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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Post your name! :)

2ndApr 18, 2010 by MattyBB9
..and I will tell you exactly what I think of you :')

I've never done one of these before <3

Konohavillage1--Easily one of my favorite black levels! You were only of the only blacks that was nice to me or even recognized me when I was a white and yellow level. You’re so nice to everyone you know and are really funny too! I hope we can play a game together sometime in the future, as we haven’t had the opportunity to before :(. P.S. I have 37 T on and everything for sale is 38 T (-____-) so once I get one more T ill be able to gift ya <333.

Pinacolada—To be honest, I didn’t really like you all that much when I first met you. Mostly because you always seemed to beat me in quick-games and although we had pretty much the same karma, you shitload more friends than I did lol. But now I loveee youu <3. You’re really funny and an amazing person. I hope we get to play a game together sometime (with tenfan too!) <3333

RosaParks—Uh just met you today, but you’re first blog was funny. :) Oh and double plus cause you added me to your friends list :D. Hopefully we can get to know each other moreee! <333

Robbster1313—Robbsterrrr <3. I believe I met you during one of Rylee’s quick-games. In the first one I didn’t really like you all that much since you took part in taking me out lol. I was really mean to you for no reason in the second one and you were still nice to me which shows how great of a person you are. Now you’re one of my favorite people on tengaged and someone I can completely trust! Glad I finally got to play with youuu; hopefully we can keep on winning in our survivor tribe! <333

BengalBoy—I don’t know you all that well, but from our encounters in blogs and what not you seem like a really nice person! From what I hear, you’re really talented at DoND/survivor in general lol. Not to mention, I get quite the number of “lols” the blogs that you make. Maybe sometime we can play a game together :). Send me a PM sometime or if you have skypee add meee lol. <33

Tofutime—Tofuuuu!<33. You’re a great person to be in an alliance with! Really trustworthy and active also! I really enjoyed the rookies that we played together in! You were a great person to play with and really nice to everyone too! You stayed loyal until the end and you all around kept positive. lovee youu, we need to play another rookies together sometime!

JustMe—SUEEEEE <33333. AHH I love you even though you don’t completely trust me lol. I’m truly sorry for backstabbing you in that rookies lol, you’re just such a huge threat as shown by your great record overall and even seeing you in the hall of fame lol. I really want to play with you again, so I can prove to you that you can trust mee! Oh and I can’t not mention you’re amazing personality. It matches how great a player you are. You are so nice and kind to everyone no matter what they do to you! Like you maintained being really nice to zeenon and I after we voted you out in our rookies, which shows how great of a sport you are! Love youuuuuu <3

Vh1clown—We were pretty good friends, but for some reason you like lost all your trust me and always target me in skype games. I don’t really understand why because you never really are my target..For example yesterday, I didn’t vote you out..and you used your special power or whatever to take out my vote and got yourself evicted because of that…and today you nommed me which was kind of unexpected. Hopefully we can get to know each other better in the future and stop targeting each other in skype games lol.

BlueLagoon506—You probably get this a lot, but i LOVE your accent lol. You’re really nice and fun to play with in skype games lol. Although I don’t know you all that well, from what I’ve seen and heard from everyone is that you’re a really amazing person. Maybe we can play a rookies together in the future, you seem to be really good at them lol. <3

xxJaym—ahh you’re record on Tengaged is insane! I could only wish mine as a fraction of how good yours is! I also wish you still played gamesss! I never got the chance to play with you before, but you seem absolutely amazing. Like you’re so nice to everyone, no wonder you won stars lol. But yeah, hopefully one day we can have the opportunity to play together! Oh and OMG IM SO JEALOUS YOU MET MATTY FROM BIG BROTHER NINE. <333

Misuse (RJ)—although I just started talking to you today, I’ve always noticed that your blogs are really funny. Also, you’re friends with Toofresh, so you’re friends with me. Plus you seem to be a smart and strategic player, which I like :) Hopefully we can be in a game together soon in the future <3 Or hit me up for a chat sometime on skype <3

ZEEnon—ahhh quite possibly my favorite person on tengaged! I actually knew you from before tengaged on EpicMafia lol. I remember when we were both noobs I sent you a PM to join a rookies with me in an alliance and ever since them we’ve hit it off. That rookies was my favorite game that I’ve ever played lol and we ended up coming on top :D. You’re absolutely amazingggg, I can confide in you about anything and everything. Not to mention you have a great personalityyyy and are pretty much liked by everyone lol. Thanks for everything, really means a lottt; and cheers to many more future games together in the future! <3

