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'You do realise you just called me TP irl!'

Posts 329 posts

Why Even Fake Pics... Mar 1, 2011
imageIn the first place? :S

If you're REALLY that unhappy with your appearance,isn't it better to not post one at all?

Too many needy, and in some cases plain sick, attention whores on here tbh...Whatever happened to being proud of who YOU are?!

PS: thanks for the compliments guys lol :) I wouldn't say I'm anything special, but I'm not ashamed of how I look to hide behind a stranger's photo...a dead strangers' just makes it so much worse. :(
Points: 578 15 comments
9.2.09 - 9.2.11+ ... 2 Years & Continuing! Feb 8, 2011
imageWow...2 years on a website?! Sad or what?!?!

So much has changed since the evening that I first set foot here, that its slightly unreal! Castings were based off nothing but activity, and inactives were often ‘algo’d’ out of the game, and rookies were a full week long! I landed in this as my first game: , and didn’t have a bloody clue what I was doing xD [lol @ the skeletons!]

I knew a small number here before tengaged, and one thing I do remember was having a PM convo with Oleary on my first day. He’d recognised my name in a game...we originated in a BB forum thats unfortunately now closed :( Lame!!!! Others I knew from there are Alex1991, BlueStar & Fiona89, and I’m happy to say that I became better friends with all of them while here :)

I’m happy to say I achieved alot on here, most especially in the year between my 1st and 2nd tenniversary...Making a stars finals when I joined the weak after my 1yr :D, winning the first ever Duel [my only duel win LOL! :( ], Making the HOF, and finally winning starsss! <3 I’ve met many more great new people in games too, they’ll know who they are! Special shoutouts though have to go to the amazzing Strawburry Tuhtles, just for being the best fun ever during the past 6ish months...loves calls with Rdesch, Tolis, Dools, Ladydavie, Willis, Danny, Koolness & co veeery much. Also to the Epics, very down-to-earth group of funny people...and even more funny calls with you guys during games LOL! I think I prefer playing with you lot seperately rather than together though! Also to Wolfpack & Beautiful Nightmares...and to computer3000, Scheuerman14, Oscirus & MazokuAngel just for being particularly standout, without being in any of my groups LOL!

Some of my older friends such as Tommyg, CapGuy, supergoten & Realitynerd,amongst others have stuck around too...even though Tommy is banned :/ bad times! They’re always still as lovely and loyal as they were when I met them, and I thank them for that <3

Special shoutout to seems we’ve drifted abit lately, maybe because of differing rookies...but whatever happens, however much you hack me off, you’ll always remain one of my closest friends here :’) Loves our silly in-jokes! Miss you. <3

So – back to two years. You probably gathered from the link to my first game up there, but as well as today being two years to the day that I joined tengaged, its also 2 years since I first met someone who’s become pretty damn special to me on here :D Y’all know. You’ve prob either alligned with or targetted us in games before now. I don’t think I thought, from asking him what stars was in that first game that I would grow to t-adore this guy, but I’m glad of it :D Even though there can be times where we don’t talk for a while, I love when we do, even if its late-night chats about drinking xD Loves [most of] our games too! Although you can drive me up the wall with your sarcasm, and your testing of my slowness, Alex, I can honestly say you’re one of the main people that kept me coming here :D POOP. TIT. Its been a fun 2 years <3.

I hope for yet another year of fun, new friends and achievements with you lot!!

Anyone up for joining my 2-year game too? I’m NOT expecting the win handed to me, but it would be nice to play with some friends, and ppl that wanna be there with me. <3
Points: 1262 48 comments
Leave LadyDavie Alone!! Feb 6, 2011
Its lame to launch attacks on her over something she had no control over - receiving that gift. 'Scum' is just taking the piss a little.

The shops are PUBLIC, and items are not exclusive to your little crews. Designs are stolen all the time, alliance designs, hair, eyes, anything. I'd have done the same thing had I been lucky.

If you don't know LadyDavie (Rachel), you're missing out. She's one of the loveliest gals on the site, and she doesn't deserve any of that.
Points: 815 28 comments
Ugh Jan 27, 2011
Is it worth me joining another rookies? Or do I feel another 'Lets have a premade together, and if TP joins the game, lets all fight against her bitch-ass and try and get her out' day coming along?

6th though, owning them 3 times in pov sn't THAT shabby tho i guess :s
Points: 224 29 comments
*** Post Your Name! *** Jan 21, 2011! Easy to see why some call me a blog whore xD Mind you, it took nearly 2 years to write ALL of them, so maybe I'm not really :D

I don't think I've done this in a while, prob not since before new rookies, in which I've met tons of new people... xD So post your name, and I'll tell you what I think of you, truely and honestly :D

Go go go go go go goooooooo! :)
[Next update, after my freakin pizza!]

Knagaroo ~ There was a time when we just didn't get on LOL, because of alliances in old rookies alonggg time ago. I thought you were just nasty for no real reason...But all that changed in a game last year, and I'm glad it did. You showed your cool, humourous side, which many had told me about. Your blogs are nearly always witty, although go easy on Megan! :( We've not spoke in a while, but I'm glad to see youback - game soon? :D

Niallfew1 ~ Not really sure if we've met, and I know very little about you too. Sure you're a cool guy though, hope to play soon maybe!

Loopulk ~ Like Niall, I don't think we've met. Your name's kinda cool though, guessing it isn't your real name? Hope we can cross paths soon anyway!

Zach32 ~ Not sure if we've played either [sheesh, I'm doing well here ROFL!] I think you're friends with people who always try to out me in games though... :x Hope you won't be like that too if we were in a game!!

