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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The Ultimate Nintendo Big Brother: Episode 7

Dec 23, 2016 by RealJacksonWalsh
imageThank you for sticking with me this far.

Now, to the eviction results.

Tom Nook and Kirby, this is Jack. One of you is about to walk out the doors to the Reboot House, where you will fight it out for another shot at playing this game.

By a vote... of 4-3,... Tom Nook, you will be moving into the Reboot House.

Sami and Lucas, this is Jack. One of you is about to walk out the doors to the Reboot House, where you will fight it out for another shot at playing this game.

By a vote... of 4-3... Sami, you will be moving into the Reboot House.

Captain Falcon, Chrom, Guest F, and Luke Triton. Each of you have played this game to a... degree. Now, it is time for two of you to leave the game.

Safe with one vote... Captain Falcon, you are staying in the house for another week!

Evicted with 6 votes... Luke Triton, you have been evicted from the Reboot House and as such this game. Goodbye.

With a vote... of 5-4... Guest F... congratulations on safety! Chrom, you will be leaving the game. It was a pleasure.

Full Vote: 6-5-4-1


Console House:

Super Mario: Mario
Metroid: Samus Aran (1 IMMUNE, 1 POV)
Pokemon: Pikachu
Starfox: Fox McCloud (1 NOM)
Miis: Guest D
Legend of Zelda: Link
Donkey Kong Country: Donkey Kong (2 NOM)
WarioWare: Wario
Ice Climber: Nana  (1 HOH, 2 NOM, 1 POV)
Punch-Out: Little Mac (1 IMMUNE, 1 NOM, 1 POV)
Earthbound: Ness (1 HOH)
Kirby: Kirby (1 IMMUNE, 1 NOM)
Professor Layton: Professor Layton (1 IMMUNE) *
Phoenix Wright: Phoenix Wright
Advance Wars: Andy (1 IMMUNE)
HarmoKnight: Tempo (1 HOH, 1 NOM, 1 POV)
Bayonetta: Bayonetta (1 NOM)
Duck Hunt: The Dog (1 HOH)
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic the Hedgehog (1 IMMUNE, 1 POV)

Handheld House:

Super Mario: Luigi
Metroid: Metroid (1 HOH)
Pokemon: Solgaleo/Lunala (Solgaleo is playing.)
Animal Crossing: Isabelle
Legend of Zelda: Zelda (1 POV)
Fire Emblem: Azura (1 NOM, 1 POV) *
F-Zero: Princia Ramode (1 IMMUNE)
Donkey Kong Country: Diddy Kong
WarioWare: Mona
Ice Climber: Popo (1 IMMUNE, 1 NOM)
Punch-Out: Doc Brown (1 HOH, 1 NOM, 1 POV)
Earthbound: Lucas (1 IMMUNE, 1 NOM)
Kirby: King DeDeDe (1 HOH)
HarmoKnight: Lyra (1 IMMUNE, 1 NOM, 1 POV)
Bayonetta: Jeanne (1 NOM)
Duck Hunt: The Duck (1 IMMUNE, 1 NOM)
Megaman: Roll (2 IMMUNE)
Sonic the Hedgehog: Amy (1 HOH)
Xenoblade: Fiora

Reboot House:
The Wonderful 101: Wonder-Red  (1 HOH, 1 NOM) AND Wonder-Pink (1 IMMUNE, 2 NOM, 1 POV)
Phoenix Wright: Athena Cykes (1 NOM, 1 POV)
Miis: Guest F (2 NOM)
Xenoblade: Shulk (1 NOM, 1 POV)
Megaman: Mega Man (2 HOH, 1 NOM)
F-Zero: Captain Falcon (1 HOH, 2 NOM)
Starfox: Falco Lombardi (1 NOM)
Animal Crossing: Tom Nook (1 NOM, 1 POV)
Advance Wars: Sami (1 HOH, 1 NOM)

50th: Professor Layton: Luke Triton (1 HOH, 2 NOM, 1 POV) (Evicted in a 6-5-4-1 vote.)
49th: Fire Emblem: Chrom (2 NOM) (Evicted in a 6-5-4-1 vote. Second-most votes.)

(Note: * means the person has PERMANENTLY lost their Franchise Immunity.)

Console House Events:

HOH: Link
Franchise Immunity: Nana/Pheonix Wright and Star Fox (Reboot)
Nominations: Pikachu and Donkey Kong
POV Players: Link, Pikachu, Donkey Kong, Mario, Wario, Andy
POV Winner: Andy
Used?: No.

(Screaming at Nana being safe. She now, in nominations, will have SIX extra tags.)