Austin—I only started talking to you recently, but you’ve always been on my radar. Whenever I’m in a need of a good laugh, I stalk you’re blogs because they are always really funny (sarcasm ftw). Oh and this can’t be complete without mentioning our mutual dislike for Peeps lol. But yeah, as I said earlier, you are really funny and fun to talk to on skype. I really want to play a game with you sometime, so hit me up whenever you have a game free :) <333

LostnGreece—omg my favorite new person (well you aren’t really new anymore, but yeahh). You’re soooo nice to everyone! Like I wish I could be that nice to people lol. Thanks for like commenting and plussing my blogs! lol <333. I really want to play a game with you sometime! :D love ya

Fiona89—I don’t really know you that well, but you seem really nice. You seem to be feared by a lot of people so I’m guessing you have a lot of authority and can be blunt, which are traits which I tend to like in people. Hopefully we can get to know each other better in the future, you seem like a nice person! Oh and congrats on fourth in Stars, I could only wish to do that well :P

Finklestein—My first impression of you wasn’t the best because your friends with Peeps lol, but as I got to know you through skype games/on skype you are actually a great person! We both love the show Fresh Meat and whenever I want to talk about the show, I know who to turn to! You’re really nice and I hope we can get to play together sometime soon in the near future! <333 Love ya :)

Koolness234—To be honest, I had no idea who you were until I got skype. But I’m so glad I got the chance to meet you! You ALWAYS do well in skype games lol, so it’s always a good idea to align with you haha. Even though you did backstab me today in Corey’s big brother, you’re still an amazing person to play with (funny and competitive :D). Hopefully we can continue to get to know each other better in the future and even join a game together sometime soon. <3

Lilfamousz—ahh I love playing skype games with you! I always align with you lol cause you’re so loyal and trustyworthy. I consider you a really good friend, even though I’ve never gotten the chance to play with you in a game on Tengaged or really even encountered you on tengaged lol. I really hope we can get a chance to play together in the near future :D Love ya <333

Rdesch1—I’ve only gotten to know you recently, but you’ve been amazing! We’re on opposing tribes unfortunately, but hopefully we can merge together! You’re a really smart strategic player and an all around nice person. (I’m not sure but I think I may have played a quick-game with you before(?)). But anyway, thanks for everythinggg, I hope we can play a game together soon instead of being against each other lol <333

Tevin1001—ew you ugly freak. Rot in hell hoe. Justttttttttttt kiddddddinnn’ lahvv youu <33. You’re a REALLY nice personnnn and fun to talk to in skype. You’re also really trustworthy from what quick-games I’ve played with you lol. I really want to play a game with you sometime soonnnnn, maybe a survivor or something? Hopefully we can become even better friends in the futureeeeee; love ya <333

Tinabeena—Mommmyyyy <3. My tengaged BFFLL. I absolutely ADORE youuu. You are SOSOSOSOSOSOSO nice and amazing to talk to! I loved the rookies I played with you and Toughnubbss! :) You two are my favoriteee people like ever. You were one of the first people I met on tengaged back when we were both noobs together lol. Sarahnva and I met you together and we were so obsessed with you nice you were! I’m so glad I met you, looks like fate sent us in the right direction. I lovee piper, she’s the cutest! You’re the best mom, everrrr and I want to play another game with you sooooo badly! Love youuuu soooo muchhhhh ! :)

Abrogate—You’re a really nice and smart player. It’s no wonder you won stars :) It was great getting to know you on the survivor tribe we were on together, and I glad you stayed loyal throughout the whole game, even when others didn’t :D. Hopefully we can play together again, under different circumstances lol; you’re a great person to talk to and an overall positive person to be around. Oh and your blogs are funny lol <333

Cora—I don’t really know you, but you seem like a nice person!! I hope we can get to know each other a little better now that we are friends on skype :)

TheKid28—I really enjoy the quick-games that we play together in! You’re always a really loyal person and I know that I can always trust you :D. Maybe we can join an actual game together one of these daysss, you’re such a nice personnn and I’m sure we’d have a lot of fun together! Cheers to what the future holds! <333

Connorthompson—My favoriteeeee Geordieee! <33 lol I absoluetely loveee you. You’re so cute and niceee (well when you want to be :P). I met you in my first ever rookies game and am so glad I diddd! Although I ended up voting you out for fifth, I’m sososososo glad I met you. I’m truly sorry for voting you and luvin out of that rookiesss; hopefully you’ve forgiven me! :). I’d love to play a rookies with youuu sometime again in the near future! You’re so much fun to talk to on skype, quick-games, etcc..Never changeeee, love yaaaa <3

Phenomanimal—You’re actually one of the few genuinely nice people on Tengaged (imo). You’re a true team player and fun to talk to on skype lol. Although, I’ve never gotten the chance to play a game with you before, I’m sure we’d hit it off if we did. You’re truly amazing and everyone always has great things to say about you. I think my survivor tribe and your survivor tribe might be up against each other next, if so hopefully we can merge together !  <333 Love ya !