SaltnPepper ~ Kyle, such a class-act! Was nice to play with you again recently after we hadn't in a while ... you're always a spot-on ally and a great spammer :P GL with your uni decisions too, wishing you well. More games with you to come too I hope!

Oweee13 ~ I don't think we've played alot, but I know you're a sweetie, and I loved our duel recently too ... [should.have.wonD:] People rave about you, and its easy to see why, you're just an all-round nice guy. Hope to get to know you better!

DiNoM ~ I have LOTS of respect for you, as you stand up for what you do, and what you believe in. You don't allow prejudice get in the way of your choices. I think you conducted yourself GREAT throughout the nudes/teacher thing, you were honest and blunt. Our first game was a tad randommm, but you were sincere about it. I'm liking that we merged :P and hope its a chance to get to know each other better :).

Gentlewhisper ~ I love your name! Besides that, I don't think we've met yet, so hope to change that soon!

Nickgick99 ~ Another cool name of a person I've yet to meet yet! Hopefully soon :')

Brandonator ~ Even though I LOVE calling you BrandonHATER, and you were the first charity-game winner, thats all I really know about you...You did myself & my fellow bettors proud though :') good on you. From the little that we've spoken in blog comments etc, you do seem a cool dude :)

Kellyt210 ~ Great gal from near my neck of the woods [and whom has been to my hometown! not many here can say THAT, guaranteed lol!] You think I sound! :( I don't, at all! The calls with you are great fun, even if Duncan deems calling me about 20x a day! So wanted you in the giveaway! I think you'll make it big on tengaged though <3

Yswimmer96 ~ Loll haven't you been here since like, the beginning of time? xD II don't really know a great deal aboutyou, but you've always come accross as fairly sweet...Think I was in one of your many BFF games, my only real memory of which was your TTYN sign, lmfaoo! Don't think we've played much, but you seem likeable enough :)

Kelly_joanne ~ I'm not sure if we've really met outside the odd blog comment really...You seem nice though, andf I love your avatar! Maybe the time will come when we play soon. :)

TT_Fan ~ Lovely dude, surrounded by abit of contraversyrecently...Won't go into my opinion on that as itr isn't myplace to, but whenever you've spammed me on skype, you've always been nice about it ... we've talked a little too, and you definitelyhave a good heart. Don't think we've played yet though :o!

Cheznahuf ~ You're one of those people who as soon as people meet you, they love you. You drew me in by your intelligence and wit in conversations, and our old calls always cracked me up. I'll never forget 'Wait - you NEGGED me?!?!' even though it was well over a yr ago now LOL. We kind of lost touch for ages which sucked, probs had something to do with that convo we were in dying a death...glad to be speaking again nowadays! GL with TSC, definitely doing a great job filling Jubbzy's huge shoes so far. xD

AllieBoBallie ~ I think we played one game once, in which you and your alliance got me out early LOL. Think we're in a few skype convos now though, and youalways come accross as a sweet girl whenever we talk etc. Everyone tells me you're lovely, soI doubt I'll believe otherwise. Hope we can allign sometime!

Quackerz ~ Loyal to the max sums you up. You're one of those people whowill go out of there way to help their alliance in games, even if luck doesn't fall your way in rounds. I love playing with you personally, and wish there were more like you. Think we've been on a few calls too recently [that damn meduncan LOL!] and you always seem to be smiley/laughing ... Great guy, hope for more games with you!

Lemonsalsa ~ I miss your designs!!!! I know you took criticism for them, but what I really liked about them was their originality and the detail too. Anyone can boast the Trishy/amy etc are the greats, and they are, but there was a certain something about yours...I want more oersonally! I still rock your queen of hearts one here and there LOL! Top dude, did we play once? Can;t remember straight away lol. Ooooohand you drew a pic of me once too - I've change comps since, so if you stil khave it, could you re-send it?? lol!

Jtotalturtle ~ Great, great gu!!! I love talking to you as you, as you're bery down-to-earth, and full of <33333! And you have a divine accent xD. I think we met on the pedo bear tribe? Good memories, think I made my most merges on that one too..or was it the one before? roflll! Anyway, you know I love you, and your premades in games xD <33

Moup94 ~ Known you for a longgg time now!! :o You've always been so good to me, and supported me in various bits and piueces lol. Think we were in this old survivor chat ages ago, and I heard your accent too, you sound so adorable LOL, and you loved mine! Didn't you blog about mine? roflll. Great kid, wish I knew you better! Hope to catch up soon :)

Rocker917 ~ Only thing I know about you is you're a rocker xD Do you like classic rock at all? Definitely my preferred rock genre! Maybe if we meet sometime, I'll find out!!

The_Domany ~ I'm pretty certain that despite what you think, most people [me included] absolutely love you. You're honest and straight-up, always. I empathise SOOO MUCH about wanting to make stars finals so bad, because before I made my first one, I wanted it so bad, and was always gutted when I didn't get there, particularly when I got so close. Persivere, don't give up. You play AMAZINGLY in there, and will get to a finals before long, that I promise. You've reached the first step, surviving noms, and you will get there <3. Oh, and your avatar alwayss llooks bloody awesome! And you love my Team Domany pic.. xD

BB5lover ~ Dude, you've done a bloody good job this stars, I'm impressed! Some have slated you, but hey, you weren't nominated for ages, so whatever you did, you did it right! Gl @ f4. You're a really nice guy, glad Noel introduced us...youre a top ally to have!

