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The moviedude's blog

Posts 86 posts

The Trippy Adventure of Pete and Nick One Act Play Oct 6, 2014
Here is a one act play that I also wrote for my creative writing class. I was very surprised that my creative writing teacher liked this play so much as well as the class. She was laughing hysterically when a couple people performed this play in class. I hope that Tengaged_Moderation doesn't shut this or my account down because it does involve drugs. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

                                The Trippy Adventure of Pete and Nick
(Centers on Pete and Nick driving in a car using a vaporizer)
Pete: Hey dude! You have to try this dank stash of pot I bought at the medical marijuana store!
Nick: Oh cool! What type of strain did you buy?
Pete: It’s called Space OG. Just take two hits and you’ll be feeling like you are in another world!
Nick: Alright man, I’m down!
(Nick plays some Pink Floyd songs on his iPhone and takes out some munchies to increase the high and to take care of the munchie cravings)
(A few minutes later)
(Both Pete and Nick are freaking out but also having a fun time)
Nick: Woah! What is going on maan? This stuff is tripping me out!
Pete: It’s not just you Nick, I’m tripping balls too.
Nick: Is it just me or are we floating in the air in your car?
Pete: I am seeing the same thing lol
Nick: Let’s jump out of the car
Pete What!? Why would we jump out of the car? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard mang
Nick: Sorry maan I’m just too stoned to make decisions
Pete: Whatever man, let’s stay in the car
(Car floats up into space)
Nick: Dude, this is the craziest strain I’ve ever tried! Are you sure this is weed and not acid?
Pete: I’m sure of it man, the dealer at the medical marijuana store told me that this is some high potency stuff
(They reach space and are amazed by what they see)
Nick: This is trippy and amazingas fuck!
Pete: Yeah dude it is!
Nick: I think I can see the moon, Jupiter, and mars
Pete: The moon looks so bright and shiny! I just wanna lick it up like a lollipop, if you know what I mean.
Nick: HOT GAYY!!
Nick: R u playing music?
Pete: No man, I’m not why?
Nick: Cause I think I can hear some Coldplay songs
Pete: Oh yeah maan! This is amazing!!!
(A few moments later and their car is taking control)
Nick: Hey Pete, I think your car is taking control of us!
Pete: You’re right dude, it is!
Nick: Your car is driving us so fast!
Pete and Nick: AAGGHHH
(They arrive on Mars)
Nick: Ughh something smells like rat piss and dust combined. It makes me feel like I wanna puke!
Pete: Eww something smells like shit and an old dirty hag!
(Pete and Nick get out of car)
Nick: Duude, I can barely see anything maan!
Pete: This looks really hazy like the time I smoked a whole pound of medical marijuana. I paid $100 for that ganja and my whole room looked very hazy.
Pete: It also looks very orange too.
(A tiny figure shows up in the haze and freaks out both Nick and Pete)
Nick: Woah mang! Do u see that?!
Pete: What?
Nick: Look straight ahead man
Pete: Holy crudnipples, I see something too!
Pete: I’m scared Nick!
Nick: For once you are scared!
Pete: What do you mean this is my first time being scared?
Nick: You’ve literally never been scared before.
Pete: I have too!
Nick: OK, explain to me when you’ve been scared before.
Pete: (hesitating) Umm there was an incident where I lost my vaporizer. I was pretty scared. I mean I was so down to get baked, that I literally had a meltdown and got extremely scared. This vape was expensive, and was the only thing I used to get high.
Nick: Of course it has to be weed. Everything that involves around you has to do with weed. (Sarcastically) Shocker!
Pete: Hey F u man…
(The tiny figure appears out of the haze)
Nick: Hey Pete, I think the figure has come out of the haze.
Pete: Holy crapola it has! It looks like a martian!
Nick: Oh yea it does!
Pete: You know who that martian looks like?
Nick: Who?
Pete: Marvin the Martian from Looney Tunes.
Nick: Damnnn you’re right maang!
Martian: (In a robotic tone) WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!
Nick: Damn it speaks and it speaks English too!
Pete: Hahahaha this is hilarious!
Martian: I’ll show you hilarious! (Zaps his gun thingy at Pete and Pete gets shot down)
Nick: (Panicking and worried) NOOO why did you have to do that?!
Nick:  Are you ok Pete? Please answer me Pete. Please!
Pete: (Gasping for air) I’m…Not…Ok…
Nick: Please don’t die! You’re like a brother to me!
Pete: (Gasping for air) I…Don’t…Think…I…Can…Make…It…
Nick: (Nervous and freaking out) I think you can, I think you can, I think you can
Pete: (Bout to die, says his last words): KILL…THAT…BITCH…
Points: 0 0 comments
The Adventure of Larry the Squirrel and the Search for the Nut Man Short Story Oct 6, 2014
Here is another short story that I wrote for my creative writing class last year. I decided yo write a children's story in that class because I had been writing a bunch of stories about drugs.

