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The Dibby1010's blog

Posts 442 posts

I will plus any spam! Mar 26, 2018
Al you have to do is vote for team 1 in this poll and comment that you did and I will plus any designs or blogs you need!

Points: 1 1 comments
Survivor Rankings Ep. 4 Mar 22, 2018
Here are my survivor rankings! An link is on the page.

- Say it with me now "WE HATE BRADLEY". god... i just... i cant

- Kellyn seemed like she might not do much but now her and her "free spirit" is all the way up Bradleys butt

- Libby's performance in this challenge was such a shit show. Like how did yall think she was so good.

- Laurel is my queen. I think she has a good game going socially and can kick it into overdrive when she needs to win challenges.

- Michael got lucky. Thank god for the tribe swap as long as it doesnt screw Laurel.

- WTH does Desiree think she is. Let me just go through Stephanies bag. The hell you do. Ugh.

- Chelsea proved this episode that either 1) she wont stand up to her alliance and is a sheep or 2) this is foreshadowing for a flip.

- Angela was snuffed again along with Wendell and James really lol idc.

- Donathon had some good moments this episode that actually made me feel sincerely bad for him.

- The fact Chris and Sebastian are going up in the rankings is because I am hating others more.

- Dom I am excited to watch because he is either going to make a crazy move or it will all blow up in his face.

- Jenna fell because she is starting to seem more useless and now that Steph is gone she will have to find a new brain.

Rankings after vote 4

Biggest raise: Donathon
Biggest Drop: Desiree

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#castings #rookies #survivor
Points: 0 1 comments
So I come from a conservative household where my parents fully believe in the right to own guns. Of course though I am a millennial so I have grown up to become more tolerant. I describe myself as a libertarian where Im more republican on the economic side and more liberal on the social side. Gun control then ends up being one of those issues that falls somewhere in the middle as its not really social or economic.

So now we are to yesterday which was national walk out day where students left there school and got up and walked out for 17 minutes. This trended the hashtag #WalkOut and those who did not agree trended #WalkUpNotOut arguing that it is the students who are left out and ignored are more likely to cause these mass tragedies.

So I just don't see why we cant do both. This nation was born on compromise and it needs to be applied to gun control. There needs to be stronger background checks but there is no reason to band any guns quite yet. A lot of things can be used to destroy many lives like cars for examples. I think people have to right to their opinion and collaboration is the key to success. Its time to #WalkUpANDOut . This should not be that hard to think of yet each side is very extreme on their views. Overall this nation needs to come together and share ideas like civil human beings before people need to go to the extreme.
Points: 19 1 comments
Survivor Rankings Ep. 3 Mar 15, 2018
Here are my survivor rankings! An link is on the page.

- "I want to be a Boston Rob or a Kim Spradlin" If I could have moved Bradley lower I would have that little twit.

- Kellyn plummeted because she is just Bradleys little slave and minion at this point.

- That's also why Dez fell too.

- Angela fell only because other people grew.

- Sebastian (who BTW STILL gives me Ozzy PTSD) went up even though I hate him he seems to be the weak link in Bradley's Alliance and I need him to flip.

- Laurel SLAYED even more this episode

- Chelsea I guessed was mentioned in this episode and is probs on the bottom of that alliance but she is a sheep still at this point so not expecting much.

- Michael's lie was A+ like it made sense had practicality and was all at the right moment. Too bad it didnt work.

- Steph had her moment this episode and it did make me fee some emotion so she went up.

- Donathon is a follower at this point.

- Libby, Wendell and James did not do much this episode.

- Domenick scares me with that idol as my favorite is Laurel and he better not idol her out.

Rankings after vote 4

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#castings #rookies #survivor
Points: 0 0 comments
Check out my Survivor rankings and comments! Mar 8, 2018
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Survivor Rankings Ep. 2 Mar 8, 2018
Here are my survivor rankings! An imgur link is on the page.

-Bradley plummeted because he actually started to talk and I like it better when he didn't.

- Laurel, Libby, Donathon, and James all shot up in the rankings because THEY. DID. THAT.

- Chris moved over Sebastian because I actually felt like his emotions were pure and sincere this episode.

- Still don't like Stephanie so nothing new.

- Kellyn is too innocent that shes dumb and although I would like to be friends with her this episode made her seem very naive to the game.

- Jenna dropped because I feel she is just following Stephanie so until she makes her own decisions she might just keep dropping.

- Des didnt really do much this episode.

- Angela reminds me a lot of Ben so although I respect her I would like to have a different kind of winner.

- Michael found that idol which is really cool but its so big ;). Like I dont know how you secretl bring that to tribal council.

- Dom is growing on me idk. Its possible it could be like a parasite but at this point it still seems good.

- Wendell seems cool and I hope he can recover from what just happened.

- Brendan and Chelsea stayed about the same because they also didnt do much this episode.

Rankings after vote 3

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#castings #rookies #survivor
Points: 0 1 comments