BlueStarKezz ~ Aaaah you're an angel, and a great designer. Although we don't speak 1/1 much these days, I know that if I needed girly advice on anything, you'd be my first port-of-call, you offer amazing advice and gossip. Know that I'm always here for you if you need anything too ... I loved our old gossip sessions. You're a bit like me in the fact we can throw a big hissy-fit if things don't go our way, but you're also one of the best strategists on the site...your merges and stars wins speak sheer volumes. Plus everyone ADORESSS you! Now, whats that damn 14 days secrettt?!?! xD

LadyDavie ~ You are such a nice person with a heart of gold...I have so much respect for you! Calls with you are lovely, as you offer great conversation, and I've never heard or seen you bashing anyone else once. Congrats on getting black recently too...and hope to see you in stars, think you would ROCK it!! Thanks for also being in my 300th, that was such a good game<3333

Anthony2011class ~ The 'class' part of your name is there for a reason, you are nothing but class!! You're always a great laugh on our calls, always have something funny to say, and your accent is top! You're like universally loved, and its easy to see why. Thing is, I don't think we've played that much, but if your as good an ally as person, I think I'd trust you instantly <3

DanVanDam ~ Oh Dooovde...Good to see you back after you left for ages, didn't you? Its always you that brings that one convo to life, with something random here and there, and you're always one to tease. You've come a long way from your 'betch' beginnings, and I don't think you give yourself enough credit. You're a very underrated stars player too, and need to get back in there to win!! Always loved you :')

Phenomanimal ~ Matt you're both a sweetie and an amazing player, yet another one who needs a stars win! Even though sometimes in games we'll land against each other, we know that we'll always come out of them smiling and forgetting about them. I like that you don't allow games to hamper your feelings towards people too much, thats a good quality, and I wish I could say the same :o You're top class <3

Chelseaaa16 ~ I don't know alot about you yet, but whatever I have heard from Yoki etc has always been seem pretty chilled, and I think we'd get on. Hope the Fluffy Duffy Rainbows lasts for a while, and hope to get to know you more!

MrAlexD ~ Our first game, you nommed me, our 2nd game, you nommed me...I ended up thinking, 'WTF, this guy hates me!!!! :'('Glad that we got to play survivor together and rectify those issues though. You're a great guy and gameplayer, and I think Tengaged can expect big things to come from you. You never get too phased, you just chill, and are honest ... Just stay away from my damn nominate button, it isnt a toy! :P <3

Zurks ~ Our beginnings are similar to mine with AlexD actually :O until in like our third game, we used our brains and decided to work together LOL!!! You're a lovely girl, and a good giggle! You care about your friends and allies, which is a great attribute...Hoping for more alliances with you to come. <33

vh1luvr15 ~ I don't know much about you, apart from you doubled my bets recently, so thankiesss :D And you love vh1...why is that? xD

Finegold - Nice dude and good ally in games too. Don't really know alot about you, but more games would sure fix that.

PinkKitten ~ I loveee your 'tell it how it is' attitude, you're pretty fearless about what you say, and even though its earnt you the odd ban or two, I respect that in you. I'll never forget thrashing that Aussie premade of about 5/6 in our first game, that will go right down in history! You kick ass, and I love alligning with you. Not played in time now, hope thats fixed soon!

Nasmay1 ~ Even though you love premades [and giving me 10th :@] I still love you., When we work together [which seems to be rare these days :(] we really work it.You're never sour or disrespectful, you're just good to your allies. You did good in stars recently too, glad to have made you a nice pic to put in the pollbox! xD

Trishytrash ~ Far and away the best designer on the site...I bloody love trying on your work randomly, and wishing I had more of it LOL! But I got a noseee now so I'm happy! You must spend hours on your stuff, and it shows...its all so realistic and top quality. I think you're a lovely lady, and games with you nearly always rock...i gave you 8th once, but I think you got your own back next game xP Smart, sophisticated, and a great member of the Drunk Club...wooo!

Rdesch1 ~ Mannnn I love you! We're like always the last 2 stragglers on our calls most nights, meaning we have random, half tired convos, but they've been great, as they've given me a chance to get to know you better. You make me read blogs out aloud LOLLLL! Awww you're always made fun of too by a certainsomeone...booo! Has me in fits, but its so mean at the same time LOL! Uchhh I love you, all this came from surviving the first tuhtle kick :D Hope we're friends for ages <3

BengalBoy ~ Ahhhh Dru, eternally one to cause giggles :D My best memories of you were when you were added to the original Skypette convo, and we'd always be having random convo's...that was when I first really met you I think. They were good days! You always said I was toonice on calls, even when people were mean to me loool! We've kinda lost touch a little of recent, but here and there, you'll add a quirky comment on all my active blogs lol. Oh and you love the cure, respect! I always look forward to you blogs, and I hope life's treating you well!

Ninthbillsender ~ We've never met, but your name is...interesting! Think it'll only remind people they have bills to pay LOL. SUre you're pretty quirky though!

