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The SerenityFirefly's blog

Posts 70 posts

San Juan Del Sur pissed me off Mar 16, 2015
It felt like the most appropriate time to post this seeing as how people got mad at me for my blog on Kim Spradlin, as well as the fact that the newest season is just a few weeks in, and it's already a lot better. Anyway, here is a full list of everyone from the SJDS cast that sucked both as a player, and entertainer:

Nadiya, Val, John, Dale, Julie, Wes, Alex, Jon, Baylor, Missy, Jaclyn.

The cast of the show had 18 people, I listed 11 of them. Already this is bad, but I'm not done, here are full descriptions of the remaining seven:

Drew was not on the first list because of just how stupid he was, and how interestingly stupid he continued to be.

Kelly didn't really have much time to do anything this game, she was just kind of there.

Josh and Jeremy were both solid. Unfortunately, they both knew that, and refused to work together on that basis, resulting in a trainwreck of a post-merge season.

After Josh was voted off, Reed got a lot cooler. He wasn't great, but in comparison with the others, definitely top five.

Keith was awesome, and I think I would've enjoyed him in any past or future season of Survivor. He sucked bad at the game, but still.

And I feel the same way about Natalie that I do about Kim Spradlin, that she only dominated the game so well because everyone else was a muppet. I actually got to watch all of Natalie's season though, so I believe she'd at least be a competitor in a better season, she just got thrown into a piss poor one.

Other problems include the fact that reward challenges were duels, people dropping challenge because the remaining people were their friends, the disgusting inundation of hidden immunity idols (Cagayan had a lot too, but they had 3 tribes. I wasn't a fan of that either, for the record), the stupid wimpy castaways who didn't know how to control their eating and kept losing and breaking things, and the fact that somehow, Baylor made it to fifth.

#Survivor #SanJuanDelSur
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Kim Spradlin feels overrated Mar 9, 2015
Note how I said "feels" rather than "is". This is for one simple reason.

I didn't watch One World all the way through. This season sucked.

Don't get me wrong though, I've seen enough of the season to get a good enough grasp of her gameplay, and I will not deny that she was a great player, and a solid winner. Frankly, had she been a contestant on a regular season of Survivor, I feel she still would've had a really good chance to win.

But she wasn't on a regular season. She was on Survivor One World, a season full of dumb fucks.

Things may have been different in the episodes I missed, but from what I saw, none of the contestants thought "Hey, this woman is OBVIOUSLY going to wipe the floor with us, should we stop her?" and if they did, I'd wager they were either too late, or too quiet.

I'm not really dissing Kim, but I've seen a great number of articles now calling her the greatest winner ever. This might be true, if there wasn't these people:

Tom Westman
Yul Kwon
Denise Stapley
Sophie Clarke
Todd Herzog
Brian Heidik
Tony Vlachos

And if we're also including returning players, John Cochran is also pretty high up there for me.

I can take you seriously as a winner no matter what season you win (yes Fabio, that means you too), but I can't sincerely say you played the best game of all time when there was no one to play it. If she played again and did well, it'd probably be easier for me to say that, but she had almost no opposition. If the season is built entirely around giving you a million dollars, I can't tell how well she would've done in a tougher season (Cagayan comes to mind).

Again, I don't know for sure, but it just seems this way to me.

Points: 8 5 comments
Sometimes it really makes me mad Jan 28, 2015
That I can't reach through my computer and punch the person I'm conversing with. Is there an app for that yet?

Points: 0 0 comments
In Castings, when I see posts like: Jan 27, 2015
"Shit I got 2 percent Im gg"

In my head, I can almost hear myself saying

"Psh, well I ain't plussing you then."


Also this was said by Rocketokid13. Nothing against him, I'm sure he's a nice guy but... nope. Still not.
Points: 52 4 comments
Tengaged Alphabet Dec 17, 2014
I'm going to lose this challenge. Sorry Mearl

Post if your name starts with an A, then B, then C, etc.

Begin with the @ symbol. That's important
Points: 42 7 comments
Survivor Greece challenge Dec 12, 2014
image manalord. I also have a link here if you want to see everything more clearly.
Points: 5 0 comments