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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Life story :(

2ndApr 15, 2013 by Piviko
Sorry about bad spelling. In my school in Chalco teachers only speak spanish to us not english. I understand I am a terrible speller but I try my best. I am in a tough family living with only my grandma. She only talks spanish, but does a great job in taking care of me. My mother died when I was 3 and my father died of cancer 2 months ago. No sympathy needed just explaining things. I am trying my best to learn proper english and it really makes me cry when people talk bad about me for it. Since my parents died tengage has been my only way to keep my mind off of things. I love meeting people and making friends and I only wish the best for people not the worst in life. When I see people hurt other people it really effects me. When people talk bad about mommy and daddy it effects me. Give me your mommy and daddy ill be happy. Yes I am to young to know about responsibility but in my life I have to grow up fast why? cause my childhood years have been taken away from me. I am sorry some of you think I am a joke and think my bad spelling is stupid and I am not smart and should leave tengage and go back to .es and leave .com drink bleech ugh please understand just because english is not my number 1 language does not make me a bad person. I think people need to look deep inside them and find the kind side and not judge me for my skin color or my nationality or my language. I hope you all understand this blog and understand why I am such a bad speller. I also want to thank KrisStory for retyping this blog for me so its more understandable to people and they don't continue to make fun of me. Maybe I will keep Kris retyping my blogs so I am no longer a joke on tengage. I love all of tengage and all my friends who care and don't make fun of me.

Adios amigos and thank you for reading my blog and ily if you plus or comment < 3 :*
I don't use this blog for sympathy, I use to explain why my spelling is bad. Don't care for top blog just want people to stop picking on me and make me sad.

(Written by Piviko and reworded by KrisStory)

edit : ty for nice coments < 3 ily lots make feel better :) gracias :*


Since my parents died tengage has been my only way to keep my mind off of things.

Sent by jacksonjoseph99,Apr 15, 2013
yes jacksonjoseph99
Sent by Piviko,Apr 15, 2013
Sent by Claud,Apr 15, 2013
wait idgi, did u write this whole thing, or did u write it and kris re-wrote it so it can make sense? =S
Sent by superfreak79,Apr 15, 2013
me write kris on skype he rwwrite back with rite spell to post
Sent by Piviko,Apr 15, 2013
aww sorry to here about you mom and dad
Sent by sweetgirls1008,Apr 15, 2013
aww i love you piviko
Sent by jsylvia76,Apr 15, 2013
you all are a bunch of idiots for picking on someone because of their language, Put yourself in his shoes and how would you like it? It makes you all feel better about yourselfs picking on others, that just shows what kind person you all really are.

Lots of love piviko
Sent by jsylvia76,Apr 15, 2013
I love you Piviko!! This blog made me want to cry :(
Sent by RoseMaria,Apr 15, 2013
Why would you pick on someone because of how they speak, So what if you can't spell good dosen't make you a horrible person and I've meet you before and you are a really nice person :-)! Piviko don't listen to them haters
Sent by Saftronbtr999,Apr 15, 2013
who are u on .es? ......
Sent by xBostonx,Apr 15, 2013
You're an awesome guy Piviko and majority of tengaged knows that. There will always be mean people we can't help it.
Sent by teamjacz,Apr 15, 2013
piviko my son ily son do not want you to leave!!!! I am sad! :( at the person who would do such a thing!
Sent by makingallfall2,Apr 15, 2013
Great blog :)
Sent by SuperFreak,Apr 15, 2013
great blog
Sent by Michaelf1114,Apr 15, 2013 plzz join
Sent by Russell11,Apr 15, 2013
mi amigo piviko !
Sent by Piddu,Apr 15, 2013
aw < 3
Sent by iAwkwardxo,Apr 15, 2013
+10 :)
Sent by HipposUnite,Apr 15, 2013
i love you SO much Piviko < 333