Handheld House Events:

HOH: Popo
Franchise Immunity: Zelda
Nominations: The Duck and Lucas
POV Players: Popo, Duck, Lucas, Solgaleo, Ramode, Azura
POV Winner: Lucas
Used?: Of course.
Replacement: Doc Brown

Reboot House Events:
HOH1: Athena Cykes
HOH2: Falco Lombardi
NOM SET 1: Wonder-Pink/Wonder-Red
NOM SET 2: Sami/ Guest F
POV1: Shulk
Used?: No.
POV2: Wonder-Red
Used?: Yes, on self. (Players will always save themselves. If their partner is in danger and they aren't, they will save them next.)
Replacement: Mega Man

So, the week results stand as such:

Control House:
Link took the Triforce and power for the week, and ended up extremely disappointed when the news came in: Popo had won HOH, meaning Nana was ONCE AGAIN safe from eviction. Also, along with this news came safety for Pheonix and Fox, as their counterparts in the Reboot House won HOH. With the loss of Nana, Link was distraught on who to nominate. In the end, Pikachu's and Donkey Kong's key were turned. Andy took power as POV, but decided Link's nominations were fine. So, will Pikachu's have to Charge into the Reboot House, or will Donkey Kong step into the wrong barrel?

Handheld House:
With Nana's giant target on her back, Popo HAD to pull out a win. So, when he did, he began to ponder nominations. Zelda was not one of his thoughts. However, it did not matter, as she received immunity for the week. Finally, he thought back and decided that the previous nominee and a previous HOH was a great idea. So, Lucas and The Duck took the bullet. However, Lucas was having none of that, so, instead, he pulled himself off with the Veto. With this, Popo finally figured out that the threat of the house, Doc Brown, should go up. Now, will The Duck not be able to fly away from the Reboot House, or will Doc Brown fall off his bike?

Reboot House:
With the biggest threat in the house and a pawn gone from the game, two new players were funneled in, much to everyone's surprise: Tom Nook from the Console House and Sami from the Handheld House. However, Athena and Falco, two underdogs of the game, stepped up to save themselves and control the house. Athena went for the obvious Wonderful 101 pairing, Wonder-Red and Wonder-Pink. However, this left Falco with... nothing. So, to make sure the two of them stayed, two pawns went up. Sami, the newbie, and Guest F, the innocent, both took the bullet. However, to make sure they stayed for as long as possible, Wonder-Red, along with Shulk, won the Veto. Unfortunately, The Wonders couldn't convince Shulk to use the Veto on anyone, so Wonder-Red saved himself. Athena quickly put up Mega Man as a replacement threat. Now, the four-way split begins. Will Wonder-Pink lose her control in the game? Will Mega Man be completely drained of power? Will Guest F be deleted from the system? Will Sami lose to Blue Moon? It's in your hands.

Make sure you write down BOTH sides of the game:
Reboot Move-In: Pikachu or Donkey Kong and The Duck or Doc Brown
Reboot Move-Out: Select TWO of the following: Wonder-Pink, Mega Man, Guest F, Sami

So, here's an example:
Move-In: Pikachu/Duck
Move-Out: Pink/Mega

Please specify which one is which. Makes my job MUCH easier. Please.



(Note: If you're curious about WHY it's 4-3 on the two Move-Ins and 6-5-4-1 for the Move-Outs (or 8 pairs of votes), as you can see, hellocat submitted one block in its entirety for the move-in (Console) and none for another (Handheld). However, this is not relevant for the Move-Outs, as two nominees were selected, making it valid.)


WONDER PINK AND SAMI can go pop a swuat
Sent by TR1364,Dec 23, 2016
I vote to evict Donkey Kong and Doc Brown from the main house
I vote to evict Guest F and Sami from the Reboot house
Sent by ninjohn,Dec 23, 2016
Donkey Kong/Doc Brown
Mega Man/Guest F
Sent by MarthaSpeaks,Dec 23, 2016
Move in DK and Doc
Move out Guest F and Mega man
Sent by pikaplayer,Dec 23, 2016
Dk and doc bye guest f and mega
Sent by Giraffez,Dec 24, 2016
Move in: DK & Doc
Move out: Guest F and Mega Man
Sent by zorbo678,Dec 24, 2016
Movie in duck
Move out pink
Sent by YogscastBigbrother21,Dec 24, 2016
Move in: Donkey kong/doc
Move out: mega man and guest F
Sent by hellocat,Dec 24, 2016
Dk doc
Guest f megaman
Sent by abrogated,Dec 24, 2016
Sent by Connor_,Apr 18, 2018

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