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Blogs #Blindsides



The breakout reality tv season of the year

1 splozojames50, May 31, 2018

is upon us! Survivor South Africa: Phillipines is truly hitting EVERY note.
Theres drama, #blindsides/#bigmewves, storytellling, Palesa, inter-personal relationships that we see grow closer together and farther apart, unpredictability and an AMAZING cast. pretty much anything you could ask for in a survivor season is jam packed in a way that is progressing naturally in a way that comes across tryhard in the american edition but is so EFFORTLESS with superior execution in this version
like i was not a fan of tribal council whispering... before today. marischa admitting she lowkey wanted to leave and palesa FETCHING her idol led up to NECESSARY whispering it honestly left me in complete awe.
like i could rant about this season for ages but only once every year or two comes a season of reality tv so magical that it captures my attention so commandingly. I feel like this season is everything the american version WISHES SO BADLY THAT IT COULD BE but the editors (and/or casting but the editing is so bad nowadays that the casts dont shine regardless so that problem is bigger) just run the show into the ground.
This season is turning out to be a legendary season of not just survivor but reality tv in general and is on par to join the ranks of top tier hidden gem perfect/near perfect rtv seasons like redneck island 4, the genius 1, whodunnit, ausvivor 1/3, taraus2, ton of cash etc
if you are a survivor fan and you derived an OUNCE of entertainment from the last few american editions and you have not started watching survivor south africa... START NOW (with this high quality youtube playlist! )
tl;dr survivor south africa is an iconic legendary amazing season of reality tv and any survivor fans should watch it to TRULY get their survivor fix in over the HORRID american version


looking back

2 splozojames50, Dec 15, 2016

Australian Survivor had probably the best survivor finale i have watched ever by far... and like looking back it really makes it apparent how much of a shadow survivor is of its former self. Koah Rong was solid but the amount of Big Brother editing tactics that are replacing actual content and storylines with cheesy and cliche buzzwords, taglines, and the ~evolution~ of the game demonizing anyone who isnt embarrasingly flashy with their game is alarming to say the very least.
This coming off of the heels of one of the best instances of storytelling in all of survivor/reality tv in general really just points out how the direction SurvivorUS is going in is extra cuntcerning. If they keep it up the episodes are going to be BB levels of cringe in just a few years time with how much they are pushing "big mewvz!!" "#blindsides!1" "resume" "in this game" etc etc.
like idk about you but i felt so much more ~raw~ emotion and satisfaction and enjoyment from the cinematic experience that is known as the Australian Survivor finale ALONE than i did from all of koah rong and millenial vs genx COMBINED.



1 CrimsonEnnui, Feb 13, 2016



So disappointed with Survivor lately

10 GA097, May 23, 2014

Warning: this was going to be so short but things got out of hand
What happened last night was basically a Russel-beats-Natalie scenario, almost identical (Tony being the Russel of the two, which should be a given but this is Tengaged and who knows) While Tony made it to the end by having a shit-ton of idols, spying on people/being a little sociopath in general, blindsiding half of his alliance because of paranoia, swearing on his wife/baby daughter/ dead father for the sake of lying, and a bunch of bullshit in between, Woo has managed to make F2 unscathed without hurting anyone, forming enemies, idols, inappropriate swears ect. Woo didn't play a flashy game, but from the little we saw of him you could tell he was just a funny, cool stand-up guy who was pretty much well liked by the entire cast. A couple of years back and Woo would have won by a landslide. But instead fucking TONY wins almost unanimously (God bless Tasha), even though he's obviously wronged more people and shouldn't have been liked nor respected by them, let alone win their votes.. One of my favorite parts of the game, if not the most is the moral conflicts and struggles people face when they're out there and how it affects their gameplay. When a giant majority of the votes go to someone like Tony over Woo it's clear that morality is no longer a big factor in this game and I hate it and feel like it's going to change the future of the game. The social part is almost non-existent now, when future players see this season they'll get the idea that this is an effective way of playing and before you know it more and more 'Russell's'  win, or even worse, my worst nightmare comes to life and Russel Hantz come back and wins. The game used to have so much more to it than just flashy 'big' moves, idols, #blindsides, a NON-stop strategy talk. It's like you can no longer win the game by just being likable, loyal and making finals/bonding with the jury along the way. It's not enough because these days that just makes you a goat apparently, and you also have to be running around controlling every vote and making big moves for the sake of putting them on your Survivor resume, even if they don't benefit you that much in the long run. This was also the case  last season with Tyson and Monica to a slight extent so you can see how's things slowly get worse. In conclusion: according to this jury vote, we should all just be glad that Survivor Samoa was season 19 and not 29 

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