Spinachh—I met you in my very first survivor game on Tengaged. I hated you at first because I thought you were stupid for voting me out of the tribe when I was clearly not the weakest one on it, but I eventually understood that it was for strategic reasons and nothing personal. We’ve become really good friends after that (even karma buddies! <3). I really want to play a game with you again sometime soon! <33 Hopefully you don’t keep winning so much! Lol only because you’re going to move ahead really far ahead of me in karma :P. love ya <3

Bobthenateman—Don’t really know you, but you seem like a nice guy!!! :D Maybe a game together sometime soon? :)

Akron—ahh you’re amazinggg! I knew you and zeenon from Epicmafia before I came to tengaged and you two are now two of my closest friends! I think our first game together was my first survivor game. Unfortunately, I was voted out, but I’m glad that you were able to make the merge. You are a truly amazing person! So so so so so nice to everyone and really strategic. Like not only are you really good at challenges, but you are also a really smart player and hence you have such a great record! Congrats on recently hitting the top 200! I really want to play with you again sometime! Sucks that you are now like on the invicibles hit-list haha, but ZEE and I know how great of a person you are at least :). Love yaaaaaaaaaaaa; <333333

Dav_o_79—For some reason we never get along lol. Well its mostly my fault, but yeahh I guess I’m sorry. I never really gave you a chance, I kind of had this preconception of you simply being a player that simply followed other players and made alliances with everyone without really having a backbone of your own. Well anyway, I’m pretty sure you’re still going to hate me regardless of what I say about you, I guess all I can say is sorry. Maybe over time we can be friendssss :)

Smi9127—I don’t really know you that well. I’ve seen you around a lot though, hit me a PM sometime and maybe we can chat sometime :). From what I’ve heard from others, you’re a nice person and you seem to be pretty popular (looking at your blogs). Maybe even join a game together?  <3

Lonlee—Don’t really know you all that well, but you seem really niceee. I remember when I first joined Tengaged, you were really well-known and I secretly wanted to become friends with you skeet and the rest of the blondetourage lol. Congrats on your stars win, you deserved itt! Especially after making it to the finals un-nommed! Hopefully all of your friends will be un-banned soon lol; and maybe we can get to know each other a better in the future. Add me on skypee if you ever want to chat: itsmattyyy; maybe we can play a game together sometime :)

JollyRancher—I don’t really know you all that well. But you seem really nice from the blogs I have read of yoursss! :) You plus my blogs every so often which is nice.  Hit me up with a PM one day and maybe we can chat or something. Possibly a game together in the future? <333

PrincessTeePee—I don’t really know you that well, but you seem really nice. I’ve heard your name around Tengaged for quite a while, but I haven’t really gotten the chance to talk or get to know you. I saw you making the finals of the big brother battle of the sexes thing which means you’re clearly either a really strategic game player or really well liked by the Tengaged community. Maybe we can play a game sometime together and get to know each other? :)

Swimboy818—To be honest, I had like no idea who you were before you posted here. Start some drama with some popular people around here so you can get name heard! You seem really niceee, hopefully we get to know each other better in the future, hit me up if you want to play a game sometime! :)<3

Emmalynn—Omg I miss youuu! Like where’ve you vanished too, I’ve never gotten the chance to play a game with you! :( You’re a really smart rookies/survivor player and your personality matches itt. Please please please talk to me some time! Add me on skype: itsmattyyy; and come backkkkkkkk and play with mee like now. Miss ya babe <333

DanielAllen—you were one of my idols when I joined tengaged lol. You were really nice to everyone (except peeps..) and have an original sense of humor. You were one of the few black levels that were nice to me when I was really nooby lol. Our joined ditaste for Peeps and our liking for Megan Hauserman make us pretty compatible. Anywayz, you’re a really cool person, please don’t changeee; you’ll win stars won of these dayssssss! (I hope)—I’ll be rooting for you at least ! :D <333

Gurlbai—Honestly, I had never heard of you until like two months ago. But I’m so glad I met you! You comment on like all my blogs and always are really cheerful and nice to everyone. You’re an all-around great person and its no wonder that you won Stars by such a large margin. You’re also realllly funny; like I always get a good “lol” after reading your blogs.  Absolutely amazing; definitely one of my favorite black levelssss, hopefully I can become T-rich one day and be able to gifttt ya <333

