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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


1stMay 15, 2013 by Etienne
Why did people give Sherri so much shit for the game she played, when tons of other people in the past have played a similar game and got praised for it - and won?
IMO she played a game that reminded me of Natalie in Samoa.. She let others do the dirty work while she sat back and developped relationships with people and let them do the strategizing/decisions/backstabbing, and "floated" to the finals (in a good way). She aligned with the right people and was always a free vote available to anyone who wanted to make a move, which played to her advantage because no one ever targetted her and they kept her around to use her as a vote.

Natalie won the game using that same strategy - well a big part of that is probably because she was sitting next to Russell who the jury hated and that other guy who I forgot his name who the jury didn't like either because they thought he didn't do anything - while Sherri, who played the same way, got completely ignored by the jury, made fun of, laughed at, and attacked.... Go figure.
Just because you don't play an agressive game like Malcolm/Andrea, doesn't mean you're not playing the game.. at the end of they day Sherri made it to the finals and they didn't.

And how did Eric think he had any right to criticize Sherri like that, when he played a similar game too?
No, Sherri never called the shots, but neither did Eric.. he kinda floated and stayed in the background, and voted with who he felt the most confident going forward in the game, like Sherri did - which there is nothing wrong with, but he attacked Sherri for "doing nothing" even though he did exactly what she did.
He layed low and stayed under the radar the whole time, just like Sherri.. so why was he telling her she didn't do anything? Eric is probably one of the Favorites who did the least in the game - if we're looking at who took control of the votes and made all the decisions - he let others make the decisions and then he'd talk to them before tribal and decide who he was gonna vote with. Eric's game wasn't really different from Sherri's, he didn't do more than she did.
I was baffled when he made that speech.. I didn't expect that from him. He really showed how clueless, ignorant, and delusional he actually is.

And same goes to Eddie, he told Sherri she got "carried" to the finals LOL...
Eddie, aren't you the one who got "carried" by Malcolm when he gave you an immunity idol and saved your ass when you were 100% going home? You didn't do anything for it, you survived that vote because of someone ELSE protecting you. You made it far in the game because people were more worried about the other 2 "Amigos" - Malcolm and Reynold - than you, which is why they kept you around longer and spared you until the F4.
You have NOTHING to say about Sherri being carried by others, when you said yourself you didn't do anything strategic in the game and the only person on the jury you voted out is Phillip - because of Malcolm giving you an idol, otherwise you would've been the one leaving. (The sad thing is Eddie might have won if he made it to F3..)

I wasn't even rooting for Sherri to win in the F3, I was Team Cochran for 1st and Team Dawn for 2nd, but I still thought Sherri played a great game and deserved finals, and I was really annoyed at how everyone downplayed her gameplay and her presence in the F3. #Survivor


it's hard to know what anybody did with the show so focused on the holy lord Cochran
Sent by HelenCoops,May 15, 2013
ikr - I think she was a good player, she just didn't know to speak good at the FTC.
Sent by finegold,May 15, 2013
That entire jury annoyed the shit out of me at FTC except for Andrea
Sent by Tits_McGee,May 15, 2013
Natalie talked the talk at the final tribal.
SHerri looked like an idiot. Sherri was too confident, while Natalie was humble.
Sent by Danielvk,May 15, 2013
You know, I thought the same thing. She was the leader of her original tribe, merged in the minority, and UNLIKE Cochran was able to do in his original season from flipping to being voted out when it got down to their numbers, Sherri played the social game she had to which was low key to float to the final. But it worked... she was sitting in the final. And she got tons of shit and people laughed at her. But in actuality they all must be jealous that she did a better job then them for making it so far and  by figuratively doing nothing. So in quote of the queen. "SIT DOWN HATERS, You can sit down now"

Sent by Jarst,May 15, 2013
I can see how you can compare Sherri to Natalie, but I think Sherri didn't play was well as Natalie. Sherri was in the finals against two Favorites, who had much closer relationships with the jury members than Sherri did. If she would have gone to F3 with Eddie and somebody like Erik, then I think she would have had a good argument.

Also, she never seemed to be open to make any moves, unlike Natalie. Yes, people came to her and asked her for a vote, but at least to the audience, it always seemed like Sherri's vote was set in stone and there was nothing that was going to change her mind.

