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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor All-Stars Tribal Council #16

Oct 20, 2017 by XxDjBeLLxX
Chaboga Mogo Tribe, come on in.

We will now bring in the members of our jury.

- Pokepat
- RyanAndrews
- FireX
- adeleadele
- Colfives
- purplebb4
- Ekatherinna
- BridgetteBlonde

Once the votes are read the decision is final, the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

one vote Eli
one vote Liam
two votes Liam

the sixteenth person voted out of Survivor All-Stars and the final member of our jury is.. Liam

Please bring me your torch.

Liam, the tribe has spoken.

*snuffs torch*

Time for you to go.

Chaboga Mogo (Blue)
lliiaamm / Liam
dawson905 / Dawson
Bacon69 / Eli
JordynRose / Jordyn

#BB19 #Survivor #BBUK #BBCAN #casting #fasting #rookies #stars


Knew it. Good Luck Final 3
Sent by lliiaamm,Oct 21, 2017
Sent by FireX,Oct 21, 2017

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