my little cutie :*
Sent by brookie_cookie,Apr 15, 2013
Aww stayb strong buddy Piviko
Sent by ksnyd2504,Apr 15, 2013
Sent by LexiVazquez,Apr 15, 2013
good job ;)
Sent by XxLoveWakizaxX,Apr 15, 2013
love you piviko!!
Sent by k4r4k,Apr 15, 2013
You seem like such a nice person, we should definatley be friends. Unfortunately this site is filled with trolls and people who will say anything to hurt others, you really need to meet the nice handful who will accept you for who you are. I'm so sorry about your parents :( you don't deserve this, but i'm glad you have your grandma. Stay strong and ignore those who want to make you sad, they are not worth it!
Sent by Kellyt210,Apr 15, 2013
love you Piviko :')
Sent by gritty,Apr 15, 2013
You are a great and wonderful person and dont ever let anyone ever tell you any different, you have a family here my friend
Sent by matty1982,Apr 15, 2013
Did anybody see any spelling errors?  Because I didn't...
Sent by firetruck421,Apr 15, 2013
I'm an idiot :(
Sent by firetruck421,Apr 15, 2013
It makes you a weak English communicator, not a bad person. You'll keep learning in time. I couldn't imagine trying to spell Spanish words correctly, haha. Kudos, at least you are trying (:
Sent by Keyston,Apr 15, 2013
dont worry mate most people here would probably be shit at spanishh
Sent by BengalBoy,Apr 15, 2013
I agree with BengalBoy
Sent by Saftronbtr999,Apr 15, 2013
piviko mi hermano ily
Sent by smuguy2012,Apr 15, 2013
Sent by Carsonl,Apr 15, 2013
ily so much piviko my amigo :) don't listen to the haters bro
Sent by Etienne,Apr 15, 2013
Lol xD i lol'd
Sent by WillyEx,Apr 15, 2013
Sent by Teddybear,Apr 15, 2013
It's not even funny, WillyEx. What the hell?
Sent by TheBlackDog,Apr 15, 2013
I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I can't imagine being in your situation. Stay Strong buddy!
Sent by anthony2011class,Apr 15, 2013
piviko estoy muy triste
Sent by Elvira,Apr 15, 2013
< 333333333333333333333
Sent by lemonface,Apr 15, 2013
u know i love you hermano!!!

te quiero mucho!!! siempre puedes contar conmigo
Sent by sprado91,Apr 15, 2013
piviko < 33
Sent by ShadowBaller000,Apr 15, 2013
i don't know you but you seem like a nice person, anyone making fun of you for your english skills is an idiot, at least you're learning a different language, english has to be a hard language to learn.
Sent by supergoten,Apr 15, 2013
omg Piviko stay strong < 33333

You'll be always's sexy Latino :)
Sent by coolexchangestudent,Apr 15, 2013
piviko ilysm you are one of the nicest people on this site, im so sorry :(
Sent by mattmon3365,Apr 15, 2013
< 333
Sent by Survivor8,Apr 15, 2013
Ignore the idiots! You seem really nice! :)
Sent by xGirlyBlondex,Apr 15, 2013
No haga caso de las personas que son idiotas en este sitio. Usted no tiene que pedir perdón a nadie por tu Inglés. Recuerde que, ¿de acuerdo?