Oleary91~ Wowww man we;ve known each other for a long time now - think it'll be about 4 yrs this yr :O scary! Although at the place we met, we just played Stop the Bus randomly or argued about HM's [in good humour of course!] we didn't really talk much until I came here, and you found me by chance on my first day xD I've so many damn memories of you on here...Slutvana [sp?] ESC & TSC, You and CXhez madly outspamming me, yet me still winning :s [LOVED that game!] 2cool making fun of you ... then you left, but came back :D I'm definitely glad you returned, it wasn;t the same! With your randomness and great heart, I honestly love you to bits, and always have :') I felt bad missing your 100th [Jesse damn M :P] but I guess we're even as you couldnt afford my 300th...cheapskate :P

Vanilli ~ Lovely girl, liked you instantly in our one? game. You're a great alliance member and one I'd recommend...and everyone lovess you cuz you won stars :D I was surprised but pleased you came to me for a litle advice when you were in it, and hoped I could be of help! Although we don't know eachother THAT well, I'll miss youwhen you leave, and so will many others <3

Alegeeter ~ The first friend I made here :') Meaning we'll have known each other for 2 years I think next month...Crazy! But its been a great 2 years with you, and some of our games have been my personal favourites, probably because you're one of the best allies there are - and I think many would back me up there. I love the long, late-night convo's we sometimes have about anything random, although I don't think I can out-sarcasm you :p.Basically I love you, just a little. Oh and your accent just ROCKS, I love itt!!!! I hope our friendship is a long one, you mean alot to me on here. <333

Akomes/steevy ~ Ahhh I remember when we'd have a game like every day...Top ally, even if you evicted me for THIRTEENTH once!!! D: You're loved, and with your wit and gameplay, one can see why. GL with getting in newbie stars, I honestly think you've no problem! :p

Bryce ~ Idk you, but you spammed a link you a spammer? Time will tell when we meet.

Mikec51 ~ Chilled dude and classy ally, I like you alot. I remember that jury where you said you were the only one to vote me LOL..bless you :') Tengaged should expect big things to come from you <3

Jenna2010 ~ Idc that you're a LM, who've received major limelight lately, I think you're lovely! When we work together, I know you of many people will have my back. You don't let criticism that your group receives get to you, you just get on with it, good on you :') You've always been so nice to me <3

Jdog ~ You know I'm sorry for nomming you in my 300th, I didn't want hoh, and had too many friends to count in there :( You're a great guy though, and hopefully one day I can make it up to you.

Brookie_Cookie ~ I like that you're fun-loving, and don't take things too know how to have a joke, even if it sometimes causes a stir, and goes too far. You thought I didnt like you over rookies LOL, but it isnt true at all, you crack me up most of the time!

Computer3000 ~ Ahh my little Jakey, we;ve become close since we worked closely together in our stars! You're a younger male version of me, a typical Brit who calls dinner 'tea' and all that. You can waffle on for hours on Skype, I've no idea how you do it :P But you're just normal, and never big yourself up or anything...I friggin love you!

MastaManipulator ~ Are you really a masta of manip0? Should I be scared of you in games? :O I don't think we've played yet, but you seem pretty cool ^_^

Scheuerman14 ~ My 4-digit numbers scores owe their lives to you, I firmly maintain that. I remember in our first tribe, you yelled at me after another 600 to TAKE MY TIME AND COUNT...and it worked :o You're like the biggest influence to me challenge-wise, and I thank you for that. Even though you've evicted me abit here and there, I still consider you a top ally and friend, and I'm liking our latest survivor too!

Zimy ~ Aww I remember rooting for you in noob stars, and you did so well! Remember the first time we met too, in my 1yr game I yanked all the keys, you sneaky so-and-so :P But you're a class girl. ad most of my new-rookies games with you have been schweet!

Kirkitude ~ Wow its been a while, thought you'd left for good! I remember you were in my birthday game, and you were great to talk to, we had fun convo's...Don't think we;ve spoke properly in over a year though! I hope all is good with you though :)

2cool4school ~ *Giggles* our first game sucked, your pov was my eviction D: We've played good ones since, just not in a long while. Still, its been nice catching up a little after we went ages without talking much. Such a kunt, but a great guy all the same!

Morkmindy ~ I think you and I think SHABBY lol! There were only like 3 of us on here that liked her during BB11 LOL! We went through a stage of playing very regularly too, until it fizzed out a little...we still speak abit on skype though. Nice guy, always friendly :)

Sass21 ~ Lol, we'll never agree on the subject of WonderEyes, but besides that, you're a cool dude. You've always been nice to me, and despite any contraversy around you, I've never had any probs. I do hope we can get to know each other better though sometime!

Ducksfan ~ Oh, you're a diamond :') That rookies we were in was hilarious, as we were madly against each other, yet couldn't out each other...Think it was a genius idea for both the pairs we were in to combiine and dominate/ Ever since then, we had one misunderstanding that was rectified, but you've been nothing but sweet <3

Claud ~ Always such a nice guy :') I think we first met on .es? You had like the BEST old casting record, well jealous! I remember everyone saying you were the nicest guy, and you proved it...Hope we do play on here soon!

Megan ~ Bunnies! You've been abit quiet recently, and we've not spoke properly in so long..Hope alls good for you! I'll never forget 'Talk like Megan day', it was never meant to cause any offense, it was just for fun :D But, you're a really nice girl, and a beast in games!

Danielvk ~ Idk alot about you, apart from that I supported you in newb stars ... you seem cool! *_*

Aquamarine ~ Lol, haven't we had our times...from disagreeing over multigifting, to our randommm games ... Your finest hour was joining with a 7-man OC premade just to give me 13th [which worked] AND THEN to moan near the end when you had to nominate your friends...Shucks! But we ndid work really well together in a game just before Christmas, where you proved you're more than just an OC busybody, you're actually a human who an allign well with outsiders. I actually like you though, and always have thought you to be hilarious. Maybe we can allign again soon ... ?

Banjo ~ Super-friendly aussie guy! Our first game was great as we had good convos, and you got your first win I think too :D Very chilled dude who doesn't hold grudges <3

Astone ~ Never met you, but funky name :') Don't really know anything about you either ... one day it may change.

