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The SerenityFirefly's blog

Posts 70 posts

My solidified picks for Second Chances May 14, 2015
My last blog got cleared up, so I deleted it, and am replacing it with this one. I have been changing some of my votes, but the following are ones I vote each time. Let me precede this by stating that, for once, I don't really think there are any bad returnee possibilities, I'd be fine with all 32 of them. In no particular order:


Jeff Varner - He was actually my favorite contestant in Australian Outback back when I first saw the season when I was six. I remembered this, and was ecstatic to see that he was a choice, because I was worried that people had forgotten him.

Andrew Savage - Pearl Islands was awesome, Savage was cool, would've had a damn good chance of winning if it wasn't for the Outcasts.

Shane Powers - Shane is kind of like Greg Buis, my favorite Survivor contestant ever, so I refuse to even consider not voting for him.

Terry Deitz - There's no reason Terry shouldn't have been on Micronesia, or Heroes vs Villains, or something like that. I've been wanting to see him come back for a long time.

Stephen Fishbach - I didn't really pay close attention to Tocantins when it came out, but since reviewing it, I really liked Stephen's gameplay, and I think he ought to have a second go at it, and not blow up at the final tribal council.

Troyzan Robertson - I also didn't follow One World too closely, but based off of only what I've seen of Troyzan, he's my kind of player. I like big crazy people who want to be royalty, and he seems like a good source for that.

Spencer Bledsoe - Cagayan was recent enough, and Spencer's still the most popular contestant ever, so... yeah I'm not explaining this one.

My other three votes alternate with the others depending on how I feel at the time. At the moment I'm feeling Vytas, Keith and Joe, but that's not set in stone.


Kelly Wiglesworth - Duh

Teresa T-Bird Cooper - Also duh, kind of. I'm a big fan of the "badass mom" storyline, I guess.

Peih-Gee Law - China was full of really good players who need to play again. She was one.

Abi-Maria Gomes - I can't decided if she's a great villain or a terrible one, so.... come back. Also we need more people from Philippines, that was a fun season.

Ciera Eastin - Probably the best loved one to be an option to come back, I'd love to see what she can do without Laura

Tasha Fox - Tasha's awesome, though I do still prefer Spencer. Still, she needs another go.

Others alternate, though Stephanie Valencia is likely going to become a solidified pick.

#Survivor #SecondChance
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