Ignore the people who are jerks on this site. You don't have to apologize to anyone for your English. Remember that, okay?
Sent by Diva1,Apr 16, 2013
Sent by TheThomas,Apr 16, 2013
wow look at diva1 go!
Sent by andychuck08,Apr 16, 2013
Piviko don't worry about it, I took Spanish and got a D and I just got an E in English so your probably better then me ;)
Sent by MrPokeguy9,Apr 16, 2013
No problem Piviko. Ily bro. Don't listen to the douche bags. YOU know that you're a smart person. And so do I. Spelling doesn't say shit about you. You've taught me several things since we became friends. I'll always be there for you dude. I'd like to address a few things that people said on this. First of all, Johnny speaks english MUCH better than he types it. So what if he types kinda bad? He never did a damn thing to you. As long as  you can understand it, it doesn't matter. Why act like a child and mess with him? For simple mistakes like spelling? jacksonjoseph99, yes, tengaged does take your mind off of things. I know it takes things off of my mind. WillyEx, you're just mad that you lost stars. Get over it hoe. Johnny, stay strong bro! And everyone who hates on Johnny, you're messing with me too. So watch your ass. Seriously, stop messing with him.
Sent by KrisStory,Apr 16, 2013
First of all, Johnny speaks english MUCH better than he types it.
Sent by TheBlackDog,Apr 16, 2013
:( Piviko I'm sorry :(
Sent by Natepresnell,Apr 16, 2013
Awww I'm so sorry Piviko =[ I was so glad to be in the same Survivor tribe as you cuz you're so sweet and don't listen to the douchebags here and stay strong!
Sent by mattkwon1,Apr 16, 2013
I love you Piviko ! < 3
Sent by Regularise,Apr 16, 2013
Awww picnicking I love you don't listen to douches ;) this blog made me tear piviko
Sent by Hakim,Apr 16, 2013
:( This made me cry Johnny don't listen to anyone thats mean! :(
Sent by Nathan132,Apr 16, 2013
I think you're so brave !! Trying to learn to speak another language is hard enough let alone trying to learn how to write and spell it!  I only speak and write  English,, and my spelling is terrible hahaha!!  So you're a head of me already!! :))))

       For every person here who has made fun of you there are 10 who won't... trust me!! You seem like a really  sweet open person. Don't let the opinions of a few jerks get you down... They haven't walked in your shoes... and have no clue what your life is like.

        Tengaged is a great escape for a lot of people from their troubles.. and there are many people here who admire you for your courage in trying to do such a difficult thing.. and would love to get to know you.   Hang in there and keep trying .. It will become easier !! The people that make fun of you ... don't matter..   Good luck... at Piviko :)
Sent by Gemini,Apr 16, 2013
Though I usually am a Grammar Nazi, I see the position you are in, and I hope life gets better for you. Life is a bitch, but we're all going to have to live with it.
Sent by INDF,Apr 16, 2013
Get a life!!! Don't pick on someone because they speak a different language because you wouldn't like it in return..!
Suerte amigo. Espero que las personas dejen de ser tan malo. (Note it may not be perfect because I'm learning Spanish at school lol)
Sent by WitZ,Apr 16, 2013
Sent by KittyTheEmolga,Apr 16, 2013
Its gonna be okay! keep it up! dont let the haters get you down!
Sent by Jogon,Apr 16, 2013
I liked ya the first time we played, your like my lil buddy on this site :)
Sent by BettyRubbble,Apr 16, 2013
200 votes and 1234 points :D congrats and I feel bad for you :/ and you seem nice :)
Sent by Girllover101,Apr 16, 2013
I totally agree with this. I know a lot of people on tengaged that judge people from .es just based on the fact that they don't speak English as there first language. Then they make up a bunch of bullshit about them to make others hate them. But most of them are really nice and I wish people could see that ;( I hope you stay here :)
Sent by GiGi10,Apr 16, 2013
You speak great English :)
Sent by lonlee,Apr 16, 2013
awww, totally understand your situation. stay strong, and good luck bud!! =]]]
Sent by rock_on88,Apr 16, 2013
aww +11
Sent by Jacob_96,Apr 16, 2013
usted siempre tendrá un lugar especial en mi corazón
Sent by hippydude126,Apr 16, 2013
Aww piv ily :(
I always thought it was cute when you were speaking English :)
Sent by cotbey,Apr 16, 2013
Aww this blog is really sweet.. Can we be friends pls?
Sent by Anas,Apr 16, 2013
Piv....I was raised by my grandparents but not because my parents died but because other things were more important. I totally understand what you mean though. Losing the ones you love it hard.
I love playing games with you and if you need anything let me know.
I wish more people had big ole hearts like you on here. maybe there wouldnt be so much hate and drama.
take care friend.
Sent by Tabatha,Apr 16, 2013
ily :)
Sent by Lamia,Apr 16, 2013

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