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Posts 366 posts

۞ Apr 1, 2018
but i spent like 5 minutes typing a response so i'm gonna post a shorter version of it, ametrine.

are you technically allowed to do anything on this website since there is no moderation anymore? yes
are you free from criticism because nobody is here to enforce rules that 98% of the site still follows? no
was that blog incredibly defensive and trying to excuse yourself without admitting what you did? yes

no hate towards you personally but wow your blog was very misguided
Points: 441 5 comments
۞ Mar 22, 2018
(not counting ridonculous race and it'd be kind of low anyways so)

1. total drama world tour- probably the best/my favorite season overall, built on what the first two did well, expanded on it with the world tour idea, and managed to introduce PLENTY of new/fun storylines. also a good winner and overall merge cast, plus the fucking musical numbers are literally tv gold

2. total drama island- the original. best in terms of storylines and character interactions obviously belongs high on this list but isn't as good as tdwt because i have to watch owen fart every 5 minutes, and also because there's no musical numbers so it really can't compete.

3. total drama action- although more forgettable than the other two original cast seasons, total drama action is probably the best concept for any of the season just because of all the fun challenge ideas from this show LOL. i really love the movie theme and most of the cast is watchable, but the storylining of the season isn't as good and owen as a producer plant is just a waste of time

4. pahkitew island- criminally underrated, managed to actually introduce some fun ideas instead of trying to capitalize on the lolfunnyxD humor that roti/all-stars played way too hard into. honestly probably one of my all-time favorite casts, the only people i legitimately don't like are dave and... that's it. otherwise the season struggles because it doesnt have the charm of this idea that all the characters are more archetypal, a lot of these newer gen characters are just too deep for a cartoon animated reality show to handle most of the time

5. revenge of the island- i mean... i like roti? it's not bad and the cast is still ALRIGHT, i wouldn't go too much further than that. revenge of the island is just not as funny or charming as the original season without having any other way to keep me interested, because the characters just arent that fun to watch or go home early lmao

6. all-stars- sorry cartoon network, disney already released tru confessions in 2002. if i wanted to watch an autistic child with multiple personality disorder learn to fit in i would go watch that instead. all-stars is filled with dumb/boring characters that barely shined on their first season and a bunch of old-gen characters who get completely shafted in favor of watching mike and zoey as if they weren't already bad enough
Points: 305 15 comments
۞ Jan 18, 2018
looks like tengaged has finally recognized me as the #controversial and #iconic figure i am
fun fact: i cant delete this blog because theres actually people on here obsessed enough to report your blogs on like 20 diff accounts. i can't even get mad at it because it's actually just kinda sad that people think it matters that much
Points: 0 1 comments
۞ Jun 7, 2017
It is Mastropola’s Birthday, also known as the ONLY governmentally recognized national holiday. June 7th is already here again, ladies!

If you’ve been living under a rock for the past 5 years, you may not know who Anthony Mastropola is, or his drag persona, Sydney Cera. Sydney serves us #InternetFish and flirts with men while claiming to be straight, it’s really iconic. Myself and a few others came together to write this beautiful blog for him. We love you, mama.

SashaBaby2010 - Sydney, you are easily one of my favorite persons on this site. I don't think I have ever gotten mad at you for more than 5 minutes. You are so much fun & your blogs are my favorites to read. You are always nice to talk to & fun to play games with. Thanks for being such a great person & I hope you have a wonderful 17th birthday. #BearsRoomForLife <3 Boo Bear

KingGeek - happy birthday to the fierce pola bear, officer cera, aloportsam! you're officially 17! you and i have been good friends since my early months on the website and glad we've still maintained that good relationship – even talking more to each other then we usually would! you're honestly so fierce and just simply sydney, y'know? i hope your day is filled with lots of excitement, joy and that special chanei love! save me a slice of that chocolate peanut butter cake btw ;)


Cyrus - well well polabear here we are. it's ya big 17! i don't know if it'll get any better from here on out (unless you die) but all jokes (and seriousness) aside, ya a queen who hasn't harassed me! thx my gal. i hope ur 17th is filled with many show stopping and crowd shocking moments!
xo kazakhstandra

Halloween - Well well well Anthony, it is ur birthday and thats cool and all now and im not going to call u Sydney anyway these blogs are dumb after doing them for like 11 years so im just going to say hb and bye k

Jkjkjk15 - Hmmm Mastropola, we went from you begging for my nudes to make me uncomfortable to developing an actual friendship. You're one of a couple widows to always have my back, so I appreciate that. Happy birthday!