And then at Final Tribal Council, she had a very egotistical attitude and was not humble at all for being in the final three. I think if Sherri had one or even two moments where she was the driver of a big move (like to blindside Andrea or Brenda), then it would have been a much different story. She was only brought to the end because people knew she wouldn't get any votes.
Sent by Ryguy,May 15, 2013
You can sit down now Ryguy
Sent by Jarst,May 15, 2013
Dont make me get loud Jarst
Sent by Ryguy,May 15, 2013
hi etienne :)
Sent by dmann,May 15, 2013
LOOOL I loved when she said that Jarst, I admired her for sticking up for herself against Eric and telling him to stop (even though it probably didn't help her get votes, but they weren't voting for her anyways at this point :/)

Ryguy Well actually to me Sherri did seem open to making moves, at one point she almost flipped to the Amigos' side and voted with them, but she ended up sticking with the Favorites because she thought it was safer.. But she was willing to make moves, she voted Andrea out who was in her alliance, she voted Brenda out as well.. She might not have been the one to make those calls, but people came to her for her vote and she made those moves with them.
But I agree she could've done a better job at the final tribal council, I think she was nervous and she probably knew people in the jury were annoyed that she made it to the F3 with the game she played.
And you're saying Sherri was brought to the end because people "knew" she wouldn't get any votes... Isn't that the exact same reasoning Russell made with Natalie? He brought her to the end and thought that he was gonna crush her and that she wouldn't get any votes, but she ended up winning by landslide.
Some of it probably had to do like you said with Sherri's final tribal council performance and her attitude.. I wonder how many votes she would've been able to get had she pleaded her case better.
Sent by Etienne,May 15, 2013
hi dmann :)
Sent by Etienne,May 15, 2013
I think there is a difference between willingly voting out somebody like Andrea or Brenda and being somebody who's idea it was. Of course Sherri was going to go along with those votes because if she said no, she would have been a huge target in the following votes. And it made her somebody to bring to the end because she was just a vote the entire game. I think we call those people sheep in Stars, right?

Russell had the right idea with bringing Natalie along. However, what he wasn't prepared for was a jury that was still completely bitter against how he played the game. If Russell hadn't had been a bully the entire game, it would have gone in his favor and people would have criticized Natalie for being a floater. But in that final tribal, the jury picked the "nice" person who formed relationships over the dictator.

Cochran, on the other hand, never made the game personal. Yes, he did backstab and turn on allies, but he did it in a way to where he didn't seem two-faced or tyrannical like Russell did. So in the end, of course he's going to look better than Sherri. If he had been cruel and made to look like a monster like Dawn, then Sherri would probably have gotten some votes as she would have been the lesser of the three evils.

Sent by Ryguy,May 15, 2013
Idk I think it kind of comes down to the jury and who is on it. The Favourites were never going to vote for a fan to win I believe they said that in the jury. The only other fans were Eddie, Reynold and Michael. The first 2 really didn't like Sherri from the beginning and I think Michael voted Cochran because he knew everyone else was too and didn't really care who won. Just my tow cents though=)
Sent by XJamzX,May 15, 2013
Ryguy Well your entire first paragraph describes exactly how Natalie played too. She always voted how her alliance (Russell) told her to, the ideas never came from her. If she dared disagree with Russell, he would've possibly tried to get her out like he did to those people from his tribe who got voted out early because they didn't "follow" him and didn't do what he wanted. Natalie was brought to the end because she was a vote and because people thought they were going to beat her, exactly like Sherri.

The reasons why Natalie won and Sherri didn't are well-explained in your 2nd and 3rd paragraphs. It all came down to their "likability" compared to the people they were sitting next to. If Sherri was in a F3 with Russell instead of Cochran, she would've probably looked better and gotten votes, and if Natalie was in a F3 with Cochran instead of Russell then Cochran probably would've won and Natalie would've been ignored by the jury and treated the same way they treated Sherri. That's the way the cookie crumbles I guess. :/
Sent by Etienne,May 15, 2013
It all comes down to knowing your jury, and knowing what qualities they want to reward. Natalie used the coattail riding strategy and won because her jury was voting based on niceness. Sherri used that strategy and lost because her jury was voting based on strategy, not likeability.
Sent by masterchef,May 15, 2013
masterchef, I completely agree. I think anybody can win Survivor. It just all comes down to your jury and playing off of the strengths and weaknesses of the other finalists.
Sent by Ryguy,May 15, 2013
I agree with you all mostly, except for the part on Erik. He kinda explains his side of the story here:
Sent by writerzblock10,May 15, 2013
etienne I think they played similar games except that Natalie executed it literally 1000% better because she was able to sit in that same spot, and not get called out for all that shit. If Sherri actually formed close bounds with the jury, they wouldn't have bashed/ignored her like they did
Sent by GA097,May 15, 2013
I agree with the criticizing of the game as I felt Sherri played a good game, but in literally ALL of the interviews, apparently behind the scene Sherri was weird and annoying and no one really liked her.