                    The Adventure of Larry the Squirrel and the Search for The Nut Man
        In a land very far away, too far lives a squirrel. This squirrel is named Larry and he is no ordinary squirrel. Larry is a leader of his town called, “Little Squirrel Town”. His job is to supply all of the acorns to the community. Everything was going great for the community, with a surplus supply of acorns. But a few months later, there was a big decrease in the acorn supply. Even though, they were supposed to be in season, there were almost no acorns to be eaten. The fellow squirrels in, “Little Squirrel Town” were becoming restless and in hunger. All of the squirrels were living in poverty, and Larry knew he had to do something so the squirrels could live easier and have healthier lives.
        So, Larry decided to try and talk to The Nut Man. The Nut Man is the go-to guy to buy acorns and other nut products. The Nut Man is the only human being that Larry has contact with. The Nut Man is tall in stature, and is a very generous man. But, his generosity comes with a price. Buying the acorns is pricy, but is all very high qualities and quantities. Larry was on his way to meet the Man, and when Larry arrived to the greeting place, The Nut Man was not there. Larry was worried and got anxious, so he went on a trek to find The Nut Man. On the trek to find The Nut Man, Larry the Squirrel checked with a wide variety of the community members. Unfortunately, none of the members had seen The Nut Man in the past few weeks. Some of the members heard rumors that he died, and others heard that he was arrested.
        Larry the squirrel was going to give up, thinking that he wouldn’t be able to find The Nut Man. But, Larry knew that he needed his community to be healthy and not hungry. So, he did whatever he could to find The Nut Man. He continued his trek, scurrying in the parks and in the forests. Larry found clues that could bring him to The Nut Man, which he wasn’t expecting. Some of the clues that he found were directions to different streets and towns. So, Larry decided to head over to the different streets and towns. The first street was Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica. As he was scurrying down the promenade, two blue jays flew up to him. They explained that they knew who Larry was from hearing rumors about his sad story, and the lost Nut Man. The blue jays told Larry that they had some clues to where The Nut Man is, but wouldn’t tell him the location of him is. But, the blue jays did tell him that The Nut Man was still alive.
        The clues that the blue jays gave to Larry the Squirrel, were to walk all the way to Los Angeles. So, Larry used the clue and walked all the way to Los Angeles. During the trek to Los Angeles, he had to scurry across streets while the cars and trucks were still moving, which was very intimidating to him, because he is so small and the vehicles are so big. There was a point in which Larry almost died when he got hit by a car, but somehow the squirrel gods were able to save him. Also along the way, his feet were getting tired and restless. He wanted a break, which he could have done, but this was a life or death situation for him. A few hours later, he finally made it to Los Angeles! This time, Larry was encountered by a couple Rottweiler dogs that were tied up on a leash to the lamp post. They told him that they also heard rumors about Larry and his struggles.
The dogs also told him that he knew where The Nut Man was, and they also told him the location where The Nut Man was. They said that The Man was arrested in Los Angeles County Jail for illegally selling acorns from the Mexican border. The law states that you cannot sell anything that is from another country without permission, including acorns. Larry was startled and surprised that The Nut Man would do such a thing, and he started to bawl that he couldn’t get help from The Nut Man. Larry was very disheartened and wanted to give up on trying to receive acorns for his community, “Little Squirrel Town”. A few moments later, a bright beaming light shone right above him and pulled him all the way up to the sky and beyond, and what he saw next was amazing and inspirational. Larry the Squirrel did not get abducted by aliens, FYI, but he went into this otherworldly place.
        This otherworldly place was acorn heaven, which was surrounded by unlimited amounts of acorns and was also surrounded by other squirrels that weren’t in poverty, but were in pure happiness. Larry the Squirrel was approached by two other squirrels, which ended up being his dead grand-squirrel, and his dead grandma-squirrel. They both told him to not give up and to save his town, so that the squirrels don’t have to live in distraught, poverty, and hunger. Also, there was this gigantic squirrel, which was very fluffy and big, who also approached Larry, and the gigantic squirrel was the one and only…Squirrel God. The Squirrel God was able to give Larry an unlimited supply of acorns, which would last him and “Little Squirrel Town” years. The Squirrel God sent Larry back to Los Angeles so that Larry could deliver and save his dying town. Larry the Squirrel scurried very fast with a huge bag of acorns. He ran through horrifying dark alleys, harrowing forests, and tricky mountains until he arrived to his homeland, “Little Squirrel Town”.
All of the squirrels were on the verge of dying mainly from starvation, but when they saw Larry with a bag of acorns, the fellow squirrels’ spirits were lifted. A few months had gone in and everyone was living happily and healthy, not worrying about lack of food. Larry the Squirrel became the hero of his town, for saving “Little Squirrel Town” and for having the willingness, heart, and courage to go to the outside world where they live in, and to find some acorns for the town. Overall, Larry made a treacherous trek to find The Nut Man, which in the end The Nut Man was in jail for selling illegal acorns from the Mexican border. Larry the Squirrel was sent to acorn heaven, where he met up with his dead grand and grandma squirrels who told them to not give up and to save the town. The Squirrel God gave Larry an unlimited supply of acorns, and ultimately in the end Larry was the hero of the town, “Little Squirrel Town”.
Points: 10 1 comments
My First Standing Ovation Memoir Oct 6, 2014
Here's a short memoir that I wrote for my creative writing class last year. Hopefully you like it.

