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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


1stMar 30, 2014 by BlueBarracuda
imageMy charity was ruined, Sorry betters! =/

So I was holding off on blogging this, because the optimist in me believe that people are truly good at heart. However, that is not always the case sadly, since Instagram ruined my charity.

My 100th game charity was ruined, as many of you have commented or have noticed.
First of all, I want to apologize to the betters on behalf of the ruiners. They wasted your Ts on purpose and should be ashamed of themselves.

I held off on joining my 100th game because I wanted it to be special, I wanted to be in a game full of fun people, with friends and future friends. The week prior, I just helped Instagram with his TV Star charity. Once it ended, I knew I wanted to do a rookies for my 100th game and when there was an open game finally, I secured enough people, and joined.

TWENTY minutes after me and @cheritadelicious joined, the charity was quickly crashed by a bunch of people, claiming that it was now @RobertGuajardos' charity, as Instagram quickly declared.

The SAME Instagram who I had just helped with his charity and got 13th in and was cheering him on the whole game. I was never bitter, in fact, the complete opposite, excited at him getting to the TV Star Milestone. In his charity, Robert was constantly spamming, so I would PM him and call him out. Pissing him off.

The game filled, mostly with people there for Robert, although some of the people I secured managed to get in (although some people bailed on me once the first of the crashers game).

The hilarious part is the game was filled with the same people who bullied and attacked me in the beginning of March over me buying a 1Ts design from Minie's shop. They yelled at me for weeks, calling me a thief, as you may have seen in the top blogs at the time.

Almost a month later, the day after helping Instagram win, these people crash my charity. Instead of getting mad, I was calm, and offered to have a JOINT CHARITY, as a compromise, that way both parties get what they want. Nope. Instagram got first HOH and turned into an angry little dictator. His people were spamming nonsense like "HMmmmmmmmmmm" and "glglglgl" yet when my friends and I talked and had conversations, he would yell at us and told us to stop "spamming" despite his friends posting stuff of no value.

He then posted a spam line and when cherita posted, he used that as an excuse to say "now Blue is going up".

Anyways, the tl;dr version is that Instagram and @RobertGuajardo and their merry band of friends purposely ruined my charity, for their fake gold level charity. At the time of him joining, Robert was way too far to get gold with an 80K win, so this game wouldn't have gotten him to his goal.

I will never get a 100th game, the betters will not get their money back. I hope Instagram and Robert had fun ruining it as a pathetic way at getting back at me for some reason. I hope someday they can move on from me "stealing" @cfff's design. It was an ugly tuxedo design. Cfff got the tux anyways.

I am sick of being harassed and bullied and having my tengaged experience ruined and defined by my innocent purchase of a cheap design. This is a warning for anyone wanting to play a game with those people: Don't. They are selfish, entitled, and only care about themselves.

At the end of the day, it's only a game. I will move on. I just hope they can move on and leave me alone.

(Also: After my charity game was ruined, I joined a frookies for my 101st and the nice people there gave me a win, TY to those people)


