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The hellomynameis347's blog

Posts 162 posts

Sims 4 BB Ep 3 (Week 2 HoH Competition, Care Package Winner, Nomination Ceremony) Nov 24, 2017
1. iichaoskimmy (1 Nom)
2. rfkfdr
3. Wolven6974
4. scooby0000
5. Kgamer2218
6. Macda27 (1 Nom)
7. Silver09
8. mj1001
9. BonAppetit (1 HoH, 1 PoV) [OUTGOING HOH]
10.  aria_grande
11. thekevmiester

12th: Sachi (1 Nom) {5-4}

Previously on Big Brother:
The twelve Houseguests entered the house for the very first time, and in a test of steadiness and quick thinking, BonAppetit won the first HoH of the season, nominating Kimmy and Sachi for eviction. In a test of book smarts, BonAppetit once again triumphs, winning her second competition in a row. BonAppetit shocks everyone by trying to backdoor Macda, but the house retaliated, and Sachi was sent home in a 5-4 vote. Who will win HoH, who will win the first Care Package, and who will be sent packing? Find out on Big Brother!

- Kgamer embarrasses himself by losing his swim trunks in the pool
- Macda sits in the living room doing push-ups for a solid hour
- Kev and Bon begin to form a bond
- Silver is a complete mess, needing to talk to people, pee, and have fun all at once
- Aria does the first thing of note that she's done all season, and it's curl up in a cot and cry
- Wolven breaks a sink
- Everyone's really sad because they're all antisocial
- Aria's having some serious mood swings, going from sad to confident to inspired to angry
- The house begins to get really messy now that Sachi, the resident neat freak is gone
- I have to force everyone to go to bed because it's 3 AM and they won't sleep
- Scooby refuses to go to sleep

Welcome to the second HoH competition of the season! This competition is a test of endurance. It's simple: Last person dancing wins! BonAppetit, as outgoing HoH, you will not be able to compete in this HoH competition. The first three eliminated will be this week's Have-Nots. Are you guys ready to play Dance 'Till You Drop?

This week's Have-Nots are... Wolven, rfk, and Silver!

Kgamer has stopped dancing

Kimmy has stopped dancing

Kev has stopped dancing

MJ has stopped dancing

Aria, Macda, and Scooby are still dancing

Our new HoH is.... Aria!

Tengaged has voted, and, with 54% of the votes (22 votes!)... Congratulations, Scooby! You have won Super Safety, and cannot be nominated this week. However, this means that you are no longer eligible for any future Care Packages.

- Scooby spends the day telling himself stories
- Aria hides in the study and plays chess for most of the day
- No one changes out of their pajamas (just like me most days)
- Kgamer's Evil trait continues to cause tension in the house
- 3/4 of the house stands in the 5x6 study
- An alliance begins to form between Macda nd Aria
- Kimmy phases through a counter

Aria has decided to nominate Wolven and Silver for eviction.
You guys just haven't made a good connection with Aria. However, she would like to say that if Scooby didn't have immunity, he would probably be sitting in one of your places.

Who will win the Power of Veto, and who will fall by the wayside and become the second evicted? Find out next time on Big Brother!

Be sure to vote for the next Care Package!:
Reminder: Scooby is no longer eligible for Care Packages

Points: 36 4 comments
Sims 4 BB Ep 2 (Week 1 Power of Veto Competition and Ceremony, Eviction) Nov 22, 2017
1. iichaoskimmy (1 Nom) [NOMINEE]
2. rfkfdr
3. Wolven6974
4. scooby0000
5. Kgamer2218
6. Sachi (1 Nom) [NOMINEE]
7. Macda27
8. Silver09
9. mj1001
10. BonAppetit (1 HoH) [CURRENT HOH]
11.  aria_grande
12. thekevmiester

12th: ????