She was essentially a Natalie White who no one liked.
Sent by Millzipede,May 15, 2013
Agreed. People are like she got carried, well if she didn't side with the favorites, she would have been voted out early merge. The favorites always figured as soon as Malcolm and friends are voted out, Sherri will be next and the rest will fight it out. I don't think anyone expected her to make finals.
Sent by Piddu,May 15, 2013
People didn't give two shits about Sherri or her million dollar business
Sent by qwert2,May 15, 2013
It really depends on the type of jury you have.  For instance if she had the same jury Natalie had, she would have had a great chance of winning.  That's whats so great, and annoying about survivor lol.  You got to know what everybody is like and vote them out in a way that you think they will still vote for you in the finals.
Sent by Peetah32,May 15, 2013
Well for starters... No one liked russel that season. And Natalie was a good jury speaker, unlike Sherri and the jury liked Natalie more than the jury liked sherri
Sent by treyhurt13,May 15, 2013
And also that tribal malcom got more votes than Eddie
Sent by treyhurt13,May 15, 2013
Her game, was no game really. I think that they gave her shit because she didn't do a damn thing. At the beginning of the game she was kind of in control. Then they started to lose fans and then she became dead weight really. I think the biggest thing is that she seemed to have the personality to be a good player, yet sat on her ass and did nothing.
Sent by brosky17,May 15, 2013
Russell was completely robbed in samoa tbh
Sent by superfreak79,May 15, 2013
sherri sucks at survivor, and she was annoying as hell. Natalie was atleast solid at challenges and stuff. Also im pretty sure her relaionships were nowhere near as close as natalie did, and she started out on the majority in the merge and never did anything to shake the game
Sent by salmaan,May 15, 2013
I agree with you on this, however Erik didn't play the same game as Sherri, he was just edited  worse than he actually played. But like...what was Sherri supposed to do? When a tribe merges in majority, they typically carry that majority to the end like in South Pacific, Redemption Island, One World, etc. If Sherri had tried to be a mastermind, she would have got kicked off like they do in every other season.
Sent by Aquamarine,May 15, 2013
tbh etienne the fact that she continueally said she was almost running the game was why people gave her shit. I agree that eric and eddie didnt have the right, but thats why everyone else gave her shit.
Sent by ajg31397,May 15, 2013
I totally agree with you.
Sent by masterchef,May 15, 2013
The jury had already all agreed they were voting for cochran before they got there. Sherri knew she couldn't do anything to change their minds and it is quite unfair
Sent by HelenCoops,May 15, 2013
It's all about the people who you are put with

This jury doesn't give a shit about Sherri's game but Samoa's jury could've understood and liked Natalie's game
Sent by dragotistic,May 15, 2013
This can all boil down to one thing; the people and how you are perceived by them.
Sent by Spinner554,May 15, 2013
I don't think the Nat comparison is accurate. Sherri clearly didn't form those relationships with people if they disliked her so much. -shrug- The game is about making the jury perceive you in a certain way, not just about the things you do on days 1 through 38, so if people perceived Sherri differently than they perceived Natalie or any other player, then that means they did not play the same sort of game
Sent by zimdelinvasor,May 15, 2013
Also Sherri had no good relationships with the players as well. Natalie flawlessly executed Erik's vote in Samoa. Could Sherri have done that? I don't think so.
Sent by Danielvk,May 15, 2013
Hmmm....not exactly ;)

Put this in one way, who actually sneak in alliances all game? Sherri. Unlike Natalie, Sherri stayed on one side almost the whole pre-merge, then flipped at late pre-merge when she needed the most.  Then she stayed with one side, AKA Cochran and Dawn, which is a good move, and kinda just let the game flow with her. I really don't get it how the jury didn't get her game, which is staying low and keeping UTR. It has worked with many people in Survivor, i.e. like you said, Natalie played a great social game and probs the biggest sociopath in Survivor history, robbing Russell.

But you're actually missing one thing: Sherri didn't really talk with people about who are they voting except for Cochran, Andrea, Phillip, etc. I'm pretty much sure she was silent to everybody when Stealth R Us or any alliance she is in, not giving suggestions, doesn't even TALK. She doesn't even say "Who are we going to vote off tonight?" and kinda just agree with the alliance just to make the plan easier for them. She kinda just went with it and let the game flow, idgi why the jury is giving shit to her when four of them did the same thing. AKA Erik, who did the same thing BUT had more contacts with people, Brenda, who did the same thing but went paranoid at the F7, Eddie, like you said, just went what the 2 Amigos did and let them make moves that doesn't involve him. But I think she deserve 3rd.

Tbh I was laughing when Reynold was being awkward to Dawn LOLZ
Sent by coolexchangestudent,May 16, 2013

I do not want to get into this argument again, but you are both objectively wrong and I will politely ask you both to go fuck yourselves.
Sent by Yolandi,May 16, 2013
Nope, I'm right. Russell deserved to win because he dominated the season start to finish and Natalie just rode his coattails. By the way, it is impossible to "politely" ask someone to fuck him or herself.
Sent by masterchef,May 16, 2013
yolandi i can throw out my opinion if i want kty, and you can't tell me to fuck off on the internet cuz clearing u can't make me, ktnxbai
Sent by superfreak79,May 16, 2013
Sent by cheritaisdelicious,Sep 24, 2022
Sent by Happy202,Sep 25, 2022

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