Very well said!
Sent by cheritaisdelicious,Mar 30, 2014
It's a bit long though @cheritadelicious, but hopefully people still give it a read.
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Mar 30, 2014
i'm sorry bluebarracuda
this was a really shitty thing for them to do.
Sent by k4r4k,Mar 30, 2014
Sent by babiicakes,Mar 30, 2014
Rob need to realise giving himself a bad name while spam for his friend shop will cost him big time. Cause drama like tht wont get ya far on here.
Sent by OutthereElmo,Mar 30, 2014
I read all of it, great blog. +++
Sent by LilSteph95,Mar 30, 2014
Sent by WpwSers196,Mar 30, 2014
Wtf to them, i know I was in a ruined charity for a friend and they didnt like it brcause it was something special. You handled this maturely. Unlike instagram and robertguajardo. Disgusting human beings. If they want to be bullies, then fine. Nicely said blue
Sent by Ilikebugs,Mar 30, 2014
:( sorry
Sent by Jenna2010,Mar 30, 2014
Aw :(
Sent by Ireland,Mar 30, 2014
All that over those ugly ass minie suits?
Sent by andychuck08,Mar 30, 2014
Aw, it happens :s. Dw about it though, there is always a risk when we bet
Sent by woeisme,Mar 30, 2014
don't worry about it < 3 sorry they were assholes. never plussing robertguajardo spam again
Sent by Belmont,Mar 30, 2014
Bluebarracuda why did you say you were sorry for everyone who bet on you, THEY should be the ones appologizing
Sent by GoodPlay,Mar 30, 2014
bluebarracuda there are so many selfish people on this site
im so sorry your charity got ruined by greedy people
Sent by jsylvia76,Mar 30, 2014
I lost all respect for robertguajardo and instagram.  I will never plus their spam again.  What comes around goes around.  People need to learn to pick their battles and ruining charities is not a battle that anyone should be involved in.  Hope it was worth it guys.
Sent by LittleBrother123,Mar 30, 2014
I love how you play the victim... Before he even nommed you were I a frookies telling ppl it was a redo for your 100th game because they voted you out your know the one you are still in and STILL haven't been voted out of...why not wait till you actually get out to complain because all that and this did was make more people want to do it since you have lied just to get 2 charities from the start...
Sent by NexusCain,Mar 30, 2014
I'm sorry that your charity got ruined BlueBarracuda you didn't deserve that :(
Sent by Carlisle,Mar 30, 2014
BlueBarracuda that sucks. I feel your pain. I've had several of my charities ruined as well so I know how you're probably feeling. If you decide to do a redo for that charity (which you seem to have done in a frooks), let me know and I'll help out with it.
Sent by Eccentro,Mar 30, 2014
have no idea what this 1ts design thing is!
Sent by bibbles,Mar 30, 2014
Wtf you helped him and then he ruined yours?
Sent by Lemjam6,Mar 30, 2014
Sent by obscurity,Mar 30, 2014
yeah, it's very sad how Instagram and so many other formerly great people have changed into just another clone of the worst of us. happens way to often 'round these parts.
Sent by Claud,Mar 30, 2014
only idiots bet on you.
Sent by Simplyobsessed,Mar 30, 2014
lol, instagram is a dick.
Sent by burkett8975,Mar 30, 2014
Instagram is scum. Isn't the point of shops to be able to BUY designs? I don't get it.
Sent by NoBeardNoSoul,Mar 30, 2014
My hundredth game charity was ruined to...but that one was ruined by #mileytwerk
Ugh, people are just the worst:/
Sent by climbingdolphins,Mar 30, 2014
boo hoo lol
Sent by Sackeshi,Mar 30, 2014
I hate to be an ass because I hate it when someone's charity is ruined, but those people who bet on you should have known better. You're not exactly the most popular person in the world; that's why I didn't bet on you. I figured someone would ruin it. Sorry, just being honest. :/
Sent by Aesop,Mar 30, 2014
They truly are disgusting human beings...
Sent by Hannah_Parks,Mar 31, 2014
Throughout my tengaged career, my family and I have fallen victim to inappropriate attempts to contact me by several individuals (Aydanmac01) As a father of one and brown level on tengaged, I cannot to take this kind of obsessive attention lightly. Given these previous acts, I have taken several security measures which have included obtaining a protective order to ensure our safety. Not only am I concerned about my family, I am deeply concerned about the well-being of all families. My prayers of love, safety, reconciliation and support are always and forever with God’s children.
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Jun 10, 2014
I am a good fucking person

According to cfff, I am a disgusting troll. Not sure how on Earth I am a troll. Is it because I am opinionated and speak out about things that need to be said? It it because I am not a mindless sheep who plus things when I am told to, instead of basing my plusses on merit?

I try to be a good person, I am polite to those who are to me, and when I do have time, I try playing the games to the best of my abilities. I don't live vicariously through the site like most people, but I don't know how that makes me a troll or "disgusting".

If you have never spoken to me, please don't judge me. Or spam me for that matter. Acting like children over a pixelated design will garner little sympathy from me. You type of people are exactly what is wrong with this site. It reminds me why I go for months at a time without logging in. Maybe I need to take another leave of absence.

