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I don't blog

Posts 397 posts

Words of Lucidrains (EM creator) Mar 19, 2011
talking about what happened.

Phillip Wang
it has nothing to do with the mods. one of them i had known but he had apologized. the other i had no idea about. the main reason is maxwell, who i thought i was on good terms with, greeted me last night with this. . if i have to spend 3 years on a site to only to be associated with people like this on a perfectly good friday night when i was out enjoying myself, why should i bother? epicmafia has been a wonderful time for me, but alas, i cannot deal with the people like this any longer.
12 minutes ago

later on.....

Phillip Wang
i wouldn't have gotten angry if maxwell simply greeted me like a human. would i seriously have spent 3 months of my life desperately coding a feature just so i can place people that would bring disaster to the site?
5 minutes ago

Phillip Wang
don't you guys realize i'm not a corporation but a human being like you? doesn't anyone have a slightest empathy?
about a minute ago

Phillip Wang
courtney, it has nothing to do with me having the ultimate say. i've literally poured houred into this site. its a labor of love. i did it because i loved the people on the site at first. recently i've realized not so much. and finally, when i am at an incredibly happy state yesterday night, i received that greeting from maxwell, and i realized that this site was no good for my future. it does absolutely nothing for me.
12 seconds ago
Points: 0 2 comments
*EpicMafia Update* Mar 19, 2011
So people were planning a DoS Friday night.
Some of the Mods were cheating and stuff.
The site is completely down, someone deleted the fanpage before I could get to it and the wiki is gone too (I think).

vv That is a chat that happened which confirms cheating

Lucidrains (site creator) decided to just completely take down everything EM related :/
There is talk that it could be up in a few days but who knows, he's really mad at what happened .

More to come later.
Any questions I can try answer ;O

Its back up =]
Points: 41 2 comments
EpicMafia got deleted ;_______; Mar 19, 2011
I talked to Lucid he said it's for good ):
Points: 91 7 comments
Macabre <3 Mar 17, 2011
The creation of me.

One time, on July 4th, I saw a spider during the fireworks show. The fireworks went "BOOM" and the spider heard it, so therefore it was a SpiderBoom.
Points: 14 0 comments
i hate being nub lvl Mar 16, 2011
imagei never win anything good but castings ;O

Points: 55 6 comments
Threat Level Midnight Mar 16, 2011
LOLOLOLOLOL I loveeeee the office <3
Points: 43 3 comments