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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


3rdNov 5, 2022 by Druhhbby2
if you dare...

(pm me if you want more details about your card)

#countrysavage - INNER EARTH; You'll survive this. New solutions and beginnings. (What can you do to shift your energy or outlook?)

#Jessie_ - WEIGHT OF THE WORLD; Boundaries. Let it go. It's not yours to carry. (What are you carrying that isn't even yours?)

#ParvatiS - BREATH OF THE COSMOS; My will to thy will. Micromanaging the Universe. (You are being called to stop micromanaging the Universe and trust the breath of life.)

#titoburitto - LOOSEN YOUR GRIP; Coping mechanisms. Density. Addiction. Let God in. (What are you clinging to for fear of nothing coming to take its place?)

#yswimmer96 - THE VOID; Stop. Embrace winter. Great cosmic womb. (How are you being called to surrender to the unknown mystery of your life?)

#MarieTori - THE GREAT SEVERING; Mars energy. Anger. Conflict. Softening to love. (How often are you cutting yourself off from love? How can you soften toward those who have hurt you?)

#koolness234 - STAR KEEPER; Cosmic ancestor. Seed the light by staying grounded. (The wisdom of the stars is imprinted in your soul.)

#systrix - A NEW EARTH; It's happening. Keep holding the vision. Don't give up now. (How can you keep holding the vision?)

coreyants - YOU GOT THE LOVE; Hadarian energy. Codependency. Boundaries. (Do you lose yourself in relationships? If so, how? How can you develop a deeper love for yourself?)

xcharliex - KARMIC RELATIONSHIPS; Orion energy. Polarity. Soul Growth. Conflict. (Which relationships do you find the most challenging? How can you see things from a different perspective? How are you being called to allow growth through the conflict?)

lhooper902976 - PORTAL; Doors are opening. You decide. Rewards. Wild card. Universe is saying YES! Don't lose focus. (What would you most like to experience?)

GeorgeFlair - YOUR LIFE IS A CANVAS; Artist. Manifestation. Creative accountability. (What are you being called to create in your life? How can you express yourself more creatively?)

J2999 - EMPATHIC STARSEED; Energetic sovereignty. Absorbing what's not yours. Be gentle  with yourself. (How can you take better care of yourself energetically?)

JustCrow - WAIT; It's not yet time. Things are being woven. (How can you slow down, be more patient, and wait?)

Booyahhayoob - EARTHED; Learning how to be human. IN the world, but not of it. (Do you tend to long for the stars or be more in the physical? How can you find greater balance between the two?)

Simpizzle - STAR FAMILY; You're part of a team of souls. Call in support. (Who do you think is from the same star family as you? How can you call upon them for support?)

Batya - JUMP IN; Andromedan energy. Adventure. Say yes to change. Seek more adventures (How can you be more adventurous - how are you being called to jump right on in and leap?)

YuNoLOVEME - ACTIVATED EARTH; Power places. Ley lines. Trust where you're led. (Are you being called to travel to a sacred place that your soul remembers?  Or to tend the land you live on? To honor and acknowledge the known and unknown keepers or nature spirits of that land?)

mrkkkkyle - STAR BATHING; Light body. Crystal grid. Transmission. Activation. (You are being called to begin working with the stars and the crystalline grid of the Earth.)

Harehere - PERSPECTIVE; None of this matters. Zoom out. Common ground. (How are you being called to change your perspective?)

Mackey - WE THE HATHORS; Deep love. Mother's milk. Birth as a portal. (You are being called to remember your place in the web of life, and to realize that the Cosmic Mother is watching you every step of the way.)

hellocat - MESSENGER; Sirius energy. Bringing harmony and balance. (How are you being called to bring harmony to your life or planet? How are you being called to honor the sacred masculine and feminine within you?)

Jujubee - DOUBLE MISSION; Lightworker Starseed. Serve the world by being you. You are being called to remember your collective mission and step into it even more fully. (How can you serve the world by being you?)

Crayadian - THE SEVEN STAR SISTERS; Birthing creations. Tapestry of life. Expression. (What new creations are you being called to birth?)

Lucas_RFS - TRUST THE TIMING; Trust the wave you came in on. Time is not running out. (How can you trust the timing of your life a little more?)

ricardogv - THE COSMIC HEART; Devotion. Potency. Make your life a moving prayer. Reconnect with the truth at the very center of your heart. (How can you make your life a moving prayer?)

BrittBritt - BIG PICTURE THINKING; Pleiades energy. Visionary. Inspired ideas. Trust your vision. (How are you being called to step up and lead? What new ideas or creations are you being called to  pursue?)

3pi14159 - THE BLUE FLAME; Spontaneous awakening. Activation. Integration time. (Let go of what you think you know and how you make sense of the world. Stay grounded.)

iCristian - ALL PATHS LEAD HOME; Inner authority. Intuition. Turn your gaze within. (How are you being called to turn your gaze within?)

Whoa - FALL INTO MY ARMS; Surrender. Holding the opposites. Extremes of life. (Welcome the highs and lows of the human experience)

CocoVanderbilt - LOST LANDS; Soul memories and gifts. You've done this before. (You are being called to connect with the lost wisdom of your own soul.)

Streamxx - CALLED; Soul gifts and training. It's time to step up. (You're being called to remember that your soul intelligently chose the perfect conditions to carry out your soul's gifts.)

Electric - YOU'RE NOT ALONE; Isolation. Physical connection. Community. (How can you reach out to people in your life physically?)

_Finesse - EARTH PULSING; Pulse of the Mother. Slow down. Time in nature. (Reconnect with nature and surrender to the pulse of the Earth.) [Look up Earth pulsing meditations]

Maxi1234 - STAR BROTHERS; Horus energy. Protection. Loyalty. Safety. Trust. (How can you open yourself up to receiving more support?)

Fetish - I'M SORRY; Defenselessness. Righting past wrongs. Uprooting. (You may be called to devote your time to causes you believe in or do healing work on your ancestral line. How are you being called to drop your defenses and unwind past wrongs?)


Sent by countrysavage,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by Jessie_,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by ParvatiS,Nov 5, 2022
tito :)
Sent by titoburitto,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by yswimmer96,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by MarieTori,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by koolness234,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by systrix,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by coreyants,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by xcharliex,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by lhooper902976,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by GeorgeFlair,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by J2999,Nov 5, 2022
hehe me :)
Sent by JustCrow,Nov 5, 2022
Sure lol
Sent by Booyahhayoob,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by Simpizzle,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by Batya,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by YuNoLOVEME,Nov 5, 2022
Omg I have the letters to a starseed book and oracle cards do meee
Sent by mrkkkkyle,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by Harehere,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by Mackey,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by hellocat,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by Jujubee,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by Crayadian,Nov 5, 2022
Lucas Maybe M
Sent by Lucas_RFS,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by ricardogv,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by BrittBritt,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by 3pi14159,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by iCristian,Nov 5, 2022
me please
Sent by Whoa,Nov 5, 2022
Sent by CocoVanderbilt,Nov 6, 2022
Sent by Streamxx,Nov 6, 2022
Sent by Electric,Nov 6, 2022
Sent by _Finesse,Nov 6, 2022
Sent by Maxi1234,Nov 6, 2022
Sent by Fetish,Nov 6, 2022

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