Dools ~ Oh Doooooools! How I love talking to/being on call with you, you're so nice, and a good laugh. I think you too listened in and laughed when I read blogs out.. xD good times!! You're a star in my eyes <3

Smi9127 ~ Known you for like, eternity now, surely? Always such a cool guy to be in games with, even though I pronounce your name wrong I think xD You're like someone I just wanna hug, even if that sounds dead weird! :D

BrawlKurbioh ~ Sweet guy, not spoke much in a while though. Think we met in an older casting game? Either way you've always been friendly and pleasent to me, and I know you'd have my back in games, no problem <3

TolisKalkas ~ Can anyone say EUROVISION?! LOOL!! Amazzzing guy, so musically knowlegdged, and a lover of British music LOL. Its been great getting to know you, and having an insight into your busy life, I think you'll be successful in what you do! Not to mention Bingo...chinese checkers nights...ughhh misses them! <3

Awesome2210 ~ Well you are ... AWESOME, funnily enough! But really you are :) You turned out to be such a cool dude in our one game together a while back, and it was nice to have met you, after hearing good things about you from Yani. Stay awesome, don't ever change :P

Shane ~ Haaaaaa wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee uifhguifgiughrhugihrvieryv yayayayaayayyy!! Lol, I've been looking forward to this one xD Well, you'll be pleased to know that I don't hate you, or think you're an arrogant, obnoxious cock anymore. I think you're just you, and a part of me respects the fact that you know you can be a troll, and you know how bad it looks, but I think you aim to entertain people more than offend your target. When you launched that attack on me, and brought up stuff from my personal experiences, know that I had to fight back. I think the point I really wanted to prove though, was that I could argue back without needing to run to the mods over it...and I succeeded :'). I don't think we've ever spoke properly, and who knows, we'd probably find that we got on if we did. I love that you are who you are - maybe you just go too far at times, though it depends on the bottle of your target. :')

Rpalland ~ Idk you well yet, but I'm liking you so far, you always leave a nice blog comment here and there, and you ust seem cool, hope to properly meet you soon! Supported you in noob stars, hehe!

Survivor8 ~ Think we had a few, unmemorable games, not so sure ... are you a survivor fan by any chance?? Hope next one we canallign anyway :)

MattttyBB99999 ~ Lol, nothing short of a legend. I remember when we first met, in a horrible yet hillarious 10 post, and yeah..You nommed me :( Since then though, we've learnt to gel well in our games, and have done well in our latest ones. You;re my favourite person to bet on <3 You're a pretty epic player, and gj on that stars win! Knew your time would come :')

Shabootyquiqui3 ~ Top ally! I think I first met you during the stars I won, you were always dishing out support in the pollbox, etc...You're a nice guy, and doing well on here. GL for noobiestarsss!

Sprtsgy ~GREAT GAME YESTERDAY!!! You proved I think for the first time really to me what a swet guy, and hugely loyal ally you are, and I cannot thankyou enough for the things you did for me..You earnt that win my man, and I'm happy you did. Hope our future games are as successful!

Sash ~ If there are players that I haven't played with yet, but want to, you'd be near top of my list...Everyone absolutely raves about you, and I'd love to meet you for myself. You seem trustworthy and witty from what I hear. I like to think we'd get on great. And you're Aussie, and I loooove Aussies!!! <3

Fiona89 ~ I brought you here, kickin and screaminnn - and wow, haven;t you done well for yourself. You're someone who's done practically EVERYTHING here, good and bad. You've won stars, been banned in places, caused contraversy, got first HOH in games where OC's joined to get you out, and won them ... Some would say you're abit of a genius. In games, you sure are a power player, even if I suffer at the hands of it more often than grudges here though :') I championed Shayy from the start in this stars, but I have to hand it to you, you played a stunning game, and prob deserve to win that buit more...So you may get my vote. GL <3.

Mangos ~ Awww you're a cool dude...I'llnever forget our first game, we weren't really together, and youwere such an OBVIOUS selective plusser LOL..but my hoh meant you failed :P still did great though from memory. Nice guy, hope in our next game we'll be on the same side <3

Taylor112399 ~ Don't think I know you, but thanks for the congrats! Hope we play soon :)

sd66 ~ First game = attrocuious, 2nd game = AMAZING...f2 baybee!!Amazing player and glad I had the chance to allign with you. Think you're becomming a decent bet too xD You're fun, and game soon I hope!

Mike56 ~ LMAO who could forget you using me in our first game...well, I made sure you didn't forget anyway :D Ever since then, you've been pretty cool, you proved you're not an immature kid that uses and abuses!You're kind of random, but I think that what makes you, you! You;re quirky - we never know what you'll come up with next :D But you're lovely.

PatrickStorm ~ Not sure if we've met, though I like your username..very strong!

Pepper ~ Loll didnt we first meet in some random skype game where you kept nommin me? :D good times. I loved our rookies last year, nice to have actually played with you, after hearing rave reviews! You can barely post one word, and people are in love ... you're class,and its been nice getting to know you :)

BlueLagoon506 ~ Yo gurl we've not spoke in a while, hope alls good! Our history is all over the place LOL its kinda bad, but glad we got back on good terms. Not seen a great deal of you on here much lately, not since you came back anyway. Nice woman overall, always cares about her friends and puts them first...VERY respectable. Hope we catch up soon! :D

Heatherbear ~ Shame we're never really on the same page in games, as I respect you're chilled, but can come up with witty one-liners. I wouldn't think twice about alligning with you actually, and hope we do next time!