Bigdizzleyomama - sydney cera pola bear anthony 548546886945 over 52 vanessa sydney cyanide you are one of my best friends and i hope even though we dont talk as much lately that you remember that because you are always there for me and i will always be there for you. AND STOP SENDING ME PICTURES OF YOUR BLOOD

Kelly0412 - oh mastro, our friendship is complicated but ive always considered you a ( girl) friend, and when your gone its just not the same and honestly heres to never growing up and staying young forever so you just have to keep holding on and slay your young years and also sk8er boi

HowLovely - happy birthday mastropola

BritishRomeo17 - He’s trying to avoid Ebola
Happy birthday Mastropola!
You are so funny and you created such a good spotify playlist which i stole songs from for my playlist, so thank you for that. You really are  a treueueueuueueue friend no matter how many times we argue.

Ribbons - Happy birthday mummy Sydney cyanide cera :3. Hope u get lots of cummies from daddies & lots of huggles from Scooter ^0^. As real girls, we defy stereotypes of being girl gamers on We are pro & totally excellent/sexy at being girls and very kawaii ru. I hope your birthday is an extra special day filled with bread & candy... mmmmmmm NOMNOM! >O<.

Zachbbs - Mastro, ily, you’re a good pal, when are you coming out as transgender?

Tyboy618 - Sydney Cera is a fucking whore. Welcome to your tape.
Happy birthday bitch! Hope your day is filled with Avril Lavigne, Kelly Clarkson, 90s bops and more!
Love you bitch!


Mitchkid64 - Grats on your 17th Alo, keep fooling boys on omegle

Mathboy9 - Anthony!! I miss you... you are such an icon and a hilarious person. Happy 17th birthday king!

Brandt69 - Happy birthday to the most iconic legend ms sydney cera! We have gotten to be very close friends this year and its been awesome because ive gotten to learn the ways of manipulation and now and now apply them to my every day life! Keep being the person you are hun because lets be real, no one is better than you! Happy birthday:)

NotNicky333 - happy birthday go drink more insulin bitch

Mrcool - Hi Anthony, happy birthday. I'm so glad I meet you in my virtual life because you're actually pretty fun to play survivor auto roblox and your skype games are actually fun compare to others. I hope you have a great birthday and just a daily reminder that Avril Lavinge is dead and the only good Survivor Kell(e)ys are Goldsmith and Czarnecki.

iSandeh - happy birgday

Eoin - Happy birthday to my on/off online lover. We don’t talk anymore and it’s my fault but now that you’re legal we can! Happy birthday mastro!

Tpidude73 - Wow can u believe it's been almost a year since we started dating :o I can't wait until our university to stab u multiple times with various accessories xd

Chibideidara - Happy 17th Birthday Anthony! We've known each other for awhile, since like 2013 and you've always been extremely cool. We dont talk as much as we should mostly because we have different friend groups and i dont really pm people outside from talking in chats, but i always have a blast when i get that expected PM when i join stars. Make sure to have a good day, bye!

Boots22 - Anthony, we don't really speak too much anymore these days on tengaged, but I know the odd time we have reconnected with each other on roblox.   Anyways, you're a true friend and glad to be able to know someone like you.  Happy birthday, and have a good one

KawaiiSenpai -hi mastro mrs kell. remember the time we catfished the daddy on omegle and you came out to him as bi (: that was a good week. Happy bday

Masonx - happy bday mastrapala i enjoy dragging the men of tengaged / survivor / big brother with you and bopping to jams on binb.

Judi - I think mastro is a disgusting waste of space whale who is using up the diabetic resources of the world and causing global warming, I do not like him, I tolerate him, I know deep down he is a tranny and I hope when he blows out the candles on his birthday brownie he finally figures out his true self

Mastro, we’ve known each other for too long now, and you only serve to annoy me more every day. <3 I’m the only one who sees through your bullshit at times, but that’s okay, because your bullshit isn’t your fault. Being diabetic is hard, bitch! I’m always in your corner and on the corner so I can make that cash dollars to pay for your expensive-ass insurance, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I don’t have to draw this out very long, because by this point we’ve been there and done that, and you know that I find you to be the most hilarious enigma that I’ll probably never really end up cracking. Keep it real, electric eel. See you in Egg Hunt 2018: No More Egg Puns.

