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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Slender:The Blog Game Season 2 Episode 18

Dec 1, 2016 by Macda27
Logan spinfur {3/8 PAGES} {ESCAPED} 1st/2nd
Max novamax243 {3/8 PAGES} {ESCAPED} 1st/2nd
Jeremy wuau {8/8 PAGES} {ESCAPED} 3rd/4th
Zoe elissabb {8/8 PAGES} {ESCAPED} 3rd/4th
Olivia coolkat {5/8 PAGES} {ESCAPED} 5th/6th
Madison katherinee_ {8/8 PAGES} {ESCAPED} 5th/6th
Kristian loopycoco1 {5/8 PAGES} {LOWER DECK}
Melissa lovemeloveme {3/8 PAGES} {DINING ROOM}
Nick nnewman3 {4/8 PAGES} {SKYDECK}
Angelica hints {6/8 PAGES} {DEAD} 11th
Dani topazisqueen {3/8 PAGES} {DEAD} 12th
Christian lavaworks {5/8 PAGES} {DEAD} 13th
Carson ryanandrews {0/8 PAGES} {DEAD} 14th
Zac pikachu142 {1/8 PAGES} {DEAD} 15th
Owen owen3939 {1/8 PAGES} {DEAD} 16th
Reece dogon {1/8 PAGES} {DEAD} 17th
Damian christmasbob {1/8 PAGES} {DEAD} 18th
Zach D zachboy967 {0/8 PAGES} {DEAD} 19th
Evan evanester {0/8 PAGES} {DEAD} 20th

Police Officer Cooper Macda27
Police Officer Sawers Macda27




Olivia and Madison unlocked the code for their boat the same time Jeremy and Zoe untied theirs. The four managed to get the two boats off the cruise ship and into the icy water. "Lets get the fuck out of here" Olivia said to Madison on her rowboat and grabbed the oars and started paddling. Jeremy and Zoe were ahead of them, both working and paddling together. Land was quite far away, but it is reachable, the lights from the buildings made it easy to follow. Like Moths to Light, the four paddled towards land.


Nick and Cooper got onto the skydeck to see Olivia and Madison in a rowboat and Jeremy and Zoe in a rowboat, paddling towards land. "Thank god" Nick said. Slenderman appeared behind Cooper and Nick. "FUCK OFF!" Cooper screamed in rage and shot Slenderman, before sprinting and diving off the ship. Nick realised he was swimming to his boat. "Wait up!" Nick said but Slenderman's tentacles grabbed Nick. Nick squeezed his eyes shut. He opened them three seconds later and he was alive, and Slenderman was gone. He looked overboard and Cooper was starting the engine and driving off. "What the hell!" Nick said as Cooper sped off, leaving him alone on the skydeck.


Cooper drove off without Nick. "Sorry Nick, but I have to leave this place" Cooper said. He then caught up to Olivia/Madison's and Jeremy/Zoe's boats. Zoe stood up and waved, but Cooper just drove beside them and didn't stop. "What an asshole!" Zoe said, sitting back down.Cooper let the police boat move on its own went into his bag and tried to find something to eat, but he felt something strange and pulled it out... it was a statue of Link from the Zelda Series....


Kristian was running up the stairs to be safe and saw Slenderman at the top of the stairs. "Uh, nope!" he said and ran back down the stairs to the lower deck.


After leaving the gym for like what seems to be the 20th time in this game,finding the same code which to them is now useless as both boats that needed the 4-digit code is gone, they split off into different rooms, Melissa goes into the dining room and finds a page while Jax goes into the Second Class Cabins South and does not find a page.


A couple on land were walking down by the beach when they noticed a police boat speeding straight towards them. "Mel look out!" Dylan yelled and grabbed her hand and ran towards a store close to the beach. The police boat went over some boulders that acted like ramps and ramped into the air and crashed on the beach. "Is someone in there? Should we call for help?" Mel asked her boyfriend. Dylan walked over to the police boat and put his hand over his mouth in shock. "I don't know what could of done this.... but it's not Slenderman" Dylan said. Mel walked over slowly to Dylan and the boat and gasped at the sight of Police Officer Cooper in a pool of water, face down.

Page Tracker-

JOGGING TRACK-Jeremy,Jax,Max,Olivia,Kristan,Madison,Zoe

ROWBOATS EAST-Olivia,Jeremy,Zoe,Kristian,Madison

ROWBOATS WEST-Melissa,Madison,Zoe,Kristian,Jeremy,Max,Logan



FIRST CLASS CABINS SOUTH-Nick,Jeremy,Zoe,Olivia,Madison

STAIRS-Logan,Max,Olivia,Jeremy,Zoe,Nick,Kristian,Jax,Madison,Melissa (Everyone's found this page!)

DINING ROOM-Jax,Madison,Zoe,Jeremy,Kristian,Melissa



N/A (You will be seen in a few more episodes throughout the season,especially at the final episode but you can only comment and like from now on, good job on surviving!)


1.Investigate Jogging Track
2.Investigate Control Room
3.Investigate Swimming Pool
4.Investigate Rowboats East {Nick chose this}
5.Investigate Rowboats West
6.Move to Upper Deck


1.Investigate Dining Room
2.Investigate Gym {Melissa chose this}
3.Investigate Sauna {Jax chose this}
4.Investigate Second Class Cabins North
5.Investigate Second Class Cabins South {Kristian chose this}
6.Move to Stairs

(Like this if you want a 3rd season!)



6 survivors.4 people left to escape, which of the four won't survive the final hour of the 6hr massacre?
Sent by Macda27,Dec 1, 2016
5.Investigate Second Class Cabins South
Sent by LoopyCoco1,Dec 1, 2016
loopycoco1 lovemeloveme aj1111 nnewman3 For being the final four, I'll give you a hint, look at the page tracker, and go investigate a place where you haven't found a page. That's legit just how you win at this blog game.
Sent by Macda27,Dec 1, 2016
Are you kidding me? I am legit 3rd to be out of there
Sent by Katherinee_,Dec 1, 2016
Investigate Sauna
Sent by aj1111,Dec 1, 2016
Just Mylan casually on the beach at 11 pm.
Sent by Novamax243,Dec 1, 2016
I would totally use my telekinesis powers to push them from their boat, just to be 3rd on the shore.
ALSO I found this really interesting and it can help you with some ideas for your 3rd season's theme, which probably will be a carnival:
Sent by Katherinee_,Dec 1, 2016
novamax243 I mean obviously they would be, everyone totally does that....they were just...taking a long walk on the beach in the moonlight together???????
Sent by Macda27,Dec 1, 2016
katherinee_ The reason Jeremy and Zoe got 3rd and 4th is because those two got all eight pages and escaped using the Pages boat, while Madison and Olivia escaped using the Secret escape boat, and although you found all 8 pages, you decided to get on the secret boat, which in a tie of escaping, the pages boat gets a better placing
Sent by Macda27,Dec 1, 2016
katherinee_ And thanks for the inspiration of that link it definitely helps with choosing areas to explore eg Area 1 or Upper Deck
Sent by Macda27,Dec 1, 2016
Investigate rowboats east
Sent by nnewman3,Dec 1, 2016
Investigate Gym
Sent by LoveMeLoveMe,Dec 1, 2016

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