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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Tengaged's Opinionated Players 19

11thNov 3, 2018 by paul028
This is where I ask commonly known players of tengaged questions about the current events
going on on tengaged. More will be coming.

Q: Some users were slightly upset with the results of the Halloween Avi Contest and even said it was rigged, do you think they overreacted or do you stand with those users?

Gurl i stan those users trashing it. Those judges have tons of friends that entered, the winner was on the 1st-2nd page of 2 of the judges so like....

Also i think the whole judges thing was really messy. Why would u pick 5 judges who have connections with loads of people and that have bias for a lot of people, it does not make sense!

Admin should of picked out 3-5 judges outside of tengaged, either irl or just anywhere tbh, there are a ton of online forums and shit i could easily find 3-5 people to judge avatars. It's just a mess sorry.

i dont think it was rigged, but i think the person who won first did not deserve it because his entry was not creative or original

Literally what? I really haven't been following this event at all, so I don't know what went down or who even won but this question in general is ridiculous. If people really care this much over a stupid Halloween game, then it's just sad xD I have no words...

I think people were more-so upset at the obvious favouritism shown by a few members of the judging panel (imo judges 2&3), one person would write several paragraphs to describe their avi and they would get like 2 points and another person (a friend of the judge) would write "OoOo I'm a bat" and get 95 points for their creativity. Idk about others but for me it puts me off entering these meant to be silly but fun little events as I will know there is no point in making the effort. People will say "ah bruh itz just a hallwein avi carm down", but what's the point in hosting these events if they are not going to be done right. It just wastes everyone's time and causes more back-lash than it's worth. Get better judges in future please Admin ! They ruined this for you! Especially #2 and #3 - don't invite them back LOL

It was rigged. The person who won was #1 friends with one of the judges and was wearing a fucking Christmas hat. All of the winners were friends with kandee and the judges. Once again admin FAILED by using biased events/contests to get people to like him instead of doing his job and focusing on the site he has made even more people hate him. The scavenger hunt failed, the candy thing failed, and this was the biggest failure of them all. People who didn't have a lot of designs failed and if you weren't friends with any of the judges you had no chance

I don't think it was rigged but i definitely think that the results of the contest were stupid. Although the avis were cool the stories were basic, whereas I saw some pretty good stories that weren't ranked high at all. I'm most mad at the winner though because I've seen GrrrImABear wear that design in the past, as well as many other users. it's not unique or creative so I'm not sure what the judges were smoking for that pick!

I don't think that it was an overreaction whatsoever. Whether or not I personally won was the least of my concerns, but what was of my concern is the clear bias. All 4 winners were friends with the judges for one thing. Another thing is I wrote an entire story behind mine and only got 5 points from whoever judge #3 was (the description was 30 points) and another gave me 15. It was a clear bias and clear rigging and there isn't anything else to it.

I didnt personally compete in it myself. I think the winner actually had a really nice avatar... personally I would have given it a high score. There are other avatars that I would have rated a lot lower than the judges did. Granted I think judge 3 basically decided who won because they gave everyone like 0 points besides the winner. As for rigging? Idk i guess that would depend on who the actual judges were (as in what number they were). I think the winner was deserving tho.

I think its understandable that people question the authenticity of moderation. The tea is that there has been plenty of shady things in the past.
However we should also recognize that things like this are how people are attempting to make tg better, and bring in users, which maybe the way they do it isn't always favored but its still an effort.

I mean moderation is useless and biased so of course it was rigged lol, I don't think it should have ever happened.

Also if you wished to be asked questions also comment :)


Who won?

And of course it was rigged, Admin needs to stop trying to be popular and do their job properly.
Sent by me2013,Nov 3, 2018
Oh my
Sent by TheSexiestDude990,Nov 3, 2018
Sent by AshlynArehart,Nov 3, 2018
love my shout out here, thanks peace123

ask me
Sent by GrrrImABear,Nov 3, 2018
I can only talk for myself
Iam not biased
I voted on how i like the avi and description
It cant make everyone happy and i think its not fair being called biased because i didn't vote the way you WANT
Sent by MarieEve,Nov 3, 2018
Sent by Carriexoxo24xo,Nov 3, 2018
Ask me things! I have strong opinions on just about anything! paul028
Sent by ConstanceMarie,Nov 5, 2018
Brady’’s Survivor Scavenger Hunt

Clue 5). This player went home at a tribal council where four players received votes. Find The Right Blog.
Sent by CoachWade,Dec 26, 2021

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