Yes, this is a big deal.

No, nobody is as iconic or as feminine as Sydney Cera.

Works Cited:
[12/5/2016 5:31:23 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: lets hear a mastropola character analysis
[12/5/2016 5:31:41 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: hmm @ author
[12/5/2016 5:31:49 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: me when I said
[12/5/2016 5:31:50 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: jk rowling
[12/5/2016 5:31:53 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: and then I didnt
[12/5/2016 5:31:56 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: and swapped
[12/5/2016 5:32:05 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: mastropola character analysis: randomly has breakdowns but never achieves development
[12/5/2016 5:32:22 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: ur story arc is just constantly going
[12/5/2016 5:32:24 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: further downward
[12/5/2016 5:32:28 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: forever
[12/5/2016 5:32:35 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: anti-hero honestly
[12/5/2016 5:32:38 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: LMFAO
[12/5/2016 5:32:44 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: am I the villain
[12/5/2016 5:32:53 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: LOL
[12/5/2016 5:32:54 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: no
[12/5/2016 5:32:59 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: explain?
[12/5/2016 5:33:03 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: ?
[12/5/2016 5:33:11 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: "anti hero"
[12/5/2016 5:33:14 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: "not villain"
[12/5/2016 5:33:17 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: ur still sympathetic and I'm ur like confidant-esque character
[12/5/2016 5:33:23 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: and ur generally a good person
[12/5/2016 5:33:26 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: but ur almost always
[12/5/2016 5:33:27 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: problematic
[12/5/2016 5:33:31 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: about trying to be a good person
[12/5/2016 5:33:42 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: if this is ssurvivor ur a villain
[12/5/2016 5:33:44 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: WHERE IS THE LIE
[12/5/2016 5:33:58 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera:  being a good person is so hard
[12/5/2016 5:34:02 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: i know
[12/5/2016 5:34:08 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: i hate having to interact with people
[12/5/2016 5:34:08 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: like no1 ever taught me
[12/5/2016 5:34:11 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: so I taught myself
[12/5/2016 5:37:59 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: the problem
[12/5/2016 5:38:08 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: is I see myself as both
[12/5/2016 5:38:14 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: sneaky villain legend
[12/5/2016 5:38:28 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: & on the bottom fighting hero
[12/5/2016 5:38:29 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: halp
[12/5/2016 5:38:31 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: mm
[12/5/2016 5:38:35 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: but u don't have
[12/5/2016 5:38:37 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: ANY legacy
[12/5/2016 5:38:52 PM] Sydney Cyanide Cera: Looks @ Sydney
[12/5/2016 5:38:54 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: hmm
[12/5/2016 5:38:56 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: that's not
[12/5/2016 5:38:57 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: not wrong
[12/5/2016 5:38:58 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: hmm
[12/5/2016 5:39:03 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: I guess Sydney makes you kind of
[12/5/2016 5:39:06 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: villainous
[12/5/2016 5:39:11 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: Sydney= villain
[12/5/2016 5:39:15 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: Anthony= anti-hero
[12/5/2016 5:39:18 PM] british indigo how could you even speak: that's my diagnosis
Points: 117 2 comments
۞ Jun 29, 2016
You really are mean! And all that bad stuff people say about you is true! Like how you're a two-faced backstabbing lying little no good selfish heartless pushy bossy mean bully of a girl. I always told them they were wrong. I stood up for you because I thought we were BFFs! But they're right! You really are a two-faced backstabbing lying little no good selfish heartless pushy bossy mean bully of a girl.  And guess what? I don't wanna be BFFs anymore. I'd rather spend the day staring at Owen's butt than shopping with you. And P.S. your shoes are tacky!

I’m currently 20 years old majoring in Neuro-science, I’m also a Challenger/Master tier LoL player and professional elobooster (More info on that later). I also love Shyvana, The way that nobody loved her, ever, my every single second is consumed by her, I cannot live a single moment of my living not thinking about her, My whole life for the past 2 years have been driven by her, my goal in life is to somehow make my dream reality, one way or another and that is why I’m majoring in neuroscience. I do not care about people calling me weird, As love is a strong force, and the love for Shyvana drives me. I admit that Shyvana looks very attractive but that’s not the sole reason I love her, I would love her even if she was Not as attractive as I love her personality, Her voice and her motives and origin, I love every single thing about her.

