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The SerenityFirefly's blog

Posts 70 posts

My date with Brodster2321 Aug 5, 2015
So as Brodster2321 and myself arrived at our chosen restaurant, I was puzzled. First of all, he said that he had wanted to go to a high class establishment, in order to prove to his siblings that he was able to carry a sufficient amount of swagger. How Denny's counts as a high class establishment is beyond me, perhaps we grew up in different cultures.

As we sat down, the waitress took our order. She had a high pitched voice and interrupted many of her own statements with the word "like". This annoyed us both. After we had finished ordering, I noticed that he didn't order an appetizer. Not to say that I was upset at this discovery, but I felt cheated, because I agreed to pay for drinks. I noted that he would not be getting more than his current Long Island Iced Tea.

We began to converse about our family lives, and he continuously brought up the fact that he was an executive at a preserves factory. This wasn't the best career move, surely, but it was interesting enough to warrant a conversation at least. I interjected by talking about Skyrim, to which he said that I was fucking with his head. We switched to water at this time.

The dinner ran its natural course, and he paid the waitress. The tip was small, but made enough sense to me as well. As we left the restaurant, we did not kiss, because neither of us were feeling it at the time. I asked if I could call him, he said no.

It was mediocre.

Points: 66 6 comments
My top three in Big Brother at this moment Jul 23, 2015
1. John: I still say this guy needs to win, because... who the hell wouldn't like that?

2. Vanessa: Of the people in the sixth sense, I genuinely believe Vanessa's the most composed and the best thinker. I think she has a really good chance, provided she doesn't rely too heavily on Austin (Who she now doubts, which is good)

3. James: If it wasn't clear, I'm trying to go for people of all corners of the house. I like James just because he's laid back. I don't expect James to do too well, because he's been consistently powerless since his reign as HoH ended, but he's fun, I like him.

This top three is not the people I view as the three strongest players, just my three favorites. Because John should be everyone's favorite.

#BB17 #TeamJohn #JohnnyMac #RockStarDentist #PleaseLetThisGuyWinBigBrotherBecauseThatWouldBeAwesome
Points: 8 0 comments
I've noticed that John has become a lot more popular lately Jul 13, 2015
Good, because he should win.

It's not that he's got the best strategy or anything in the house, it's just that I would love it if the winner, after winning, would be like "MAN, I DON'T KNOW. I JUST KIND OF WON A BUNCH OF THINGS AND... DIDN'T WIN SOME THINGS. I DON'T KNOW HOW I GOT HERE. I LIKED THE DENTIST ROOM, BY THE WAY."

That was not an insult, this guy is my Donny of the season and I want him to win everything.

Points: 38 1 comments
... Did I hear that right? May 18, 2015
"They really believe in the diaper." - Zack Oleynik

Why do people think this doofus has a chance? #BBCan3
Points: 29 1 comments
The best people I've played against in group Survivor (so far) May 16, 2015
I was on a bus today and this came to mind, not sure why. I've played a good number of these now, and could be described as "passable" to "decent" in most games, so I feel qualified to write this.

Also, if you're named, don't feel like this will have a bad affect on any game you may play in the future. I'm not that important on this site.

First off, a couple obvious choices:

sahmosean: I'm just going to get Jimbo out of the way now. I don't know how he is in every game, maybe he has a weird villainous side to him, but in the three games I've played with him he's basically encapsulated the hero persona, and it makes everyone threatened by him. He still wins a lot though.

2Beastly: Where Jimbo is possibly the perfect hero, Steve is a lot closer to the perfect villain. Quite possibly the best and most charismatic liar on Tengaged, I've only played one game with Steve, but I've seen him in others, and he's never not a force to be reckoned with. Going in to any game, no one should ever trust this guy. The fact that people do, is just a testament to how perfect he is at survivor.

Next, people who are great in my opinion, but not AS obvious:

obscurity: I feel like I should add an asterisk to this. Sagar is one of those people who's very good at being a hero, and very good at being a villain, so you never know how he'll play with you. The problem is, he's a significantly better hero than he is a villain. If he's playing as a hero, then the game's basically already over, and he's won, but as a villain... I don't know, in the game I played with him where he was evil, I found him completely unlikable and it was really easy to not vote him to win. Still, amazing fucking player.

Amf7410: Andy is a strong player in many aspects, but what really sets him apart is his physical gameplay. On off days, he's a competitor, and on good days, he's untouchable. There's nobody I've ever seen rock challenges like Andy (Except for Sagar in that one season, but that I blame moreso on the lack of challenge. Although again, Sagar is amazing.)

Lynette: I've played both as Lynette's ally, and as Lynette's enemy, so I feel like I have a decent idea of how scary this girl (I think, the profile says David though) can be. Unlike some of the others on this list, Lynette's been more easily stopped in my experience, but that's moreso a cautionary action because everyone knows that they'd get steamrolled pretty badly.

LiteCitrus: I've played against Cody once. It was months ago. I'm still afraid of him.

There are a number of honorable mentions, I'm not going to name any of them though because some of the things I say may seem insulting, because many of them are really loud and obnoxious, and suffer for it. But yeah, I like playing with these people a lot, they usually make the seasons way better.
Points: 83 6 comments
I actually thought Dan was okay May 14, 2015
He wasn't a great player, but he seemed like a nice enough guy. I'm hoping he isn't too bothered by how bad some of the backlash has been, I feel kinda bad.

Points: 0 6 comments