(No highlights because I'm a flop and so is my computer)

Alright, everyone! Welcome to this week's Power of Veto competition! This week, the competing houseguests are the current HoH, BonAppetit, the nominees, Sachi and Kimmy, and three randomly selected Houseguests, Macda, Silver, and MJ. This week's challenge is a quiz. I will ask everyone a question, and roll a random number for each Sim. The Sims' chance to get the question correct will be determined by their Logic skill, so:

No Logic skill: 1/5 chance
Level 1 Logic skill: 2/5 chance
Level 2: 3/5
Level 3 or higher: 4/5

1. What color is the lamp in the HoH room?
a. Green
b. Blue
c. Purple
d. Red

BonAppetit answers B
Kimmy answers C
Sachi answers A
Macda answers D
Silver answers A
MJ answers A

The correct answer is........ B!

Which means congratulations, BonAppetit, you have won the Golden Power of Veto!

BonAppetit has decided to use the Power of Veto...... on Kimmy
Since the nomination ceremony, Kimmy has been building a stronger relationship with BonAppetit, and she doesn't want her to go home.

In Kimmy's place, BonAppetit has decided to nominate.... Macda!
Macda has done the complete inverse of Kimmy, not speaking to BonAppetit at all pretty much since the game began.

Kev votes for Sachi

MJ votes for Macda

Aria votes for Sachi

Kgamer votes for Macda

Kimmy votes for Macda

Scooby votes for Macda

Wolven votes for Sachi

Rfk votes for Sachi

It's now 4-4. It all comes down to Silver's vote

Silver votes for................................................... Sachi

It's official. With 5 votes, Sachi will be leaving the Big Brother house. Now it's time to reveal the results to the houseguests.

Houseguests! By a vote of 5-4..... Macda! You are safe. Which means Sachi, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.

NOTE: Holy crap there's so many people voting on the poll, but not plussing the blog. Guys, these episodes take me at least 2 hours each to make, so if you guys appreciate it, PLEASE plus the blog.

Be sure to vote for the next Care Package!:

PYN if you want to be tagged!

Points: 47 3 comments
Totally Not a Big Latisha Rip-Off: Season 2 Nov 22, 2017
Season Link:

1. Josh Martinez ( silver09)
2. Zach Rance ( LuckyLefty)
3. Alejandro ( Jacobs)
4. Rupert Boneham ( pizza4256)
5. Dick Donato ( mj1001)
6. Cody Nickson ( imprincearthur)
7. Ian Terry ( kevrev4)
8. Tony Vlachos ( Bjorn)

1. India Gants ( Jameslu)
2. Courtney Yates ( TheDeceiver)
3. Tiffany Pollard ( theomen)
4. Madison ( CalebDaBoss)
5. Cirie Fields ( Kgamer2218)
6. Francesca Hogi ( Wolven6974)
7. Michaela Bradshaw ( Max1130)
8. Aubry Bracco ( Matedog1209)

Voting Chart:

Most Iconic Player: Ian, who won everything and led the only successful alliance on the season

Best Moment: Tiffany winning this season after falling just short last season

Biggest Flop: Ian losing the final HoH

Points: 28 2 comments
PYN! 6 Spots Left! Nov 21, 2017

Points: 17 0 comments
PYN for BBCAN 5 Sim! Nov 21, 2017
Pick any Big Brother, Survivor, RPDR, etc. contestant (anything on Brantsteele) to compete in a simulation!

1. Josh Martinez ( silver09)
2. Zach Rance ( LuckyLefty)
3. Alejandro ( Jacobs)
4. Rupert Boneham ( pizza4256)
5. Dick Donato ( mj1001)
6. Cody Nickson ( imprincearthur)
7. Ian Terry ( kevrev4)
8. Tony Vlachos ( Bjorn)

1. India Gants ( Jameslu)
2. Courtney Yates ( TheDeceiver)
3. Tiffany Pollard ( theomen) (What is with this woman? She was in my last sim too)
4. Madison ( CalebDaBoss)
5. Cirie Fields ( Kgamer2218)
6. Francesca Hogi ( Wolven6974)
7. Michaela Bradshaw ( Max1130)
8. Aubry Bracco ( Matedog1209)