Allyson please stop playing the victim card I cant hear about everything thats happened to in your life is everyone elses fault.
When the hell did I say anything was anybody's elses fault?
It's always been like this, like poor me, like I don't have a budget, Dominique doesn't have a budget either. She's gonna take out a loan. I hate to say this I really do and I think if I was sitting up here with someone else I might not feel this way but I do feel like Allyson has played the victim card.

You know, she got the lipo and then she went back in the kitchen and ate hot pockets every night and I dont think you took it seriously Allyson. I'm just gonna be honest.
Ok well, at least I'm honest about it, 'cause-
You know what Allyson, whatever.
(confessional) You don't even know me. You don't even know half the shit that I've been through.
I've lost ELEVEN pounds.
Well I've lost ten!
It's because you starve yourself.
I DO NOT STARVE MYSELF! She has not worked out since you left Alexandria.

Well... the first challenge that I ever did was Battle of the Seasons, and I actually won that, so, one and done, I thought, until now, um, so now I'm back, to maybe win another, y'know? Our house in the real world house wasn't really functional, we all didn't get along, I was there with my ex-boyfriend, so that clearly was an issue. But we all ended up coming out on top, and we worked together, and that was a great highlight for me. And, I never competed in my entire life. I never played a sport, at all. So, I had no idea, like, what I was even doing. And, I kind of noticed that I could do things I never realized, and I was waaaay more athletic than I ever thought. So, those are some things that I definitely learned about myself which are all positives. Dealing with people is probably key to these, because people would automatically think you have to just be super athletic, and physical, which is a part of it, but, it's knowing how to deal with the house, is the big part. And, uh, I definitely know how to do that, so that's gonna be a benefit for me.

The amount of disgusting virgins calling out someone for something that everyone in one way or another does is the saddest shit lmao. It's amazing how there's this disgusting idea of everyone being cookie cutter perfect and that no one in this thread has ever shit talked someone behind there back. None of you are perfect angels and like half the girls mentioned actually looked like ass. If you put yourself in a public online setting and expect to get nothing but positive outlooks and compliments then grow the fuck up and get off the internet. If none of you can handle some bullshit autistic comments made in private then you all have no actual backbone. Hop off the fucking bandwagon of shitting on these girls and go do something. This is gonna be forgotten in like a fucking few months and all you sweaty anime virgins are still gonna go back to liking these girls because you lack the social skills to talk to real people. Just because 90% of you are ugly stoners weeaboos or bandwagon retards doesn't mean your opinions matter. It's insane how you guys get mad people get mad for shit talking on the internet. It's the internet. None of you matter and none of the people you are defending matter. And over half the girls they shit talked actually looked like a fucking foot. You aren't doing shit for defending them and half of them wanna get over it and move on.

You're as nasty as the day is long. You are not a nice person, and quite honestly you asked me if I hated you? I don't hate you, I pity you for the life that you live. You are quite honestly the most disgusting player to ever PLAY this game. So, no. I told you not to talk to me the first night, I told you not to talk to me the second night, and you still continue to talk to me-I don't get it, you're like a broken record. You're going to be utterly embarrassed of yourself when this comes out. Utterly embarrassed. And if you're thinking that I'm crazy, you have no idea what you've done and how you've acted. You're gonna watch it and youre going to be utterly embarrassed. I told you NOT to talk to me, and you went there anyway-to be CRUEL. No, you don't make the energy better, you suck the energy out of everything! You sucked it out of our tribe, and your sucking it out of it now. YOU DON'T SHUT UP. EVER. EVER. YOU DO NOT STOP TALKING. Everywhere, anywhere we go, its always gotta be about you-so stop it. Stop talking.
Points: 356 83 comments
۞ Jun 7, 2016
imageHey gals! Some of you may know this, and were expecting this blog, but some of you are simply uninformed about that queen goddess mastropola's birthday! He made me a checklist of all his favorite people and a checklist of all his favorite party activities (pin the crown on the kelly, name that avril song, ripull minigames on roblox) and he even told me what food to bring for our potluck! (grains/dairy/sweets, other food groups will NOT be allowed into this party!)

