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johneh was here 2k15

Posts 100 posts

Red noses - clarification Jun 11, 2011
Since a lot of people are asking about this today:

You are not allowed to log on from a friend's house.  A friend isn't allowed to log on from your house.  If you are going for a long-term visit (a weekend or more), tell us in advance.  You will receive noses and won't be allowed to join games together, but you won't be banned.

If you go for a brief visit and/or don't tell us about a long-term visit, you will be banned and given a nose.

Also, if you have your tengaged account connected to facebook, do not log into facebook from the same location as another tengager.  Facebook automatically connects you to tengaged and you will show up as multis and be banned/nosed. 

Let us know if you have any questions, and read full details about multis, noses, etc., here:
Points: 326 26 comments
Ideas Wanted - Tengaged Peace Prize? Jun 3, 2011
We spend soooo much time worrying about rules and negative things around here.  We'd like to think of a way of honoring GOOD Tengaged Citizens.  Maybe a Tengaged Peace Prize chosen by a committee of tengagers from different alliances, etc.?  Do you have any other suggestions?  Please share!

Just to clarify - by the alliance thing, we just meant that we'd want a cross section of this site.  Spread out the members so they're not all from one alliance or social group.  ALso, this will NOT be a spam fest.  We'lll go into more detail, but this is a contest in which we will remove you if we see you spammed even one person.
Points: 2108 107 comments
Just a reminder that multiple accounts are not allowed on Tengaged, nor is it permissible to log onto someone else's account for any reason.  This includes, but is not limited to, logging on for the purpose of:

1. Buying T$ for someone else.
2. Voting for someone.
3. Posting a Stars speech.
4. Eating so someone doesn't die in Survivor.
5. Checking to see if the password someone shared is real. 


If you have a sibling or someone else living with you who uses Tengaged, please contact us when they create an account.  We will look for IP consistency, to make sure you are indeed in the same location. If the system does happen to give you a nose anyway, please mail us with your sibling's account name and your nose will be removed.

If you share an IP with someone (and it is approved by mods), there are still certain rules you must follow:

1.  You may not join games together.  If you join Survivor, do not deliberately join the same or opposing tribes.  If, somehow, you still end up merging, mail us and let us know so you don't get an automatic nose/ban.  We will allow you both to stay in the game, but will watch carefully for suspicious behavior.

2. You may not plus each other's blogs.

3. Be aware that all accounts on the IP are responsible for all behavior on those accounts.  We are trusting you when you tell us you're different people, but the truth is, when you share an IP, we have no idea if you go on your brother's account and harass someone, or if your sister creates 10 multis.  Therefore, you MAY all be banned for any bannable behavior on any of the accounts in your household.


In most cases, you probably know why.  If you logged onto someone's account or allowed someone onto yours, there's your reason.  If a friend logged on from your house, that's why.  If you disobeyed one of the rules above (e.g., joining a game with your sibling), that it.

If you KNOW why you have a nose, there is no need to mail TM.  Just check with us in 7-10 days, and we'll run a new IP check and remove the nose if your IP is clear (this means no more logging onto other people's accounts before then!).


Please do not contact moderators on their personal accounts or Skype, or your report is likely to be ignored, missed, or simply confused (not all mods can access the TM account, not all mods can view IPs, etc).  Red nose and all other reports should go directly to this account.  If you are while level and cannot mail Tengaged_Moderation, you can contact us by e-mail at


Read this:
Points: 0 44 comments
Information for White Levels May 27, 2011
Since you are unable to mail us, we have set up an account so you can contact us via e-mail.  The e-mail address is

Please be sure to include a link to your profile in the message and use the e-mail address you used to create your account.

Hope this is helpful!
Points: 297 22 comments
Tengaged Welcome Committee May 10, 2011
The Tengaged Welcome Committee is a group of selected responsible Tengaged users who will be paired up with a buddy (new white level) and help them out on their first step on becoming a TV Star level.

Some new users have no idea how to use this site. Joining a game may be confusing, as well as playing the game. Most new players don't understand how the game works, or the rules of the site. Our goal is to help these new members with anything and everything they need help with.

If you would like to apply to be apart of the Tengaged Welcoming Committee, please click the link group forum, and head to the application page.

Please do not troll the group. (Even though we know it's going to happen anyway). Anyone trolling the group will be removed and banned from the group, and possible a temp ban from the site.

If you feel to add anything, there is a "Topic" labeled comments/suggestions. Feel free to post comments/suggestions.
Points: 2017 34 comments
Design Approval Group - Let's try this again! Apr 29, 2011

The intent of this group is the help you see what designs are allowed so you can understand the rules better. We ask that designs are posted here (rather than mailed to us) so there's public verification when designs are approved and everyone will be able to clearly see if your design happens to be stolen down the road. 

PLEASE read the group description carefully.  You can receive warnings or even a ban on your account if you don't use the group as intended.

Thanks and we hope this is helpful to you!
Points: 956 23 comments