Realityfreek ~ I love how you spell freek...freeeeeky! You did well in your first stars imo, and should join again, keep getting experience. Not really spoke in a long while, but I know you're a lovely guy. <3

Mikeyb1107 ~ Don't think we;ve met...put that right soon? :D

JesseM ~ Ohhhh where to start!! I'd love to say you always have my back in games, but sometimes you don't, cuz ur a big meanie :P But I do love talking to you, and we can talk for hours when we get're such a laugh, and you're good to vent to too, even though you suck at giving advice LOOOL :P I love you..we seem to have been engaged for ages now, with no wedding date...hmmmm! Oh and, when can we be on calll again, I miss ur acent :(

Streeter ~ Squeeeeezy streeeeeter, best butt on tengaged :P Amazing at challenges, and very chilled with it...and it was nice talking to you during my stars too, about Bonfire Night, LOL!!! You're amazing, and hope we play again soon <33

Rock_on88 ~ Don't think we've met, but you bet on me here and there, thats how I know your name...Sorry if I lose T$ at times! :(

Chicaaaa ~ I like you, although we never seem able to successfully align in games...ugh, what is with that?!!! Next bloody time, OK!? Lol. You strike me as a crazy, but funky chic, and someone who I'd get on well with :)

Zedd ~ My first games with you were god-awful, your damn premades thrashed me early :D But recently we've played more on the same side, and I've come to learn that you're a nice guy, and quality player. You care about your friends, and join games to be with them...I'm not a huge premade fan, but I guess I like that :')

Dreambabe ~ I LOVED how you conducted yourself throughout the chewbacca scandal, because you didn't make yourself out to be an innocent victim, like most would, you admitted to your 'wild side' lolol! You're a VERY sweet girl, and games with you are a joy, as I've never seen you be nasty openly to anyone <3

Milanchamp ~ Such a flirt :D I like to play along though, won't deny...always liked our games too. Not spoke much in a while, but you'll send me the old spamhere and there :D Top dude <3

Jumbobumbo ~ Ughhh man you always get owned in our games, even when I SAVE you!!! Good person, and it was sad that you were snaked in your 150th was it?Better luck next time :)

Neathery ~ Unusual name - shame we havedn't met though. Maybe soon?

Toro ~ Of what I saw of you in our one game, I liked.We worked together well, yet we haven't goten to play since...shame! We keep missing eachothers schedule lol. Still don't know you that well, but yeh, ur cool!

Cody_ ~ We finally got to play the other day, yayyyyy! A few people told me that you were a good ally, and they were right, I had real trust in you. Hope for more soon!!

Dav_o_79 ~ Oh hey sweetie ^_^ You're like a huge figure on here, you're very standout, because of your love of Victoria's Secret shows, and your public service announcements...Loved your copying video lol! You have a bigger impact on the tengaged community than you probably think. On top of that, you're a very nice person, and very funny too, love calls with you <333

SuperFreak ~ Oh mannn I adore you :D From alligning I think in our 2nd game, I knew you were someone to be trusted, and we ended up doing well. Played a few since, and we skype too here and there. You're just a genuinely nice guy, and a perfect ally to have. You got me into playing >epics< games, even if they dont work in my favour alot xD You to Endurance is me to guitar..BEASTS!!! Pov is ours when those challenges crop up :D Ughhh basically I love you, one of the nicest new guys I've recently come to know! <333

Odawg ~ The creater of the HPIC line...ugh I love you, but we're always fooked in our games D: bloody sucks, it isnt as if we've played alot together! Really must check in the tohtus chat sometime soon to see how you are! Definitely one of the coolest dudes on the site though. :')

Tennis ~ We had one game, right? I remember we alligned like straight away, and owned, got to f2 I were qwirky, and fun to talk to. Hopes we play again....

Sokerdude ~ Awww I think you're actually quite nice, despite that one game in which I honestly hated your guts, for asking me to allign, nd then turning on me dead early :o classy!!! Then that alliance showed you were their bottom, this I TOLD you rofl!!! You take no messing, but know how to throw a good fit! I'd definitely like a chance to get to know you better and possibly [dare I say it] allign, PROPERLY this time? xD You're sassy and I like that!

DCsooner ~ Ohhhhhhhh man, dont even know where to start xD I nommed you, and apologised,,,you got me HARD next game though, and didn't exactly let me forget it for ages, not even in random blogs xD I've said myself that maybe you should consider not holding grudges for too long, hope thats being worked on!! There's no doubt you're a good player.

Macanese ~ Macdonalds japanese? You're gonna have to explain your name LOL XD its cool tho. Other than that, I dont know anything about you really!

Millzipede ~ Millie aww I love you...think we've made 2 f2's now which is pretty cool!You're my Waterloo Road I miss that show! :( when its back, sure we'll be discussing it no-end. You're not leaving, got ittttt?! <3

Maddie1234 ~ Pretty name! Don't really know you any more than that though..rectify soon? :)

MoreBeastThanYou ~ I freakin love you, have ever since our first game, which was a while back now. You're another one that says it like it is - and even if friends annoy you, you'll tell them so. Love that you still use the Beastlee name and keep it alive ... I came up with it so randomly when you/lonlee made that final. Always glad to use my [lack of] artistic skills on pictures for you lol! I like that even when we haven't talked in a while, when we start again, it feels like no time has passed .. you're a great guy, someone I think highly of. :')

Lindb ~ Great troll! At one point we were speaking quite regularly, not sure what happened to that...I respect you as a person though and think you can be really funny at times. I remember before you joined stars, you said you knew you'd do bad, and I predicted you;d win...Looks like I win xD Quality, and you/Jenn make a sweet couple!