But who is Anthonymdia, really?
Who the hell is Cindy Sierra and why does she have 14 men from omegle signed into a sex contract? Find out, after a word from our sponsors!

TayBear17 - Anthony, I love that you're straight foward and blunt and not afraid to speak your mind,  kinda like me, but this is about you right now lmaoooo, but yeah, I'd consider you a good friend of mine even if we don't talk that much, and you're funny asf

hugatree343 - I hope you have an amazing day Mastro! You have always been super nice to me and wish you all the best, love Huga Jtia PawchyMawchy Tree < 3

bigdizzleyomama - Mastroebola you may be a bitch you may be ugly but you are still one of my favorite widows honestly from your insulin pump to your screaming about bread I would miss you if I never got to know you

prematureaginganne13 - aunt mast, you are the biggest and bestest genderqueer, asex, vegan, wheat-loving mother i know. hav a great birthday ^_^ < 3

tyboy618 - Mastropola Sydney Cera Aloportsam, my Gemini lover, happy birthday! You're always a fun and smart person to be around and I'm fascinated with just about everything you do. Keep being you, you sick son of a bitch, because we need to fail in road TOGETHER. Love you < 3

Halloween - Happy birthday Sydney. You atr psychotic but ur still my friend but yw for the hunger win and yw for Roblox placements and 2 min?

HowLovely - MASTRO ITS UR BIRTHDAY!!! Ur so psycho and crazy but ily for that. I hope you enjoy your bread rolls, and remember to take your insulin girl!

Eoin - Happy birthday Mastro! Your birthday is so special that it should be a national holiday called "World's Most Amazing Grandma Day," so everyone — not just our family — can celebrate how amazing you are! However just remember some people have a special light in them that illuminates this world. When in doubt or despair, read this message and know that I think you're one of the special few who shines bright. Happy birthday!

lassidoggy - Happy Birthday you anorexic ho. < 3

TheSexiestDude990 - Happy birthday Mastro!!!!!!!
Hope your birthday is as a great as whenever the Kellys grace your screen

iSandeh - happy birgday

Boots22 - Gonna keep it short and sweet, we don't talk much anymore Mastro, but wish you to have the best birthday ever.  Happy Birthday!

AlexaVonTrayne - happy birthday mastro! im happy we finally figured out if we were friends or not because youre one of the few widows that i think are actually in fact not insane and youre overall really fun to talk to!

Mitchkid64 - the best Skype host in history and the baddest bitch on tengaged happy bday mastro

Masonx - Mastro happy birthday hun. We haven’t known each other for a long time but for the short time we have kinda clicked. I’m so happy I got to meet you, because you’re one of a kind and fun to be around. Ty for being my friend. Happy birthday < 3 mason

snowflake3 - I don't think I truly ever breathed a complete amount of air until the legend Sydney Cera was conceived and birthed before my very eyes. The talent and determination you have to set this world equal by exploiting straight, white males and exposing them for all their flaws in a quick 15 min or less jack off vid is what keeps my old, fragile heart pumping. Fighting your way through skype games and frooks, being on the bottom and building your way on top with one click of your mouse pad and 1000 typed words a minute is nothing less than legendary. You are a revelation, all at the ripe age of 16, and I'm so honored and glad I get to be a part of this iconic celebration. Most kids kill themselves in car accidents attempting to get their driving permits at this age, while you're the one driving the bus, crushing their dreams and their tiny bodies. This is your moment. Fly high, mama mastro. Keep your lip stain sharp, your adam's apple hidden, and expose these men for who they are; because they deserve it, and you deserve it. Happy Birthday Queen and Kelley. < 3

And we're back! Mastro, you know I'm probably the only bitch who can stand you for more than two hours lmao. But we've always kinda clicked ever since we met and we were both like autistic 13 year olds and now we're so old and mature! Wow I'm gonna go off to college and you're gonna hunt me down and move yourself into my dorm... idk but i hope this summer is awesome for you and I hope you love being 16 because I sure fucking don't!!! But all of that shit aside you're like one of the people I most enjoy talking to because you've got such an aggressive personality like me and nobody has those anymore :(. I look forward to slaying the house down boots in road games and tricking people on omegle before I have to write a mildly sentimental blog about how much you annoy me but I still love you again next year.

smh i put way too much effort into this
Points: 186 6 comments