I love how children on this site are calling me a thief. Odds are, none of them have never had anything stolen from them in their life. When they have been held at gunpoint and had their personal belongings taken from them, then they can talk to me. Until that, they can call me a thief all they want, but I bought the design with my own Ts, fair and fucking square, so they can all cry in a river and hope to god they have floaties.
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Jun 13, 2014
This Needs To Be Addressed... Before It's Too Late
As you all know, another user and I have been involved in drama'. This user whom I recently referred to as "the biggest bitch on Tengaged" (a title the Tengaged community actually voted me as in 2009, which was an honor then, although I did not mean it as such in my comment) was upset by my words and has since tagged me in some hurtful comments, calling me a "puss", "weird", and "vile piece of ignorant shit". I could have been more mindful of my word choice in my blog comment in a since deleted blog, and for that I am regretful. However, I feel like that descriptor was befitting and I stand by the sentiments although I do apologize.

1.  "since im filtered by that puss."

YOu were filtered cause you spammed me, which my profile has outlined for over a decade as a natural consequence of such. Prior to that, you and your friends would bully me over virtual designs and rookies games. The same friends that were later banned for being pedophiles. You've been filtered for ages. Not cause anyone is remotely afraid of u without ur army of racist chomos (#Instagram #RobertGuajardo) to help u rage neg.

2. "LOL ur so weird and attention seeking BlueBarracuda. i dont care about your existence."

You've demonstrated that the only person on Tengaged you care about is yourself. I did not expect otherwise. If I wanted attention, I would have spammed my blog, which I did not bother. Since you don't care about my existence, I won't mention you by name or tag, or refer to you henceforth, as you only bring up memories of the unmoderated Tengaged, where you and your circle thrived on the toxicity.

3. "and im pretty sure i also helped your stupid charity remake you vile piece of ignorant shit "

You didn't. Vile piece of ignorant shit? You're bffs with Robert Guajardo and Instagram, among others, so I am just gona response with  LOL UR RLY WEIRD.

Have a great day.
Sent by BlueBarracuda,May 24, 2021
No title
Aug 7, 2022 by Minie
y'all really gave this trashy bitch 2nd and almost a stars win

systrix Or maybe your cunt ass should mind their own fucking business? God you and that sea cow and unwed magoo mother can't stop hoping off one's d.
Sent by UsernameThatWasFree,Aug 7, 2022

Like how gross of this whore to say i would hop on anyones dick?
And talking to kayla in fucking 2022 as if you cant be a fucking mother without being married?

Also when would that nasty ass grown man bluebarracuda stop with his victim complex and delusions and actually go seek mental help?
10 votes, 102 points
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Aug 8, 2022
lmfao stfu psycho. delusional as always BlueBarracuda go get mental help
Sent by Minie,Aug 7, 2022
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Aug 8, 2022
Times_Places said: .. BlueBarracuda I have already drank 3 glasses worth huneeeey it is saur good..
Minie said: ..No title..
Minie said: ..not reading your essays. go get a reality check lmfao BlueBarracuda..
Willy729 said: ..??THANK YOU 58% ??..
Minie said: ..No title..
Minie said: ..lmfao stfu psycho. delusional as always BlueBarracuda go get mental help..
Midiaw said: ..That’s perfect y’all! ..
rohanprabhu said: .. bluebarracuda all g i'll have more chances mrkk midiaw vansreborn ong..
BbDamian said: ..Sister!!!! BlueBarracuda..
JetsRock12 said: ..Uhhhh what? BlueBarracuda ..
BrittBritt said: .. BlueBarracuda I totally agree lol ..
cheritaisdelicious said: ..@bluebarracuda that hint was not about Quackerz, it was about @swadles and someone else found it just fine! @booyahhayoob..
Snails said: ..@bluebarracuda well it is up to you. I was just making a blog for attention to be quite honest :-
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Aug 8, 2022

I leave for a week and the same old bullshit. Same people fighting. Instigating drama. Then backpedaling, playing the  victim, and getting their friends to gang up on them. Just because the other person is also detested by many does not make it okay.  But I also don't care enough to understand the full story, but 18 comments on a dead af website catches my attention lol. 

Glad I did not miss anything while I was gone. 

Logging out again though, I just had to stop by quick and save my bigbrotherDonny in stars.kthxbye.

p.s. cheritaisdelicious I brought you home some souvenirs, which I left you out on the patio. 

p.p.s. Cecilia581, I love your new blog series. Please continue dishing the obscure TG drama, as you are a great writer and summarized things in an accessible but user-friendly format.

p.p.s. Eilish Probst I am so sorry I let you down in Eilish Survivor, I know the fans expected me to flop, but I really wanted to prove everyone wrong and be soul survivor. Great game, keep it up.
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Aug 20, 2022

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