Ianfitz ~ Have we only played that once? Eeee...didn't think much of you in that game I'm afraid, you ignored like all my pms :( we've spoke in bits since though. You're rocking the shops game atm, so good on you on that...Wouldn't mind a little more in the way of variety though! Oh and less mging. :P Besides our game, you've always been pree cool :)

Pattieilikefun ~ Only really started talking to you recently, and on our call the other night, you just cracked me;'re funny as, especially when you were cussing at Zedd xD Glad we got to allign, even if it didn't last too long. Hope for more games soon though, hopefully abit more successful xD

Itsmejo ~ Never really met you, but I've seen your pictures here and there,and you really are a very pretty girl, very striking. Never really seen you in games, but many like you, so I;m sure I would too if we met :)

Lucyx3Jean ~ Stars sister of the past xD Very very nice girl, you always support me in whatever I do, and I happily return the favour :D So glad to have seen you survive a few nominations last time, everyone deserves survivals!Been on a few random calls with you recently, not really played a great deal though. Think we'd dominate if we did...though I wouldn't bother trying any match 3 :P

TheGoodMan ~ Nice newer guy, only recently been seeing your name...Nice to have alligned with yourecently, though it was a bigger alliance than I'd have liked :P Keep doing what you're doing, you'll be a big name in no time!

Drupayneis ~ Been seeing your name alot lately, and I honestly think you're insane...In a good way tho I guess!! You have everyone wanting your were even in my dream the other night, proof I've been seeing ur name too much :D People love you, so I guess I would too if we properly met.

BOBROCKS ~ You are the bob that rocks then? :D Been in a few games wityh you I think, including an OT...Don't know alot about you really, apart from your love of CAPS lolol!

Danny ~ Call hopper extraodinaire :D I love how you're pretty much always full of gossip, in particular from Camp OC, anf the things they've been saying about always have about 5 calls per night, so you dont tend to spend too long in anyone xD. Jokes asidee, you're a lovely lad, and always up for a good joke yourself...You don't take people too seriously, and ask the same of them lol. And you're Irish <33333

Itsmeagain000 ~ I remember when you spammed me out of a group game poll LOL... you're a nice guy though besides that. Not spoke in a while, so hope alls good with you. Used to love yours and Bronica's blogs, they were so normal, yet random. :P

w0witztyler ~ Funnnny guy :D I think your 100th game was our first game together, and somehow we managed f2 :D Glad to see you won that. We had good convo's in there, despite the fact it went slow/ Hope for more games with you, I love players that make me laugh!

Drench ~ One of the best bloggers on the site, even if I can't understand 3/4 of what you write LOL! You put points accross exceptionaly and are just so eloquent...I remember that day we spammed each others rant blogs to top blogs, after one awful game of premade wonders xD Love your accent, and I think you're a class act (y)

Danielgarces ~ Our only game was rubbish, but I had to nom you when I survived the nom you put on me xD It was all game, not personal. We've spoke a little in PM since, and I think you're a potentially nice dude, think we just need a make-up game!

Robinhood99 ~ Never really met you, sorry. I watched Robin Hood oncem and thought it was boring LOL , It dragged on! Sure you're not boring though. xD

Chitochu ~ I KNEW YOU WERE KAYLEEM/BROWNING before most did, as I recognised your typing style [you would too, if you had him spamming you randomly in a 10 post to get HOH as Kaylee...!] I admit that my first impression of you as Chitochu was kinda bad after that game you had with were well laying into her o_O. But I myself don't mind you, and we've alligned before now, pretty much successfully. I don't feel I know the *real* Zach though, just your female personas...Maybe thats your personal choice, idk. You definitely are pree cool though!

Runner430 ~ Cool dude, though in our games its premades for you all the way...either with or against me :o its very 50/50. You're definitely an entertainer though, and people love you. You put a smile on my face :D

Kimmal8 ~ Only met you this week, as you asked for a noob stars pic...Glad you limke it, seems to have done you well too!You're a cool dude, for sure :')

Mikey04wp ~ loll @ random numbers/letters in your name! Don't really know much more about you though... :(

Connora ~ I thought you were gonna be connorthomson at first LOL! Not really met you yet, maybe it'll change soon tho. :)

Tommyg456 ~ lolll, my only memory of you realy was when you urbandictionarie'd my name...funny xD Many have told me you're really nice, sure its the truth!

Ace27901 ~ You really are ace :D ace as an ally, and an ace player. Our only game we made f2, so we must be pretty ace together! Hope for more Ace games soon! <3

Jasoncutie ~ Are you a cutie?!?! Maybe I'll find out if i meet you xD

Checkered ~ Cool name lol, reminds me of checkers :') loves checkers...don;t really know you besides that though :(

Redjean ~ Not really met you yet either... :( soon maybe!

Jarst ~ Spoke to you aloyt more of late, and you're bloody amazing! Our recent game chats/calls with Alex/Markus were a bloody laugh..and you do sound like Abro LOL! Sucked to be bloody nommed against you in our most recent game..Grrrrrr!!!! Loves you tho <3

Babybooboo ~ loll great name! dont really know ya though! :(

Plor ~ Think we were in a game recently, but you went inactive... @( sorry dude!!! You seem likeable though!

