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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

To leave or not to leave

6thDec 12, 2011 by clueliz
imageI am honestly trying to think of why I need to stay on this site. I came here when I was in a bad relationship. I was mistreated and abused. I never expected that a game site would have such amazing people here. Many of you guys have been there for me during the time where I really needed someone. I have found friends for life and even relationships that I THOUGHT would go further... and have even hurt some guys that I would NEVER want to hurt. On this site you just cant tell what is real and what is not real. I am the kind of person that believes there is good in everyone and that can be seen as a flaw. I have nothing against anyone on here... But I just cant be hurt on here and hurt irl... that makes no sense. To the 3 or more people that are involved... I < 3 u all and u will always have a special place in my heart.

I just dont know how I can stay after all that has happened. If I do not stay, please know that u all will always have a special place in my heart.


:o omg clueliz =[
Sent by dmann,Dec 12, 2011
if you leave i will come and kill you irl!
Sent by SexyBanana,Dec 12, 2011
ily clueliz
Sent by broncman789,Dec 12, 2011
You need to stay and not be sucked in by the fakes and liars
Sent by The_Domany,Dec 12, 2011
Liz :( This site won't be the same without you if you go ... but I understand why you feel like you have to leave. I know that our friendship goes way beyond Tengaged and I'm here for you always. I love you babe ♥
Sent by Jenika,Dec 12, 2011
clueliz I love you, and its the rare diamonds like you that make this site enjoyable. I really hope you stay :(
Sent by PrincessTeePee,Dec 12, 2011
It's been a really rainy cruddy day here at work and this was the last thing I wanted to read :(  Hope you stay Clueliz
Sent by JesseM,Dec 12, 2011
stay pls :/
Sent by Butcher,Dec 12, 2011
NOOOOOOOOO DONT LEAVE < 33333333333333
i love you clueliz :(
Sent by Slice,Dec 12, 2011
u staaay :)
Sent by DiNoM,Dec 12, 2011

i love you :(

i will respect whatever decision you make...but still :/
Sent by titan24maniac,Dec 12, 2011
Sent by TT_Fan,Dec 12, 2011
stay plz
Sent by jhelsdon2478,Dec 12, 2011
If you leave i will cut off the heads of all the little children's teddy bears in the neighborhood!
Wouldnt that be terrible? :{
Liz stay for the children!!!!!!!
ily :* :(
Sent by kimmal8,Dec 12, 2011

Clueliz! No! I just got to know you!

I respect that you went through a hard time, and that you need to focus on your life...but if you leave, i'm going to miss you. A lot. :(

< 3
Sent by iTeen,Dec 12, 2011
stay clueliz. < 3 :)
Sent by rock_on88,Dec 12, 2011
oh liz< 3
refuse to hold u back. i know how it feeels to want to be free of here :P
you make this decision on your own, and im sure EVERYONE will be by your side 100%
Sent by owee13,Dec 12, 2011
Sent by heatherbear,Dec 12, 2011
if you leave then i do as well :( The only reason i still log on is to see if you need me to plus anything or if you sent me a message. Your the only real friend i have found on here :/
Sent by Dragoonale,Dec 12, 2011
I hope you stay this site would be horrible without you!
Sent by Ev32,Dec 12, 2011
You must stay!
Sent by tyboy618,Dec 12, 2011
Take a break if you want one, Liz... but don't leave forever! Breaks are good. With a ban or without one. Without one is even better :)
Sent by sarahnva,Dec 12, 2011
Take a break if you want one, Liz... but don't leave forever! Breaks are good. With a ban or without one. Without one is even better :)
Sent by streeter,Dec 12, 2011
streeter is so annoying.
Sent by sarahnva,Dec 12, 2011
oh :( well do what is best for you irl
Sent by DCSooner,Dec 12, 2011
Sent by evil_derrick,Dec 12, 2011
most people who leave tengaged move onto bigger and better things in life so good luck! but if you do leave tengaged, stay on skype plz. tengaged is prob bad, but friends on skype arnt ^_^
Sent by Piddu,Dec 12, 2011
AWWW LIZ, i wish you'd stay < 333 but do you what you need to :)

you know the noobs willl always be waiting if you come back :*
Sent by lemonface,Dec 12, 2011
After only meeting you a few times, your a really kind and genuine person Liz < 3
Sent by egaga911,Dec 12, 2011
no, liz :( < 3
Sent by Bix123,Dec 13, 2011
You are an amazing and sweet person, who should do whatever you want. Love you
Sent by khart92,Dec 13, 2011
Don't leave babe.. :(
Sent by Etienne,Dec 13, 2011
Sent by NexusCain,Dec 13, 2011
This site was a huge crutch for me as well at one time. I met people here that I'm still good friends with today even though I don't really sign in very often. When you're brave enough to face life again you will make yourself do it. When you leave (for real) it won't be a big production. It will be gradual and be way less of a big deal than you think.
Sent by Genevere,Dec 13, 2011
oh and .. Good Luck!
Sent by Genevere,Dec 13, 2011
stay and if u ever need some 1 im here 4 u
Sent by AxKxAxBatman,Dec 13, 2011

Sent by Prinveli,Dec 13, 2011
Do whatevers right for you hun, I'm sure you'll be missed if you go xxxxxx
Sent by BritneySurvivor,Dec 13, 2011
clueliz ILY babe, i totally understand your thoughts on leaving, but this will blow over like everything on tengaged. If you need a break then take one, i have ur number so i can phone stalk you lol. Im back as of this week, so no leaving!!!!!!!! xoxoxox
Sent by seana86,Dec 13, 2011
clueliz I don't really know you, but I can relate to what you're going through. Most of us come here to escape reality, and it's hard to do that when there are a bunch of liars and fakes circulating this site. I also feel for you being in an abusive relationship...I was in one too when I was 19 till I was 21. If you ever need to talk, I have a shoulder to cry on and an open ear for you. < 3
Sent by tinabeena,Dec 13, 2011
Cool story bro to the last two comments...jk I love y'all
Sent by DCSooner,Dec 13, 2011
@cluliz... These comments are a true testimony to how much you're loved here... I "get" that it's hard when you have no "soft place" to land... But please reconsider... I just met you and I think you're one of the sweetest nicest People on this site!!!   Don't let a sad situation make you leave... Love you!!!
Sent by Gemini,Dec 13, 2011

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