Points: 40 16 comments
Sims 4 BB Ep 1 (Week 1 HoH Competition and Nominations) Nov 21, 2017
1. iichaoskimmy
2. rfkfdr
3. Wolven6974
4. scooby0000
5. Kgamer2218
6. Sachi
7. Macda27
8. Silver09
9. mj1001
10. BonAppetit
11.  aria_grande
12. thekevmiester

Alright, everyone, welcome to the second attempt of this series! For anyone curious, or new to this series, the main twist this season is explained in the first episode of the last attempt. That's right! This season, Backstabs and Betrayals returns!

- If a contestant dies, unless it's due to host error, the contestant will be eliminated and the week will restart.
- If a contestant is near death, the host is allowed to interfere (I added this rule after I had an entire cast starve because autonomy broke)
- Unless a contestant is near death, competing in a challenge, or is somewhere they aren't supposed to be (Breaking into the HoH room, non-HoH sleeping in HoH bed, Have-Not sleeping in the wrong room, etc.) I am not going to interfere with their interactions.
- Have-Nots will be the people who perform worst in HoH competitions. They are not allowed to eat anything but Quick Meals, and may only sleep on cots.

Let's welcome the twelve houseguests as they enter the house!

So, as everyone enters the house, they notice that there aren't enough beds for anyone, which means that someone will be sleeping on a couch tonight. However, after tonight, someone will win the right to sleep in the space-themed HoH room!

- Kgamer & BonAppetit's clashing personalities begin to cause tension in the house, as well as Kgamer's quick temper
- A friendship quickly forms between Sachi, rfk, and Kimmy
- Scooby establishes himself as a social threat, making good relationships with most of the house
- Kgamer took his anger out on the stuffed animal in the Have-Not room, Uni (This will probably become a normal occurrence)
- Kev and Scooby become the heroes of the house, extinguishing a fire that Sachi caused.
- Thanks to K's Evil trait, he thrives in the tense atmosphere following the fire, beginning to make relationships.
- The houseguests go to sleep for the night, with Kgamer sleeping on the couch
Alright, it's now time to begin the first HoH competition! This week's challenge is very familiar to anyone who watched the first episode last time. That's right, it's the return of the Don't Wake the Llama tournament! The contestants will be split into three groups of four. The first three eliminated will be the Have-Nots, and the last person standing will win the title of the first Head of Household of the season! Houseguests, are you ready to play Don't Wake the Llama?

Sachi, Aria, and Scooby are the first three eliminated, and the Have-Nots of the week

The next three eliminated are........ Kimmy, Kev, and rfk

The next three eliminated from the competition are........ Macda, MJ, and Wolven

Which means that our final 3 is Kgamer, BonAppetit, and Silver

The first HoH of the season is... BonAppetit!

- A showmance begins brewing between Kgamer and kevmiester, with Kgamer doing most of the flirting.
- Silver and Kev do some synchronized stretching.
- Kimmy staring at absolutely nothing for a good 5 hours.
- BonAppetit and Kgamer have a conversation that isn't an argument for once.
- BonAppetit refuses to go to sleep.
- Scooby loses his mind and begins talking to the swimming pool
- Kgamer appears to attempt to light BonAppetit on fire
- BonAppetit makes lunch for everyone, and Aria and Scooby eat yogurt

BonAppetit has decided to nominate Sachi and Kimmy for eviction.

Neither of you have tried very hard to make relationships with BonAppetit, despite the fact that you all like to spend most of your time in the study.

Who will win the Golden Power of Veto, and will it affect the nominations? And who will earn the dubious distinction of being the first person evicted from the Big Brother house? Find out next time on Big Brother!

Be sure to vote for the first Care Package of the season!

Let me know if you'd like to be tagged!

(Man it sure would be great if some of the 26 voters on the poll would plus the blog)

Points: 58 14 comments