Gemma17 ~ We've spoke alot ever since that tribe we werre in, and I honestly think you're lovely, so kind and considerate. You arranged for me to have that chanel dress, and lips without me even really care about your friends, and want the best for them! You're honestly a ray of sunshine, and there aren't enough like you on here <3333

Realitynerd ~ You're a legenddd and I love you. Our alliances always work well, except in duel for some reason!! You can give any fact about reality tv,which i find cool! You're one of my longest friends here, and I miss you!

Dash ~ Sash's twin? lol! Don't really know you, but your names pretty original! Keep it kooky!

Danteman ~ Don;t really know alot about you yet, but people have said you're cool, so I'll believe that...Think you earnt me the od bet tho ^_^

Jharrin ~ Don't really know you either...soz, can't say alot!! Itll change soon Im sure :).

Domogarcia ~ Only played survivor with you? We weren't really in each other's 'core' as such, but I guess I can thank you for keeping me for as long as you did xD No hard feelings at my end at all. you're a cool dude fosho!

TheTropicalPun ~ Another cool-ass username lol!!! Don;t really know ya, but you seem a cool, supportive kinda dude...Think we could rub along together well :')

Evaa ~ I was a little pissed that time you begged for me to be nommed/outed...Thought it was done in poor taste, but all commendments to you for apologising and stuff. You seem cool, and you love your friends so much you won't join games without them :P But you've a good heart and a good mind ... maybe a little controlling, but you mean no harm overall :)

Yoki ~ Uchh you're hilarious, and you have a way of getting in my survivor chats xD Crazy girl, but such a good laugh, particularly when on call :D and WELL DONE on that stars win, was rooting for you ... honestly, Jake bashing you hindered him, and helped you :D and you did kick as near the end too! Amazing gal (y)

Zed55 ~ Nice short name :D apart from that, I dont really know you...sorry! :(

Joe110 ~ Besifdes a few random games I think? I dont really know sure ur cool though! Your name/number rhymes, I like that xD

DreamQJ ~ You're an all-round nice guy, never seen you be mean about anyone etc..think you've been a good addition to tengaged. Pity our games mostly have sucked...shame, I was always looking forward to playing with you too, after hearing good things from others. They weren't lying about the fact you're predy cool tho!

Nuperthfzzyduck ~ Great girl, it was nice to meet you recently in random of them took a turn for the worst, almost entirely my fault, but we worked ourway around it in the end. Was happy to see you make that final! You have potential to be big on here, ust keep at it! :)

Black0Out247 ~ Ughh sorry I nommed you in my 300th m after you said you;d help me lol :/ it was a case of too many friends, nothing personal. You're a good person, aand ally, and I hope you're not mad at me!

SurvivorFreak13 ~ Haaa yes, lyfao!!! I'm afraid you left a bad taste in my mouth, after you nommed me in that game without giving reasons, or apology, or any real acknowledgemnt...I felt it was abit cowardly :/ but premades will be premades I guess, and they're not exactly the bravest things in the world. Maybe in time my opinion of you willchange, but I don't think much of you at all atm..
Points: 1319 154 comments
☆ The 17th Star Of Tengaged TV!!! ☆ Jan 20, 2011
imageMy oh my oh myyyy ... So I bought it this morning because I knew I'd have a small amount to spare from the odd bet, and my duel payout. And, because I was blatantly impatient :P

I remember when the new colour levels [silver+] came out, and I didn't think I'd get here, because of the seemingly insane karma/T$ requirements...I still think they're insane btw! I believe I'm the 17th person, and only the 4th girl to get it, which is pretty cool!

Its been a long road up to this point on here: ups, downs, lefts and rights. I've met some of the most amazing people here, and the fact that they're online and that we'll never exactly meet makes no difference to me ... You people keep what would otherwise be a pretty bland online life, pretty damn thrilling xD Although, I do have a RL too, much to some peoples' surprise I'm sure :P.

In terms of games, I've had some horrors, but I've also had some absolute classics, the good memories from which will last a long time, I am sure. There has been triumphs, backstabbing, being backstabbed, losses, merges ... and even a stars win <3

There is one thing I'd like to say though. Some would look at me, my position in the HOF, the amount of T$ they imagine me to have, my karma, and my colour-level, and would hate me instantly unfortunately, especially in games...I tend to be a big target. I'm not blowing my own trumpet, but of course it is true. Its easy to use the old line 'Its a game' when successfully outing it, but many fail to remember there are feelings involved too. And yes, their actions and attitudes can completely influence the person they out's feelings towards them. Thats why I say, high rank or not, I, and other high-rankers are normal people, not invincible, and with more losses than you'd probably think. Get to know us, you can help us and we can help you ... a +15 on your blog can make a big difference!

Any enough of that emo-ness :P There have been MANYYYY people who've made huge impacts on me reaching this achievement, and if you know I love you, you will know who you are. Butt specialmentions, just for being freaking amazing throughout: ☆JesseM, Tommyg (banned :( ), Oleary91, 2cool4school, BlueStar, Cheznahuf, Alegeeeter, Rdesch1, Jtotalturtle, Phenomanimal, Dools, Koolness234, Kmyster, Ladydavie, ALL Strawburry Tuhtle, Meduncan, ALL Redemption, Capguyy1, MazokuAngel, SuperFreak & the >Epics< that I've come to know/ play a little more with recently, POk3rf4ce, Scheuerman14, Computer3000, Realitynerd!☆ Of course, someone will feel left out, so I'll prob end up adding more ^_^

Its been a blast upto now, and it isn't ending yet!! Thanks all for the memories so far!<3

PS: This is my 999th blog also...Next one will be a P Y N, so be readayyyy! <3
PSS: Do I look good on TV? ;D
Points: 1356 81 comments