                                           My 1st Standing Ovation
        My very first standing ovation was back in freshman year in Theater 1, after performing “The Man” movie monologue from The School of Rock. But, before I write about the standing ovation, I’m going to give a little background in the beginning of my freshman year. I was going through a rough time, with depression, and had enrolled in the Theater 1 class. During the first semester of Theater, I never participated in any of the activities, mainly because I didn’t have any confidence, and I was suffering through depression. Some, of the reasons why I was going through depression at that time is I thought I had no friends and nobody liked me. Thankfully, the depression didn’t land me in a suicide attempt. Even if I when I was going through depression, I always tried to have my head held high, because I knew things would get better, which it did. I wasn’t all alone during the first semester of Agoura, because my older brother would chill with me at nutrition & lunch. In the Theater 1 class, nobody had any expectations for me at that point, which is where my first standing ovation comes into play. The standing ovation happened in 2nd semester, when I was feeling better, and had more confidence in myself. Our class had an assignment, which was to practice & perform a monologue from any movie. At that point, I knew I had what it took to succeed, and to show the class that I have some talent. I also wanted to show them that I’m not just in the class because I needed an elective. For the assignment, I chose “The Man” monologue performed by Jack Black from the awesome movie, “The School of Rock”.  To make sure that I was going to succeed, I was able to get some help from a professional actor, named CJ. He gave me some great tips, for when I perform the speech. Some of the great tips that CJ gave me, were to not shout, but to carry your voice loud enough so that the audience can hear you. Also he said to not talk too fast, don’t over-perform and to pronounciate your words clearly.  During the practicing with CJ, I started to get stressed, because he was almost pushing my limits. But, I had to restrain myself because I knew what he was telling me was right. After I was able to receive help from the actor I practiced on my own and with my parents until the night of the performance. I was finally done with the practicing and I was in the class waiting nervously and excitedly to perform The Man monologue. My heart was pounding, and I was starting to sweat, wasn’t sure if I was able to perform. But, then Mrs. Brassler, the theater teacher called me to the stage, and I told myself “Fuck This”, and walked up on to the stage to show the audience what I’ve got. When I got on the stage, the nerves came back, and my conscience automatically told me, “Just go into your own world, and don’t worry”. I listened to my conscience and bam I started to perform the speech. My body was performing the motions that Jack Black did in The Man Speech scene, my lips were moving and I spoke the way I practiced it, but my mind was totally relaxed. When the speech was over, the whole class stood up and gave me a standing ovation. The feelings that I had were nothing like I felt before. Now that I think about it, I might’ve been the only person to get a standing o’ that day. The teacher told me I did a fantastic job, and as I was walking back to my seat everybody was giving me some awesome compliments. I had successfully accomplished my goal, which was showing the class that I had some talent. The thing that I had learned from my experience was if you work hard, practice, & have determination you can overcome your fear and succeed.
Points: 15 1 comments
My Black Level Charity Frookies Game Oct 5, 2014
Hey everyone! I was wondering who'd like to join my black level charity frooks game. I would really appreciate it if some of you could join the game. The link is below

Points: 28 3 comments
Which BB Contestant am I most like? Oct 2, 2014
Hey everyone! I was wondering if you could please comment below which previous BB contestant from BB16-BB13 do you think I'm like the most game wise?
Points: 11 3 comments
If I were on Stars again who'd support me? Sep 28, 2014
Hey I was wondering if I was able to join Stars again who would support me?
Points: 30 3 comments