Death_Metal—AJJJJJ! <33 We’ve become a lot better friends recently! I always align with you in skype gamessss; and you’re usually pretty loyal lol. I believe we played a castings together once which was pretty fail, I think I got my worst castings placement ever in it hhaha, but whatever. You’re really nice and I actually find you really funny. I like your different colors of hairrr and how you put up with all the spam I send you lol. Hopefully we can play together again sometime soooooon! <3

DorkishBarbi—EW, you’re a ugly hoe freak skank slut whore bitch cunt bag. Fall in a well and drown please. Kthnx. <3 JK; OMG I LOVE YOUR VOICE. You’re one of the funniest people I know on tengaged, even though you don’t even try to be lol. And I usually align with you in skype gamesss and im gonna lol when you get 14th in stars. Jkkkk again, I saved ya, hope you go far babygirlll <3

Jetsrock12—Don’t really know you all that well, but you seem really cool! :) Hit me a PM sometime and maybe we can play a game together soon-ish :D <3333

Kobesmithh—Omg I’m SOOOOOOO glad I met you! You’re like my best friend hereee! <33 Even though you DID pick Student over me in our castings, you HOE. Jk’s I’m really really really miss youuuuu, can you like play with me sometime soon. Kthnx. Anywayz, you’re one of the few genuinely nice people I know here and you’re a REALLY good game-player. You have such a good rookies recordddd; probably because you’re too nice to have anyone ever vote you outtt! lol; I lovee you and everyone in the inviciblesss. PLAY WITH ME SOMETIME PLZ. KTHNX.<33333


Sent by konohavillage1,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Pinacolada,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by RosaParks,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Robbster1313,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by BengalBoy,Apr 18, 2010
tofu time
Sent by tofutime,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by JustMe,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by vh1clown,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by BlueLagoon506,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by xxJaym,Apr 18, 2010
Im rj on skype<3.
Sent by Misuse,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by ZEEnon,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Austin,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by LostnGreece,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by finklestein123,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Fiona89,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by koolness234,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Robbster1313,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by lilfamousz516,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by rdesch1,Apr 18, 2010
Tevin1001 :)
Sent by Tevin1001,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by tinabeena,Apr 18, 2010
abrogate lol
Sent by Abrogate,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Cora,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by TheKid28,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by connorthomson,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Phenomanimal,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Spinach,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by bobthenateman,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Akron,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by dav_o_79,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by smi9127,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by lonlee,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by JollyRancher,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by PrincessTeePee,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by swimboy818,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by EmmaLynn,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by DanielAllen,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by GurlBai,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by death_metal,Apr 18, 2010
Me!! +10
Sent by dorkishbarbi,Apr 18, 2010
Yayy  :)
Sent by Austin,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by JetsRock12,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Kob3Sm1th,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Rhino,Apr 18, 2010
Quack :)
Sent by Quackerz,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Jennifer101,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Skiitles,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by MerPear,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by lemon5029,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by Shane,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by AntNikiaBonnie,Apr 18, 2010
Sent by RidersDX,Apr 18, 2010
I love you <3
Sent by tinabeena,Apr 18, 2010
OneTreeHill , Remember me? lol
Sent by OneTreeHill,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by Babiiigurlll,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by Amanyaman,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by Vessa,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by Brandolicious,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by MarieEve,Apr 19, 2010
:O Joey
Sent by joeyjones,Apr 19, 2010
Yoshi :)
Sent by Yoshitomi,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by lala303,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by TripleXXX,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by realitynerd,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by lindb,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by Alex1991,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by cookiecrumb,Apr 19, 2010
Gueld! :D
Sent by Gueld,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by rogersroyals,Apr 19, 2010
Blake :)
Sent by Sizzle_xD,Apr 19, 2010
TYMU'888'!!! :):)
Sent by tymu888,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by Blizzard,Apr 19, 2010
Amelia ^_^ x
Sent by AmeliaSofia,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by mikedistanz,Apr 19, 2010
Should be a riot. John.
Sent by Johnsmith32,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by Jdsolo24,Apr 19, 2010
Mysteriousness. (:
Sent by Mysteriousness,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by GurlBai,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by Scheuerman14,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by maccii,Apr 19, 2010
:) thx matty :)
Sent by Kob3Sm1th,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by danny,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by tenfan,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by ChapStique,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by jtotalturtle,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by mosher24,Apr 19, 2010
Sent by jm340,Apr 19, 2010

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