 2017
Points: 0 0 comments
Vote for me! Sep 2, 2017

Points: 0 0 comments